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been equitable instead of legal, and the mortgagee had
obtained a foreclosure decree, "he would have been entitled to
enforce that decree for twenty years by every process which a
court of equity could give." But nobody showed the faintest
desire to deprive the plaintiffs in Heath v. Pugh of any "process
which a court of equity could give." On the contrary, Lord
Coleridge, in giving judgment at law against them, expressly
said: "If they think that by going to the Chancery Division
they can get anything under their foreclosure decree, let
them go.
We do not interfere with them in any way."
Then Lord Cairns continued:-"The court [i.e., the Chancery
Division] is now not a court of law or a court of equity, it is a
court of complete jurisdiction." Surely, the more plausible
inference from this is, not that the statute of 3 & 4 Will. 4 now
means something different from what it used to mean, but that the
plaintiffs were at liberty to have taken Lord Coleridge at his word,
to have gone to the Chancery Division, and there (his suit not
having been barred by the statute) to have obtained the remedy
which, while the court there was not a court of complete jurisdic-is
tion, they could only have obtained by resorting separately to the
court of law. "And," continued his lordship, "if there were a
variance between what, before the Judicature Act, a court of law
and a court of equity would have done, the rule of the court of
equity must now prevail." But the Act speaks of any conflict or
variance "with reference to the same subject-matter," and there never
was the faintest variance between the rules of law and the rules of
equity (this, again, is the correct language of the Act) as to how and
from when the statute of 3 & 4 Will. 4 ran in respect of the right
to commence an action of ejectment. Dr. Lamson might as well
have said that the courts of law and the courts of equity were at
variance, because the latter did not hang murderers while the former
did, and have claimed to be acquitted on this ground. Lord Cairns
continues:-"The argument of the appellants must, therefore, be,
that the possession of a legal mortgage, passing the legal estate as
a pledge, put the mortgagee in a worse position than if he had not
got it; and exposed him to the risk, as soon as twenty years from
the date of the legal mortgage bad expired, of forfeiting and losing
the benefit of the suit and proceedings which he had in the mean-
time properly taken, in the proper court, to have himself adjudged,
by reason of the default of the mortgagor, the absolute owner of
the land." We cannot for the life of us see why the appellants
might not be content to say that the mortgagee was in no worse
but only in just the same position; and that the only risk to which
he was exposed was the risk of having to continue his proceedings
in the court in which they had been properly taken, instead of
improperly beginning new proceedings elsewhere.

And this we humbly confess to be our opinion. We think
—(1) that the plaintiff Heath, by pottering about for several
years instead of at once taking steps to get a new trustee
appointed and then forthwith bringing his action, had com-
mitted a laches which made him no very proper subject for
peculiar indulgence; and this laches does not seem to be affected
by the fact that the co-trustee afterwards appointed was a joint
plaintiff with him in the action; (2) that he and his co-
trustee had perhaps mistaken their remedy; and that the reason-
ing by which Lords Selborne and Cairns strove to show that they
had not, more properly shows that they might have got their
remedy otherwise and elsewhere; (3) that the method by which
the result was arrived at is to be regretted, as tending to
introduce vagueness and looseness into regions where the total
absence of such qualities is greatly to be desired.
think (4) that the practical effect is to establish a rule which will
tend to the public convenience, and which would have given us
unmixed satisfaction if it had been established by any means of

which we felt able to approve.

But we

The sittings for the trial of special and common jury actions will commence at the Guildhall on Monday next. There are, says the Times' reporter, nearly two hundred causes at present entered, of which number over eighty are marked for special juries, while a few are to be tried without juries.

In the House of Lords on Thursday, Earl Cairns asked why it was that no judicial appointments had been made under the Act of 1876 consequent on the death of Sir James Colville, and the resignation of Sir Montague Smith. The Lord Chancellor replied that, having regard to the appellate business of the Privy Council, he did not think there was any urgency in filling up the vacancies.


THE result of the experience which a lawyer acquires with
the important social duty of giving evidence is very far from being
regard to the conduct of mankind when called upon to exercise
whose practice has afforded him sufficient opportunities of obser-
satisfactory. We are perfectly sure that any barrister or solicitor
vation would upon reflection admit that the amount of down-
and, in addition to cases of "flat" perjury, there are a still larger
right perjury committed in courts of justice is very great indeed;
number of cases in which witnesses, more or less consciously,
inevitable tendency on the part of those called on to give evidence
exaggerate or garble the truth. There is, no doubt, an almost
of occurrences. The process of trying to recollect in such a case
to piece in the details of a partially remembered occurrence or set
gives rise to a number of conjectures or theories, which gradually
usurp in the mind the position due to actually remembered facts;
very apt to harden into positive statement in the heat of
and, again, a degree of recollection far short of absolute certainty
excitement or of resentment caused by a cross-examination
insinuating doubts as to the witness's accuracy or credibility.
Not to be quite sure of anything which one nevertheless in some
measure asserts, is felt to be a derogatory position. There is a
certain amount of weakness involved in taking such a line, and
so, under a hostile suggestion of doubt, people are frequently
from mixed truth and falsehood. Nothing is commoner than
driven over the line which separates perfect truthfulness
for a witness in examination in chief to qualify his state-
ment with some expression importing that he is not abso-
lutely certain, such as "I believe," or, "to the best of
influence of questions which really impute no more uncertainty
my recollection." He is then cross-examined, and, under the
than the witness-in-chief voluntarily expressed, he gradually gets
surer and surer, till at length, being asked, in accordance with the
swear it," he
procedure common in such cases, whether he_will "
replies with much vehemence that he will. It is a common thing
to find witnesses professing to be able to speak to the details of
and that in cases where there was nothing peculiar in the nature
conversations and transactions which took place a year or so back,
of the thing so as especially to impress the mind. Let any one of
our readers endeavour to recall the details of some conversation,
even of an important nature, that took place a year and a half
ago, or even a few months ago, and we think he will probably
have a more or less firm belief as to the general import of what
find it very difficult actually to remember them, though he may

