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lawyer, student and layman. The Table of Contents is workmanlike, and the list of precedents make for ease of reference. In the present edition, some 60 pages of new matter, and many new notes, have been added which, in addition to the complete revision which has taken place, bring the work up to date, i.e., down to the end of February, 1909. Nearly 500 new cases have been added, making a total of cases employed some 1750. The new notes comprise such important matters as the Statutes of Limitations, as they regard mines, and the effect on the contract of the vendor or purchaser being of unsound mind. The four Appendices include a copy of the common form conditions used and settled by the Birmingham Law Society, together with a copy of the common form conditions used and settled by the Manchester Incorporated Law Association. The reader is, however, warned that the copyright in these forms is claimed by those bodies and must not be used without their permission. The Index is a model of what that important part of a book should be like. We feel certain that the present edition, maintaining as it does, an exceptionally high standard, will commend itself to the legal profession.

Second Edition. The Indian Contract Act. By SIR F. POLLOCK, Bart., D.C.L., LL.D., assisted by D. F. MULLA, M.A., LL.B. London: Sweet & Maxwell. 1909.

A book of this nature presents considerable difficulty of review. An English lawyer is not in the position to criticise a treatise on a system of law with which he is unfamiliar, and drawn to fulfil conditions of life beyond his ken. Of one thing he can be certain, and that is, of the fact, that anything issuing from the skilled pen of Sir Frederick Pollock will commend itself to the favourable consideration of lawyers practising under many various systems of law. Whether the learned author's strictures, on the length of time which has elapsed since the passing of this codifying Act without amendment, are justified it is hard to say, but one can imagine that men and matters alter considerably during 37 years. The revision of the parts dealing with Sale and Agency has been given over to such known experts as Mr. J. B. Eames and Mr. William Bowstead, and it would be hard to find writers better qualified for the work. Mr. Mulla has again undertaken the task of compiling and digesting the Indian decisions, and by reason of his high position it is allowable to assume that he has acquitted himself adequately.

References have now been added to the unofficial reports commonly cited in British Indian Courts; and knowing how completely these reports are compiled in many countries, it is fair to expect that the same degree of care is exercised in India. Practitioners in Indian Courts and in the Privy Council will welcome this new edition of a standard work.

Third Edition. Mackenzie and Lushington's Registration Manual. By S. G. LUSHINGTON, M.A., B.C.L., and C. G. E. FLETCHER. London: Butterworth & Co. 1909.

In the preparation of the third edition of this valuable manual, Mr. Lushington has had the assistance of Mr. Fletcher, the deputy town clerk of Bethnal Green. The Authors do not appear to have materially altered the form of the text, but have contented themselves with bringing the second edition thoroughly up to date. As before, the subject is divided under two heads, Part I deals with "Qualification of Electors," whereas Part II bears upon the subject of "Registration." Since the appearance of the last edition several important Acts have been passed, including the London Government Act 1899, the London County Council Electors' Qualification Act 1900, and the City of London (Union of Parishes) Act 1907, all of which have been incorporated in the text. It is unfortunate that the present edition anticipates the London Elections Bill just now being considered by Parliament, and which, if passed, will make such radical alterations in the law of Registration as affecting London. This was however unavoidable, unless the learned Authors had possessed a prescience not given to mortal man. The present edition is thoroughly well done, and Mr. Lushington's name is itself a sufficient guarantee for accuracy and profundity of research.

Sixth and Seventh Editions. Company Law. By Sir F. BEAUFORT PALMER. London: Stevens & Sons. 1909.

It is not often that we are able to include two editions of a work in one notice, but the sixth edition having been disposed of in a few weeks the Author has been able to bring out a new edition with great promptitude, including a few additions and alterations. The law as to the very large number of companies incorporated under the Companies Acts, now consolidated by the Act of 1908, is to be found in that Act "interpreted and supplemented by the many im

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portant decisions of the Courts on the Companies Acts 1862 to 1907," and supplemented by Insurance Company Acts, and in the opinion of the learned Author the whole forms "a comprehensive, and in most respects, admirable system of law for regulating the constitution, management, and winding-up of companies throughout the United Kingdom." The aim of the Author throughout has been to make his work useful, not only to lawyers, but also to business men, "for now-a-days.. there are but few business men who can safely avoid the task of acquiring some knowledge of Company law." The few amendments in the Act of 1908 are pointed out, and relying on the rule laid down by Lord Herschell in Bank of England v. Vagliano, the decisions on the prior Companies Acts are largely used to interpret and throw light on the Act of 1908. Sir Francis Palmer is perhaps the greatest authority on Company law, and his opinion on doubtful points is of great value and interest. In the last edition 1905 we noticed several cases of which he disapproved, and we find that his disapproval of the decision in Anglo-Exploration has been confirmed by the House of Lords. That tribunal has not, however, carried out Sir Francis's desire by reversing the decision of the Court of Appeal in Ruben v. Great Fingall Consolidated, but on the contrary affirmed it without calling on Counsel for the Respondents.

