Irene Ashby Macfadyen, Lunderston, Plumstead. Natal: Women's Suffrage League; president, Mrs. Oona Anketill, 160 Bellevue road, Durban. Sweden-Landsforeningen för Kvinnans Politiska Röstratt; president, Dr. Lydia Wahlström, 22 Johannesgatan, Stockholm. Switzerland-Verband für Frauenstimmrecht; president, M. M. de Morsier, Dep aty, Geneva. The United States-National-American Woman Suffrage Association; president, Rev. Anna H. Shaw, Moylan, Penn. Affiliated committees are: Austria-Frau E. von Furth, VIII Reichsratsgasse, Vienna. THE WOMEN'S POLITICAL UNION. This organization was formerly called the Equality League of Self-Supporting Women. Its headquarters are at No. 46 East 29th street, New York City. The officers are: Founder and president, Harriot Stanton Blatch; vice-president, Elizabeth Ellsworth Cook; secretary, L. L. Dock; treasurer, Marcia Townsend; auditor, Kate H. Cleghorn; executive board, Eunice Dana Brannan, Nora Blatch de Forest, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Clara Grymes, Florence Kelley, Caroline Lexow, Mary Murphy, Alice J. G. Perkins, Bertha Rembaugh and Sarah Splint. CARNEGIE PEACE FUND. On December 14, 1910. Andrew Carnegie transferred to a board of trustees $10,000,000 in 5 per cent first mortgage bonds, valued at $11,500,000, the revenue of which will be used to hasten the abolition of international war and establish a lasting world peace. The method by which the annual income of half a million dollars shall be expended is left by Mr. Carnegie entirely in the hands of the trustees. The foundation is to be perpetual. and, when the establishment of universal peace is attained, the donor provides that the revenue shall be devoted to the banishment of the "next most degrading evil or evils," the suppression of which would "most advance the progress, elevation and happiness of man.' The trustees of the fund are Elihu Root, Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, Dr. Henry S. Pritchett, Joseph H. Choate, Albert K. Smiley, Charles W. Eliot, James Brown Scott, John W. Foster, Andrew J. Montague, William M. Howard, Trustees of Thomas Burke, James L. Slayden, Andrew D. White, Robert S. the Fund. Brookings, Samuel Mather, J. G. Schmidlapp, Arthur William Foster, R. A. Franks, Charlemagne Tower, Oscar Straus, Austen G. Fox, John L. Cadwalader, John Sharp Williams, C. L. Taylor, George W. Perkins, Robert S. Woodward and Cleveland H. Dodge. Senator Root was chosen president of the board and James Brown Scott, Solicitor of the State Department, secretary. DEATHS OF 1910. To keep this record complete and continuous deaths are included which occurred after December 24, 1909. AMERICAN. AGASSIZ. Alexander, scientist, 75, at ANDREWS, Wesley R., Pennsylvania ATKINSON. Louis E., ex-Representative ATWATER, John M., ex-Representative BARKER, George Frederick, physicist BENEDICT, Frank Lee, magazine editor and author, 76, Philadelphia, Penn., December 17. BEARD, W. D., Chief Justice of the Su- BEVERIDGE, John L., ex-Governor of BIDDLE, Craig, Philadelphia jurist, 87. BIDDLE. James, brigadier general, U. BOWNE, the Rev. Dr. Borden P.. teacher 748 BRADY, the Rt. Rev. John, Roman Catholic auxiliary bishop of Boston, 67, Boston, Mass., January 6. BRAYTON, Charles R., brevet brigadier general, U. S. V., Rhode Island politician, 70, Providence, R. I., September 23. BREWER, David J., Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, 72, Washington, D. C., March 28. BREWER, William H., geographer and explorer, 82, New Haven, Conn., November 2. BROWARD, Napoleon B., ex-Governor BRYANT, David E., United States Dis- ex-Governor of CANDLER, Allen D., CALL, Wilkinson, ex-United States Sena- CARR, Eugene A., major general U. S. CARLISLE, John G., ex-Speaker of the CARLETON, Henry Guy, author and CHANUTE, Octave, engineer and pioneer in air navigation, 78, Chicago, Ill., November 23. CLAY, Alexander S., United States Sena- CLEMENS, Samuel L. ("Mark Twain"), COMSTOCK, Cyrus B., brigadier general. 