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which provides that, on any appointment of new trustees, separate that, in many cases, the new scale will be inadequate; the question trustees may be appointed to administer distinct sets of trusts. to be settled is whether, taking difficult and complicated transThe court has often assumed jurisdiction to make such separate actions with simple transactions, it will afford a fair remuneraappointments; and there is probably nothing to which any one tion. will strongly object in the fact that the new enactment seems to apply, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in the settlement. Both this enactment and the former one are verbose without being explicit, and might, we think, have been made at once shorter and clearer. We are left (as we ought not to have been) to infer that section 30 of the old Act will apply to the filling up of vacancies occurring in separate sets of trustees constituted by virtue of section 5 of the new Act.

Section 6 shows another discrepancy between the text and the marginal note. The latter speaks about trustees, and the language of the former is perfectly general. It enables one (or, we suppose, more than one) donee of a power to disclaim the power, and provides that such disclaimer shall not incapacitate the other donees from exercising it. The section was probably meant only to supplement section 38 of the old Act, which provided for the survivorship of a joint power or trust in executors or trustees on a death. We infer that by some defect of original construction the executors and trustees were omitted, or, more probably, that in the subsequent polishing they were dropped out, leaving fossil traces of their existence in the marginal note.

Section 7 contains some important provisions respecting the acknowledgment of deeds executed by married women. One perpetual, or one special, commissioner will, after the end of the present year, be able to take such acknowledgments, instead of two commissioners being required for the purpose. A memorandum of acknowledgment, if purporting to be signed by a person authorized to take the acknowledgment, is conclusive evidence of the acknowledgment; and the deed takes effect from the time of acknowledgment. Probably this section may be thought to hit the judicious mean between the greater elaboration of the existing system and the original proposal to abolish acknowledgments altogether. It is true that the practice of acknowledgment is by some competent persons thought to be only a costly and worse than useless nuisance, which might with advantage be wholly abolished. But it is well known that cases have actually occurred where the process of acknowledging a deed has been the means of discovering that the married woman's execution of it was due either to fraud or to coercion. And it will hardly be denied that a very few such cases are a sufficient apology for retaining the practice, though in a great number it may be, or seem to be (for the two things are not identical), superfluous. To the number of the actually detected plots must be added the probably larger number of cases in which the foreseen necessity for separate acknowledgment has prevented a plot from being hatched to maturity. Upon these grounds we are not sorry that the change made is not more sweeping.



THE Commission allowed in the case of completed sales or mortgages for deducing title and perusing and completing a conveyance or mortgage is one and a half per cent. for the first £1,000; one per cent. for the second and third £1,000; one-half per cent. for the fourth and each subsequent £1,000 up to £10,000, and onequarter per cent. for each subsequent £1,000 up to £100,000. And, as we remarked last week, the commission of the purchaser's or mortgagee's solicitor for investigating title and preparing and completing conveyance or mortgage is the same. In the scale suggested by the Council of the Law Society the rates are understood to have been two per cent. up to £1,000, one per cent. on any further amount up to £5,000, and one-half per cent. on any further amount beyond £5,000. In the Law Society's scale of 1873 the commission of the purchaser's solicitor was three per cent. up to £1,000, and two per cent. for every £100 up to £5,000. Whether the new scale will afford a fair remuneration is a question on which no definite opinion can be pronounced until it has been in operation for some time, so as to enable practitioners to ascertain the average afforded by a series of transactions. It is clear

In computing the commission, fractions of £100, under £50, are to be reckoned as £50, and fractions of £100, above £50, are to be reckoned as £100. Under the Law Society's scale of 1873 fractional parts of £100 were to be reckoned as £100. The minimum remuneration on transactions over £100 is to be £5, and on transactions under £100, £3. Where property is sold subject to incumbrances, the amount of the incumbrances is to be deemed part of the purchase-money, except where the mortgagee purchases, in which case the charge of his solicitor is to be calculated upon the price of the equity of redemption.

The extra charges which are authorized to be made are―(1) £2 10s. for procuring the execution and acknowledgment of a deed by a married woman; (2) £2 for perusal of draft on behalf of any party having a distinct interest "proper to be separately represented" [where the party joining in the conveyance or mortgage is represented by a separate solicitor, "the charges of such separate solicitor are to be dealt with under the old [i.e., present] system as altered by Schedule II.]; (3) remuneration for extra work occasioned by changes occurring in the course of any business; (4) remuneration for business "of a contentious character"; and (5) remuneration according to the present system, as altered by Schedule II., in respect of all business the remuneration for which is not prescribed by rule 2 or Schedule I. An important question is as to the scope to be given to this last provision. What business will be considered as falling within the several items of deducing and investigating title in respect of which commission is allowed by the scale? As regards the item for deducing title, it is presumed that it is intended to cover preparation of abstract, and replies to requisitions. It does not seem that it will cover any acts which may be necessary or advisable to be done by way of completing the title before the property is offered for sale. As regards the item for investigating title and preparing and completing conveyance, it would seem that it will not cover the getting in of any outstanding estate; for that is neither investigating title nor completing conveyance. It will apparently cover all journeys which may be necessary, except "travelling or hotel expenses," which are expressly excepted by rule 4. Will it cover the preparation of statutory declarations?

With regard to sales by auction in lots, rule 1 in Schedule I. provides that "the commission for deducing title and perusing and completing conveyance on a sale by auction is to be chargeable on each lot of property, except that where a property held under the same title is divided into lots for convenience of sale, and the same purchaser buys several such lots and takes one conveyance, and only one abstract is delivered, the commission is to be chargeable upon the aggregate prices of the lots." What is "the commission" which is to be "chargeable on each lot"? It will be observed that the rule does not provide that commission shall be chargeable on each lot in respect of the price thereof; but it is clear that this must be the meaning of the rule. The result will be that, in the case of sales in lots where the total produce of sale is below £1,000, the only difference between commission on the aggregate price of the lots and commission on the separate prices of the lots will be that in the latter case the solicitor may get commission on fractions of £50, but in the case of sales in lots where the total produce of the sale is over £1,000, the result will be to give a larger remuneration to the solicitor where the lots are sold to different purchasers.

We have already discussed the commission on an ineffectual sale by auction. The remuneration of the vendor's and purchaser's solicitors, or of the mortgagor's and mortgagee's solicitors on a purchase by private contract, or mortgage,which is not completed, is (under rule 2 (c)) to be regulated according to the present system as altered by Schedule II.

