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Arabia, Arab population of, i, 217.

Arabian: Definition, i, 217; number in Arabia, i, 217; in Persia, i, 259; in Syria, i,
280; employees studied, i, 320-333, 336-347, 627-636; age classification of charity
patients, ii, 288; length of residence, i, 349-356; residence in United States of charity
patients, ii, 263; charity seekers, ii, 95-108; in charity hospitals, ii, 258-261; literacy,
i, 438-447; in schools, ii, 10-16, 64-66; immigrants to Canada, ii, 611.
Arcadia, Greek bootblacks from, ii, 399.

Argentina: Immigration situation in, ii, 639-643; number of immigrants to, 1863-1908,
ii, 640; immigration and emigration, 1871-1908, ii, 641; solicits immigration in
Europe, i, 192; number of Italians in, i, 252; immigration law, ii, 641-643.
Arizona: Foreign-born in, i, 127, 129, 149, 155, 623; population and number of foreign-
born, i, 623; male population, i, 149, 155; citizenship, i, 150; immigrants destined to,
i, 105-109; regulation of banking, ii, 435.

Arkansas: Immigrants destined to, i, 105-109; Italians admitted and departed, i,
568; Italian communities studied, i, 560, 566; Polish farm settlements studied, i,
583; insanity, ii, 232; peonage, ii, 444, 445; no regulation of private or immigrant
banks, ii, 435.

Armenian: Definition, i, 217; number of immigrants admitted, i, 97, 171, 214, 215,
217, 625; proportion of males, i, 98; destination, i, 106-109; previous residence in
United States, i, 104; money on landing, i, 103; population in Europe, i, 214, 217;
number in Persia, i, 259; number in Roumania, 1, 263; number of household's and
persons studied, i, 316-320, 639-641; employees studied, i, 320-333, 336-347, 627-636;
age classification, i, 463-467; ii, 286-290; age at time of coming, effect on English-
speaking and literacy, i, 446, 447, 481-484; occupation abroad, i, 100, 101, 172, 173,
357-363; length of residence, i, 116, 349-356, 636, 637; ii, 84, 85; residence in United
States, effect on English-speaking, literacy, etc., i, 445, 446, 461-463, 477-481; ii,
263-266, 280-285; occupation, i, 117, 118, 363-366; wages and earnings, i, 366–403,
405-411; family income, i, 412-417; charity seekers, ii, 95–109; in charity hospitals,
ii, 258-261, 270-272; insanity and mental defects, ii, 228, 237, 270; status of children,
i, 470-474; in schools, ii, 10-16, 18-27, 49-55, 64-66, 76-80; literacy, i, 99, 175, 438-
447; English-speaking, i, 474-484; ii, 151, 152; citizenship, i, 484 489; in labor
unions, 1, 417; conjugal condition, i, 447-460; location of wife, i, 459, 460; home
ownership, i, 467-470; rent paid, i, 419-422; size of apartments and of households, i,
426-430; persons per room, i, 430-438; boarders and lodgers, i, 422-426; return
movement, i, 112-118, 180, 182; visits abroad, i, 461-463; number in Fresno County,
Cal., i, 654; number in Lawrence, Mass., i, 515; immigrants to Canada, ii, 611.
Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, Ill., ii, 7.

Arthur, Chester A.: Recommended legislation regarding care of immigrants at ports
of debarkation, ii, 569; vetoed bill suspending Chinese immigration for 20 years,
ii, 580.

Aryan: European population of Aryan stock, i, 218; family of inflected languages,
defined, i, 217-219.

Asia: Number of immigrants from, i, 65-96; Germans in, i, 242; Gypsies in, i, 245;
Hebrews in, i, 246. (See also separate countries.)