be unreliable from somewhat similar causes :-A matter which, in
To take another instance in which evidence is peculiarly apt to
criminal trials, frequently becomes the subject of discussion is the
identification of persons, and we have a strong opinion that very
great numbers of the community are wholly destitute of a sense of
dence of identity is often given with a positiveness which under
the responsibility which attaches to evidence of this sort. Evi-
the circumstances seems astonishing. We think it is probable
that uneducated
persons, whose life experiences are somewhat
narrow, may have a keener memory for the faces of those who on
trifling occasions are brought in contact with them than those
whose experience is broader and who deal more with abstractions.
A busy professional man does not notice particularly the personal
appearance of the driver of the hansom that he hails for the pur-
pose of being conveyed to chambers. It is very probable that the
cabman may notice the hirer's countenance more particularly,
forming thereupon perhaps a judgment as to whether he looks
like an extra sixpence or not. But still, we cannot help doubting
whether people in general notice so particularly and remember so
well the persons whom they casually encounter for a very brief
space as one must suppose a great many people to do from the way
in which evidence of identification is often given. There are a
good many causes tending towards rash and unreliable identifica-
tion, such as, for instance, conceit, love of the marvellous, a wish to
be mixed up with sensational matters, an honest but injudicious
eagerness to forward the cause of justice.
which the evidence of identity conspicuously failed, statements
In a certain trial, in
were made by one or two of the witnesses which very forcibly
illustrate the way in which evidence of identity may be vitiated.

of business. It often ends in their being suspected of shuffling by the judge, and accused of it by the opposing counsel. The imperturbable witness, who is as bold as brass, who is quite sure, and who has his story quite pat, has a much better time of it. He may often be a great liar, but he gives much less trouble to the judge and jury and all parties concerned, except perhaps the counsel on the other side.


The procedure ordinarily followed by the police in such cases is to put the accused person among a number of others and see whether the witness can identify such person. One of the witnesses, who had in the first instance failed to identify the accused, stated, by way of explanation, that the bold and unconcerned demeanour of the accused had led him to think that she could not be the person. This statement is most suggestive of the possibility of error in such cases. It is obvious that this witness was endeavouring, not to identify in the proper sense of the term, but to select one out of the number of persons before him by a wholly illegitimate test. It is yery difficult to say how the witness may most safely be tested, but it is obvious that the usual course adopted is not free from danger. The mischief RIGHT OF TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY OR LIQUIDATION TO is that the witness knows that one among the persons submitted to him is an accused person. He is expected to identify someone, and seeks to bring to the aid of memory other indicia than those which it furnishes. A person whose mind is disciplined by education ought to be able to resist this tendency; a person who should consciously yield to it would be guilty of a grave moral offence, but undisciplined and impulsive persons may perhaps be, to some extent, pardoned if they confuse together criteria which ought to be kept entirely



[To the Editor of the Solicitors' Journal.] Sir,-With your permission I desire to call attention to the hardship which may result in practice from two comparatively recent decisions of the Court of Appeal-namely, Ex parte Stephens, In re Lavies (L. R. 7 Ch. D. 127), and Ex parte Brook, In re Roberts (L. R. 10 Ch. D. 100). The law as stated in those cases is now I think clear, that the effect of in the debtor is to place the trustee in the position of never having had a disclaimer by a trustee in bankruptcy or liquidation of a lease vested any estate in the leasehold property. Consequently any severance by the trustee of the fixtures attached to the property at the time of his appointment is necessarily wrongful (it being immaterial whether the severance took place before or after the disclaimer), and gives the landlord a right to recover the value of the fixtures from the trustee. A case has now occurred within my own experience illustrating forcibly the hardship of which I speak. A hosier, on taking a lease of his shop and premises, purchased the fixtures and fittings from the landlord at a valuation for £800. Within a few years he failed, and was made bank. rupt. A trustee was appointed, and, after examining into the state of affairs, disclaimed the lease. He then removed the fixtures and fittings, treating them as mere furniture or chattels, and sold them. The obtained an order that there should be an inquiry as to whether the landlord disputed his right to remove or sell them, and applied for and trustee had removed and sold any and what tenant's fixtures, and, if so, what was their value, and the amount of damage caused to him by their removal. The inquiry was taken before Mr. Registrar Brougham, who held that everything attached to the floors or walls of the premises, however slightly, was a tenant's fixture if it required the drawing of a single nail or screw to detach it; and on that ground he gave the landlord the value, not only of gasfittings, show-cases, counters, &c., but also of mirrors and clocks, the whole having, as I have already mentioned, been purchased by the debtor on taking the shop. The landlord has been, or will be, therefore, as you will see, paid twice over, first by the tenant, and now by the trustee, while, under section 23 of the Bankruptcy Act, 1869, he is also entitled to prove against the estate for any damages he may have sustained by the disclaimer. I do not wish to question the correctness in law of the decisions to which I have referred, but I venture to say that they have entirely reversed what was before the universal belief and practice. It seems to me that, with his claim to distrain for one year's rent in full, and now his right to tenant's fixtures in the event of a disclaimer, the landlord is unfairly preferred to other creditors on no sufficient grounds. I therefore venture to hope that steps will be taken to bring the point prominently forward whenever the new Bankruptcy Bill is again claiming attention.