61, COOK, Joel, journalist, Representative Jure 8. D. C., DA COSTA, John C., surgeon, 76, Philadelphia, Penn., December 6. DANIEL, John W., United States Senator from Virginia, ex-Representative in Congress from Virginia, 67, Lynchburg, Va., June 29. DAVIS, Mrs. Rebecca Harding, author, 80, Mt. Kisco, N. Y., September 29. DAY, the Rev. Dr. Charles Orrin, thelogian, ex-president Andover Theological Seminary, 58, Andover, Mass. April 5. DAYTON, Charles W., Justice of the Su- News DILL, James B., ex-judge of the New DOLLIVER, Jonathan P., United States DONOHUE, Charles, ex-Justice of th DRAPER, William F., brigadier general ECKERT, Thomas T., brevet brigadie Telegraph Company, 85, New York City, October 19. EDDY, Mrs. Mary Baker Glover, founde FIGUERAS, José M., Chief Justice of FINN, Daniel E., New York City magis FOOTE, Wallace T., fr., ex-Represents FOULKROD, William W., Representa FRENCH, Samuel G., major general, C. GARDINER, Mills, ex-Representative in Congress from Ohio. 80, Washington Court House, Ohio, February 20. GENTH, Frederick A., chemist and mineralogist, 55, Lansdowne, Penn., September 2. GILLIS, James H., Rear Admiral, U. S. GILIBERT, Charles, opera singer, 44, sylvania, major general Pennsylvania National Guard, 73, Lebanon, Penn., May 1. GOODYEAR, Ellsworth D. S., brigadier general, U. S. V., 84, North Haven, Conn.. September 3. GRANT, Hugh G., ex-Mayor of New York, 52, New York City, November 3. GRIGGS, James M., Representative in Congress from Georgia, 48, Dawson, Ga., January 5. 78, HAMMOND, the Rev. Edward Payson, evangelist and religious writer, Hartford, Conn., August 14. HANSON, John F., Georgia railroad man, 70, Atlanta, Ga., December 15. HARRIS, A. B., ex-Governor of Louisiana, - Chicago, Ill., April 13. HARRIS, Joseph S., ex-President of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, 74, Philadelphia, Penn., June 2. HASBROUCK, Henry C., Brigadier General, U. S. A. (retired), 71, Newburg, N. Y., Dec. 17. HAWKINS, Hamilton S., brigadier gen. eral, U. S., A. (retired). 75, Glens Springs, N. Y., March 27. HIBBARD, George A., ex-Mayor of Bos- ex HOWE, Mrs. Julia Ward, author and philanthropist, 91, Middletown, R. I., October 17. HOYT, Henry M., counsellor for the Department of State, ex-Solicitor General of the United States, 53, WashIngton, D. C., November 20. HUYLER, John S., candy manufacturer and philanthropist, 64, Rye, N. Y., October 1. JAMES, Louis, actor, 67, Helena, Mont., JAMES, William, philosopher, 68, Cho- JOHNSTONE, Ralph, aviator, holder of world's record for high flight, 30, Denver, Col., November 17. JONES, Alford M. ("Long Jones"), Illinois politician, 73, Milwaukee, Wis., July 10. KASSON, John A., ex-Representative in Congress from Iowa, ex-United States Minister to Austria-Hungary and to Germany, diplomat and author, 88, Washington, D. C., May 18. KELLY, Myra (Mrs. Allan MacNaughtan). short-story writer, Forgway, England, March 31. KENDALL, Ezra F., comedian, 48, Martinsville, Ind., January 23. KEYES, Elisha W., Wisconsin politician, 82, Madison, Wis., Nov. 30. KING, Adam E., ex-United States Consul General at Paris, Maryland politiclan, 67, Baltimore, Md., November 19. LA FARGE, John, painter and glass and mural decorator, 75, Providence, R. I., November 14. LANDON, Melville De Lancey ("Eli Perkins"), humorist and lecturer, 71, Yonkers, N. Y., December 16. LETCHWORTH, William P., nature lover and philanthropist, 87, Portage, N. Y., Dec. 1. LOOKER, Thomas H., commodore, U. S. MCENERY, Samuel D., United States 23. McVICKAR, the Rt. Rev. William