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JANUARY, 1895-JUNE, 1895



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Administration, The, and the Mosquito Coast, 28
Affection, The balance of, 82

Africa, The partition of, 197

Agnosticism does not satisfy the religious nature,
673 n I

Alden, Raymond McDonald: The place of litera-
ture in reform, 376

Age of sympathy, The, 378

Allen, T. E.: Telepathy and immortality, 320
Allen, Mary Wood, M.D.: Teaching cruelty to
children, 249

Alliança affair, The, 271, 272

Alloy of copper and antimony, 283 n I
Alsace-Lorraine, The question of, 172

And universal peace, 33

Question, The, 341

[blocks in formation]

The aurora borealis caused by, 412 n 2
Prof. Berthelot on, 444 n I

Arid West, The future of the great, 661
Armenia, A European government for, 502

Reforms in, 663
Commission, The, 33
Outrages, The, 599
Question, The, 129

Army, U. S., New weapons of the, 134
Art and the artist, 91

American, American genius and, 42
Daniel Chester French and, 138
Decorative, 286

English, of the last generation, 66

See also contemporaneous English painting, 20,
and the educational value of fine arts, 480
Artist's measurements, An, 159
Astronomy popular, Making, 609
Athletics, intercollegiate, Pres. Eliot on, 178
Japanese, 61

Atlanta Exposition, The, and the Southern ex-
port trade, 212

And our South American trade, 436
Atlantic Ocean, Temperature of the bottom of
the. 40 n I

Atmosphere, A new constituent of the, 63
Australian Federation-a new departure, 373

[blocks in formation]

English, Statistics of the, 90 n 2
Barbarians at the Chinese legation, 154

Barber, Henry H.: The church and the labor
question, 40

Barnard gold medal, Award of the, 444 n I
Batchelor, George: The mimicry of heredity, 38
Beardsley, Aubrey, 480 n 1, 642
Behrends, A. J. F.: Monism, 541

Bemis, Edward W.: Some steps in municipal re-
form, 279

Bible, Divine authorship of the, 576 n I
Grounds for acceptance of the, 638
Ignorance of the, 348

Ingersoll on the, 605

No paring and trimming of the, 605

The, in the college curriculum, 671
See Scriptures.

Bibliolatry vs. ego-olatry, 606

Bicycle, Doctors on the, 37

Bigelow, John: The prevalence and wrong of
gambling, 201

Bigotry, Protestant, 607 n I
Bimetallism, Germany and, 173, 568
How to save, IOI

International, Prospects for, 633

In Prussia, England, and Spain, 598
Bimetallic coinage, Effects of a return to, 306
Conference, The British government and the
proposed, 219

[blocks in formation]

Bourne, Prof. Edward G.: The evolution of polit-
ical parties, 104

Boy, How to treat the, 523

Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth: Great realists and

empty story-tellers, 139

Professor, and the realists, 231

Brain, Effect of a shot in the, 604 n 2
Brazil's experience with paper money, 665

Bread, Discovery of an Assyrian loaf of, from
560 B. C., 86 n 2

Bringing government into contempt, 466
British investments abroad, 236
Novelists, 674

Broadus, Dr., 318 n I

Brooklyn street-car strike, The, 98

Strike, The New York Board of Arbitration
on the, 176

Report, 465

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, Member-

ship of the, 145 n 2

Brown, Edith: The Welsh language, 21
Glenn: Government architecture, 32
Browne, Junius Henri: A national malady
(nervousness), 474

Mary Basil: Old maidism and maternity, 131
Brownell, W. C.: Elihu Vedder as an imagi-
native painter, 158

Bryan, Congressman W. J.: The new section-
alism, 194

Bunner, H. C.: Cheating at letters, 255
Bureau of American Republics, Obligation of
the U. S. to continue the, 7 n 2

Burns, John, and the American Utopia, 152
Burton, Richard: The healthful tone for Ameri-

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NOTE.-The small letter "n" following the title in the Index signifies that the article referred to is a note or paragraph without separate title, and figure following designates
the column of the page on which it will be found.


Campbell, Helen: Working girls' clubs, 600
Canada, American iron products in, 358

Experimental farms in, 347

Canada's future as seen by Canadians, 245
Capital punishment, 314 n 2

Carbon dioxide as a substitute for ice, 670
Carlisle currency bill, The, in the House, 28
Carnegie, Andrew: What would I do with the
tariff if I were Czar, 305

Works, Workmen in the, forbidden to belong
to labor organizations, 77 n 2
Carnegie's (tariff) plan, Three views of, 306
Casimir-Perier, From, to Faure, So

Carroll, H. K.: The Protestant attitude toward

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Unwise, 538

Cheating at letters, 255

Checks, Country, 517

Use of in the retail trade, 550

Chemical power of minute sea-creatures, 228
Chicago elections, The, and civil service reform,