There can be no doubt, on the part of the practical man as well as the moralist, of the great importance of impressing on the community, in all ways which may be available, the sacredness of the duty involved in giving testimony. The oath which, from the most ancient times, has been imposed on the witness is both the expression of the character of the duty involved and an attempt to insure its fulfilment. We question whether the oath, as now administered, adds as much as it is sometimes thought to do to the sense of obligation felt by the witness, though it may perhaps have some effect. There can be no doubt of the very considerable influence that may be exercised, and no doubt is often exercised, in this matter by conscientious professional men in the performance of the function of taking the evidence in preparing for any legal proceeding. A person engaged in getting up evidence must necessarily have it in his power, to a large extent, to minister to, or to restrain, the tendency on the part of a witness to deviate from, or improve upon, the truth. Great experience, tact, and a high sense of duty are all needed in order, on the one hand, to do justice to a case, and, on the other, not to induce any paltering with the truth on the part of witnesses. We have no doubt that in many cases these qualifications are forthcoming, but in some we fear they are not. Again, the influence of judges in this matter is obviously very great, and we are afraid that sometimes, though of course unconsciously, the course they take tends to drive a witness over the line of strict veracity. The judge is, after all, mortal; he has got to take a note, and he wishes to take a clear one. For this purpose he sometimes drives a witness into being clearer than the witness has any right in conscience to be. Nothing is commoner than for a witness coming to speak to a conversation after a long interval of time, to say only that the import of it was so and so. The judge immediately asks what was said, and requires the very words so far as the witness can remember. This he does, no doubt, on the principle that stating the general result of conversations is hardly evidence, and would be open to abuse, but the inevitable result is that the witness is driven to try to mould his recollection of the general import of what passed into a conversation, which, after the lapse of so long a time, he is not really able to do with perfect truth. The result is that his evidence becomes an articial production, something like the speeches which Thucydides puts into the mouths of generals and statesmen. We doubt whether it would not be safer and better on the whole to take all that the witness can truthfully give-viz., his general recollection of what took place. The absence of detail would be matter which would go to the weight of the evidence. We do not mean to say that a judge is not right in challenging in a judicious manner general statements as to the results of conversations, but to insist on a witness always giving a conversation, so that it may appear in the " direct oration on the judge's notebook, seems to us to be contrary to natural possibility. We are afraid that witnesses whose consciences are tenderly scrupulous discussing, the several cases known to me of official rulings under often get scant consideration in court. They are a source of trouble to the judge, whose temper is perhaps sorely tried by stress



[To the Editor of the Solicitors' Journal.] otherwise specially engaged with stamp duties took serious interest in Sir,-Supposing that, now-a-days, anyone beyond those officially or them, I would say that the case given in Mr. Simey's communication, appearing in your number for April 29 (p. 403), was an interesting one.

Long before the passing of the Stamp Act, 1870, with its section 8 (which section was applied to the instrument in Mr. Simey's case), the question of whether an instrument contained but one or more than one (distinct) matter, and so attracted separate duties, was, on all hands, admittedly the most perplexing of stamp questions, and was the subject of not a few decisions of the courts.

I believe myself correct in saying that section 8, in the intention of its framers, and probably in effect and operation, re-enacted the law embodied in these judicial decisions, or the leading ones.

Since the passing of the Stamp Act, 1870, the only judicial decision under section 8, I believe, is that in Hadgett's case (26 W. R. 115), which But case was, at the time, discussed at some length in your columns." I could fill some amount of your space by stating merely, without

section 8.

* SOLICITORS' JOURNAL for January and February, 1878.

For this space I do not now ask you, but will content myself with stating the following points of "stamps" connected with the new Conveyancing Act, by way of (very humbly) supplementing your own prompt, full, and conspicuously able articles and editorial remarks upon the Act; and, as well, that the points are apropos of the questions arising upon section 8 of the Stamp Act, and touch directly the decision in Hadgett's case.

In the Conveyancing Act the points arise upon sections 9 and 34. And, first, as to section 9, the subject-matter of which is the acknowledgment and the undertaking for the production and safe custody of title deeds, in substitution for the ordinary covenant to produce, &c.

In the case of the covenant, when contained in the conveyance and the mortgage, &c., it was never questioned that it was incidental: in other words, was not separate matter requiring a separate stamp. And it is equally clear that the acknowledgment and the undertaking under the like circumstance will alike escape separate duty.

I have already had several cases before me of the acknowledgment and undertaking being inserted in the conveyance, &c.; and, secondly, of being by separate instrument; and in the latter case the instrument has sometimes contained only the acknowledgment, and sometimes both that and the undertaking. And the questions of stamp duty with these separate instruments are (1) when given under seal, and (2) when given under hand only.

When under seal it would, I believe, be officially ruled that the instrument requires a fixed ten shilling duty.* When under hand only, the duty would, if any, be sixpence, but the liability to this duty would depend upon whether the subject-matter embodied a contract. That there is a contract there need be little or no doubt, even in the case of the acknowledgment standing alone; for (to quote an opinion of some authority) "the acknowledgment is evidence of a statutory contract or obligation, and the undertaking is in express terms an obligatory instrument."



The point arising upon section 34 is in regard to the declaration of trust therein named, which operates to vest property in, upon an appointment of, a new trustee. And, speaking generally, this declaration attracts the second stamp ruled in Hadgett's case to be payable in respect of the conveyance or transfer. I say speaking generally because it may be said that if there be no property to vest by-pass under the declaration there is no actual conveyance or transfer, and so no second stamp payable. But here again it would be expedient to put on the stamp. VERITAS. May 9,

