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Acts of Parliament. See also Legislation--33 Henry VIII, chapter 9,
Dowson 15-19- -16 Charles II, Report 3, 4; Dowson 204-

9 Anne, Report 3, 4; Dowson 25-7-18 George II, Report 3, 4;
Dowson 27- -1845, bets made unenforceable, Report 3; Dowson 10-12,

Betting, 1853: Extension suggested, Mr. Foot's Draft Report p. lvii
-Extension to Scotland, 1874, Dowson 119 Interpretation of
"place," Report 5, 9; Dowson 41-7, 66-72, 134–54, 188–98, 235–42,
244; Bigham 1344-8, 1707-10——Object of, Gulland 6253-66, 6268-70
Prohibition of advertisements of betting houses, escape from,
Gulland 6227-8--no Trouble in administering in City, Thompson

Betting, 1874, Dowson 131, 245-6- Betting and Loans (Infants) Act,
1892, Report 8; Dowson 13-14, 84-7-Burgh Police (Scotland),
Dowson 120, 163-5--Libraries, Report 8; Dowson 88 -Gaming,
1922, Dowson 115- -Licensing Consolidation Act, 1910, Section 79,
Report 8; Dowson 50-1, 116-8--Metropolitan Streets Act, 1867,
provisions re street betting and ineffectiveness of, Thompson 320–5–
Municipal Corporations, 1882, Dowson 90-2.

Ready Money Football Betting, 1920: Report 8; Dowson 132; Perkins
5723, 5762-9; Gulland 6312-4- Amendment of, to include credit
betting advocated, Perkins 5646- Evasion of, Gulland 6310–2–
Extension suggested, Mr. Foot's Draft Report p. lvii-Ineffective-
ness of, Bigham 1732-7.

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Street Betting, 1906: Report 7; Dowson 73-9- Arrest, power of,
Thompson 326-9- -Definition of street," Report 9; Dowson
179-84 Ineffectiveness of, Dowson 94-5; Thompson 326-31-
Object of, Gulland 6267—Provisions applying Act to persons betting
in public-houses struck out, Thompson 307-15--Revision, suggestion,
Mr. Foot's Draft Report p. lvii.

Advertisements and Circulars.-Check on, by local authority, contem-
plated, Christian 2783-7- -Inducements to betting, Green 6794-5
Licensing of bookmakers and betting offices would lead to increase in,
Perkins 5648-50-Legislation re, Dowson 130-2, 243-51--Post
Office action re, and difficulties in connection with, Williamson

Prevention of publication: Advocated, Mr. Foot's Draft Report p. lvii;
Caldwell 989-92; Randall 4105-13; Perkins 5633-5, 5678; Gillie 5919-
20, 5941-9, 5991, 6051-60, 6081-2, 6083-5; Gulland 6247-8, 6421,
6945 Betting would be curtailed, Bigham 1843-6, but suggestion
not practicable, Crimp 3807-10-Effect on betting, Heathorn 8203–7.
Restriction of, would tend to reduce betting, Thompson 559-62.
Arrest. Without sufficient evidence, Caldwell 1102-6.
Australia.-Betting: Increase, Perkins 5619, 5643; Gillie 5891-5- -Laws
re, Grieve 3027-9.

Betting tax, agitation against, Randall 4084- -Jockey Club, New
South Wales, jurisdiction, etc., Stephen 7164-9———Number of race-
courses and of totalicators, Grieve 3193-215-Race cards handed in,
Tyler 4556-8-Totalisator, large bets done through bookmakers,
Tyler 4412.

Austria.--Betting legislation and tax, App. pp. 607-8, 611, 616-7.
Automatic betting machines.-Gillard, 6329–31.

. Backers

Report, 1923-continued.


Backers.-Defaulting, Crimp 3988-93, 4001-3.

Licences Difficulties appear insuperable, Hamilton 2370-4

tion, Crimp 3817-20, 3859-61, 3963-4.


Prosecution question, street betting, Thompson 563; Caldwell, 790, 1148-51; Bigham 1361-3, 1705-6; Evans 5468-71; Denton 9047.