We now come to the commission for what may be termed combined transactions-that is to say, transactions in which the same solicitor acts for different parties. The first point to be noticed is that to which a correspondent drew attention last week-viz., that no provision is made for the case of the same solicitor acting for both vendor and purchaser in an ordinary purchase transaction. Rule 2 in Part II, of Schedule I., which provides for the case of

a solicitor being concerned for both vendor and purchaser, applies
only to "
conveyances at a rent." The result would seem to be
that the solicitor who acts both for vendor and purchaser in an
ordinary purchase transaction will be entitled to charge full com-
mission both as vendor's solicitor and also as purchaser's solicitor
-e.g., a solicitor acting for both vendor and purchaser in a pur-
chase for £5,000 will be entitled to two commissions of £45 each.
Considering the careful provision made for reduced commission in
other cases of combined transactions, it seems doubtful whether
this result can have been contemplated by the framers of the
The next matter to be noticed is the remuneration of a solicitor
who is concerned for both mortgagor and mortgagee. This is
provided for by rule 3 in Schedule I., under which he "is to be
entitled to charge the mortgagee's solicitor's charges and one-half
of those which would be allowed to the mortgagor's solicitor up
to £5,000, and on any excess above £5,000, one-fourth thereof."
On a mortgage for £5,000 the commission of the solicitor acting
for mortgagor and mortgagee will therefore be as follows:-

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8. d. Mortgagee's solicitor's commission for investigating title, &c. 45 0 0 Half mortgagor's solicitor's commission for deducing title, &c. 22 10 0 And if the solicitor has negotiated the loan, he will be entitled to full mortgagee's solicitor's commission for negotiating. 35 0 0 £102 10 0

Making a total commission of

[ocr errors]

The next matter is that to which we briefly referred at the olose of our article last week-the case of a conveyance and mortgage of the same property completed at the same time and prepared by the same solicitor. In this case rule 6 in Schedule I. provides that the solicitor is to be entitled to charge "only half the fees for investigating title and preparing the mortgage deed up to £5,000, and on any excess above £5,000, one-fourth thereof, in addition to his full charges upon the purchase-money and his commission for negotiating (if any)." If this rule stood alone, there would be no question that, in the case put by our correspondent of a purchase for £5,000 and mortgage for same amount of the same property, completed at the same time, and prepared by the same solicitor, the remuneration of the solicitor would be as follows:

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

acts for purchaser, mortgagor, and mortgagee is entitled to purchaser's solicitor's commission, and also to half the commission under rule 3. But this view seems to be the result of a want of observation of the terms of rule 6. That rule expressly provides that the solicitor shall, in addition to full purchaser's solicitor's commission, only be entitled to one-half of the commission “for investigating title and preparing the mortgage deed"—that is to say, only to one-half the mortgagee's solicitor's commission. It does not entitle him to any part of the mortgagor's solicitor's commission. We think it clear that rule 3 must not be read with rule 6, and that in the case put of the solicitor acting for purchaser, mortgagor, and mortgagee on a purchase for £5,000, and mortgage for £5,000 of the same property completed at the same time, the solicitor's commission (exclusive of negotiating commission) will be £67 10s.; but it is certainly remarkable that the solicitor's remuneration should be the same in this case as in the case where he merely acts for mortgagor and mortgagee.


THE REMUNERATION ORDER. [To the Editor of the Solicitors' Journal.] Sir,-Referring to the question raised in recent articles in your journal as to the circumstances in which a vendor's solicitor can become entitled to the commission for conducting a sale by auction, I beg to point out that, while it is customary in London for the vendor to pay the auctioneer's commission, the usual conditions of sale in some provincial districts provide for the payment of such commission by the purchaser.

The right of the vendor's solicitor to remuneration for conducting a sale by auction may, therefore, depend upon the locality of the sale. This can scarcely have been the intention of the framers of the order, as there seems no valid reason for depriving some solicitors of remuneration which others, more favoured by local custom, will earn for precisely similar work. London, September 14.

[To the Editor of the Solicitors' Journal.]

J. T. D.

Sir, I have just had occasion to endeavour to ascertain what the costs are on a lease at a rent of £120 per annum, according to the new scale. Is it £7 10s. or £10? After the first £100 the words in the order are -“£2 103. in respect of each subsequent £100.” But the subsequent £100 is not reached until the rent amounts to £200, and there is no provision under Leases as in rule 7, Schedule I., Part I., as to fraction. What is meant, I presume, is that anything over £100 shall be treated as £200, but it is not so expressed. A SOLICITOR. [Will not rule 6 in Part II. of Schedule I., that "fractions of £5 are to be reckoned as £5," apply to the case ?-Ed. S. J.]



VACATION BUSINESS-URGENCY-PETITION-CONFIRMATION OF SALES ACT (25 & 26 VICT. c. 108). In the case of In re Hodgson, before Day, J., on the 6th inst., sitting as Vacation Judge, an application was made that a petition under the above-mentioned Act by trustees praying for the sanction of the court to a conditional contract for the sale of minerals might be in the paper for the following week. DAY, J., having received an assurance from counsel that the matter was pressing, gave the leave asked for. On the 6th inst. an order was made in this case upon the petition of trustees and beneficiaries under the will of Mr. W. A. Hodgson, of Sharlston, York, giving the trustees leave to sell minerals under testator's land apart from the surface of the land.-SOLICITORS, J. Bickersteth Ottley, for Dixons & Horne, Wakefield.

It will be observed that on this construction the commission of the solicitor who acts for purchaser, mortgagor, and mortgagee is exactly the same as that of the solicitor who acts merely for mortgagor and mortgagee. It is not surprising that it should have occurred to practitioners that this could not have been intended, and that there must be some mode of construing the order so as to give a higher remuneration to the solicitor who acts in the former case. It has been contended that in this case, since the purchaser is concerned for both mortgagor and mortgagee, rule 3 must be read with rule 6 as governing the commission of the solicitor. It can hardly be meant by this contention that the solicitor is to be entitled both to the commission under rule 3 and under rule 6, for in that case the effect would be to give to the solicitor who prepares a conveyance for £5,000 and mortgage for £5,000 of the same property which are completed at the same time a higher commission than if he had acted first for the purchaser of the property for £5,000, and at a subsequent time for the mortgagor and mortgagee of the same property. In the former case the solicitor would (independently of any commission for negotiation), by the combined operation of rule 3 and rule 6, obtain a commission of £135, while in the latter case he would get a commission of £112 10s. only. This would be obviously absurd. behalf of the plaintiff to restrain the defendant De Lamonta from withdrawing from the London and South-Western Bank (Limited), and Independently of this, we think it clear that rule 3 will be read as the bank from parting with, certain moneys which had been paid into prescribing the remuneration of the solicitor concerned for both mort- the bank on account of subscriptions for debentures of the Casino Municipal gagor and mortgagee in all cases except that of a conveyance and de la Ville de Nice. The last-mentioned corporation was a Société mortgage of the same property completed at the same time and pre-amount of £440,000. The defendant De Lamonta had purchased the whole Anonyme incorporated in France, with power to issue debentures to the pared by the same solicitor, which case is provided for by rule 6. It issue from the corporation and had offered £250,000, part of it, for subscrip has, however, been thought that under rule 6 the solicitor who tion in England. There was a contract between the plaintiff and the