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IMPROPERLY REGISTERED-LIMIT OF FIVE YEARS-TRADE-MARKS REGISTRATION ACT, 1875, ss. 3, 5.-In a case of In re Palmer's Trade-mark, before the Court of Appeal on the 4th inst., a question arose on the construction of sections 3 and 5 of the Trade-Marks Registration Act of 1875. Section 3 provides that "the registration of a person as first proprietor of a trade-mark shall be prima facie evidence of his right to the exclusive use of such trade-mark, and shall, after the expiration of five years from the date of such registration, be conclusive evidence of his right to the exclusive use of such trade-mark, subject to the provisions of this Act as to its connection with the good will of a business." And by section 5, "If the naine of any person who is not for the time being entitled to the exclusive use of a trade-mark in accordance with this Act, or otherwise in accordance with law, is entered on the register of trade-marks as a proprietor of such trade-mark, or if the registrar refuses to enter on the register as proprietor of a trade-mark the name of any person who is for the time being entitled to the exclusive use of such trade-mark in accordance with this Act, or otherwise in accordance with law, or if any mark is registered as a trade-mark which is not authorized to be so registered under this Act, any person aggrieved may apply in the prescribed manner for an order of the court that the register may be rectified; and the court may either refuse such application, or it may, if satis fied of the justice of the case, make an order for the rectification of the register, and may award damages to the party aggrieved." The question was whether the lapse of the five years is made by section 3 a bar to an applica tion to remove a mark from the register in a case where it ought not to have been registered at all, because it was not a trade-mark within the meaning of the Act. More than five years ago Palmer registered the words "Braided Fixed Stars" as a trade-mark in connection with matches. An application was made by Bryant & May, manufacturers engaged in the same trade, to rectify the register by striking out the mark so registered, on the ground that the words at the time of the registration were not used in the trade as a trademark, but merely as descriptive of the goods, and that there was no authority to register them as a trade-mark under the Act. Evidence was adduced as to the way in which the words had been used, but the preliminary point was raised on behalf of Palmer that, even if the mark was not properly registered

It is, perhaps, open to contention that, as the Conveyancing Act contains no express charge of stamp, and the instrument being (under seal) one of covenant, it thereby comes under "Covenant, any separate deed of," &c., in the schedule of the Stamp Act, and so, when arising out of a sale or mortgage, is liable to the ten shilling duty as a maximum only. But for the present it would be expedient to put on the (full) ten shilling stamp.

as a trade-mark, the fact that it had remained on the register as such for five years was, by section 3, conclusive that Palmer was now entitled to the exclusive use of it as a trade-mark. CHITTY, J., decided (ante, p. 282) that this was the right construction of section 3, and, withont hearing the evidence, he dismissed the application. The Court of Appeal (JESSEL, M.R., and COTTON and LINDLEY, L.JJ.) reversed the decision. JESSEL, M. R., said that it was a well-established principle of construction, applicable to Acts of Parliament as well as to other documents, that the literal construction of words was to be adopted, unless this was controlled by the context, or was so manifestly absurd that it was clear it could not be adopted. The words of section 5 were too plain for argument. There were three cases in which an application might be made to rectify the register. The third was the present case exactly. There was no limitation of the time within which the application must be made, and, if section 5 stood alone, there would be nothing to argue. If there were no other section there would be no limit as to the time within which the application must be made. But the contention of the respondents was that the 5th section was limited by the 3rd section. When, however, a power was given by one section without any limitation, there must be some other clear section to limit it. No one said that section 3 contained any express limitation, but it was said that its words implied a limitation. Did, then, section 3 mean that trade-mark, should, after the expiration of five years, be conclusive evidence the registration of a person as the first proprietor of a mark, which he called a of his right to the exclusive use of that mark as a trade mark, or did it mean what it said, that the registration of a trade-mark should, after five years, bave that effect? Here, again, his lordship thought that the literal meaning ought to be preferred. Of course, the registrar ought not to register anything but a trade-mark. But he might be deceived. It was impossible for him to tell without any knowledge of the trade in what way a word had been used in the trade. It would be equally impossible for a judge to tell that. It came, then, to this-the registrar being deceived into registering as a trade-mark that which was not a trade-mark at all, was it intended to give to the person who had obtained the registration a right to use as a trade-mark that which was not a trade-mark at all? What a hardship this would be on a person who sold his own goods under their real description, and could not have imagined that any one else would register that as a trade-mark. He might be involved in legal proceedings when he had used every reasonable precaution. Suppose a man sold palm oil soap under that description; he would never dream of looking at the register to see whether anybody else had registered that description as a trade-mark. If section 3 had the effect suggested it would make the Act a mere trap for the honest trader who had sold his goods under their proper description, and this at the instance of the man who had knowingly taken advantage of the ignorance of the registrar to procure the regis tration of that which was not a trade-mark. It appeared to his lordship that all reason and convenience were in favour of the construction which he had given to section 3; and he was glad to see that the well-known writer on trade-marks, Mr. Sebastian, bad taken the same view of the Act. He said, p. 33, that "this enactment does not preclude a defence on the ground that the name so registered is, in fact, no trade-mark, and was registered or is con tinued on the register by error." And a similar view was expressed by Professor Bryce in his book on the subject. These writers thought that the fact that the mark ought not to have been registered would be a good defence to an action by the person who was registered as the proprietor of it. His lordship was not prepared to say that they were wrong in their view, that it would not be necessary first to apply to have the register rectified, but it was not neces sary to decide the point now. It appeared to his lordship that the appellants were right, and that the learned judge ought to have ascertained the facts from the evidence, and the case must be remitted back to him for that purpose. COTTON and LINDLEY, L.JJ., concurred.-SOLICITORS, Wilson, Bristows, & Carp mael; Hollams, Son, & Coward.