Asiatics: Number in United States, i, 134, 136, 137; opposition to, on Pacific coast,
i, 41; number of immigrants to Australia, ii, 635; liable to exclusion from Australia
by literacy test, ii, 633-635; money requirement for entering Canada, ii, 623.
Assimilation of immigrants: Bohemians, 1, 589; East Indians, 1, 681, 682; Italians, i,
564, 565, 570, 574, 575; Japanese, i, 675; Mexicans, i, 689; Russian Hebrews, i, 580;
Scandinavians, i, 651; in cities, i, 768-772; in the West, i, 644, 645, 650; seasonal
agricultural laborers, i, 600, 601; single or unaccompanied men, i, 38, 39; changes
in bodily form, i, 43, 44; ii, 501-556; retardation, i, 38, 39, 46, 497, 570, 580, 648,
681, 682, 689; conclusions and recommendations, í, 42, 46, 47.
Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Labor, appointment of additional, recommended,
i, 33, 46.

Assisted immigration: Report on, ii, 371-386; conclusions, i, 29; prohibited by law,
i, 25; ii, 376, 377, 571, 620, 621; law regarding, ii, 376, 377, 732; little or no public
assistance now, i, 29, 192; official aid, 1888, ii, 570; private aid, i, 187-191; Greeks,
ii, 404, 405; Italians, i, 568; Russian Hebrews, i, 577; to Hawaii, i, 699, 701-708,
720, 721; cost of, Hawaii, i, 703, 704; from England to British colonies, i, 168, 192;
homeless children, to Canada, ii, 615; prohibited by Canadian law unless approved
by agent abroad, ii, 616, 620, 621; to Australia, ii, 631, 633; to Brazil, ii, 647; to New
Zealand, ii, 637.

Assyrian children in schools, ii, 10-16.

Atkinson, C. S., secretary of Immigration Commission, furloughed, i, 12.
Atlanta, Ga., immigrants as charity seekers, ii, 93–115.

Atlantic Medical College, Baltimore, Md., ii, 7.

Attorney-General of United States, opinions regarding contract-labor law, ii, 379, 380,
Australia: Immigration situation in, ii, 631-635; number of immigrants from, i, 134.
136, 137; children of immigrants from, employed, i, 320-333, 627-635; immigration
and emigration, 1851-1901, ii, 632, 633; Irish immigrants to, i, 250; Asiatics, ii, 635;
assisted immigration to, ii, 631, 633; number of Germans in Australia and Oceania,
i, 242; emigration to New Zealand, ii, 637; immigration law, ii, 633, 634; area, ii,
631; population, ii, 631, 632.

Australia and New Zealand, number of immigrants from, 1820-1910, i, 65-96.
Australian: Immigrants from Honolulu, i, 712; employees studied, i, 320-333, 336-347,
627-636; length of residence, i, 349-356; wages and earnings, i, 366-403; literacy, i,
438-447; citizenship, i, 484-489; in Canada, ii, 611, 626.

ustria: Provinces of, ii, 694; races of, ii, 685, 700, 713, 721, 726; Germans in, i, 242;
Italians in, i, 252; Poles in, i, 259; Roumanians in, i, 263; insanity, ii, 248, 249;
solicitation of emigration prohibited, i, 191; natives of, in United States, 1, 134, 135,
137, 623; in cities of United States, i, 145; in Western States, i, 623; literacy in
United States, i, 177.