defendant De Lamonta that the plaintiff should advertise the debentures offered for subscription in London, for which he was to be paid £4,600. Considerable sums of money had been paid into the bank in con equenos of the plaintiff's advertisements, and the plaintiff not having received payment of his £4,600 as agreed, now moved to restrain the defendant De Lamonta, and the bank respectively, from withdrawing or parting with any of the moneys so paid in until he had been paid that sum. Counsel for the defendant De Lamonta objected that the court had no power to make such an order, that there had been no assignment to the plaintiff of the moneys in question, and that without such an assignment there could be no injunction to restrain the removal of the fund. In the course of the argument, however, some correspondence between the parties was read, from which it appeared that it was fully understood and agreed between the parties that the £4,600 should be paid to the plaintiff out of the first moneys received by the bank from subscribers. DAY, J., considered that this constituted in equity an assignment of the fund, and made the order asked for.—SOLICITORS, Peace &Co.; Michael Abrahams & Roffey.

RAILWAY COMPANY-DIVERTING ROAD-RAILWAYS CLAUSES CONSOLIDATION ACT-INJUNCTION.-In Pickering v. The Metropolitan Railway Company, a motion was made to restrain the defendant company from obstructing the plaintiff's road to his warehouse in the rear of 33, Trinity-square, Towerhill. The right of user of the road in question had been demised by the Corporation of the Trinity House (whose estate and interest in the premises the railway company had since bought) to the plaintiff in 1865, together with the warehouse to which it led. In April last the defendants diverted the road, and from time to time, between April and June, substituted other approaches to the plaintiff's warehouse for the road in question. Since the 2nd of June no alteration had been made. On the 24th of August the plaintiff issued his writ in this action, and he now moved for an injunction to restrain the defendants from obstructing his right of way. Counsel for the railway company relied upon the statutory powers conferred upon them by their special Act and the Railways Clauses Consolidation Act which was in orporated with it; and except that they had failed in April to give the proper statutory notices to the plaintiff of their intention to divert his road, they had in all respects complied with their Act. They had provided proper temporary access to the plaintiff's premises in substitution for that interfered with, and in two or three weeks the works would be finished and the old roadway restored to its original condition. With regard to the failure to give the notices required, they contended that the plaintiff could not at this period take objection to this failure, and that he must be held by his conduct to have waived the right to notice. DAY, J., held that the company had plain statutory powers to divert the road in question, and notwithstanding that they bad not strictly complied with all the requirements of the Act by not giving the plaintiff the notices referred to, yet, having regard to the plaintiff's delay in bringing his action until the defendants' works were on the eve of completion, he would not interfere with those works now, and he refused the motion with costs.SOLICITORS, Lumley & Lumley; Fowler & Perks.


Mr. FREDERICK EDWARD NICHOLSON, solicitor, of Doncaster, has been appointed Assistant Clerk to the Doncaster Board of Guardians and Superintendent Registrar for the district. Mr. Nicholson is clerk to the Lower Strafforth and Tickhill Highway Board. He was admitted a solicitor in 1876. Mr. HARRY COUSINS, solicitor, of Cardiff, has been appointed a Perpetual Commissioner for Glamorganshire for taking the Acknowledgments of Deeds by Married Women.

Mr. EDWARD STONE has been appointed Crown Solicitor for the Colony of Western Australia.

At the afternoon sitting speeches of welcome were delivered in the name of the King by M. Mancini, and in the name of the town by Count Ferraris, the Syndic. The secretary-general then read a report on the work of the Institut since its last meeting, and of the reception of the Oxford resolutions on extradition and of the "Manual of the Laws of War." He also touched upon the losses sustained by the deaths of MM. Bluntschli, Bernard, Massé, Laurence, and Dubois, upon the international subscription in honour of Bluntschli, and upon the interesting reminiscences of the unification of Italy suggested by the chamber in which he was speaking.



CARTA PARA GOLD MINING COMPANY, LIMITED.-Day, J., has fixed Sept 19 at 12 at the chambers of Hall, V.C., for the appointment of an official liquidator CENTRAL WYNAAD GOLD MINING COMPANY, LIMITED.-Day, J., has fixed Sept 21 at 11.30 at the chambers of Hall, V.C., for the appointment of an official liquidator

C. W. MEITER & CO., LIMITED.-Petition for winding up, presented Sept 8, directed to be heard before Day, J., in the court of Hall, V.C., on Wednesday, Sept 20. Drake and Co, Rood lane, solicitors for the petitioner

MILLINERY AND DRESS ASSOCIATION, LIMITED.-Petition for winding up, presented Sept 8, directed to be heard at the court of Hall, V.C., on Sept 20. Rooks and Co, King st, Cheapside, solicitors for the petitioners


up, presented Sept 5, directed to be heard before Day, J., on Sept 20. Wright, Fenchurch bldgs, solicitor for the petitioner WALA WYNAAD INDIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LIMITED.-Day, J., has, by an order dated Sept 1, appointed Thomas Stephen Evans, 5 and 6, Bucklersbury, to be official liquidator [Gazette, Sept. 8.]