Seventh Edition. Land and Trustee Acts. by J. I. STIRLING, M.A.

Hood and Challis' Conveyancing, Settled
By F. WHEELER, M.A., B.C.L., assisted
London: Stevens & Sons.


This edition, which has been prepared by the same gentleman as the sixth edition issued in 1901, contains a large number of decisions which have been given on the important Acts which form the subject of this treatise. More than two hundred of such decisions have, we believe, been added to the present volume. On the other hand, there has been but little alteration of the law by statute. The only statute that the Authors have added to the body of the work is the Married Woman's Property Act 1907, which consists of only four sections, and the main effect of which is to get rid of the decision in In re Harkness and Alsop, and enables a married woman trustee to dispose of the trust property without the concurrence of her husband. It is curious to notice that the Act speaks of a "femme sole," but, as the note remarks, "the Court will not allow the usefulness of the section to be affected by a blunder in

orthography." Reference is made to the Married Woman's Property Act 1908, which makes a married woman liable for the maintenance of her parents. In Appendix II will be found certain sections of the Agricultural Holdings Act 1908, and the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908, which relate to charges, application of capital, and grants, leases, &c., of settled land to a county council for the purposes of small holdings. We have noticed several additional cases on the subject of improvements authorised under the Settled Land Acts and on Trustees investments.

Eighth Edition. Mayne on Damages. By His Honour Judge LUMLEY SMITH, K.C. London: Stevens & Haynes. 1909.

For over fifty years Mayne on Damages has been the leading English authority on its subject, and since 1872 Judge Lumley Smith has been connected with the editorship of it. He is solely responsible for the present edition. A considerable number of cases on the subject have been decided since 1903, and they will all, we believe, be found in the present edition. Some of them are of considerable importance, notably Colls v. Home and Colonial Stores, which settles the law regarding ancient lights, and Watt v. Watt which over-rules Belt v. Lawes, and lays down a very important rule of practice. Apart from the new cases, we have not noticed any important additions or alterations in the present edition, but it remains a trustworthy exponent of the law on an important practical subject.

Eighth Edition. Emden's Winding-up of Companies and BY HENRY JOHNSTON. London Butterworth


& Co. 1909.

The Company Act of 1907, and the subsequent consolidation of all the Companies Acts by the Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908, necessitated the issue of a new edition of this work. The Author carefully distinguishes between a codification and a consolidation of the law. The Act of 1908 being the latter, he points out that "knowledge of the previously existing law, as established by statutory enactments and reported decisions, is, in this case, essential." He, therefore, freely refers to the former Acts and decisions with much effect. The book is in a very convenient form for a practitioner, being of a handy size, and yet containing all that he is likely to want. We may call attention to the clever

summary of Cases as to Agreement to become a Member, and the Table showing where the sections of the previous Companies Acts are re-enacted in the Act of 1908. In the Appendices will be found a large number of forms, the text of the Limited Partnerships Act 1907, and the Companies (Consolidated) Act 1908, and Rules, Orders and Regulations.

Thirtieth Edition. Handbook on Joint Stock Companies. By F. GORE-BROWNE, M.A., K.C., and WILLIAM JORDAN. London : Jordan & Sons.


The Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908. By D. G. HEMMANT, London: Jordan & Sons. 1909.


Third Edition. A. B. C. Guide to the Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908. By H. W. JORDAN. London: Jordan & Sons. Eleventh Edition. A Summary of the Law of Companies. By T. EUSTACE SMITH. London: Stevens & Haynes.


The Companies (Consolidation) Act 1908 (8 Edward VII., c. 69), although consolidating the law relating to Companies, has in fact altered the law, as it stood, to a very slight degree. Consisting of two hundred and ninety-six sections, it now forms one statute of easy reference in all matters affecting Company law. To lawyers trained under the system of the old seventeen statutes, the new names and sections will be difficult to assimilate all at once. New consolidating statutes require new editions of standard works, and bring into being many new books. Messrs. Gore-Browne and Jordan's widely-known handbook blossoms forth into its thirtieth and extensively revised edition. Its merits are too well known to need commendation. The twenty-ninth edition was issued as recently as October of last year, so that there has been little time for new decisions. However, one of special importance has been added, namely, The Consolidated South Rand Mines, L. R. [1909], I Ch. 491. Salmon v. Quin and Axtens, which was reported in the same volume at page 311, has now been affirmed by the House of Lords. As before, Mr. Gore-Browne is responsible for the legal portions of the book, and Mr. Jordan brings his wide experience to bear upon the details relating to the current practice of the Registrar of Companies and the Commissioners of Inland Revenue.

Mr. Hemmant has with great care annotated the new Statute, and his wide knowledge as a company lawyer is apparent in all

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