Child, The Inquisitive, 481

The welcome, 287

Fright, 250 nI

Study, Systematic, 662

Childhood, The fears of, 571

Children, Imaginary companions of, 320
Teaching cruelty to, 249

Where do, learn lying, 249
Children's hours of sleep, 682

Chimpanzee, Education of the, 253 n I
China, The railroads of, 470

Problem, The, and its solution, 568

China's dilemma, 599 n 2

Extremity, 501

Chinese, Cause of the conservatism of the, 113

n 2

Side, The, 406

Foreign commerce, 46

Legation, Barbarians at the, 154

Christendom, The unity of, 18

Christian beliefs and forms, Early, 283
Unity and the Roman church, 89

Christianity, Must, offer a theory of the universe,

Progress of, in Japan, 19 n 2

The essence of, 112

The evolution of, 40, 89

And liberalism, 413

Church, The, and the labor question, 40
Creeds, The scope of, 509
Young men and the, 205

Circulation, Gold, silver, and paper in, 307
Circumstances, Mastery of, 385

Citizenship, Archbishop Ireland on, 564 n 2
City government, Good, 536

The American idea of, 533

The fundamental requirement for good, 8
Lots, Poor farming on, 410

See also under municipal.
Civic education, A model plan for, 56

Civil service commission, Changes in the, 565
Reform, For and against, 169

The value of, 343

Three setbacks for, 216

And the Post-Office, 336

Rules, Extension of the, 102

Clark, James J.: The coming industrial order,


Judge Walter: The physical Napoleon I, 609
Classics the basis of our educational system,
The, 351

Clayton, Ben. F.: The farmers' national con-
gress, 168

Cleveland, President, indignant, 372

And the Hawaiian royalists, 27
Cleveland's financial message, 97, 122

Letter to Governor Stone, President, 496
Letter to the Chicago business men, 432
Clowes, William Baird: England should aban-

don the Mediterranean, 406
Club-room sham, The, 345

Coal, Production and consumption of, 326
Coinage, Restoration of free, 245 n I
Cold, intense, Effects of, on the mind, 135
Burns, 671 ni

Spell, The, 581 n 2
College-and after, 513

Collegiate education, The increasing cost of, 36
Colomb, John C. R.: Wanted, an Imperial
British conference, 57

Color, Perception of, 604 n 2

Colorado's experiment with populism, 124
Colossal fortunes, 109

Columbia College, Gifts to, 62 n I

President Low's gift to, 675 n 2
Competition is war, 12
Compromises, 257

Compulsory education law, The new, in New
York, 7 n 2

Congress, Adjournment of, 239, 244 n 2
Proceedings of. See Congressional Summary.
The end of the fifty-third, 213
The history of a bill in, 247
The situation in, 50

Congresses, Appropriations by the last three,


Disproportionate representation in two, 131
Congressional appopriations, 467
Congressional summary (Jan. 3-7) 31; (Jan. 8-
14) 55; (Jan. 15-21) 78; (Jan. 22-28) 103;
(Jan. 29-Feb. 4) 127; Feb. 5-11) 145; (Feb.
12-18) 170; (Feb. 19-25) 195; (Feb. 26-March
4) 217

Consent law in Wisconsin, The, 153 n I
Laws, 107

Constitution, A cast iron, 467
Constitutional convention at Salt Lake City,
276 n 2

Consciences and corporations, 312
Consumption, Cause and treatment of, 347 n 2
Contemporaneous English painting, 20
Continental danger, The true, 310

Cooley, Judge, on unrestricted suffrage, 200 n 2
Coöperative industries in England, 13
Copper and antimony, Alloy of, 283 n 1
Production of, in 1894, 96 n 3

Cork waste for building purposes, 347 n 2
Cornwell, William C.: Should the government

retire from banking, 186

Corporations, Consciences and, 312
Correlation of primary studies, 544

Corson, Hiram: Vocal culture in its relation to
literary culture, 641

Cortizzos, Royal: Daniel Chester French and
American art, 138

Cotton, The romance of, 86

Artificial, A new process of making, 413 n 1
Raw, Imports of, into Great Britain in 1894,
188 n 2

Cottonseed hulls and meal for cattle, 14 n I
Oil, German duty on, 72 n 3
Country checks, 517

Courts, corporations, and labor controversies,

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Earle, Alice Morse: Flower lore of New Eng-
land children, 449

Earthquake waves, 88
Earthquakes, The study of, 16
Eastern question, The, 311 n 2

Eckels, J. H.: The business world vs. the poli-
tician, 274

Economics in elementary schools, 107
Edmunds, Ex-Senator, on the demonetization of
silver, 496

Edson, Cyrus, on nervous exhaustion in children,

Education, Play as a means of, 608

The direction of, 225

True system of, 255 n I
Rather than suffrage, 199

See also 7 n 2, 12, 85, 107, 202, 348
Educational system in fact, An American, 642
Eggert, C. A.: The Alsace-Lorraine question,

