(UNITED KINGDOM). RETURN to an Address of the Honourable The House of Commons, “RETURN showing, with regard to each PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCY in the UNITED KINGDOM, the Total Number, and, as far as possible, the Number in each Class, of ELECTORS on the Register now in force; and also showing the Population and Inhabited Houses in each Constituency (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 50, of Session 1905, and of Command Paper 2807, of 1906)." RETURN showing, with regard to each PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCY in the UNITED KINGDOM, the Total Number, and, as far as possible, the Number in each Class, of ELECTORS on the Register now in force; and also showing the Population and Inhabited Houses in each Constituency. ENGLAND AND WALES. Note. The figures for the several classes of Electors are taken from the Registers of Parliamentary Voters transmitted to the Secretary of State in pursuance of Section 37 of the Parliamentary Electors Registration Act, 1868. The officers in charge of Registers were asked to furnish a Summary of the number of Parliamentary Electors, exclusive of duplicate registrations, so far |