Backers and Bookmakers' Protection Association. Tyler 4529, 4530.
Belgium.-Betting laws. App. (pp. 605, 611, 616)..

Belton v. Busby & Woods.-Thompson 276.
Bengal.-Betting, control of, Fawcett 7501-3-

-Laws, App (pp. 603, 610). Bookmakers: from England, Fawcett 7507——Larger betting done with, and smaller with totalisator, Fawcett 7559-60--Licensing of, Fawcett 7504-6, 7514-6, 7529, 7559, 7578-83. Bookmakers' odds, Fawcett 7561- Royal Calcutta Turf Club, Control of betting by, and profits made, etc., Fawcett 7501-26, 7537-40, 7547-9, 7556-8--Tax on winning bets, Fawcett 7527-8, 7530-4, 7554, 7566-77- Totalisators, Fawcett 7508-13, 7517-8; 7535-49. Betting. See also special headings.-Amount greater when trade good, Tyler 4371——as Cause of crime, Evans 5260-8; Gillie 5842-50; Green 6759, 7075-80; Denton 8929, 9051-2; Blackwell 9972-8, 10001-14, 10035-52, App. VI, 100,000 cases of crime due to, Green 6823-30, 6979-85, 7142- -as Cause of poverty, App. VI- Causes, Gillie 6037-9; Green 6844-5, 6873-5, 6977-8; Lyttelton 7354-6, 7357-9, 7384; Denton 8825-30, 8854-6, 9000-4-Classes of, Marshall 8457-67

Companies, Hawkins 2930-1– -Criminal position, Acts re, Report 9; Dowson 15-94- -Difference between gambling and, Lyttelton 7373-7-Economic cost to country, Green 6813-4- Economic unsoundness of, Perkins 5610-3, 5747; Gillie 6010-7, App. IV. Effect of war, Perkins 5668–70; Gillie 5977; Lyttelton 7384- -Effects, Mr. Foot's Draft Report p. liii; Perkins 5629; Gillie 5842-50, 6048-9, 6066-7-Evil of, Thompson 634-9, 671-82; Green 6898; Lyttelton 7347-an Evil when carried to excess and parallel between drinking and, Welldon 6444-58, 6587-616, 6689–708—Failure of moral forces to stop, Gillie 6144-68; Welldon 6708-10; Lyttelton 7362-3-Firms, employment of agents, unless partners, prohibition advisable and might be possible, Caldwell 1025-8- -Harmful, unwise and anti-social, Gillie 5829, 5832-70, 5950-1, 5993-5, 6010-34- Historical survey, Report 3-10- -a Human tendency and consequent need for control, Welldon 6567-79——Hypocrisy of ignoring, Moorhouse 7621-4, 7682-3Incompatible with religious profession, Green 6831-3, 6993, 7089-91

Increase, Mr. Foot's Draft Report p. lii; Bigham 1679-86, 1793; Tyler 4371-2, 4501-5; McLean 5037; Evans 5117-21, 5131-7, 5295-302, 5398-402; Perkins 5663-5, 5670, 5674-5; Gillie 5847, 5976-7, 6110-7; Welldon 6518; Green 6844-5, 6873-5; Lyttelton 7349-50; Heathorn 8182-4, App. VI-Increase owing to development of business of professional betting, Gulland 6198 -Increase in number of people betting and in amount of money put on, Green 6777-80, 7012-4between Individuals, interference not proposed, Gulland 6196, 6274Inherent in natures, Croll 4762-4; Evans 5443-50; not agreed with, Gillie 6097-100- -not Legal, Green 6946-58Legal recovery of betting debts, see that title.

Legalisation of: Bookmakers would assist in prevention of illegal betting, Bigham 1704-Effect on amount, Coldwell 1238-42Gambling in other forms would be encouraged, Perkins 5652 Objection to, Crimp 3955-62-Opposition by Wesleyan Methodist Church,




Report, 1923-continued.