Egypt, Ancient, Discovery of the remains of a
new race in, 476 n I
Recent discoveries in, 674
Elbe, The loss of the, 129

Craithie disaster, Criminal neglect in the, 503
Electric motor, Will the, supersede steam, 603
Railway Co., Interocean, 423 n 2

Electrical heating, The present status of, 204
Lighting, The cost of municipal, 411 n I
Measurements, Legal units for, 315
Electricity, A notable discovery in, III

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Farge, John La: Art and the artist, 91

Farm, Girls on the, 59

Mortgage myth, The, 403

Farmer, American, The fate of the, 109
Education of the, 321

In American politics, The, 465

Farmers, Western, Probiems before the, 29
National Congress, 168

Farrar, Archdeacon: The wife in the house, 12

Dean, and the higher criticism, 477

Fate of the rural town, The, 417
Feasting, The sociological aspect of, 84

Ferran, Prof. Jaime, claims priority of discov-
ery of antitoxine, 88 n 2

Ferree, Barr: The cathedrals of France, 114
Fiction, The two eternal types in, 286

Finance, Is sound, possible under popular gov-

ernment, 436

Financial news, Our, 211

Situation, The, 142

System, An American, 371

Fine Arts, The educational value of, 480

Fire insurance, Cost of, 486

Fire loss of the United States and Canada,
1892-4, 72 n 3

Fish, Hamilton, made Speaker of the New York
Assembly, 31 n I

Fisher, Herbert A. L.: Historians and their
methods, 21

Fitch, J. G.: The English system of common

school education, 348

[blocks in formation]

And American cattle, 217

And England, 374
Frederick, Harold:

phy, 132

Tolstoi's social philoso

Free coinage, Restoration of, 245 n I
Controversy, The, 496

Silver and State banks, 497

the parties, 271

Populists for, 29

Views of a silver basis, 143

Speech and religious partisanship, 284
Thought, The limitations of, 440

Zone, The United States' and Mexico's, 273
French, Daniel Chester, and American art, 138
Freytag, Gustav, Death of, 503

From Casimir-Perier to Faure, 80

Full moon, The month without a, 64 n I


Gaines, F. H.: The Bible in the college cur-
riculum, 671

Gallaudet, Edward M.: How the deaf are
taught, 15

Gambetta's estimate of Pope Leo XIII., 183

n I

Gambling, Prevalence and wrong of, 201
The suppression of, 352

Or theft by indirection, 153

Gardener, Helen H., on consent laws, 107

Garner, Dr., and the language of monkeys, 384
Gas, Origin of natural, 604 n 2

Motors on cars, 181 n 2
Natural, origin of, 604 n 2
The new illuminating, 412

Cavanescul, T.: The altruistic impulse in man

and animals, 282

[blocks in formation]

Goelet, Augustine H., and A. E. Kennelly: Exe-
cution by electricity, 180

Goetzen, Count von, discovers Kirunga, 444 n 2
Gold, The future of, 47

The increasing stock of, 358
The movement of, in 1894, 143
Undiscovered, 613

Bond vote by States, The, 167
Exports, A forgotten item in, 226

Fields of South Africa, New, 236 n 3
Is exported, Why, 163

Production for 1894, 487 n 2

Good, The, we all may do, 60

taste, 14

Goodwin, Charles J.: Science, religion, and

poetry, 541

Goodyear, Prof. William H., 319 n 2

Gospel hymns, 182

Gothenburg system, Against the, 200

Increase of drunkenness under the, 177 n I
Gotthilf, Dr. Otto: The influence of the weather
on diseases, 443

Gould, E. R. L.: The only cure for slums, 636
Government architecture, 32

Bringing, into contempt, 466
Notes and customs dues, 71-

Grant, Robert: Spending and saving, 35
Grant, Robert: The use of time, 675
Grape juice, Sterilization of, 316 n 1
Gray, Isaac Pusey, as a type, 194
Great musicians, 85

realists and empty story-tellers, 139
Greek, Ancient and modern, 91

Greenough, J. J.: The classics as the basis of our
educational system, 351

Gregory, John M.: The referendum and initia-
tive in Switzerland, 440

Gregory-Fleisher, Helen: Canada's future as

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Haweis, H. R.: Great musicians, 85

Heidelbach, Alfred S.: Why gold is exported,


Henderson, John C.: Effects of a return to bi-
metallic coinage, 206

Henley, Margaret: Woman and the new tariff,

Heredity, 227

Higginson, J. W.: A swing of the pendulum,


Higher criticism, 254

Some results of, 65

What has, done, 414

. As viewed by a liberal scholar, 476
Education, Gifts to, 85

Who are entitled to, 12

Hill, Senator, for free silver coinage, 75
Historians and their methods, 21

History, The five books of, 180

As a science, 379

Past politics, Is, 505

Hogarth, Janet E.: Women and degeneracy,


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