III. PROCEEDINGS OF, AND IN RELATION TO, THE REFERENCE OF BILLS, &C., TO, AND DUTIES OF, AND PRACTICE BEFORE EXAMINERS. Proceedings of commence. 69, THE Examination of the Petitions for Private Bills which shall have When Examination been duly deposited in the Private Bill Office, shall commence on the of Petitions to 18th day of January, in such order and according to such regulations as shall have been made by Mr. Speaker. Examination. 70. ONE of the Examiners shall give at least Seven clear Days' Notice in Notice of day the Private Bill Office of the day appointed for the Examination of each appointed for Petition which shall have been duly deposited in the Private Bill Office; and in case the Promoters shall not appear at the time when the Petition shall come on to be heard, the Examiner to whom the case shall have been allotted shall strike the Petition off the General List of Petitions, and shall not re-insert the same, except by order of The House. Petition. 71. THE Examiner shall certify by indorsement on each Petition whether Indorsement on the Standing Orders have or have not been complied with; and, when they and report as to have not been complied with, he shall also report to The House the facts upon which his decision is founded, and any special circumstances connected with the case. Petitions for addi from Lords, &c. 72. ALL Petitions for additional Provision in Private Bills, with the Reference to proposed Clauses annexed, and all Private Bills brought from the House of Examiner of Lords, and all Bills introduced by leave of The House in lieu of other Bills tional Provision which shall have been withdrawn, and all Bilis to confirm any Provisional in Private Bills Order or Provisional Certificate, after having been read a First Time, shall be referred to the Examiners, and the Examiner shall report to The House whether the Standing Orders have or have not been complied with, and when they have not been complied with, the facts upon which his decision is founded, and any special circumstances connected with the case, and in the case of any Bill which, in pursuance of any Report from the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, has originated in the House of Lords, the compliance with such Standing Orders only as shall not have been previously inquired into shall be proved. In cases where provisions are sought to be inserted upon petition for additional provision which were comprised in the original notices, but were not contained in the Bill as introduced into Parliament, the original notices shall not be held to apply to the additional provisions proposed to be inserted. In the case of any Provisional Order Confirmation Bill in which provisions have been inserted in the House of Lords to which the Standing Orders of this House would apply if the Bill were a Private Bill, the Examiners shall inquire whether, in respect of such provisions, the Standing Orders have been complied with, and report to the House accordingly. 73. In all cases of Petitions for additional provision in Private Bills and of Private Bills brought from the House of Lords, and of Bills introduced by leave of this House in lieu of other Bills which shall have been withdrawn, the Examiner shall give at least Two clear Days' Notice in the Private Bill Office of the day on which the same will be examined; and in the case of a Bill for confirming any Provisional Order or Certificate Two clear Days' Notice shall be given by the Promoters of the Bill in the Private Bill Office of the day on which the same will be examined, but such notice shall not be given until after the Bill has been printed and circulated. Notice in cases of 74. ANY parties shall be entitled to appear and to be heard by themselves, Memorial comtheir agents, and witnesses, upon a Memorial addressed to the Examiner, plaining of non complaining compliance. Examiners. Proceedings of complaining of a non-compliance with the Standing Orders, provided the matter complained of be specifically stated in such Memorial, and the party (if any) who may be specially affected by the non-compliance with the Standing Orders have signed such Memorial and shall not have withdrawn his signature thereto, and such Memorial have been duly deposited in the Private Bill Office. Locus standi of under Orders 62 to 66. 75. In case any proprietor, shareholder, or member of or in any Company, senting at meeting Society, Association, or Co-partnership shall by himself, or any person authorized to act for him in that behalf, have dissented at any meeting called in pursuance of Standing Orders 62 to 66, such proprietor, shareholder, or member shall be permitted to be heard by the Examiner of Petitions, on the compliance with such Standing Order, by himself, his agents and witnesses, on a Memorial addressed to the Examiner, such Memorial having been duly deposited in the Private Bill Office. Proof by Affidavit. Report in cases in the Lords. 76. THE Examiner may admit Affidavits in proof of the compliance with the Standing Orders, or may require further evidence; and such Affidavit shall be sworn, if in England or in Ireland, before a Justice of the Peace, or a Commissioner for Oaths, and if in Scotland, before any Sheriff Depute or his Substitute, or a Justice of the Peace. 77. THE Examiner shall make a Report of the several cases in which he of Bills originating shall have certified that the Standing Orders have or have not been complied with in respect of any Bills which in pursuance of any Report from the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, under Standing Order 79, shall originate in the House of Lords; and where they have not been complied with, he shall also report, separately, the facts upon which his decision is founded, and any special circumstances connected with the case. Special Report in certain cases. 