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COMPANY-SHAREHOLDER-LIEN ON SHARES for Debt DUE TO COMPANY -JOINT HOLDERS-TRUSTEES.-On the 8th inst. the Court of Appeal (JESSEL, M. R., and LINDLEY and HOLKER, L.JJ.) affirmed the decision of Bacon, V.C., in The New London and Brazilian Bank v. Brocklebank (30 W. R. 422). The question was whether the bank had a lien upon shares standing in the names of two persons (who were trustees of a marriage settlement, and who had invested part of the trust funds in the purchase of the shares), in respect of a debt due by one of them to the bank. The articles of association provided that the company should have "a first and paramount lien and charge, available at law and in equity, upon all the shares of any shareholder for any son; and when a share is held by more persons than one, the company shall moneys owing to the company from him alone or jointly with any other perhave a like lien and charge thereon in respect of all moneys so owing to them from all or any of the holders thereof alone or jointly with any other person, and in any case whether such moneys shall be payable or not.' The investment of the trust funds in shares of a limited company was authorized by the settlement. One of the trustees was a partner in a firm which, in June, 1879, went into liquidation, being then indebted to the bank for about £4,000 in respect of dishonoured acceptances. Bacon, V.C., held that the bank was entitled, in respect of this debt, to a lien upon the shares, paramount to any claim by the cestuis que trust under the settlement. It was urged that the equitable right of the cestuis que trust, being in existence when the shares were purchased, was entitled to priority over the right of the company in respect of the debt of the trustee contracted subse quently. JESSEL, M.R., said that it must not be assumed that, because a trustee had power to invest the trust property in the shares of any company, that an investment in the shares of a company which contained in its articles a provision of this kind would necessarily be authorized. It was perfectly plain that by the articles of association the company had a paramount lien or charge on the shares for any debt, either joint or separate, due to them from any shareholder. One of the trustees in whose name the shares were registered was indebted to the bank as a member of a partnership firm, This was ex

actly and clearly within the terms of the articles. It was the contract under which the trustee acquired the shares, and by that contract he was bound. But it was said that when he bought the shares he was a trustee for others, and bought them with trust money, and that debts of the company arising subsequently to the purchase of the sbares must be postponed to the prior equitable right of the cestuis que trust. The answer to that was that the charge of the bank by virtue of the articles of association was prior and took effect when the shares were transferred into the names of the trustees. It was one of the terms on which registration was made, it being stipulated by the company as a condition precedent that, if persons taking shares should owe the company any money, the company were to have a charge on the shares registered in the names of such persons for the amount of the debt. That alone was conclusive. Independently of time, the charge of the company from its nature must be prior. The trustees bought the shares on the terms of this liability to a charge in favour of the company. How, then, could the cestuis que trust take the benefit of the purchase without complying with the terms of the contract? In his lordship's opinion the judgment of the Vice-Chancellor was right, and the appeal must be dismissed, with costs. LINDLEY, L.J., was of the same opinion. He failed to see on what ground the equitable owner of the shares could claim the benefit of the investment and repudiate the terms on which the shares were held. HOLKER, L.J., concurred.-SOLICITORS, Bircham, Drake, & Co. ; Ingle, Cooper, & Holmes.

the recovery of the debt, but to make Holt a bankrupt, and thus procure his
removal from the office of trustee. This was a gross abuse of the bankrupt
law, and it occurred after the well-known decision of the Court of Appeal in
Ex parte Griffin (28 W. R. 208, 12 Ch. D. 480), which made a great noise
in the profession at the time. There it was held by James, L.J., and Brett,
L.J., to be a gross fraud on the bankrupt law to buy up a debt in order to be
able to threaten the debtor with bankruptcy proceedings, with the view of
forcing him to abandon proceedings which he had taken to recover a debt due
to him, and Cotton, LJ., said that the bankruptcy proceedings must fail,
because they were not taken to obtain the payment of the
debt, but the debt was purchased in order to take the pro-
ceedings in bankruptcy. A solicitor who after that chose to be
concerned in buying up a debt with the view of taking bankruptcy
proceedings against the debtor for a collateral purpose had no right to
complain if his conduct was viewed with disapprobation by a court of
justice. His lordship was not prepared to say that, as this occurred after
the removal of the solicitor's client from the office of trustee, and no injury
had, in fact, been done to the estate by his conduct, it alone would have
been sufficient ground for depriving the solicitor of his coste, but he did
not say that the registrar was wrong in taking the subsequent conduct into
account in connection with the previous misconduct of the solicitor. It
would have been wiser not to discuss the matter a second time in the
Court of Appeal, when the only result could be to add the censure of the
court to the dismissal of the appeal with costs. LINDLEY, L.J., could not
see on what principle it would be right to allow Sheard one farthing out of
the estate. So far from representing it for any beneficial purpose, he
appeared to have been appointed for the purpose of checkmating the
creditors. His conduct had been such as to compel any court of justice not
to allow him a single sixpence. And what better position could his solicitor
claim? His lordship thought that the whole of the proceedings in this
bankruptcy, on the one side and the other, had been shocking and dis-
oreditable to every one concerned. He thought that the solicitor had looked
exclusively to the interests of his own client. A solicitor who did that,
and who forgot that other people had rights and interests, might go too
far. A man was not bound to sacrifice everything and everybody to the
interests of his own client, or to do everything which his client told him to
do. His lordship thought that the appellant had gone lengths which, if
he were indicted for conspiracy, might put him in a very awkward position.
The court, however, was not trying any case of that kind now, but that the
appellant had gone too far in his zeal for his client was painfully manifest.
HOLKER, L.J., thought it clear that it was a gross abuse of the bankruptcy
law for persons to buy debts due to other persons for no other purpose than
to enable them to carry the choice of trustee, or to enable them to place
anybody in a position of control with reference to the bankrupt's affaire.
He could not see that there was anything in such a transaction very different
from the conduct of a man who bought up the right of another to exercise
his franchise to vote for a member of Parliament, or for a member of any
other institution. It seemed to his lordship to be the same thing, and to be
a piece of bribery. He regretted that this did not appear to be the view of
the public in general, for he believed it was the commonest thing in the
world for people to buy the rights of creditors to vote, and, having purchased
that right, to exercise it in order to elect trustees who should be favourable
to themselves or to a particular class of the creditors. But, although that
was apparently the view of a portion of the public who had to do with
bankruptcy, nevertheless there were many sins committed with reference
to the administration of bankruptcy; and if such conduct were investigated
n a court of justice, the court ought to arrive at the conclusion that it was
not justifiable, but was a scandalous abuse of the law. Indeed, that seemed
to have been practically decided in Ex parte Griffin, and it would be well for
the community, and very advantageous in order to secure the moral dealings
of people, that that decision should be more generally known than ap.
He thought that it would not be straining the law at all
parently it was.
to say that the proceedings relating to the purchase of Holt's debt, with the
view of making him a bankrupt and ousting him from his position as trustee,
amounted to a conspiracy, for which the persons engaged in it might be
indicted.-SOLICITORS, Harper & Battcock; H. F. Barnett.

