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Judicial Sale, D. 312, 500.

312, 339, 472, 500, 710, 735.


McKennan, William, appointment as Cir-
cuit Judge, 380.

Mail, D. 313.

Maintenance, D. 474.

Jurisdiction, 615, 673, D. 105, 133, 293, Malice, D. 107, 135, 712, 736.

Jury, 198, D. 339, 501, 735.


Laches, D. 105, 133, 710.

Land. See Public Land.

Mandamus, D. 135, 314, 503.

Mansfield, Mrs. Arabella A., admitted to

the bar in Iowa, 397.

Maritime Law. See Admiralty.

Marriage, D. 135, 294, 474.

Marriage Settlement, D. 107, 474, 712.

Landlord and Tenant, D. 105, 133, 293, Married Woman, D. 107, 135, 294, 314, 712.

313, 339, 472, 501, 710, 735.

Lapsed Devise, D. 105.

See Husband and Wife.
Marshal, D. 341.

Larceny, 395, D. 133, 339, 472. See Theft. Marshalling, D. 107, 294.

Law Almanac, 577.

Law and Fact, D. 339, 501.

Law of Nations, D. 105, 133, 293, 313.
Law Reports Digest, 376.

Lea's Superstition and Force, 753.
Leading Crim. Cases, 357.

Lease, D. 105, 133, 293, 339, 501, 710, 735.
Legacy, D. 105, 134, 293, 472, 710.
Legacy Duty, D. 473, 710.

Legal Tender, 586, 604, 766, 768, D. 134,
313, 339, 501, 735.

Legislature. See Parliament.
Legitimacy, 195.

Lester's Land Laws, 754.

Letter of Credit, D. 711.
Levy, D. 340, 502.
Lewdness, D. 340.

Lex Loci, D. 134, 294, 473, 502, 735.
Libel, 185, D. 106, 294, 473, 711.
in Admiralty, D. 340.

License, D. 106, 134, 313, 340, 502.

Lien, 186, 670, 768, D. 106, 134, 294, 313,

340, 473, 502, 735.

Life Insurance, D. 473.

Light, D. 106, 711.

Limitations, Statute of, D. 134, 313, 340,

473, 502, 711, 735. See Rebellion,

End of.

Lis Pendens, D 135, 813, 502.

Martial Law, D. 341. See Military Law.

Act forbidding sample sales without
license, constitutional, 181.

National Banks, 397.

Maryland Reports (Vol. 28), 161, (Vol. 29),


Obituary Notice of Judge Fletcher, 182.
Peremptory Challenge by Common-
wealth, 397.

Massachusetts Bay (Province of) Acts
(Vol. 1), 755.

Massachusetts Reports (Vol. 98), 162,
(Vol. 99), 575.

Master. See Bottomry Bond.

Master and Servant, 772, D. 107, 135, 294,
314, 474, 503, 736.

Measure of Damages. See Damages.
Merger, D. 474, 712.


Action against Foreign Corporation, 398.
Charges to Juries, 185.

Highway Commissioners, 398.
Lien of Material-men, 186.
Obligation of Contracts, 398.
Paving Tax, 186.
Slander, 185.
Stamp, 398.

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Code, 774.


O'Conor, Charles, his opinion of the N. Y.

Officer, 394, D. 314, 342, 504, 738.

Ohio Criminal Law, 754.

Money had and received, D. 107, 135, Office, D. 342.

294, 475, 503.

Monroe's Trial, 579.

Morris on Replevin, 355.

Morse on Banking, 557.

475, 503, 712, 737.

Option, D. 342.

Ordinance, D. 342, 738.

Mortgage, 771, D. 107, 135, 294, 314, 341, | Ordronaux's Medical Jurisprudence, 154.

Mortmain, D. 475.

Municipal Corporation, D. 135, 314, 341,

503, 737.

Murder, D. 737.

Mutual Credits, D. 295.

Oyer and Terminer, D. 109.


Pardon, 188, D. 137.


Name, D. 475, 713.


Parent and Child, D. 137, 476, 504, 738.
Parish, D. 476, 714.

Parker's Lectures, 164, 375.

Parliament, D. 109, 296.

National Bank, 396, 397, D. 135, 342, 503, Parties, D. 109, 137, 314, 476, 714, 738.

Naturalization, D. 314.

Partition, D. 109 476.

Partnership, D. 109, 137, 296, 342, 476, 504.
Part Performance, D. 137, 504.

Natural Stream, D. 503.


Navigable Water, D. 108, 295, 342, 475, Patent, D. 137, 296, 315, 476, 714.

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Pawn. See Pledge.

Payment, D. 109, 137, 296, 315, 342, 476,

714, 738.

Payment into Court, D. 109.

Pearce, George H., appointment as Circuit
Judge, 380.

Penalty, D. 109, 315, 342.

Divorce, 401.

Gold, 193.

Peril of the Sea, D. 137, 296.

Periodicals, 166, 376, 582, 762.
Perjury, D. 477.

Conflict of Federal and State Authority, Perjury, Subornation of, D. 504.


Perpetuity, D. 109, 138, 296.

Personal Property, D. 342.

Photograph, D. 477.

Pilot, D. 110, 296, 315, 477.

Plea, D. 342.

Public Exhibition, D. 717.

Public Land, 194, D. 316.

Public Officers, 3-7, D. 317, 739.

Public Policy, D. 344, 505, 717, 739.

Pleading, D. 110, 296, 315, 343, 477, 504, Public Use, D. 138, 344.

