Page images

8. German Treatment of Conquered Territory. (Part II of German War


9. War, Labor, and Peace. (Some Recent Addresses and Writings of the President.)

10. German Plots and Intrigues. Activities of the German System in the United States during the Period of our Neutralty.


101. The War Message and Facts Behind It.

102. The Nation in Arms.

103. The Government of Germany.

104. The Great War: From Spectator to Participant.. 105. A War of Self-Defense.

106. American Loyalty.

107. Amerikanische Buergertreue.

(German Translation of No. 106.)

108. American Interest in Popular Government Abroad.

109. Home Reading Course for Citizen Soldiers.

110. First Session of the War Congress.

111. The German War Code.

112. American and Allied Ideals.

113. German Militarism and Its German Critics.

114. The War for Peace.

115. Why America Fights Germany.

116. The Study of the Great War.

117. The Activities of the Committee on Public Information.


201. Friendly Words to the Foreign Born,

202. The Prussian System.

203. Labor and the War.

204. A War Message to the Farmer.

205. Plain Issues of the War.

206. Ways to Serve the Nation.

207. What Really Matters.

"The Kaiserite in America."

Catalogue of Photographs and Stereopticon Slides, issued by the Division of Pictures.

Method of distribution of general publications.-These publications are, so far as issued, for free distribution except as noted. Copies may be obtained from the committee as long as editions printed are available.

Annual and other periodical publications.-The Committee on Public Information has not issued any annual report but there is printed a daily “Official Bulletin " which is sent free to officials of all Government departments; to the members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives; members of the American diplomatic and consular service; the foreign diplomatic and consular service; officers of the Army and Navy; every post office in the United States (to be posted daily); governors of all States; mayors of all cities; all daily newspapers and press associations of the country; all magazines; colleges and universities; chambers of commerce and boards of trade; and other public institutions. Regular subscription to others $5.00 per year.

Correspondence.-Requests for general publications should be addressed to the Distribution Department, 6 Jackson Place. Requests for the "Official Bulletin should be addressed to Editor, Official Bulletin, 16 Jackson Place, Washington, D. C.


The committee has established this bureau to give necessary information concerning Government work to those who have business with the Governmental agencies in Washington. The bureau is located at the corner of Fifteenth and G Streets NW., Washington, D. C.


(For location of department, bureaus, etc., see page 186.)

Principal administrative officials.-Secretary of State; Counselor for the De
partment of State; the Assistant Secretary; Second Assistant Secretary;
Third Assistant Secretary; Director of the Consular Service; Chief Clerk;
Solicitor, Acting Foreign Trade Adviser; Adviser on Commercial Treaties;
Chiefs: Bureau of Accounts and Disbursing Clerk, Bureau of Citizenship,
Consular Bureau, Diplomatic Bureau, Bureau of Appointments, Indexes and
Archives, Rolls and Library, Division of Eastern Affairs, Division of Foreign
Intelligence, Division of Latin-American Affairs, Division of Mexican Affairs,
Division of Near Eastern Affairs, Division of Western European Affairs; Assist-
ant Solicitors (5); Private Secretary to the Secretary of State.

General information and duties.-The Secretary of State is charged, under
the direction of the President, with the duties appertaining to correspondence
with the public ministers and the consuls of the United States, and with the
representatives of foreign powers accredited to the United States; and to nego-
tiations of whatever character relating to the foreign affairs of the United
States. He is also the medium of correspondence between the President and
the chief executives of the several States of the United States; he has the
custody of the Great Seal of the United States, and countersigns and affixes
such seal to all executive proclamations, to various commissions, and to war-
rants for the extradition of fugitives from justice. He is regarded as the first
in rank among the members of the cabinet. He is also the custodian of the
treaties made with foreign States, and of the laws of the United States. He
grants and issues passports, and exequaturs to foreign consuls in the United
States are issued through his office. He publishes the laws and resolutions
of Congress, amendments to the Constitution, and proclamations declaring the
admission of new States into the Union.