C. W. MEITER & CO., LIMITED.-Petition for winding up, presented Sept 8, directed to be heard at the court of Hall, V.C., on Wednesday, Sept 20. Pulbrook, Cloak lane, solicitor for the petitioner GEORGIA LAND, LUMBER, AND COLONIZATION COMPANY, LIMITED.-Petition for winding up, presented Sept 7, directed to be heard at the court of Hall, V.C., on Wednesday, Sept 20. Wild and Co, Ironmonger lane, solicitors for the petitioner HOOVER HILL GOLD MINING COMPANY, LIMITED.-Petition for winding up, presented Sept 11, directed to be heard before the Vacation Judge at V.C. Hall's court, on Sept 20. Jones, Bishopsgate st Within, solicitor for the petitioner LONDON ESTATE AND MORTGAGE COMPANY, LIMITED.-Petition for winding up, presented Sept 9, directed to be heard by the Vacation Judge at V.C. Hall's court, on Sept 20. Hogan and Hughes, Martin's lane, solicitors for the petitioner PREESGWEENE COLLIERY COMPANY, LIMITED.-Petition for winding up, presented Sept 11, directed to be heard before Day, J., in the court of Hall, V.C., on Wednesday, Sept 27. Blake and Heseltine, Serjeants' inn, Fleet st, agents for Darlington and Sons, Wigan, solicitors for the petitioner

SOUTHERN STATES COAL, IRON, AND LAND COMPANY, LIMITED.-By an order made by the Vacation Judge, dated Aug 23, it was ordered that the voluntary winding up of the company be continued. Goldring and Mitchell, Southampton st, Bloomsbury, agents for Ramwell and Co, Bolton, solicitors for the petitioner [Gazette, Sept. 12.] FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Dissolved. CHRISTIAN FRIENDS' UNION SOCIETY, Lecture Hall, High st, Deptford. Sept 5 [Gazette, Sept. 8.] ST. OLAVE'S UNION BENEFIT SOCIETY, Dun Horse, Borough High st. Sept 6 WARESLEY PROVIDENT CO-OPERATINE SOCIETY, LIMITED, Waresley, Huntingdon. Sept 6 [Gazette, Sept. 12.]

At the Stock and Share Auction Company's sale held on September 14, at their sale-rooms, Crown-court, Old Broad-street, E. C., the following were among the prices obtained:-Hoover Hill Gold Mining, 5s.; Edinburgh and Glasgow Insurance, 17s. 6d. ; Georgia Bonds, 2 per cent.; Alabama Bonds, 2 per cent.; United Horse Nail, 10s.; Indian Kingston, 5s.; Madras Gold Mining, 78. 6d.; Nundydroog Gold Mining, 6s.; West Devon Consols Mine, 78.; Belgravia Dairy Company, 12s. ; and other miscellaneous securities fetched fair prices.




This association met on Monday at Turin in the old Chamber of Deputies. Among the members and associates present, there were from Germany, Professors Bulmering and Schulze, of Heidelberg; Professor Von Bar, of Göttingen; M. Gessner, of Dresden; M. Perels, of Berlin; and Professor Marguardsen, of Erlangen; from Austria, Professor Neumann, of Vienna; from Belgium, M. Rolin-Jacquemyns, Minister of the Interior; Professors Rivier and Arntz, of Brussels; Professor de Laveleye, of Ghent; and M. Nys; from Switzerland, M. Moynier, President of the Red Cross Society; from England, Mr. Hall and Professor Holland, of Oxford; from Russia, Professors Martens, of St. Petersburg, and Kamarowsky, of Moscow; from Greec, M. Savipolos; from Italy, M. Mancini, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Professor Brusa; from France, MM. Clunet, Montluc, and de Clerè.

The morning meeting, of members only, was devoted to private business and elections. M. Mancini was elected president, but declined to accept the office, which he had already held at Geneva, as being incompatible with his official position. M. Pierantoni, professor at Rome, was then elected president, and Professors Neumann and de Laveleye vice-presidents. MM. Lucas and Mamiani were promoted to honorary membership, and MM. Hall, barrister-at-law, Pradier-Fodéré and Renault, professors at Paris, associates, were elected members. The following were elected associates :-Professors Carlé, of Turin; Gabba, of Pisa; Carnazza-Amari, of Catania; Martilz, of Tubingen; Lemonaco, of Naples; Martens, of Coimbra; Roskowsky, of Leopol; Lord Reay, and M. Nys, judge at Antwerp.

[blocks in formation]

To Surrender in the Country. Badger, Thomas Wright, Whiston, York, Solicitor. Pet Sept 6. Wake. Sheffield, Sept 27 at 12 Burns, Christopher, Cleator Moor, Plumber. Pet Sept 5. Were. Whitehaven, Sept 20 Gorringe, Alfred, Nightingale rd, Wood Green. Pet Sopt 6. Pulley. Edmonton, Sept 27 at 11

at 11

Jones, George, Whitmore Reans, Wolverhampton, Licensed Victualler. Pet Sept 4.
Sanders. Wolverhampton, Sept 29 at 12
Middleton, Edward, jun, Ashgread, Yeaden, York, Cloth Manufacturer. Pet Sept 5.
Marshall. Leeds, Sept 20 at 11
Newman, James William, Bedworth, Warwick, Builder. Pet Sept 4. Kirby. Coventry,
Sept 20 at 12
Pet Sept 6.

Pike, Benjamin, Southtown, Suffolk, Timber Merchant's Clerk.
Worlledge. Great Yarmouth, Sept 25 at 11
Slater, John, Newchurch, Lancaster, Innkeeper. Pet Sept 4. Tweedale. Oldham,
Sept 21 at 12
Vitale, Clerico, Newcastle upon Tyne, Café Proprietor. Pet Sept 6. Ingledew. New-
Webber, Leonard J Plymouth, Commission Agent. Pet Sept 6. Gidley, East
Stonehouse, Sept 21 at 12

castle, Sept 21 at 11

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Allies, Thomas, Bromyard, Hereford, Innkeeper. Sept 20 at 10.30 at Hop Market Hotel, Worcester. Allen, Bromyard

Balls, William Cooper, and James Langford Kirby, Queen Victoria st, Furriers. Sept 28 at 11 at office of Tanner, Circus place, Finsbury circus

Barnes, James Adam, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Fancy Draper. Sept 22 at 12 at office of Glyn, Bedford row. Gibson, Sittingbourne

Barnfield, Alfred, Nottingham, Tailor. Sept 26 at 3 at office of Brittle, St Peter's chbrs, St Peter's gate, Nottingham

Batten, George, Eastville, Gloucester, Greengrocer. Sept 21 at 2 at office of Wilmott, Nicholas st, Bristol

Bennett, William Edward, Kidderminster, Worcester, Builder. Sept 22 at 3 at office of Waldron, High st, Brierley hill

Bentley, Frederick, Hanley, Stafford, Grocer. Sept 18 at 11 at office of Bennett, Piccadilly bldgs, Hanley