ALLOCATUR.—In a case of In re Pooley, before the Court of Appeal on the 4th
inst., a question arose as to the power of the Court of Bankruptcy to refuse
to allow the costs of the solicitor of a trustee in bankruptcy to be paid out of the
estate of the bankrupt, on the ground that the trustee or the solicitor has been
guilty of improper conduct. One Pooley having been adjudicated a bankrupt,
one Sheard was in December, 1879, appointed trustee in the bankruptcy. He
bad been a clerk, employed at a salary of £2 5s. a week, in the office of a
newspaper of which Thomas Pooley, a son of the bankrupt, was the editor,
and by whom Sheard was requested to act as trustee. Sheard was in April,
1880, removed from his office by the court, on the ground that he was a mere
tool of the bankrupt, and one Holt was appointed trustee in his place. The
evidence, in the opinion of the registrar and of the Court of Appeal, showed
that the appointment of Sheard was procured by buying up a large debt due
by the bankrupt, the purchaser being Rodney Pooley, another son of the
bankrupt, and the present appellant being his solicitor, and afterwards solici-
tor to Sheard as trustee, By means of this large debt the appointment of
Sheard as trustee was carried. The court held that the purchase was made
merely for the purpose of carrying the choice of trustee, and that the solici.
tor knew this. After Holt had been appointed trustee Rodney Pooley bought
up a debt which he owed with the view, as the court held, of making him a
bankrupt, and thus procuring his removal from the office of trustee in the
bankruptcy. The solicitor acted in this transacti on again, and was, as the
court held, aware of the nature of it. A debtor's summons was afterwards
issued against Holt in respect of this debt, but it did not appear that any
further proceedings in bankruptcy were taken against him. After the re-
moval of Sheard the costs of his solicitor were taxed, and an allocatur made
by the taxing master. An application was made that the payment of
the costs out of the estate should not be allowed, on the ground that Sheard
and his solicitor had acted improperly. Mr. Registrar Hazlitt held that he
could not go behind the allocatur, and on this ground refused the application.
The Court of Appeal held that notwithstanding the allocatur, the application
could be entertained, and remitted it to the registrar to hear the evidence.
The registrar then refused to allow the costs out of the estate, and his
decision was affirmed by the Court of Appeal (JESSEL, M. R., and LINDLEY
and HOLKER, L.JJ.). JESSEL, M.R., said that the ground on which the pay-
ment of the costs had been refused appeared to him to be very simple and
very plain. The solicitor's right to costs out of the estate was simply the
right of Sheard, his client. He had no independent right. He might have
a right of action against Sheard, but that was his only legal right. Sheard, if
he had conducted himself properly, would have a right to an indemnity out of
the estate, and according to the ordinary rule the court would allow the solicitor
to avail himself directly of his client's right against the estate. The registrar
had declined to allow this in the present case on the grounds-(1) that mis
conduct was proved against Sheard which would disentitle him to costs out of
the estate; (2) that personal misconduct was proved against the solicitor; the oF CHANCERY-JUDICATURE ACT, 1873, s. 22-PRACTICE-DISMISSAL OF
allowance of the costs being a matter within the discretion of the court. His ACTION FOR WANT OF PARTIES.-In a case of Hurst v. Hurst, before the
lordship was sorry that he could not disagree with the registrar on either Court of Appeal on the 6th inst., a question arose as to the validity of a clause
point. He could not imagine a grosser abuse of the bankruptcy law than of forfeiture contained in a will. The testator gave all his freehold and lease-
the whole story from end to end disclosed. It was not for him to say now hold property to his executors and trustees upon trust (inter alia) to permit
whether it amounted to an indictable conspiracy. From beginning to end, as his son to receive the rents of certain specified freehold and leasehold houses
regarded the appointment of the trustee, the conduct of the bankrupt, his to and for his own use and benefit during his life, and after his death upon
two sons, Sheard, and the solicitor was deserving of the strongest reprehension trust that the executors and trustees should convey and assign the houses to
of the court, as being an abuse of the bankruptcy law, and as being an im the children of the son in equal shares, absolutely, on their attaining the age
proper attempt to obtain by improper means the appointment of an improper of twenty-one years. But, in case any of the children of the son should die
person as trustee of the estate. Could a man who was so appointed trustee, before attaining that age, then on trust to convey and assign the shares of the
a man who had obtained the appointment, not for the honest purpose of pro- children or child so dying to the others or other of such children; but, in case
tecting the bankrupt's estate and administering it, but for the purpose of pro- of the son not having any issue, or in case none of his children should live to
tecting the interests of the bankrupt himself, be a man whose conduct was attain twenty-one, then the testator declared that the property, the rents of
such as to entitle him to his costs out of the estate? How could the court which would be receivable by the son during his life, should be conveyed and
better manifest its displeasure and disapproval as regarded similar proceed assigned by his executors and trustees to, and divided equally between, such of
ings in future than by depriving such a trustee of his costs? The registrar the children of the testator's daughter as should live to attain the age of
had done so, and his lordship entirely concurred in the propriety of his deci- twenty-one. The testator had, by a previous clause, given other freehold and
sion. Then, after the removal of Sheard, a most censurable course of pro- leasehold property in a similar way to his executors and trustees on trust for
ceeding was adopted by Rodney Pooley and the solicitor in purchasing Holt's his daughter for her life, with remainder to her children on their attaining
debt. It must be taken from the answers of the solicitor to questions put to twenty-one. By a subsequent clause the testator declared that the bequest
him in his examination that he knew that the object of the purchase was, not thereinbefore made to his son and daughter respectively should be subject to