Austria-Hungary: Population, i, 219; Czechs in, i, 221; Hebrews in, i, 246; Ruthe-
nians in, i, 214; number of immigrants from, 1820-1910, i, 65–96; 1882 and 1907, i,
167; Germans from, i, 243; deserting seamen from, ii, 360; immigrant remittances
to, ii, 425, 427, 429; natives of, in United States, i, 134, 135, 137; in cities of United
States, i, 145; crime, ii, 194-197, 205-211; children of immigrants from, em-
ployed, i, 320-333, 336-347, 506, 627-636; age classification, i, 463–467; earnings, i,
366-403; literacy, i, 438-447; conjugal condition, i, 447-460.
Austrian: Definition, i, 219, 241; employees studied, i, 320-333, 336-347, 627-636;
length of residence, i, 349-356; number of breadwinners, i, 778, 803, 821, 830;
occupation, i, 821, 830; in agricultural pursuits, i, 550, 799, 821, 830; in boot and
shoe manufacturing, i, 821; in building trades, i, 789, 821; in clerical pursuits, i̟,
791, 814, 821, 830; in collar, cuff, and shirt manufacturing, 1, 830; in cotton mills, i,
821, 830; in domestic and personal service, i, 804, 821, 830; iron and steel workers,
i, 784, 821; laborers, i, 780, 821; in laundries, i, 830; in manufacturing and mechani-
cal pursuits, i, 821, 830; miners and quarrymen, i, 782, 821; in needle trades, i,
808, 830; in paper and pulp mills, i, 830; peddlers, i, 821, 830; in professional
service, i, 787, 798, 821, 830; salesmen, agents, etc., i, 793, 816, 821, 830; in silk
mills, i, 830; steam railroad employees, i, 821; teachers, i, 819, 830; in textile mills,
i, 786, 811, 821, 830; in tobacco and cigar making, i, 821, 830; in trade and trans-
portation, i, 821, 830; in woolen mills, i, 830; padrone system, ii, 392; exploitation,
ii, 406; wages and earnings, i, 366-403; charity seekers, ii, 95-101; crime, ii,
198-204; literacy, i, 438-447; citizenship, i, 484-489; fecundity, ii, 469-500; loca-
tion of wife, i, 459, 460; in Canada, ii, 611, 625; immigrants to Argentina, i, 640,
641; to Brazil, ii, 645, 646.

Austro-Hungarian races inclined to distrust American banks, ii, 417.
Austro-Prussian War, effect on emigration of Poles, i, 584.

Azores Islands: Immigration from, i, 260, 592, 652; children of immigrants from,
employed, i, 320-333, 336-347, 627-636; age classification, i, 463-467; earnings, i,
366-403; literacy, i, 438-447; conjugal condition, i, 447-460; induced immigration
to Hawaii, i, 704; ii, 629. (See also Portuguese and Portugal, number of immigrants

Baldwin University, Berea, Ohio, ii, 7.


Balearic Islands, Catalans in, i, 279. (See also Spain.)

Balkan States: Geography of, i, 227; Greeks in, i, 245; Gypsies in, i, 245; some
emigration due to political conditions, i, 187; immigrant remittances to, ii, 425,


Baltimore, Md.: Alien seamen at port of, ii, 359, 362; stowaways, ii, 364; immigrants
as charity seekers, ii, 93-115; immigration to clothing industry, i, 516; public
school pupils, ii, 10, 11, 17-23, 71, 72, 74; teachers, ii, 49-63; parochial school
pupils, ii, 64-72, 75.

Baltimore Medical College, Baltimore, Md., ii, 7.

Bank of Naples, remittances abroad through, ii, 426, 427.

Banks, immigrant: Abstract of report on, ii, 409-438; conclusions, i, 31, 32; recom-
mendations, i, 46; number investigated, ii, 413, 415; number and distribution of,
ii, 414; origin, ii, 416; classification, ii, 419; relation with banking houses, ii, 431;
responsible for heavy losses on part of immigrants, i, 31; illegal use of terms bank
and banker, ii, 421; unregulated, i, 31; various state laws regarding private banking,
ii, 434-436.

Baron de Hirsch fund, used for Hebrew colonizing, i, 576–578.

Baseland, Switzerland, criminal emigration from, ii, 565, 566.

Basques: In Cuba, i, 231; in France, i, 239; in Spain, i, 279, 280; Celtic admixture,
i, 260.

Bavarian immigration to Canada, ii, 611.

Bay City, Mich. : Foreign-born in male population, i, 151; citizenship, i, 152; public-
school pupils, ii, 10, 11, 17-23, 33-35, 75.

Bayles, writer, quoted, i, 508.