The Counselor becomes the Acting Secretary of State in the absence of the
secretary. He is charged with the supervision of such matters and the prepara-
tion of such correspondence as may be assigned to him by the secretary.

Under the organization of the department the Assistant Secretary, Second
Assistant Secretary, and Third Assistant Secretary are charged with the super-
vision of all correspondence with the diplomatic and consular officers, and are
intrusted with the preparation of the correspondence upon any questions aris-
ing in the course of the public business that may be assigned to them by the

The Director of the Consular Service is charged with the general supervision
of the consular service and such other duties as may be assigned to him from
time to time by the secretary.

The Chief Clerk has general supervision of the clerks and employees and of
departmental matters; and also charge of the property of the department.

The Foreign Trade Adviser has general supervision of foreign trade matters,
diplomatic and consular correspondence, and miscellaneous correspondence re-
lating thereto.

The Diplomatic Bureau handles diplomatic correspondence and miscellaneous
correspondence relating thereto.

The Division of Latin-American Affairs handles diplomatic and consular cor-
respondence on matters other than those of an administrative character, in
relation to Mexico.

The Division of Far Eastern Affairs handles diplomatic and consular corre-
spondence, on matters other than those of an administrative character, in re-
lation to Japan, China, and leased territories, Siberia, Hongkong, French
Indo-China, Siam, Straits Settlements, Borneo, East Indies, India, and in gen-
eral the Far East.

The Division of Near Eastern Affairs handles diplomatic and consular corre-
spondence, on matters other than those of an administrative character, in re-

lation to Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Roumania, Servia, Bulgaria,
Montenegro, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Abyssinia, Persia, Egypt, and colonies be-
longing to countries of this series.

The Division of Western European Affairs handles diplomatic and consular
correspondence, on matters other than those of an administrative character,
in relation to Great Britain (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and British
colonies not elsewhere enumerated), Portugal, Spain, France, Morocco, Bel-
gium, the Kongo, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, Luxemburg,
Denmark, and Liberia.

The Consular Bureau handles consular correspondence and miscellaneous
correspondence relating thereto.

The Bureau of Appointments is charged with custody of the Great Seal and
handles applications for office, and the preparation of commissions, exequaturs,
warrants of extradition, Department Register, consular bonds; correspondence
and other matters regarding entrance examinations for the foreign service.

The Bureau of Citizenship examines all applications for passports, issues
passports and authentications; receives and files duplicates of evidence, registra-
tion, etc., under act of March 2, 1907, in reference to expatriation of citizens
and their protection abroad; keeps necessary records thereunder; conducts
correspondence in relation to the foregoing.

The Bureau of Indexes and Archives records and indexes the general corre-
spondence of the department and has charge of the archives.

The Bureau of Accounts has custody and disbursement of appropriations
and indemnity funds, and correspondence relating thereto.

The Bureau of Rolls and Library has custody of the rolls, treaties, etc.;
promulgation of the laws, treaties, Executive orders, and proclamations; care
and superintendence of the library and public documents; care of papers re-
lating to international commissions.

The Division of Foreign Intelligence prepares and distributes to the foreign
service of diplomatic, commercial, and other correspondence and documents
important to their information upon foreign relations; editing "Foreign Re-
lations of the United States.

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The Office of the Law Clerk edits and indexes the laws, resolutions, public
treaties, and proclamations for publication in the Statutes at Large.

The Superintendent of the State, War, and Navy Department Building is the
executive officer of the commission created by Congress, consisting of the
Secretaries of State, War, and Navy, for the government of this building. He
has charge of, care, preservation, repairing, warming, ventilating, lighting,
and cleaning of the building, grounds, and approaches, and disburses the special
appropriations for this purpose; he has charge of all the employees of the
building proper, and appoints them by direction of the secretaries.