Perkins 5559–64

Perkins 5649-52

-Reforms of betting law would be prevented, -Resolution of Conference of Chief Constables for the northern area urging, Caldwell 929-31, 937-75, 1090-2, App. I -would be State sanction of national evil, Perkins 5576-80, 5584, 5695-6, 5705, 5749-61. Legality or illegality, Perkins 5586-96; Welldon 6585–6– Leniency on part of Magistrates and others towards ex-service men, Gillie 5851-3 -Methods of, Report 12- -Moral cost to the nation, Green 6816-41, 6979-85- -a Moral evil, Perkins 5732-4, 5747; Green 6962-75, 69947003 -Moral influence against, could be strengthened, Gillie 6151-6, 6173-4- -Moral influence against, must be increased, and public opinion created, Green 6923-41, 6976, 7129-31, 7143–5- -Motives, Hamilton 2097-8--New money in, estimate not possible, but proportion small, Tyler 4553-4- Non-interference with present conditions would be deplored, Welldon 6629–38- -a Non-productive industry, Green 6809-11--Number of people engaging in, Marshall 8470-2, 8483-in Offices, proportion compared with betting on course, Tyler 4533- -Prevalence of, Welldon 6470-4--Professional backers able to hold their own, Heathorn 7955-62-Prohibition would be approved if possible, Welldon 6730-2- -Proportion of money staked returned in winnings, in England, Green 6883-90, 7022, 7065-6, in France, Green 6889– -Publicity campaign against, advocated, and suggestions re, Green 6943-4, 7127-8, 7132, 7137-41, 7143-5, 7036on Racecourses, see that title.

Ready money: Legalisation of, in offices, advocated, Marshall 8627, 8699-702- -Prohibition of, away from racecourse, continuance advocated, Randall 4048-52- Stopping of, impossible, control by State necessary, Croll 4731-2, 4762.

Scope for judgment and knowledge in, Heathorn 7961-7- -as a Sin, question of, Welldon 6444-58, 6529-35, 6689- -as Social evil, Caldwell 985-6, 1009-11; Bingham 1711-7, 1922-42; Randall 4037; Perkins 5580-2, not agreed with, Randall 4128-32- -as Source of revenue, Moorhouse, 7649-63– -the State and, Draft Report p. xliiiiv-State action re, objections to, criticism, Welldon 6676-88 State discouragement advocated, Perkins 5632- State interference only means of dealing with, Welldon 6734- State recognition, Welldon 6480-5, 6502-9, 6526-7, 6580-4, question, Perkins 5749-61Stopping of, impossible, Bigham 1644-5; Evans 5240-1; Moorhouse 7683 -Stopping of, by legislation not likely, Bigham 1659-62, 1841-2-Tax, see that title- -Turnover, difficulty of working out, but possibly more than four times amount paid out or received, Crimp 3712-6, 3911- Volume of, and turnover, estimates, Draft Report pp. xxxvi-viii, xli-xlii, Hamilton 2004, 2079, 2221-7, 2303, 2312-5; Randall, 3318-51, 3327, 4056, 4062-5, 4136-9, 4141-50, 4163-5; Tyler 4547-51; Green 6892-5, 7018-26; Heathorn 8022-39, 8079-85; Yates 8294-7, 8256-93, 8393-6, 8428-9; Marshall 8477-526, 8674; Coates 9253-311, 9366-73, 9375-80; Hopkins 9277, 9282, 9374, App. (p. 590-2), App. (p. 617-21).

Betting and Gaming Prosecutions.-Blackwell 10001-5.

Betting Houses.-Bill for suppression 1853, speech by Attorney-General in introducing App. xv.

Betting Offences.--Convictions, Metropolitan Police District, Bigham 1603-6, App. I., III.


Report, 1923-continued.