Bayonne, N. J.: Population and immigration, i, 528; foreign-born in male population,
i, 151; citizenship, i, 152; immigrant banks, ii, 413.

Beddoe, opinion of, on English race or people, i, 235.

Beet-sugar industry: Employees studied, i, 627-629; Chinese in, i, 658; German-
Russians, i, 653; Japanese, i, 658, 667, 687, 688; Mexicans, i, 687, 688; seasonal
labor, i, 596, 667, 693; piece wages the rule, i, 597; living expenses of laborers, i,
599; housing conditions, i, 599; displacement of labor, i, 594, 658.
Belgian: Definition, i, 219, 233; number of households and persons studied, i, 557,
601; employees studied, i, 320-333, 336-347, 627-636; length of residence, i, 349-356;
residence in agricultural locality, i, 604; in agricultural pursuits, i, 594, 596; wages
and earnings, i, 366–403; charity seekers, ii, 96–101; in schools, ii, 64–66; literacy, i,
438-447; citizenship, i, 484-489; location of wife, i, 459, 460; number in Lawrence,
Mass., i, 515; in Canada, ii, 611, 626; immigrants to Argentina, ii, 640, 641; to Brazil,
ii, 645, 646. (See also Dutch and Flemish.)

Belgian law of 1843, referred to, i, 193.

Belgium: Provinces of, ii, 694; races of, ii, 685, 700, 713, 721, 726; population, i, 233;
Flemish in, i, 233; French in, i, 240; languages of, i, 233; illiteracy in, i, 177; no
emigration problem, i, 168; inspection of emigrants, i, 195; steerage laws, referred
to, ii, 600; deserting seamen from, ii, 360; immigrants from, 1820-1910, i, 65-96;
1882 and 1907, i, 167, 233; French immigrants from, i, 240; natives of, in United
States, i, 134, 135, 137, 623; children of immigrants from, employed, i, 320–333,
336-347, 627-636; age classification, i, 463-467; earnings, i, 366-403; literacy, i,
438-447; Canada induces immigration from, ii, 607, 608.

Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, New York City: Report on immigrants in, ii, 257-290;
insane in, ii, 238, 247. (See also Charity seekers.)

Benefits in addition to wages: On Hawaiian sugar plantations, i, 715, 716, 720; welfare
work inaugurated by religious and civic organizations, commended, i, 42.

Bennet, William S., member of Immigration Commission, i, 11, 165; minority report of,
i, 49; minority report of Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, 1906, ii,
576; introduced bill in House of Representatives providing for Government super-
vision over ships carrying steerage passengers, ii, 602.

Benton College of Law, St. Louis, Mo., ii, 7.

Berea, Ohio, Polish colony at, i, 585.

Bermudian immigration to Canada, ii, 612.

Berry-picking: Seasonal labor, i, 595; piece wages the rule, i, 597; living expenses, i,
599; hours of labor, i, 598; housing conditions, i, 598; displacement of labor, New
Jersey, i, 594; Japanese in the West, i, 667.

Bibles, sale of, at immigrant stations, ii, 315.

Bituminous coal mining: Summary of data secured, i, 300, 301; households and
employees studied, i, 294, 323–326, 332, 333, 506, 507; races employed in Pennsyl-
vania, i, 503; in Middle West and Southwest, i, 504; unskilled labor, i, 495; distri-
bution of occupations, i, 502; racial displacements, i, 38, 503–507; labor unions, i,
532-537; daily earnings, i, 396, 397, 399-402; wages less in Pennsylvania than else-
where, 1, 38, 534; expansion of industry, i, 503-505; output of Pennsylvania, i, 503;
of Middle West and Southwest, i, 504.

Black Russian, definition, i, 265. (See also Russian.)

Blacksmiths, male breadwinners reported as, i, 821-829.

Bloomington, Ill., immigrants as charity seekers in, ii, 93-115.

Blumenbach: Named white race Caucasian, i, 223; classification of races, i, 210,
211, 257.

Boards of immigration, State, efforts to promote immigration, ii, 383.