Publications. The following publications of the State Department are avail-
able for general or limited distribution as indicated: (a) Foreign Relations
of the United States. A compilation of the diplomatic correspondence with for-
eign countries. Printed and distributed as a congressional document. Last
edition covers correspondence of the year 1910.

(b) Register of the Department of State. List of officers, clerks, and em-
ployees of the department in Washington and the foreign service, including the
Diplomatic and Consular Service. List of foreign representatives in the United
States. Issued annually. Limited distribution by the department.

(c) Diplomatic and Consular Service of the United States. List of diplo-
matic and consular officials. Issued at irregular intervals. Limited distribu-
tion by the department.

(d) Diplomatic List. Containing the diplomatic officials and families of for-
eign missions in Washington. Issued monthly. Limited distribution by the de-

(e) Information Regarding Appointments and Promotions in the Consular
Service of the United States. Distributed by the department upon request.
(f) Information Regarding Appointments and Promotions in the Diplomatic
Service of the United States. Distributed by the department upon request.
(g) Rules Governing the Granting and Issuing of Passports in the United
States. Distributed free by the Bureau of Citizenship.

Correspondence.-Requests for these publications should be sent to the Chief
Clerk, State Department, Washington, D. C. A price list of congressional and
other publications on foreign relations can be obtained by application to the
Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.


(For location of department, bureaus, etc., see page 186.)


Principal administrative officials.—Secretary of the Treasury; Assistant Secretary, in charge of Public Buildings and Miscellaneous; Assistant Secretary, In charge of Fiscal Bureaus; Assistant Secretary, in charge of Customs; Assistant to the Secretary; Chief Clerk; Chiefs: Division of Appointments, Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants, Division of Customs, Division of Loans and Currency, Division of Mail and Files, Division of Printing and Stationery, Division of Public Moneys, Division of Secret Service; Disbursing Clerk; Section of Surety Bonds.

General information and duties.-The Secretary of the Treasury is charged with the management of the national finances. He prepares plans for the improvement of the revenue and for the support of the public credit; superintends the collection of the revenue, and directs the forms of keeping and rendering public accounts and of making returns; grants warrants for all moneys drawn from the Treasury in pursuance of appropriations made by law, and for the payment of moneys into the Treasury; and annually submits to Congress estimates of the probable revenues and disbursements of the Government. He controls the construction and maintenance of public buildings; the coinage and printing of money; the administration of the Coast Guard and the Public Health branches of the public service, and furnishes generally such information as may be required by either branch of Congress on all matters pertaining to the foregoing. He is ex officio chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, created by act approved December 23, 1913; ex officio chairman of the Federal Farm Loan Board, created by act approved July 17, 1916; president of the central executive council of the International High Commission, and chairman of the United States section of that commission; appointed Director-General of Railroads by the President, December 26, 1917.

The Assistant Secretary in charge of miscellaneous divisions of the Treasury Department is assigned the general supervision of matters relating to the following bureaus and divisions: Public Health Service, Supervising Architect, the selection of sites for public buildings, Coast Guard, Appointment Division, General Supply Committee, Section of Surety Bonds, and all unassigned business of the department.

The Assistant Secretary in charge of fiscal bureaus is assigned the general supervision of all matters relating to the following bureaus, offices, and divisions: The Federal Farm Loan Board, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Office of the Treasurer of the United States; the Bureau of Internal Revenue; the Office of the Director of the Mint; the Office of the Comptroller of the Treasury; the auditors of the several departments; the Register of the Treasury; the Bureau of Engraving and Printing; the Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants; the Division of Loans and Currency; the Division of Mail and Files; the Division of Printing and Stationery; the Division of Public Moneys; the Secret Service Division; and the office of the disbursing clerk.

The Assistant Secretary in charge of customs is assigned the general supervision of the Division of Customs, of all matters pertaining to the customs service, and the Bureau of War Risk Insurance.