Betting Offices.-Employees, £5 licence, suggestion, Croll 4689-94-in Holland, Dowson 105- -Law re, Report 5, Dowson 29-72, 80-2. Licensing: Draft Report, p. xliv; Mr. Foot's Draft Report, p. lv-Address, Local Authority should have power re, Caldwell 900-13, 932-6, 947-50, 1003-Advocated, Croll 4881; Evans 5275; Welldon 6546-50- -Agents in works, position re, Christian 2742-6- -Agents going outside to canvass for bets, prohibition, difficulty of enforcing, Blackwell 9931-5, question of, and bookmakers would not continue illegal betting, Croll 4841-6, 4882——Appeal proposed in case of renewals but not for new licences, Pedder 9626. Authority: Customs and Excise or local authorities advocated, Evans 5533-5 -Justices of the Peace advocated, Marshall 8639, 8662–3Licensing Justices, question of, Pedder 4208-313, 4318, 9613-9, 9625 -Local authorities should have some control, Denton 9076-8 Local Authority, not desirable, Pedder 9620, might be, Bigham 1902–6 -Local Government Authority not advocated as, Pedder 4300-3Quarter Sessions, reason against, Pedder 4305, 4314-5- -Quarter Sessions, Chairman of, question of, Pedder 9622-5, 9859-60 Special body might be created, Pedder 4306.

Bookmakers might not always meet their liabilities, Randall 4027-8, 4100-2--Character of applicant should be considered, Bigham 1804-8; Denton 8980-2--Character and financial standing should be considered, Evans 5548-50- Clerks, licensing question, Hamilton 2109-12; Hawkins 2493; Crimp 3901-6– Condition of affairs creating public scandal anticipated, Randall 3355--Competition between bookmakers would tend to increase, Hawkins 2660–2– proposed Conditions, Hawkins 2550-4, 2922–9; Pedder 9592–612Conditions to be attached to applicants, question of, Pedder 4320-8, 4333-48- -Confining of betting to, question of, Bigham 1943–53– Congestion and disorder, question of, Bigham 1650–6– -Discrimination to Licensing Justices proposed, Hamilton 2003 (9), 2121, 2344-6 -Effect on volume of betting, cash betting would increase and credit betting decrease, Heathorn 8109-27, decrease, Caldwell 932-6, 1003; Welldon 6475-6, 6542-5, 6647-75, increase, Hawkins 2660-2; Perkins 5614-28, 5717-8; Gulland 6364, inducements would be increased Randall 4035-40, 4074, 4133, 4140; Tyler 4511, 4545; Perkins 5€48-50, 5659-60, 5682-96; Gulland 6271, 6345-65, 6403; Blackwell 9996-9, question of, Caldwell 1023 4, 1093, 1171-9, 1212-5; Bigham 1658, 1724-7, 1834-8; Christian 2463-4; Crimp 3994-4004; Croll 4902-3; Evans 5251-8, 5451-6; Perkins 5711-6; Denton 8941-4, 8954-9; Blackwell 9990-5- -Effect on illegal betting, Thompson 683-703; Caldwell 1074-6, 1222-37; Bigham 1646-9, 1699-704, 1718-23, 1823; Hamilton 2131-2; Christian 2483-4; Hawkins 2970-81; Randall 4025-7, 4094-8; Croll 4869, 4883; Evans 5247-50, 5331-9, 5457-63, 5527-8; Gulland 6366; Welldon 6714-8; Green 7136; Denton 8941-4, 8974, 8979, 8985; Blackwell 9936-9, 10,000--Effect on odds, Christian 2889-96- -Evils of dealings of bogus bookmakers would increase, Randall 3354-64-Expenses of watchers, etc., would be saved, Croll 4708Fee, Bigham 1646-7, 1663, 1720; Hamilton 2003 (7), 2128; Croll 4688 -Hours, Hawkins 2692; Evans 5361-6; Pedder 9856-8- -Interim applications, provision might be made for, Pedder 9843–7- -Issue of certificate by some independent authority, scheme, Hawkins 2779-82, 2810-30, 2812-5, 2872-3, 2920-1, 2984--Inspection scheme, Christian 2959-61-Large business firms would object to, near offices, Gillie 5898, 5929-32– Legalisation of street betting would be claimed,



X 2

Report, 1923-continued.