Boards of special inquiry: Proposed by joint committee, 1892, ii, 572; provided for,
1893, ii, 573; law regarding, iì, 740, 756, 763; representatives of aid societies before,
ii, 317; conclusions regarding, i, 32, 33; recommendations, i, 46.

Board and lodging: Furnished gratis to newly arrived immigrants in Argentina, ii,
642, 643; cost of board of ranch hands in California, i, 670.

Boarders and lodgers: Among immigrants in industries, i, 422-426; specified industries,
i, 297-312; native and foreign born compared, i, 423, 424, 426; old and new immigra
tion compared, i, 424, 426; among immigrants in cities, i, 728, 729, 748-751, 766,
767; contributions to family income, i, 414, 415, 766, 767; on Hebrew farms in
Eastern States, i, 578.

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Boarding or lodging house and hotel keepers, female breadwinners reported as, i,

Boarding-boss system among immigrants, i, 422, 426, 499, 648.

Boas, Franz, author of report on changes in bodily form of descendants of immigrants,
i, 4, 44; abstract of report, ii, 501-556.

Bodily form of immigrants. See Changes in bodily form.

Boers, number of, in South Africa, i, 232.

Bohemia: Regarded as geographic entity, i, 209; natives of, in United States, i, 134,
135, 137, 623; in cities of United States, i, 145; males of voting age, i, 155, 156;
treatment of infants in, ii, 546.

Bohemian: Definition, i, 219–221; in agricultural investigation, i, 552; number of
breadwinners, i, 587, 778, 803, 821, 830; occupation, i, 821, 830; in agricultural
pursuits, i, 587-591, 799, 821, 830; in boot and shoe manufacturing, i, 821; in building
trades, i, 789, 821; in clerical pursuits, i, 791, 814, 821, 830; in collar, cuff, and shirt
manufacturing, i, 830; in cotton mills, i, 821, 830; in domestic and personal service,
i, 805, 821, 830; iron and steel workers, i, 784, 821; laborers, i, 780, 821; in laundries,
i, 830; in manufacturing and mechanical pursuits, i, 821, 830; miners and quarry-
men, i, 782, 821; in needle trades, i, 808, 830; in paper and pulp mills, i, 830; ped-
dlers, i, 821, 830; in professional service, i, 797, 798, 821, 830; salesmen, agents,
etc., i, 793, 816, 821, 830; in silk mills, i, 830; steam railroad employees, i, 821;
teachers, i, 819, 830; in textile mills, i, 786, 811, 821, 830; in tobacco and cigar
making, i, 821, 830; in trade and transportation, 1, 821, 830; in woolen mills, i, 830;
immigrant banks, ii, 413; crime, ii, 198-204; fecundity, ii, 469-500; changes in
bodily form, ii, 510, 511, 518-524, 526, 544, 545, 548, 549; in Canada, ii, 611, 626.
Bohemian and Moravian: Definition, i, 219-221; number of immigrants admitted, i,
97, 171, 214, 215, 221, 625; proportion of males, i, 98; destination, i, 106-109; pre-
vious residence in United States, i, 104; money on landing, i, 103; population in
Europe, i, 214; number in Austria-Hungary, i, 219; number of households and
persons studied, i, 316-320, 557, 601, 733–737; employees studied, i, 320-333, 336-
347, 506, 627–636; age classification, i, 463-467, 602, 603, 737–739; ii, 136, 286–290;
age at time of coming, effect on English-speaking and literacy, i, 446, 481-484, 609,
612, 769-771; occupation abroad, i, 100, 101, 172, 173, 357-363, 607, 608, 760; length
of residence, i, 116, 349-356, 603, 636, 637, 740; ii, 84, 85; residence in United
States, effect on English-speaking, literacy, etc., i, 445, 461-463, 477-480, 610, 613,
751, 769; ii, 147-151, 263-266, 280-285; residence in agricultural locality, i, 604;
occupation, i, 117, 118, 363-366, 761, 762; in agricultural pursuits, i, 799, 800;
in building trades, i, 789, 790; in clerical pursuits, i, 791, 792, 814, 815; in domestic
and personal service, i, 804-806; iron and steel workers, i, 784, 785; laborers, i, 780,
781; miners and quarrymen, i, 782, 783; in needle trades, i, 808, 809; in professional
service, i, 797, 798; salesmen, agents, etc., i, 793, 794, 816, 817; teachers, i, 819,
820; in textile mills, i, 786, 787, 811, 812; wages and earnings, i, 366-403, 405–411,
764–767; family income, i, 412-417, 766; charity seekers, ii, 95–153; in charity hos-
pitals, ii, 258-261, 270-272; insanity and mental defects, ii, 228, 237, 270; gainful
occupation in the home, i, 752; status of children, i, 470-474, 614, 763; ii, 143–147;
in schools, ii, 10-16, 18-31, 33-42, 49-61, 64-71, 76-82; proportion of children, i,
739; literacy, i, 99, 175, 438-447, 612, 613, 770, 771; English-speaking, i, 474-484,
609-611, 768-770; ii, 151, 152; citizenship, i, 484-489, 606, 771, 772; ii, 152, 153;
in labor unions, i, 417; conjugal condition, i, 447-460; location of wife, 1, 459, 460;
home ownership, i, 467-470, 756; rent paid, i, 757-759; size of apartments and of
households, i, 426-430, 741-743; persons per room, i, 430-438, 743-747; boarders and
lodgers, i, 422-426, 748-751; water supply, i, 753; toilet accommodations, i, 754;
care of apartment, i, 755; return movement, i, 112–118, 180, 182; visits abroad, i,
461-463; number in Whiting, Ind., i, 528.