Berzynski, Jacob, Leeds, Tailor. Sept 21 at 2 at office of Billington, Great George st, Leeds

Billington, John, James st, Covent garden, Licensed Victualler. Sept 25 at 2 at office of Lee, New inn, Strand

Bradshaw, William, Oxford, Colliery Agent. Sept 21 at 12 at office of Galpin, New Inn Hall st, Oxford

Braithwaite, Samuel, Samuel Braithwaite, jun., and John Braithwaite, Ashton under Lyne, Contractors. Sept 21 at 3 at office of Booth, Delamere st, Ashton under Lyne

Burrows, Herbert Morton, Wisbech, Cambridge, Watchmaker. Sept 21 at 3 at White Hart Hotel, Wisbech. Freeman, Haverhill

Caisley, John, Glanton, Northumberland, Tailor. Sept 18 at 2 at office of Middlemas, Bondgate Without, Alnwick

Clifton, Arthur, Orange st, Red Lion sq, Plumber. Sept 21 at 10 at office of Day, Southampton st, Bloomsbury

Cook, John, Flint, Rhyl, Jeweller. Sept 28 at 12 at Crewe Arms Hotel, Crewe. Davis and Roberts, Rhyl

Coombs, John, Kingston on Thames, Surrey, Eating House Keeper. Sept 20 at 3 at office of Andrews and Mason, Ironmonger lane. Lewis, Great Marlborough st Covington, Joseph Richard, Roupell st, Lambeth, Omnibus Proprietor. Sept 15 at 2 at office of Norris, Gray's inn pl, Gray's inn

Cutler, Edmund, South Stockton, York, Grocer. Sept 22 at 11 at office of Hunton, High st, Stockton on Tees

Daniell, Samuel, Feock, Cornwall, Travelling Tea Dealer. Sept 21 at 2 at office of Cock,

Pydar st, Truro

Dawkins, Charles, Beckenham, Kent, Brewer's Traveller. Sept 21 at 11.30 at 81, Gresham st. King, Martin's lane, Cannon st

Edmunds, Ann, Trevethin, Monmouth, Grocer. Sept 22 at 1 at office of Tribe and Co,
High st, Newport. Collingwood, Brynmawr
Edwards, Lumley, Mile end, Cowkeeper.

inn square

Sept 26 at 11 at offices of Cooke, Gray's

Enion, Thomas, Northampton, Coal and Coke Merchant. Sept 25 at 12 at offices of Hensman, St Giles' st, Northampton

Evan, Thomas, Manchester, Commission Agent. Sept 20 at 3 at offices of Boote and Edgar, Booth st, Manchester

Eyre, Joseph, Hotspur st, Kennington rd, Brassfounder. Sept 29 at 2 at offices of Barton and Pearman, Kennington rd, Lambeth

Fellows, Thomas, Dudley, Iron Manufacturer. Sept 19 at 12 at offices of Hall, Wolverhampton st, Dudley

Goddard, James, Union mews, Middlesex Hospital, Pianoforte Maker. Sept 22 at 2 at offices of Stokes, Chancery lane

Goodwin, Walter Booth, Macclesfield, Chester, Painter. Sept 25 at 3 at offices of Bar. clay and Henstock, Exchange chbrs, Macclesfield

Gough, William Thomas, Bevenden st, Hoxton, Fancy Box Maker. Sept 18 at 12 at offices of Sydney, Guildhall chbrs, Basinghall st

Grayson, Charles, Kingston upon Hull, Chemist. Sept 21 at 3 at offices of Summers, Kingston upon Hull

Hamson, Edwin Frederick, Oldham, Lancaster, Builder. Sept 20 at 3 at offices of
Ascroft, Clegg st, Oldham

Harding, John Mayman, Appleton le Moors, near Kirbymoorside, York, Farmer. Sept
21 at 1 at King's Head Hotel, Kirbymoorside. Pearson, Helmsley
Harrison, Edwin, Shipley, York, Stuff Merchant. Sept 22 at 3.30 at Leuchter's
Restaurant, Darley st, Bradford. Morgan and Morgan, Bradford
Haslock, George Stewart, Birmingham, Warwick, Builder. Sept 22 at 11 at Acorn
Hotel, Temple st, Birmingham. Lowe, Birmingham

Haughton, George Watson, and John William West Thompson, Streatham, Surrey,
Booksellers. Oct 4 at 3 at Guildhall Coffee House, Gresham st. Braikenridge,

Bartlett's bldgs, Holborn

Hayward, Arthur Thomas, North Malvern, Worcester, Grocer. Sept 21 at 3 at office of Lambert, the Promenade, Gt Malvern

Hillier, William, Sunnyside rd, Hornsey Rise, Baker. Sept 28 at 2 at office of Betteley, South st, Finsbury sq

Hirst, Joseph Dyson, Blackburn, Lancaster, Tailor. Sept 21 at 11 at office of Tattersall, Richmond ter, Blackburn

Hooper, Cleve, jun., Weston st, Bermondsey, Leather Factor. Sept 19 at 12 at office of Young, Mark lane

Huggins, William, Exeter, Solicitor. Sept 20 at 3 at New London Hotel, Exeter. Burch,


Hunt, Henry, Holly Park rd, New Southgate, Contractor. Sept 20 at 11 at Fairbridge House, Upper Holloway rd. Smith

Ingham, Jonathan, Bradford, York, Asphalter. Sept 25 at 11 at office of Cater, Piece Hall yard, Bradford

Irving, Henry, Bolton, Cumberland, Innkeeper. Sept 28 at 3 at office of Rigg, King st, Wigton

James, Edward, Llantrissant, Glamorgan, Tailor. Sept 29 at 10 at 64 St Mary st, Cardiff. Williams

Jardine, Harry, Oxford, Boot Factor. Sept 22 at 11 at offices of Druce, High st, Oxford

Kellond, Charles Ardon, Goldhurst rd, St John's Wood, Builder. Sept 19 at 3 at the Inns of Court Hotel, Holborn. Wells, Paternoster row

Kendall, Henry, Aspatria, Cumberland, Brewer. Sept 28 at 12 at offices of Rigg, King st, Wigton

Kirkham, Joseph, Derby, Potato Merchant. Sept 21 at 3 at offices of Hextall, Full st,

Knight, George, Amhurst road, Hackney, China Dealer.
Hatchett and Co, Mark lane

Leach, William, sen., Portsea, Hants, Furniture Dealer.
Cheapside. Feltham, Portsea