The Chief Clerk is the chief executive officer of the Secretary, and, under the direction of the Secretary and Assistant Secretaries, is charged with the enforcement of departmental regulations general in their nature; is by law superintendent of the Treasury Building, and in addition superintends the Winder, Cox, Butler, and Auditors' Buildings; has direct charge of motor trucks, horses, wagons, etc., belonging to the department; the direction of engineers, machinists, watchmen, firemen, laborers, and other employees connected with the maintenance and protection of the Treasury Building and annexes; the expenditure

of appropriations for contingent expenses; the administrative control of appropriations made for Government exhibits at various expositions; the supervision and general administration of the General Supply Committee; handles offers in compromise cases; the custody of the records, files, and library of the Secretary's office; the custody of all sites for proposed public buildings in Washington; the checking of all mail relating to the personnel of the Treasury Department; the handling of requests for certified copies of official papers, and the charge of all business of the Secretary's office unassigned.



Chief Clerk..-The only publications issued by the Chief Clerk are the following: (a) Report of the Contingent Expenses of the Treasury Department; (b) Traveling Expenses of Officers and Employees, Treasury Department; (c) Report showing exchanges of typewriters, adding machines, and other similar labor-saving devices. All of these are congressional documents issued annually.

Division of Appointments.-The only publication prepared by this division is a list of presidential officers. This publication contains the name, location, designation, date of commission and appointment, compensation and amount of bond of each presidential officer in and under the Treasury Department. It is distributed free by the Chief of the Division of Appointments for official use and is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents to the general public.

Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants.-The publications prepared in this division are: (a) The Annual Book of Estimates of Appropriations Submitted to Congress. (b) Supplemental Appropriation Estimates and Deficiencies Submitted to Congress. (c) Annual Digest of Appropriations. (d) Annual Combined Statement of Receipts and Disbursements, Balances, etc., of the United States by Fiscal Years. (e) Comparative Statement of Receipts and Expenditures, 1856 to date. (Annually.) (f) Daily Statement of the Condition of the Treasury. (g) Financial Statement of the United States. (Monthly.) (h) Claims Allowed by Accounting Officers. (Irregularly.) (i) Employees Under Meat-Inspection Law. (Annually.) (j) Information Relating to the Accounting System of the United States Treasury Department. 1905. (One edition.) (k) Judgments Rendered by the Court of Claims. (Irregularly.) (1) Sales of Old Material, Condemned Stores, etc. (Annually.)

The edition of each publication is limited and is mainly distributed to Government offices for official use. (a), (b), (c), (d), and (j) are for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Division of Customs.-The following publications are issued by the Division of Customs: (a) Annual Report of the Board of General Appraisers. (b) Appeals Pending Before United States Courts in Customs Cases. (Quarterly.) (c) Compilation of Customs Laws and Digest of Devisions Thereunder (acts of 1883-1913). (d) Conference of local Appraisers. (Annually.) (e) Customs Regulations. (Irregularly.) (f) Digest of Customs Decisions. (Irregularly.) (g) Estimates of Appropriations for Collecting the Revenue from Customs. (Annually.) (h) Laws of the United States Relating to Customs, 1899. (One edition.) (i) Reappraisements of Merchandise. (Weekly.) funds of Customs Duties. (Annually.) (k) Tariff Act of 1913.

(j). Re

These are published for official use and all but (i) and (j) are for sale by Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. Č. Division of Loans and Currency.-The following publications are issued by this division:

(a) Information Respecting United States Bonds, Paper Currency and Coin, Production of Precious Metals, etc. Sold by Superintendent of Documents, 15 cents.

(b) Information Respecting Money in Circulation.

Issued for official use.

(c) A Compilation of the Principal Laws of the United States Relating to Loans and the Currency. Distributed by Division of Loans and Currency. (d) Regulations of the Treasury Department in Relation to United States Bonds. Sold by Superintendent of Documents, 5 cents.

(e) Circulation Statement. (Monthly.) Sets forth amounts of various kinds of money forming general stock of money in United States, amounts of each

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