Release of immigrants on-

United States law regarding, ii, 738, 740, 751, 756, 757, 771, 815; in Australia,
ii, 634; in New Zealand, ii, 637.

Chinese in United States, ii, 358, 367, 800, 808, 815.

Required of bankers in certain States, ii, 435, 436.
Required of ship masters by early legislation, ii, 567.

Bonus paid to agents sending immigrants to Canada, ii, 607, 608.

Bookbinders, female breadwinners reported as, i, 830-838.

Booking agents, Canadian: In United States, list of, ii, 608, 609; bonus paid to, ii,
607, 608.

Bookkeepers and accountants: Male breadwinners reported as, i, 821-829; female
breadwinners, i, 830–838.

Boot and shoe makers and repairers, male breadwinners reported as, i, 821-829

Boot and shoe manufacturing: Summary of data secured, i, 306, 307; households and
employees studied, i, 294, 323-333; earnings, i, 384-386, 388-395; racial displace-
ments, i, 517-519; Chinese in San Francisco, i, 655, 659; male breadwinners en-
gaged in, i, 821-829.

Bootblacks, Greek padrone system among, ii, 393–405.

Bosco, Italian statistician, on crime in Italy, i, 251.

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Mohammedans in, i, 282; Serbo-Croatians in, i, 230.
Bosnian: Definition, i, 221; number of immigrants admitted, i, 97, 214, 215, 625;
proportion of males, i, 98; population in Europe, i, 214; employees studied, i, 320-
333, 336-347, 627-636; age classification of charity patients, ii, 287; residence in
United States of charity patients, ii, 263, 281; occupation abroad, i, 100-102; length
of residence, i, 349-356, 636, 637; wages and earnings, i, 366-403; in charity hos-
pitals, ii, 258-261; in schools, ii, 10-16; literacy, i, 99, 438-447; citizenship, í, 484-
489; in labor unions, i, 417.