Levy, Moss, Green lanes, Stoke Newington, China Dealer.
Harte, Moorgate st

Sept 20 at 11 at offices of

Sept 20 at 12.30 at 145, Sept 18 at 10 at offices of

Lewton, Thomas, Eastville, Gloucester, Commission Agent. Sept 20 at 12 at offices of
Evans, Exchange buildings East, Bristol

Little, James, Reading, Berks, Auctioneer. Sept 21 at 10.15 at the Wheatsheaf Hotel,
Friar st, Reading. Parker and Wilkins, High Wycombe
Luntley, Philip James, Scarborough, York, Musical Instrument Dealer. Sept 18 at 10
at offices of Williamson, Queen st, Scarborough

Maas, Jacob, Columbia rd, Hackney, Baker. Sept 26 at 3 at offices of Charlton and
Co, Sise lane, Queen Victoria st. Bassett, Fenwick rd, East Dulwich

McGuire, Thomas, sen, Sunderland, Grocer. Sept 19 at 11 at office of Stokoe, Fawcett st, Sunderland

Mark, Frederick, Bell st, Edgware rd, Builder. Oct 4 at 3 at offices of Munns and Longden, Old Jewry

Matravers, George, Ashill, Somerset, Farmer. Sept 27 at 11 at office of Paull, Court Barton, Ilminster

Mawson, Horner, Bradford, Grocer. Sept 25 at 3 at office of Berry and Robinson, Charles st, Bradford

Merrifield, John, Burnley, Lancaster, Provision Dealer. Sept 28 at 3 at Exchange Hotel, Nicholas st, Burnley. Hartley, Burnley

Middleton, Thomas John, High Holborn, Optician. Sept 28 at 3 at offices of Freeman and Winthrop, Bedford row

Morfitt, William, Goole, York, Grocer. Sept 22 at 2 at office of England, East parade, Goole

Noden, Charles, Wolstanton, Stafford, Licensed Victualler. Sept 21 at 3 at offices of Knight, Ironmonger, Newcastle-under-Lyme

Noel, Theophile Aime Arsene, Long Acre, Bedding Manufacturer. Sept 18 at 2 at office of Dubois. Serjeants' inn, Chancery lane. Moss, Gt Tower st

Nowne, Henry, Rotherhithe, Surrey, House Decorator. Sept 25 at 3 at office of Wallis, Pancras lane

Nunnerley, Richard, and Joseph Nunnerley, Upper Norwood, Linen Drapers. Sept 22 at 3 at office of Finch, Borough High st, Southwark

Owens, Price, Merthyr Tydfil, Wholesale Potato Merchant. Sept 20 at 1 at office of James and Co, High st, Merthyr Tydfil

Paige, John, Plymouth, Provision Dealer. Sept 21 at 11 at office of Elworthy and Co, Courtenay st, Plymouth

Pitt, John Edward, Birmingham, out of business. Sept 21 at 11 at office of Mallard Newhall chmbrs, Newhall st, Birmingham

Plush, Robert, sen, St Ann's rd, Brixton, Coffee house Proprietor. Sept 27 at 3 at office of Rudall, Watling st

Punton, George, Brockley Whins, Durham, Station Master. Sept 22 at 3 at the Queen Hotel, Fawcett st, Sunderland. Salkeld, Durham!

Reynolds, Thomas, Birmingham, Bootmaker. Sept 15 at 3 at office of Burton, Union st,

Roberts, Robert, Liverpool, Builder. Sept 25 at 2 at office of Knowles, Cook st, Liver.
Roberts, Thomas John, Denbigh, Slate Merchant. Sept 22 at 12 at Green Dragon Hotel,
Chester. Gold and Co, Denbigh

Rooksby, Walter, Tunbridge Wells, Butcher.
ter, Tunbridge Wells

Sept 22 at 11 at office of Burton, Dyott

Sandiford, Joseph, Radcliffe, Lancaster, Dyer. Sept 26 at 3 at office of Ritson and Grundy, Princess st, Manchester

Skillman, Francis. William st, Stamford hill, Provision Dealer, Sept 27 at 3 at office of Thwaites, Southampton bldns, Chancery lane. Parke

Smith, John, Blackburn, Brush Maker. Sept 20 at 3 at office of Scott, Victoria st, Stark, James, John James Ford, and Walter Stark, Bridgewater, Grocers. Sept 21 at 1 Blackburn

at Grand Hotel, Broad st, Bristol. Reed and Cook, Bridgewater

Stoakes, Richard, Portsea, Contractor. Sept 22 at 3 at Royal Oak Hotel, Queen st, Portsea. King, Portsea

Thornton, Alfred Elijah, South Norwood, Upholsterer. Sept 20 at 12 at office of Hard. ing and Co, Old Jewry. Mote, Walbrook

Tipping, William, Salford, no occupation. Sept 22 at 11 at office of Boote and Edgar, Booth st, Manchester

Towe, Edward, Walsall, Stafford, Baker. Sept 19 at 12 at office of Baker, Bridge st, Walsall

Wendt, Henry, Bristol, Beerhouse Keeper. Sept 20 at 11 at office of Ward, Albion chbrs, Bristol

White, Henry, Naunton, Gloucester, Grocer. Sept 19 at 11 at office of Smith, Corn Ex. change, Cheltenham

Whittle, John, Wigan, Engineer. Sept 20 at 11 at office of Wilson, King st, Wigan Williams, Benjamín, Liverpool, Plumber. Sept 22 at 2 at office of Knowles, Cook st, Liverpool

Williamson, James, Huddersgeld, Wine Merchant. Oct 2 at 11 at office of Hardings and Co, Princess st, Manchester

Worrall, John Henry, Redditch, Worcester, out of business. Sept 25 at 12 at offices of Couchman and Co, Temple row West, Birmingham

Wright, John, Northampton, Fruiterer. Sept 25 at 3 at offices of Palmer and Co, New. lands, Northampton. Wright, Leicester

Wright, Matthew, and Alphonso Rowland Wright, Bradford, York, Worsted Spinners.
Sept 22 at 11 at offices of Killick and Co, Commercial Bank bldgs, Bradford
Yealand, Charles, Calverton, Nottingham, Horse Breaker. Sept 23 at 12 at offices of
Williams, jun, Clinton st, Nottingham

Zanoli, Bernard, Exeter, Confectioner. Sept 20 at 3 at the Craven Hotel, Craven st,
Strand. Petherick, Exeter

TUESDAY, Sept. 12, 1882.