N., Protestant Episcopal bishop of Rhode Island, 67. Beverly, Mass., June 28. MARSHALL, James W., ex-Postmaster General, ex-First Assistant Postmaster General, 87, Washington, D. C., Feb ruary 5. MAXWELL, J. Rogers, financier and MERRITT, Wesley, Major General, U. S. yachtsman, 64, Brooklyn, December 11. A. (retired), 74, Natural Bridge, Va., Dec. 3. MEYER, Cord, New York business man and politician, 56, Great Neck, L. I., October 14. MICKEY, John H., ex-Governor of Nebraska, 60, Osceola, Neb., June 2. MILLS, D. O., pioneer, banker and philanthropist, 84, Millbrae, Cal., January 3. MOODY, William V., poet and playwright, 41, Colorado Springs, Col.. October 17. MUNGER, the Rev. Dr. Theodore T., religious writer, 79, New Haven, Conn., January 11. NILES, WIlliam H., geologist and teacher, 72, Boston, Mass., September 13. OATES, William C., ex-Governor of Ala- in Congress from Indiana, 50, Indlanapolis, Ind., May 27. PAINE, Robert Treat, philanthropist, president of the American Peace Society, 74, Waltham, Mass., August 11. PATTERSON, Edward, ex-Justice of the Supreme Court of New York, 79, New York, January 28. PATTERSON, Robert W., editor of the Chicago Tribune, 59, Philadelphia, Penn., April 1. РЕАК, John L., ex-Minister of the United States to Switzerland, 71, Kansas City, Mo., September 24. PERKINS, James B., Representative in Congress from New York, 62, Washington, D. C., March 11. PLATT, Thomas C., ex-United States Senator from New York, ex-Representative in Congress from New York, 77, New York City, March 6. PORTER, William Sidney ("O. Henry"), short story writer, 43, New York City, June 5. RANDOLPH, Wallace F., major general, U. S. A. (retired), 69, Washington, D. C., Dec. 9. RANKEN, David, jr., philanthropist, 74, Atlantic City, N. J., August 18. REMINGTON, Frederick, illustrator and sculptor, 47, Ridgefield, Conn., December 26, 1909. RIDDLE, George, actor and Shakepearian reader, - Boston, Nov. 26. RIDGWAY, James W., ex-District Attorney of Kings County, Democratic politician, 58, Paris, France, July 28. ROBERTS, W. P., brigadier general, C. S. A., Norfolk, Va., March 27. ROBERTSON, Beverly H., brigadier general, C. S. A., 83, Washington, D. C., November 13. ROELKER, Charles R., rear admiral, U. S. N. (retired), 69, Washington, D. C., September 29. ROLFE, William J., scholar and Shakespearean editor, 83, Tisbury, Mass., July 7. ROSSER, Thomas L., major general, C. S. A., brigadier general, U. S. V., 73, Charlottsville, Va., March 29. ROSSITER, Edward Van Wyck, New York railroad man, 66, New York City, December 11. RUCKER, Daniel H., brigadier general, U. S. A. (retired), former quartermaster general of the army, 98, Washington, D. C., January 6. RUGG, the Rev. Dr. Henry W., Masonic writer and official, 78, Providence, R. I., July 21. SAVAGE, Mrs. Richard Henry, lecturer and writer, 67, New York City, July 7. SCHOEFFEL, Agnes Booth, actress, 63, Brookline, Mass., January 2. SCHAEFER, Jacob, billiardist, 54, Denver, Col., March 8. SCOTT, Harvey W., journalist, editor of "The Portland Oregonian," 72, Baltimore, Md., August 7. SHEPHERD, James E., ex-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, 62, Baltimore, Md., February 7. SILLIMAN, Horace B., philanthropist 84, Cohoes, N. Y., May 4. SEWARD, George F., insurance presdent, ex-United States Minister to Korea and to China, 70, New York City, November 28. SIMMONS, J. Edward, financler and banker, 58, Lake Mohonk, N. Y., August 5. SMITH, Charles Sprague, Sociologist. founder of the People's Institute, New York City, 56, Montclair, N. J., March 30. SPAETH, the Rev. Dr. Adolph, Lutheran theologian, 69, Philadelphia, Penn June 27. SPELLMEYER, the Rev. Dr. Henry. Methodist Episcopal bishop, 62, Atlantic City, March 12. STANLEY, W. E., ex-Governor of Kansas, 