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Presumption that precatory words create Ram on Facts, 745.

a trust, 617.

Rule established in England, 618.
And in America, 618.

Rule denied, by whom, 619.

Its application limited, 620, 621.
What are precatory words, 622, 623.
Objections to the rule considered, 623.
Pre-emption, D. 343.
Preference, D. 138.
Prerogative, D. 716.

Prescription, D. 138, 343, 505, 738.
Presentment, D. 343.

President, D. 316, 343.

Presumption, D. 110, 505, 716, 738.

Principal and Agent, D. 110, 138, 297, 316,

343, 478, 505, 716, 739.

Rape, D. 344.

Ratification, D. 111, 139, 344.
Realty or Personalty, D. 479.
Rebellion, D. 111, 139, 317, 740.
When at an end, 175.

Receiver, D. 344, 479, 506.

Exclusive jurisdiction of the admiralty,


Lien of a Material-man, 670.

Admiralty jurisdiction over inland wa-
ters, 673.

Recognizance, D. 506.

Reconstruction Act, D. 139.

Legality of, 170.

Record, D. 344, 506.

Principal and Surety, D. 110, 316, 478, 505, Recoupment, D. 140, 297.

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Production of Document, D. 110, 297, Remainder, D. 479, 506.


Promissory Note. See Bills and Notes.

Property, D. 478, 505, 716.

Protest, D. 138.

Protestant Ep. Church, D. 739.

Provisional Court of Louisiana, D. 316.
D. 111, 138, 297, 316, 478, 716, 739.

Release, D. 344, 717.

Removal of Suits, D. 140, 317.

Renewal, D. 344.

Rent, D. 111, 479.

Rents and Profits, D. 506.
Repair, D. 506.
Repeal, D. 318.

Replevin, D. 344, 506.
Replication, D. 344.

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House of Lords Cases, I., II., III., 758. Robinson's Practice (Vol. 5), 152.
Hughes, 571.

Illinois, XLII., XLIII., 159; XLIV.,

371; XLV., XLVI., 567; XLVII.,

Indiana, XXIX., XXX., 570.

Iowa, XXIV., 160; XXV., 372.
Maryland, XXVIII., 161; XXIX., 574.
Massachusetts, XCVIII., 162; XCIX.,

Michigan, XVII., XVIII., 576.
Richardson (Law XV.; Eq. XIV.),


Sneed, 571.

Wisconsin, XXII., 163.
Representation, D. 297, 344.

Res Adjudicata, D. 111, 318, 479.

Rescission, D. 140, 344, 506.

Residence, D. 506, 740.


Sale, D. 112, 140, 298, 345, 480, 507, 740.
Salvage, D. 112, 480.

Sample, Sale by, 181.

Sawyer, Lorenzo, appointment as Circuit
Judge, 380.

Sealing Law, D, 345, 507.
Schoppe's Trial, 580.
Scienter, D. 345, 480.
Scire Facias, D. 345, 507.
Seal, D. 298, 741.

Seaman, D. 112.

Secretary of War, D. 319.

Security, D. 718.

[ocr errors]

Sedgwick on Damages, 146.

Seduction, D. 140.

Restraint of Trade, 395; D. 297, 717, 740. | Seisin, D. 345, 741.

Resulting Trusts, 395; D. 479.

Retrospective Law, D. 479.

Revenue, D. 319.

Revivor, D. 111, 479.

Revocable License, D. 344.

Revocation, D. 111, 298, 480, 507, 718,

Revue de Droit International 581.
Reward, D. 140, 844, 740.

Richardson's Reports (Law, Vol. 15; Eq.,

Vol. 14), 374.

Right of Defence, D. 480.



Selwyn, Sir Charles J., death of, 195.
Senator, D. 345.

SENATORIAL TERM, THE (in Mass.), 18.

Value of two legislative chambers, 18.
They should represent different consti-
tutions, 19.

This object how achieved in Mass., 19.

Va., 19.
19, 20.

Distinction dropped in Mass., 21.
Bad results, 21-28.

Distinction, how to be restored, 28-30.
Sentence, D. 741.

No civil action at common law for forci- Separation Deed, D. 113, 480, 718.

ble entry, 430.

English Statutes, 430.

Servant. See Master and Servant.
Service, D. 345.

Set-Off, D. 140, 298, 345, 480, 741.
Settlement, D. 113, 298, 481, 718.
Shearman and Redfield on Negligence,

Sunday, D. 742. See Lord's Day.
Supersedeas, D. 320.

Supplemental Bill, D. 114.
Support, D. 114.

Shepley, George F., appointment as Cir- Surety, D. 346, 719; and see Principal and

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Ship, D. 113, 140, 298, 319, 481, 507, 718, Tax, 194, 392, 396, D. 142, 320, 346, 482,

741. See Admiralty.

Slander, D. 113, 298, 481, 719.

Slave, D. 141, 345, 507, 741.

Sneed's Reports, 571.

Soldier, D. 141. See Martial Law.

Solicitor, D. 113, 481, 719. See Attorney.

508, 742.
Taxation, D. 346.

Tax Deed, D. 346.

Taylor on Landlord and Tenant, 354.
Telegraph, D. 142, 482, 509, 742.
Tenancy at Will, D. 142, 509, 742.
Tenancy from year to year, D. 114.

Receipts of Express Company taxable, Tenancy in Common, D. 114, 142, 299, 346,

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Sterne's Representative Government, 165. Trespass, D. 114, 143, 347, 509, 720, 742.

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