Boston, Mass.: Study of immigrants in, i, 723-772; households and persons studied,
i, 732-734, 736; size of apartments, i, 741, 742; persons per room, i, 729, 743, 745,
746; boarders and lodgers, i, 748, 749; home ownership, i, 756; rent paid, i, 757,
758; gainful occupation in the home, i, 751; public school pupils, ii, 10, 11, 17-23,
71, 72, 74; teachers, ii, 49-63; parochial school pupils, ii, 64-72, 75; immigrants as
charity seekers, ii, 93-115; alien seamen in port of, ii, 359, 362; stowaways, ii, 364;
immigrant banks, ii, 413; chief labor market for Maine forests, ii, 447; foreign-born
in male population, i, 151; citizenship, i, 152.

Boston College, Boston, Mass., ii, 7.

Boston University, Boston, Mass., ii, 7.

Bottles. See Glass manufacturing.

Bouzos Brothers, promoters of Greek shoe-shining parlors, ii, 398.
Box makers, paper, female bread winners reported as, i, 830-838.
Brachelli, opinion of, as to number of Celts in Europe, i, 249.

Brava: Definition, i, 260; number of households and persons studied, i, 316-320; age
at time of coming, effect on English-speaking and literacy, i, 446, 447, 481-484;
occupation abroad, 357-363; residence in United States, effect on English-speaking
and literacy, i, 445, 446, 477-481; occupation, i, 363-366; wages and earnings, i, 405-
411; family income, i, 412-417; literacy, i, 444-447; English-speaking, i, 474-484;
citizenship, i, 484-489; in labor unions, i, 417; home ownership, i, 467–470; rent
paid, i, 419-422; size of apartments and of households, i, 426-430; persons per room,
i, 430–438; boarders and lodgers, i, 422-426; not permanent, i, 600.
Brazil: Immigration situation in, ii, 645–647; area, ii, 645; population, ii, 645; Ger-
mans in, i, 243; Italians in, i, 252; negroes and mulattoes in, i, 257; immigration
from, to Canada, ii, 611; immigration to, 1820-1907, ii, 645, 646; solicited in Europe,
i, 192; Portuguese immigrants to, i, 260; immigration law, ii, 646, 647.
Breadwinners: Occupations of males, i, 778-803, 821-829; of females, i, 803-820, 830-
838; of foreign parentage, i, 778, 803. (See also Wage-earners.)

Breitenfeld, S., on treatment of infants, ii, 546, 547.

Bremen, Germany: Inspection of emigrants, i, 197; rejections at, i, 199; number of
immigrants from, and number debarred for medical causes, i, 202.

Breton: Celtic tongue spoken in France, i, 225, 240, 283; number of Bretons in France,
i, 240.

Bridgeport, Conn.: Foreign-born in male population, i, 151; citizenship, i, 152.
Brinton, classification of races, i, 211, 212, 223, 224, 239, 256, 258.

British Definition, i, 235; emigration, 1883-1903, i, 236; steerage law of 1848, re-
ferred to, i, 193; children in schools in Hawaii, i, 714; immigrants to Australia, ii,
632, 633; to New Zealand, ii, 637. (See also separate races.)

British Board of Trade, regulations regarding carriage of steerage passengers, ii, 598,

British Columbia: Attempts to exclude orientals, ii, 628, 629; immigration of East
Indians to, i, 676; East Indians from, entering United States, i, 676; Japanese from,
i, 660.

British Isles, number of Gypsies in, i, 245. (See also separate countries.)
British North America: Number of immigrants from, 1820-1910, i, 65-96; French
immigrants from, i, 240; natives of, in United States, i, 134, 136, 137; immigrants
destined to, from British ports, 1846 and 1847, ii, 591, 592. (See also separate countries.)
Briton, definition of term, i, 235.

Brooklyn, N. Y., immigrants as charity seekers, ii, 93-115.
Brooklyn College of Pharmacy, Brooklyn, N. Y., ii, 7.

Brooklyn Law College, Brooklyn, N. Y., ii, 7.

Brown University, Providence, R. I., ii, 7.

Browne, Geo. Waldo, author, referred to, ii, 592.

Bryan, Tex., Italian agricultural colony, i, 567, 568, 572.

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