62, Wichita, Kan., October 13. STEVENS, John Austin, patriotic organizer and writer, 83, Newport, R. I. June 16. SULLIVAN, Daniels ("Daniel Sully"), actor, 54, Woodstock, N. Y., June 25 SUMNER, William G., Yale University professor, writer and lecturer on political economy, 70, Englewood, N. J., April 12. SWOPE, John A., ex-Representative in Congress from Pennsylvania, 87, Washington, D. C., Dec. 6. TAYLER, Robert W., United States District Judge for the Northern District of Ohio, ex-Representative in Congress from Ohio, 58, Cleveland, Ohio, November 26. TAYLOR, Horace A., ex-Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and ex-United States Commissioner of Railroads, T Washington, D. C., August 5. TERRELL, Edward H., ex-United States Minister to Belgium, 62, San Antonio, Tex., July 1. THOMPSON, Albert C., United States District Judge for the Southern Dis trict of Ohio, ex-Representative in Congress from Ohio, 67, Cincinnati. Ohio, January 26. TIRRELL, Charles I., Representative in Congress from Massachusetts, 65, Natick, Mass., July 31. TRASK, Spencer, banker and philan thropist, 65, Croton, N. Y.. December 31, 1909. TREAT, Charles H., ex-Treasurer of the TREE, Lambert, ex-United States Min- TURLEY, Thomas B.. ex-United States TWOMBLY, Hamilton McK., railroad manager, 60, Morristown, N. J., January 11. VAN CLEAVE, James Wallace. es. president National Association of Manufacturers, antagonist of union labor, 61, St. Louis, Mo., May 15. VEEDER, William D., ex-Representativ in Congress from New York, ex-Surrogate of Kings County, 76, Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 2. WALSH, Thomas F., miner and capital- WARD, Leslie D., life insurance director, WERTS, George T., ex-Governor of New WEBSTER, Sidney, international law- WETMORE, Moses C., Missouri, tobac- NOTABLE DEATHS ABROAD. AGNEW, Sir William, publisher of London "Punch," 85, London, Eng., Oct. 31. ALBANO, Elias Fernandes, Vice-President of Chill and Acting President, ago, Chill, Sept. 6. Santi ALEXIS. Nord, ex-President of Hayti, Khan of Khiva, 65, Khiva, Aug. 29. poet, novelist, dramatist and publicist, Minister of 751 Finance and Public Credit, ex-Secretary CHARTRES, Duke of, French Orleanist across CHAVEZ, George, aviator, mortally in- composer musical Paris, DE BEYLIE, Leon Marie Eugene, French DELAGRANGE, Leon, French aviator, DELISLE, Leopold Victor, French his- DE VOGUE, Viscount Marie-Eugene-Mel- 30. Swiss aeronaut Germany, Co founder of the International Red Cross humanitarian, Society, EDWARD VII, King of Great Britain Heiden, Switzerland, Oct. and Ireland and Emperor of India, 68, ERBSLOEH, London, Eng., May 7. Oscar, German and inventor, Leichlingen, July 13. FAHLBERG, Charles, chemist and discoverer with Dr. ira Remsen, of SacFURNIVALL, charin, Bad Nassau, Germany, Aug. 16. FREMIET, Frederick J., editor, 85, London, Eng., July 2. philologist. Emmanuel, French sculptor, 85, Paris, France, Sept. 11. GALLE, Johann as Gottfried, German tronomer, 98, Potsdam, Germany, July 11. financial GIFFEN, Sir Robert, English KNAUS, Ludwig, German painter, 81, KOCH, Robert, German physician and bacteriologist, 66, Baden-Baden, LEYDEN, Ernst von, German physician many, May 27. Gerand scientist, 78, Berlin, Oct. 5. MACLAGAN, Most Rev. William D., former Archbishop of York, England, 84, MARISCAL, Ignacio, Secretary of Foreign London, Eng., Sept. 14. Relations for Mexico, Mexican statesman, 83, Mexico City, April 16. MATZEN, Henning, Danish member of The Hague Permanent Court of Arbitration, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 18. MANTEGAZZA, Paul, Italian anthropologist, 79, Spezzia, Italy, Aug. 28. MONTT, Pedro, President of Chili, Chilian statesman, 64, Bremen, Germany, Aug. 16. NABUCO, Joaquin, Ambasador of Brazil |