The Tribune Almanac and Political RegisterJohn Fitch Cleveland, F. J. Ottarson, Alexander Jacob Schem, Edward McPherson, Henry Eckford Rhoades Tribune Association, 1913 - Almanacs, American |
General information Park Commissioners New York City 538 | 1 |
national | 4 |
Magistrates New York City | 22 |
Imports into the United States | 28 |
Naval Stations U | 34 |
Property | 35 |
North German Lloyd S S Line | 39 |
3 | 48 |
University Forum of America | 370 |
619 620 | 377 |
Distances of cities from | 381 |
Foreign | 394 |
Athletics | 409 |
Tonking | 416 |
Uranus planet | 419 |
743 744 | 424 |
516 517 | 49 |
Members | 50 |
Metropolitan districts population of 220222Place in Zodiac | 51 |
Of cities and towns between | 53 |
Surrogates New York City | 54 |
Oat crop U | 58 |
Injuries deaths from | 73 |
Inspector Generals Dept U S | 81 |
Value of foreign coins | 84 |
Life | 88 |
244 245 | 91 |
151155 | 92 |
Internal revenue statistics | 96 |
regulating | 100 |
General information | 102 |
Representation in Congress ratio of 366Tonnage | 105 |
Lighthouse service | 131 |
Prizefight films | 134 |
Military service | 138 |
Navy | 140 |
Patent Office | 147 |
Assistance and salvage at sea 161163 | 161 |
Representatives in 62d Congress 598601New York | 164 |
Marine Corps | 166 |
New York State organization | 169 |
Interior Department | 175 |
Public domain | 196 |
Trinity Sunday | 197 |
Presidents of foreign | 200 |
Legislation affecting | 204 |
Slater John F education fund | 210 |
Strength | 211 |
139 140 | 226 |
53 | 235 |
221 | 237 |
635 | 241 |
and 1912 | 248 |
Michelin bomb dropping contests | 255 |
Commerce | 256 |
Radio communication regulated 121125 Manufacturing districts and industries 320 | 264 |
Order of Pequot and King Philip | 268 |
Tax rates of cities United States 480 481 Tunnels longest | 274 |
Ordnance Department U S | 275 |
585 586 | 282 |
Chief systems in United States 744750 | 285 |
151155 | 296 |
OxfordCambridge boat races | 297 |
Technology schools | 301 |
General | 302 |
Milwaukee metropolitan district | 308 |
36 38 | 309 |
Mines accidents | 328 |
Mileage railroad in United States 320322 Municipal operations of cities of over | 334 |
Palm Sunday 1913 | 340 |
U S Soldiers Home Commission | 347 |
Property | 354 |
Texas Pacific R | 355 |
Tobacco internal revenue tax | 362 |
Candidates and platform 1912 | 364 |
3 | 365 |
Vote for popular | 369 |
131 132 | 432 |
Newfoundland | 439 |
Military Academy West Point 618 619 | 442 |
Society of American Officers | 446 |
organiza | 448 |
General information 449488 | 449 |
Russian treaty of commerce | 450 |
Newfoundland fisheries arbitration | 452 |
SpanishAmerican measures | 453 |
Seal fisheries of Alaska regulated 126125 Marine Corps principal officers | 460 |
Election tables | 461 |
619 620 | 468 |
Military forces | 480 |
State officials | 488 |
Cities 478480 Secretaries of Agriculture | 498 |
Assistant secretaries | 508 |
Panama Canal Zone See Isthmian | 509 |
Rhodes Oxford scolarships | 524 |
575 | 525 |
Military service in foreign | 527 |
Internal revenue receipts | 529 |
The nationalized | 540 |
Federation of Remedial Loan | 559 |
White phosphorus matches taxed 131 132 Marriage and divorce laws | 567 |
Flag new stars | 576 |
450 451 | 580 |
509 | 588 |
September calendar | 590 |
trade | 606 |
Rolling stock of railroads U S 327 328 Servia | 622 |
1912 | 623 |
Of American marine | 640 |
International aviation meet 1912 641 | 641 |
Monaco water meet for hydroaeroplanes | 643 |
Vote in states See under states | 655 |
579 | 656 |
Lieutenant Commanders U S N 624 625British | 671 |
Number of members | 672 |
Stone production of United States 316 | 673 |
Liquors distilled | 677 |
Rulers of nations | 679 |
Navy | 685 |
440 441 | 691 |
209 210 | 692 |
America | 698 |
Union | 704 |
Balloon cup race | 705 |
661 662 | 710 |
Military service | 716 |
140 | 719 |
532536 | 723 |
Organizations | 725 |
Liquors fermented consumption of 307 Members of Congress United States 597605 | 732 |
Judiciary and courts of U | 737 |
New York State Association Opposed | 747 |
Javelin throwing | 753 |
462 | 760 |
Judge Advocate Generals Dept U S A 615Industrial Relations Commission 144145 | 765 |
sociation | 767 |
Assistant Secretaries | 768 |
Constellations | |