the following condition viz., that they should in nowise charge or incumber the property, the rents of which were receivable by them during their respective lives, or any part thereof. And, in case either his son or daughter should so charge or incumber the said property, or any part thereof, then the testator declared that the bequest to his son or daughter so transgressing such condition should thereupon become absolutely forfeited. And the testator declared that, in either of such cases, the trusts therein before created in favour of the child or children of the son or daughter so transgressing should at once take effect. After the testator's death the son executed a deed affecting to charge his life interest by way of mortgage. One of the trustees of the will filed a bill in the Court of Chancery, before the Judicature Act came into operation, against his co-trustee, the son, and the mortgagees, praying a declaration that the charge was wholly inoperative, except as working a forfeiture of the son's life interest; an injunction to restrain the mortgagees from receiving the rents of the property, and an order that they should pay the rents which they had already received for the benefit of the person or persons entitled to the property in remainder expectant on the decease of the son. The son had had no children. Fry, J. (ante, p. 229), made a declaration that the forfeiture bad taken effect. But, on the ground that there ought to have been other parties to the suit, he declined to give any other relief, and dismissed the action in other respects. The Court of Appeal (JESSEL, M.R., and LINDLEY and HOLKER, L. JJ.) came to the conclusion that no other parties were necessary, and they affirmed the decision as to the forfeiture. But JESSEL, M.R., in the course of the argument, said that an action ought never now to be dismissed for want of parties, the judge having ample power to add all necessary parties. On the opening of the appeal JESSEL, M.R., raised the objection that the action was really an ejectment action, and that it was commenced by bill in the Court of Chancery before the Judicature Act came into operation. Such a bill would not lie. Ultimately, however, he came to the conclusion, following a decision of his own at the Rolls, in a case of Vagg v. Shippey (Charley's Judicature Acts, 3rd ed., p. 35, 1 Charley's New Practice Cases, 8), that by virtue of section 22 of the Judicature Act, 1873, the suit, when it became transferred to the High Court, stood in the same position as if it had been an action of ejectment originally commenced in one of the common law courts, and could, therefore, be maintained.-SOLICITORS, Mercer & Mercer; Poncione & Leggatt; Kingsford, Dorman, & Kingsford; John Hales.

CLOSE OF BANKRUPTCY -POWER OF COURT TO RE-OPEN-RIGHTS OF CREDITORS SUBSEQUENT TO ADJUDICATION-BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1869, ss. 47, 54, 71.-In a case of Ex parte Pitt, before the Court of Appeal on the 4th inst., a question arose as to the power of the Court of Bankruptcy to make an order, under section 47 of the Act of 1869, to close a bankruptcy in a case where no assets of the bankrupt are to be discovered; and there was a further question as to the power of the court to re-open a bankruptcy after it has been closed, and as to the rights of creditors of the bankrupt whose debts were contracted after the order of adjudication. A debtor, who had traded in London under the name of Gosling, absconded on the 27th of February, 1879, and was adjudicated a bankrupt under that name on the 11th of March. His real name was Tueski, but his creditors did not know this. On the 26th of March a trustee was appointed, but he could discover no assets, the bankrupt having removed all his property when he absconded. The trustee being unable to trace the bankrupt or to discover any assets, the court on his application, being satisfied of these facts, on the 18th of February, 1881, made an order closing the bankruptcy. In August, 1881, the trustee discovered that the bankrupt was carrying on business at Eastbourne under his real name of Tueski. He had, in fact, commenced that business soon after the adjudication, having borrowed money for the purpose, and he had acquired goods and contracted debts in connection with that business, the creditors in respect of it knowing him only as Tueski, and not being aware of the bankruptcy. On the 27th of August, 1881, the trustee seized the bankrupt's stock-in-trade and other property at Eastbourne and afterwards sold it, and on the 15th of September, 1881, on the application of the trustee, an order was made rescinding the order to close the bankruptcy, and re-opening it. This order was made without notice to the creditors whose debts were contracted after the adjudication. In March, 1882, the trustee applied to the court for directions as to the distribution of the proceeds of sale of the bankrupt's property. Mr. Registrar Hazlitt directed that notice should be given to the new creditors, and, this having been done, the registrar made an order that the creditors whose debts had been contracted by the bankrupt in his real name between the date of the adjudication and the 27th of August, 1881, should be allowed to prove in the bankruptcy, and to receive dividends, as if their debts had been contracted before the adjudication. The Court of Appeal (JESSEL, M. R., and COTTON and LINDLEY, L.JJ.) held that this order was wrong in form, though it was in substance a right order. LINDLEY, L.J., who delivered the judgment of the court, said that though section 47, which authorized the closing of bankruptcy proceedings, did not in terms apply to a case in which there were no assets at all, yet considering that the object of closing the bankruptcy was to put an end to useless proceedings, and to enable the trustee to obtain his release, and considering also that orders closing bankruptcies, where there had been no assets, had been frequently made-e.g., in Ex parte Lancaster Banking Corporation (27 W. R. 292, L. R. 10 Ch. D. 776)-and had never been challenged, their lordships did not feel called upon to put on section 47 a narrow literal construction, and to hold that these orders were ultrà vires and of no effect. Assuming, then, that the order closing the bankruptcy was valid, the trustee could not, while it was in force, claim property acquired by the bankrupt after its date. That property belonged to him, although he had not obtained his discharge, and was liable to execution at the suit of any creditor who obtained judgment against him. This followed from section 54 of the Bankruptcy Act, 1869, and from In re Pettit's Estate (24 W. R. 359, L. R. 1 Ch. D. 478), and Ex parte Lancaster Banking Corporation. For three years after the order closing the bankruptcy the creditors whose debts accrued before the