Annakin, Richard William, Pannal, near Harrogate, York, Butcher. Sept 25 at 3 at offices of Richardson and Byron, James st, Harrogate

Baker, Thomas, Newark, Nottingham, Toll Collector. Sept 27 at 3.30 at offices of Norman, Kirkgate, Newark

Bartholomew, William John, Hastings, Sussex, Tailor. Sept 27 at 12 at the Arundel Hotel, Arundel st, Strand. Dawes, Rye

Bennett, Thomas, Salford, Lancaster, Hatter. Sept 25 at 3 at the Falstaff Hotel, Market place, Manchester. Alderson, Manchester

Blyth, Henry Wilby, Leicester, Working Jeweller. Sept 28 at 3 at offices of Hollier and Battiscombe, Berridge st chmbrs, Berridge st, Leicester

Booth, William, Manchester, Joiner. Sept 26 at 3 at offices of Knowles, Tib lane, Man

[blocks in formation]

Clarke, William, Leicester, Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. Sept 27 at 12 at offices of Harvey, Selborne bldgs, Millstone lane, Leicester

Claye, Samuel John, Derby, Lime Stone Merchant. Oct 4 at 12 at Midland Hotel, Derby. Robotham, Derby

Cluff, John, Kettering, Northampton, Coal Merchant. Sept 28 at 3 at offices of Sharman and Jackson, Öxford st, Wellingborough

Collins, Robert Allason, and William Cowan, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Provision Merchants. Sept 22 at 11 at County Court, Westgate st, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Stanford, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Craddock, William, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, Market Gardener. Sept 25 at 12.30 at offices of Rands, Newland, Northampton

Cutter, Charles Gaff, Knutsford, Chester, Coal Merchant.
Hotel, Piccadilly, Manchester. Davis, Glossop

Sept 27 at 11 at Brunswick

Day, Frank, sen, and Frank Day, jun, Fenchurch st, Commission Merchants. Oct 4 at 2 at offices of Josolyne and Co, King st, Cheapside. Rooks and Co, King st, Cheapside Dean, John Benjamin, Abbey st, Bethnal Green rd, Cord Manufacturer. Sept 21 at 2 at Masons' Hall Tavern, Basinghall st. Ede, King st, Cheapside

Eagles, Thomas, Upper Thames st, Paper Merchant. Sept 25 at 2 at offices of Beard, 10, Basinghall st

Evans, Isaac, Llantrisant, Glamorgan, Dealer in Cattle. Sept 29 at 1 at offices of Simons and Plews, Church st, Merthyr Tydfil

Evans, James Rees, Cardiff, Tea Dealer. Sept 26 at 2 at offices of Phillips, Small st,
Bristol. Morgan and Scott, Cardiff

Fozzard, Tempest, Anfield, nr Liverpool, of no occupation. Sept 25 at 3 at offices of
Jackson, C, Queen Insurance bldgs, Dale st, Liverpool. Quelch, Liverpool
Frank, Henry Charles, Thurston, Suffolk, Farmer. Sept 23 at 12 at Guildhall, Bury
St Edmunds. Salmon, Bury St Edmunds
Gerrard, John, jun, Birkenhead, Hairdresser.
Hamilton st, Birkenhead

Sept 25 at 3 at offices of Thompson,

Goddard, Thomas Richard, Shrivenham, Berks, Labourer. Sept 25 at 11 at offices of Boodle, Albion bldgs, New Swindon

Grimshaw, John, Stacksteads, Manchester, Pawnbroker. Sept 27 at 3 at offices of Richardson, Wood st, Bolton

Hadfield, Alfred, and William Clack, Stockport, Chester, Grocers. Sept 25 at 3 at offices of Heath, Swan st, Manchester

Hall, John Daniell, Highworth, Wilts, Horsedealer. Sept 25 at 10 at offices of Boodle, Albion bldgs, New Swindon

Hardacre, Richard, Birkenhead, Chester, Builder.

Sept 25 at 11 at offices of Bleakley and Downham, Hamilton sq, Birkenhead Harding, Edward Charlton, Manchester, Woollen, Merchant. Sept 26 at 2.30 at Mitre Hotel, Cathedral Gates, Manchester. Addleshaw and Warburton, Manchester Harwood, William, City rd, Carver. Sept 29 at 3 at office of Cannon, Wool Exchange, Coleman st

Hewitt, James Goodwin, West Bromwich, Stafford, General Dealer. Sept 23 at 11 at
office of Hughes, High st, West Bromwich
Oct 3 at 3 at 145, Cheapside.
Howell, Mary Ann, Cannock, Stafford, Beerseller. Sept 23 at 12 at George Hotel,
Walsall. Carrane, Wellington, Salop

Howard, Frederick, Lower Thames st, Tea Dealers.
Martin and Banks, Queen st, Cheapside

Hughes, David, Llanglan, Carnarvon, Draper. Sept 22 at 1.30 at 84, High st, Pwlheli.
Parry, Pwlheli

Ivimey, Joseph, West Ham, Essex, Musical Instrument Dealer. Sept 23 at 1 at office of Mills, Holly Villas, Cowley rd, Leytonstone

Jackson, William, Skipton, York, Physician. Sept 26 at 2 at the Hole-in-the-Wall Inn, Skipton. Cragg, Skipton

Kilbey, William Charles, Bethnal Green rd, Bethnal Green, Silkman. Oct 3 at 3 at office of Cannon, Wool Exchange, Coleman st

King, James Bowles, High st, Lincoln, Confectioner. Sept 28 at 11 at office of Ward, Silver st, Lincoln

Lazarus, Adolph, and Isidor Henschel, North bldgs, Eldon st, Finsbury, Picture Dealers. Oct 3 at 4 at office of Cannon, Wool Exchange, Coleman st

Leftly, Leonard, Stratford, Essex, Clothier. Sept 21 at 2 at offices of Dear, Gresham


Long, William, Leeds, Ironmonger. Sept 25 at 2 at la, Albion pl, Leeds. Dunning and Co, Leeds

Loveless, Edwin, Plymouth, Commercial Traveller.
Courtenay st, Plymouth

Mardell, William, Finsbury sq, Public house Broker.
Neave, Friday st

Sept 23 at 11 at offices of Loye,

Sept 20 at 2 at 145, Cheapside.