Betting Offices continued.

Gillie 5905-8, 5957-8, App. IV-Licensed messengers in connection with, question of, Bigham 1652-6, 1858-87, 1893-5, 1913-4, 1949-53

-Name of licensee would be put up, Hawkins 2997-3002– -Nature of licences, Hawkins 2501-9- -Number of offices, question of, and of limitation, Caldwell 1186, 1216–7; Bigham 1770-81, 1796-7; Hamilton 2084-5; Christian 2815-20; Hawkins 2970-3, 2980; McLean 5008-10; Welldon 6537-8; Marshall 8635-61, 8718; Denton 8975-8, 8983-5, 9059-63; Pedder 9705-32, 9774-7, 9796-806, 9810-13, 9865-7— Objection to, Gulland 6283-4, 6289-91- Obstruction by queues, question of, Caldwell, 1094, 1163-8; Bigham 1847-52; Hawkins 2885-8 Office should not communicate internally with other premises Hawkins 2506-7, 2685-6; Pedder 9778-9--One person only should be responsible for, Hawkins 2581-5– Opportunity to bookmaker to collect money at long odds and then abscond, question of, Hawkins 2909-15-no Other trade or business should be carried on, Hamilton 2087; Hawkins 2506-7; 2935-6; Christian 2788-91; Pedder 9854-5 -Power of entry and inspection necessary, Hamilton 2003 (9), 2054-6 Police supervision, Hawkins 2567-8; Evans 5535-7proposed Procedure, Pedder 4316-7, 9570-83, 9589-91-—Public hostility to police would be changed, Evans 5247, 5259-Renewal, proposed procedure, Pedder 9584-8- Restrictions on children resorting to for betting and as messengers necessary, Bigham 1803Reservation of one room in big stores for, objected to, Hawkins 2982-3- Return to same conditions as before 1853 feared, Gillie 5896-8, 5903-4, 5923-8; Blackwell 9969-71, 10015-21-Scheme, Draft Report, p. xxxiv; Hamilton 2003 (7-9), 2054, 2057-61; Pedder 9570-626-State recognition argument, criticism, Welldon 6479-89

State sanction of betting objected to, Perkins 5585–96; Gillie 5871-95, 5934–40, 5955, App. IV-Street bookmakers in favour of, Croll 4868- -no Touts or runners should be allowed, Hamilton 2202

-Touts would still be employed, Gulland 6361-Trial should be given to, Evans 5451-no Trouble anticipated from police point of view, Evans 5246- -would be Welcomed by bookmakers, Croll 1679-87; Denton 8935-40- -Withdrawal, provision for, Bigham 1722; Christian 2466-7; 2801-10; Hawkins 2531-7, 2879-84; Welldon €477-8 Women and children should be prohibited from going to, but women could bet through men, Denton 8959-68, 9006-7, 9064–75 -Work of the police should be decreased, Bigham 1852. Metropolitan Police District, no complaints re, Bigham 1309-13. number in, Bigham 1552-4, 1558-60, App. 1- as a Nuisance, Dowson 58-63 -Persons resorting to, no penalty on, Dowson 80-2--Procedure, Christian 1992-7. Registration: Draft Report, pp. xlix-ix; Mr. Foot's Draft Report, P. ivConditions, Pedder 9758-62— --v. Licensing system, question (f, Hawkins 2514, 2586-7, 2591, 2592-6, 2688, 2778, 2792-800; Christian 2588-91; Pedder 4296-7, 4328-30, 4349-56, 4365, 9677-704, 9728-48, 9807-13, 9910-2- -possible Method, Hawkins 2874-7-More than one bookmaker might carry on business at same office, Pedder 9764-73, 9869-70--Scheme, Pedder 9627-76, 9690–2, 9740-77, 9784-842, 9848-54, 9861-4, 9875-925, 9906-9, 9913-4. Resort to, for settlement of bets not illegal, Thompson 365-70Scandals connected with, before 1853, Gillie, 5896-7-Staff not allowed to bet through office, Heathorn 8014-5.


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