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bankruptcy could not reach the property acquired by the bankrupt after the order, but after the expiration of three years they could do so with the sanction of the Court of Bankruptcy, but subject to the rights of the creditors who had become such since the close of the bankruptcy. On the other hand, creditor whose debts had accrued after the bankruptcy, and who could not, therefore, prove under it, could sue the bankrupt, and, after obtaining judgment against him, could issue execution against the property acquired by him after the closing of the bankruptcy. Section 71 gave the court power to re-open the bankruptcy after the order closing it. But, having regard to the respective rights of the old and new creditors, their lordships thought that the order re-opening the bankruptcy ought not to have been made without notice to the new creditors, nor without letting them in to prove against the after-acquired property. The order re-opening the bankruptcy had not been appealed from, and it was now too late to appeal from it without special leave. But, in a case of this kind, their lordships would, if necessary, give leave to appeal from that order. But the Court of Bankruptcy was bound to treat that order as unimpeachable, and, so long as it stood, the order appealed from could not be supported. The effect of the re-opening order was to vest in the trustee all the property acquired by the bankrupt since its date, as well as that acquired by him before its date, for the benefit of the creditors who were entitled to prove in the bankruptcy. The creditors whose debts were contracted after the adjudication were not entitled so to prove, and the order admitting them to prove was wrong. But, although this order was technically wrong, their lordships thought it was substantially right, and if they were to discharge it and to treat the order re-opening the bankruptcy as under appeal, they would feel no difficulty in varying that order by making it conditional on the trustees paying to the new creditors out of the property acquired since the 18th of February, 1881, a dividend on their debts equal to that which might be received by the creditors who were entitled to prove under the bankruptcy. Having regard to the difficulty of ascertaining what parts of the bankrupt's property realized by the trustee were acquired before and what after the 18th of February, 1881, their lordships thought it would be in the interest of all parties to allow the order appealed from to stand, to dismiss the appeal by consent, and to let all parties have their costs out of the estate. If this sugges tion was not acceded to, the court would give the respondents leave to appeal against the order re-opening the bankruptcy.

The suggestion of the court was acceded to by the trustee.-SOLICITORS, Nicholls & Grant; Piesse & Son; Goldberg & Langdon.

BANKRUPTCY-APPEAL TO CHIEF JUDGE-TIME-PAYMENT of Deposit— BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1869, ss. 71, 82-BANKRUPTCY RULES, 1870, R. 145— BANKRUPTCY RULES, 1878, R. 2.-On the 4th inst. the Court of Appeal (JESSEL, M.R., and LINDLEY and HOLKER, L.JJ.) affirmed the decision of Bacon, C.J., in Ex parte Rosenthal (30 W. R. 492). The question was whether the deposit on an appeal to the Chief Judge had been paid in sufficient time, and whether the appeal could be entertained. Rule 145 of the Rules of 1870 requires that the deposit shall be paid to the registrar "at or before the time of entering an appeal." The 2nd rule of November 22, 1878, provides that the deposit "shall in future be paid by the party intending to appeal into the Bank of England." In the present case the order appealed from was made on the 28th of January. The appeal was entered with the registrar of appeals on the 17th of February. The deposit was paid to the bank on the 6th of March. The Chief Judge dismissed the appeal, on the ground that the deposit had not been paid in time. In the Court of Appeal it was urged that the rule of 1878 had, in effect, altered the provision of rule 145 as to the payment of the deposit "at or before" the entry of the appeal. The registrar would not give a direction to the bank to receive the money until the appeal had been entered with him, and the bank would not receive the money without the direction of the registrar. It was necessary, therefore, that the deposit should be paid after the entry of the appeal, and, if it was to be paid after the entry, it must be immaterial how long after. At the most there had been a mere irregularity, and section 82 of the Act provided that no proceeding should be invalidated by any formal defect or by any irregularity, unless the court was of opinion that substantial injustice had been caused thereby, which could not be remedied by any order of the court. It was stated that, since the decision of the Chief Judge, notice has been given by the Court of Bankruptcy that in future the registrar will give a direction to the bank to receive the deposit before the appeal is entered, and will enter the appeal when he receives the certificate of the bank that the deposit has been paid. JESSEL, M.R., said that the provision of section 71 of the Act, that no appeal shall be entertained except in conformity to such rules of court as may, for the time being, be in force," had not been repealed by section 82. The two sections could well stand together. The rule of 1878 had not altered the requirement of rule 145, that the deposit should be paid "at or before "the entry of the appeal. The proper course, however, was that which appeared to have been adopted in the Court of Bankruptcy since the decision of the Chief Judge. Section 82 could not apply, for there had not been an irregularity; there had been an omission of a serious kind. If the money had been paid at the earliest opportunity after the entry of the appeal, possibly the court might have said that rule 145 had been substantially complied with. It might have been said that the words "at or before" included "immediately after." But here the delay in making the payment had been so great that by no fair extension of its meaning could it be said that rule 145 had been complied with. LINDLEY and HOLKER, L.JJ., concurred. - SOLICITORS, A. S. Rosenthal; Pattison, Wigg, & Co.


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COMPANY-BORROWING POWERS - ULTRA VIRES-CONTRACT FOR SALE AND HIRE OF ROLLING STOCK-7 & 8 VICT. c. 85-30 & 31 VICT. C. 127.On the 9th inst. the Court of Appeal (JESSEL, M.R., and LINDLEY and HOLKER, L.JJ.) reversed in part the decision of Kay, J., in The Yorkshire Railway Wagon Company ▼. Maclure (30 W. R. 288). The

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