Marriott, William Henry, Nottingham, Furniture Dealer. Sept 23 at 4 at offices of Barlow, St Peter's Church walk, Nottingham

Mayer, Thomas Obadiah, Derby, Horse Dealer. Oct 4 at 11 at office of Greaves, Old Bank chmbrs, Derby

Merritt, Charles Malone, Bishop's rd, Victoria pk, Licensed Victualler. Oct 3 at 2 at offices of Blachford and Co, College hill, Cannon st

Middleton, Charles, Llantrisant, Glamorgan, Tailor. Sept 28 at 11 at offices of Price, Bank chmbrs, Pontypridd

Millns, Robert William, Whittlesey, Cambridge, Wine Mer hant. Sept 22 at 12 at office of Reeve, Highcauseway, Whittlesey


Arti-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder. Guaranteed Pure Soluble Cocoa of the Finest Quality, with the excess of fat extracted.

The Faculty pronounce it "the most nutritious, perfectly digestible beverage for Breakfast, Luncheon, or Supper, and invaluable for Invalids and Children."

Highly commended by the entire Medical Press. Being without sugar, spice, or other admixture, it suits all palates, keeps better in all climates, and is four times the strength of cocoas THICKENED yet WEAKENED With starch, &c., and IN REALITY CHEAPER than such Mixtures. Made instantaneously with boiling water, a teaspoonful to a Breakfast Cup, costing less than a halfpenny. COCOATINA A LA VANILLE is the most delicate, digestible, cheapest Manilla Chocolate, and may be taken when richer chocolate is prohibited.

In tin packets at ls. 6d., 3s., 5s. 6d., &c., by Chemists and Grocers.

Charities on Special Terms by the Sole Proprietors, H. SCHWEITZER & CO 10, Adam-street, London, W.C.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Moss, Joseph, Ossett, nr Wakefield, Painter. Nathan, Mark, Manchester, Wine Retailer.

Mitchell, Henry, Crewe, Fishmonger. Sept 21 at 11 at Albert chmbrs, Church Side, Crewe. Pointon, Crewe Sept 25 at 3 at offices of Burton, New st, Sept 25 at 11 at Eltoft, King st, Manchester Nutter, Joseph, Nelson, Lancaster, Grocer. Oct 2 at 3 at office of Holmes, Grimshaw st, Burnley

Page, Robert William, the Grove, Hammersmith, Engineering Modeller. Sept 21 at 3 at office of Lloyd, London wall

Parker, John, Wrexham, Denbigh, Beerhouse Keeper. Sept 23 at 11 at office of Cart. wright, Whitefriars, Chester

Parsons, Arthur Daniell, Dawlish, Devon, Surgeon. Sept 22 at 12 at office of Southcott, Post office st, Bedford circus, Exeter

Reynolds, George Edwin, Jamaica rd, Bermondsey, Provision Dealer. Sept 27 at 2 at 145, Cheapside. Girling, Chancery lane

Richards, Michael Stephens, Ellington st, Barnsbury, Commercial Traveller. at 2 at office of Fraser, Moorgate st

Sept 25

Scott, David, Liverpool, Provision Dealer. Sept 29 at 3 at office of Sherratt, South Castle st, Liverpool

Scurr, William, Landmoth-cum-Catto, York, Farmer. Sept 22 at 3 at Golden Lion Hotel, Northallerton. Teale, Northallerton

Sheffield, William, Clare st, Clare Market, Grocer. Oct 2 at 3 at office of Dyte and Stead, Chancery lane

Spradberry, Joseph, Queen's rd, Bayswater, Wine and Spirit Merchant. Sept 25 at 3 Squire, Francis William, Oliver's yd, City rd, Cabinet Manufacturer. Sept 27 at 3 at at office of Tinkler, Regent st office of Cannon, Wool Exchange, Coleman st

Stewart, Henry Richard, Lewisham, Wine Merchant. Oct 5 at 10.30 at Inns of Court Hotel, High Holborn. Williams, Devereux ct, Temple

Thomas, William, Liverpool, Coach Builder. Sept 28 at 3 at 44, Cook st, Liverpool. Gee, Liverpool

Thorpe, William, Sheffield, Confectioner. Sept 23 at 11 at office of Mellor, Queen st,

Tuke, John, West Hartlepool, Builder. Sept 22 at 3 at office of Bell, Church st, West
Vanstone, Frederick William, Dawlish, Devon, Architect. Sept 25 at 12 at Half Moon
Vaughan, John, Liverpool, out of business. Sept 25 at 2 at office of Green, Sir Thomas's
Hotel, Exeter. Lindop, Torquay
bldgs, Liverpool

Ward, Edward Robert, Falcon lane, Battersea, Refreshment house Keeper. Sept 20 at 12 at office of Sheppard, St John's Hill, Clapham Junction

Webb, William, Biddenden, Kent, Farmer. Oct 2 at 11 at Lion Inn, Biddenden. Gardner-Waterman, Ashford

Welch, George, Longsight, nr Manchester, Soap Manufacturer. Sept 26 at 3 at office of
Wheeler, Henry Whitford, White Horse st, Stepney, Cheesemonger. Sept 25 at 11 at
Welsh, Brown st, Manchester
Masons' Hall Tavern, Masons' avenue, Coleman st. Fowler and Co, Borough High st,


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200, 203, and 204, TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, W.
Estimates and Designs submitted free for entirely Fur-
nishing Residences, Chambers, Offices, &c.

Carved Oak Furniture, Reproductions from Ancient
Designs, &c. Bedroom Furniture, including Bedstead and
Bedding, from £7 10s. per set.


HEWETSON, THEXTON, & PEART, 200, 203, and 204, Tottenham Court-road, London, W. N.B.-Household Furniture Warehoused or Removed on reasonable terms


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

ments inserted in any Continental or Colonial Papers SOLICITOR'S OFFICE to LET, adjoining

and translated in any foreign language without extra charge. Names of Papers and Estimates by return.RUDOLF MOSSE, Advertising Offices, 135, Cheapside, London. Established 15 years.

CAPITAL OFFICES to LET, in the best

Chancery-lane. First, Second and portion of Third Floors; beautifully light and airy. Rents very moderate.-Apply, HATTON & SON, Stationers, 81, Chan. cery-lane.

the London and County Bank, in the centre of Wey bridge. The above has been a Solicitor's office for some years.-Apply, THOS. HAWKINS, London and County Bank, Weybridge.

LADY, unmarried, and experienced, desires the Charge of Imbecile Children (Female) or Adults, or would give home and care to Invalids. Nice country house.-Miss M. F. BRICKDALE, Newland, Coleford, Glos.

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