78. In case the Examiner shall feel doubts as to the due construction of any Standing Order in its application to a particular case, he shall make a Special Report of the facts, without deciding whether the Standing Order has or has not been complied with; and in such case he shall indorse the Petition with the words "Special Report," either alone, or if non-compliances with other Standing Orders shall have been proved, in addition to the words "Standing Orders not complied with." Chairman of Ways a conference with Chairman of PROCEEDINGS OF, AND IN RELATION TO, THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE 79. THE Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, or the Counsel and Means to seek to Mr. Speaker, shall, on or before the 28th day of January in each year, seek a conference with the Chairman of Committees of the House of Lords, or with his Counsel, for the purpose of determining in which House of Parliament the respective Private Bills should be first considered, and such determination shall be reported to The House. Committees of Chairman of Ways and Means to examine all Private Bills, &c. Chairman of Ways and Means to report on Bills relating to Government Contracts. 80. THE Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, with the assistance of the Counsel to Mr. Speaker, shall examine all Private Bills, whether opposed or unopposed, and call the attention of The House, and also of the Chairman of the Committee on every opposed Private Bill, to all points which may appear to him to require it; and Copies of all such Bills shall be laid by the Agent before the said Chairman and Counsel not later than the day after the Examiner of Petitions shall have indorsed the Petition for the Bill. 81. THE Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means shall make a report to the House previously to the Second Reading of any Private Bill by which it is intended to authorize, confirm, or alter any Contract with any department of the Government whereby a public charge has been or may be created; and such Report, together with a Copy of the Contract, and of any Resolution Resolution to be proposed in relation thereto, shall be circulated with the Votes Two clear days at least before the day on which the Resolution is to be considered in a Committee of the Whole House, which consideration shall not take place until after the time of Private Business; nor shall the Report of any such Resolution be considered until Three clear Days at least after the Resolution shall have been agreed to by the Committee. 82. Two clear Days at least before the day appointed for the consideration of any Private Bill by a Committee, there shall be laid before the Chairman of Ways and Means and the Counsel to Mr. Speaker, by the Agent, Copies of every such Bill as proposed to be submitted to the Committee, and such Copies shall be signed by the Agent for the Bill. Proceedings of Chairman of Ways and Means. Copies of Bill, as proposed to be submittee, to be laid before Chairman mitted to Com of Ways and Means, &c. 83. THE Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means shall be at Power to Chairman liberty, at any period after any Private Bill shall have been referred to circumstances, &c. to report special a Committee, to report to the House any special circumstances relative to the House. thereto which may appear to him to require it, or to inform The House that in his opinion any unopposed Private Bill should be treated as an opposed Private Bill. mittee to be laid 84. THREE clear Days at least before the consideration of any Private Copy of Bill as Bill ordered to lie upon the Table, a copy of every such Bill, as amended in amended in ComCommittee, shall be laid by the Agent before the Chairman of the Committee before Chairman of Ways and Means and the Counsel to Mr. Speaker, and deposited at of Ways and every office at which it was deposited under Standing Orders 33 and 34, or would be required to be deposited under those Orders if it had been originally introduced as amended in Committee. Means, &c. ment on considera 85. WHEN it is intended to bring up any Clause, or to propose any Clause or AmendAmendment on the consideration of any Private Bill ordered to lie upon tion of Bill, or on the Table, or any verbal Amendment on the Third Reading of any Private Bill, the same shall be submitted by the Agent to the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means and the Counsel to Mr. Speaker, on the day on which notice is given thereof in the Private Bill Office. 86. A COPY of all Amendments made in the House of Lords to any Private Bill, and of all Amendments to such Amendments intended to be proposed in this House, shall be laid by the Agent before the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means and the Counsel to Mr. Speaker, before Two o'clock on the day previous to that on which the same are respectively appointed for consideration by the House. Third Reading, to be submitted to and Means, &c. Chairman of Ways PROCEEDINGS OF, AND IN RELATION TO, THE REFEREES ON PRIVATE BILLS. 87. THE Chairman of Ways and Means, and the Deputy Chairman, with not less than Seven other persons, who shall be Members of this House, and shall be appointed by Mr. Speaker for such periods as he shall think fit, shall be Referees of The House on Private Bills, and shall have the assistance of the Counsel to Mr. Speaker; such Referees to form one or more Courts, three at least to be required to constitute each Court. Referees on Pri- vate Bills to be 88. THE practice and procedure of the Referees, their times of sitting, Rules of practice order of business, and the forms and notices required in their proceedings, made by Chairman and procedure to be shall be prescribed by rules, to be framed by the Chairman of Ways and of Ways and Means, subject to alteration by him as occasion may require, but only one Means. Counsel shall appear before such Referees in support of a Private Bill, or in support of any Petition in opposition thereto, unless specially authorized by the Referees. All such rules and alterations, when made, to be laid on the Table of The House. 89. THE Referees shall decide upon all Petitions against Private Bills, or Referees on Private against Provisional Orders, or Provisional Certificates, as to the rights of Bills to decide as to the Petitioners to be heard upon such Petitions, without prejudice, however, Petitioners. to locus standi of H Proceedings of Referees on Private Bills. to the power of the Select Committee to which the Bill is referred to decide upon any question as to such rights arising incidentally in the course of their proceedings. Committee on Report as to dispensing with Standing Orders in cases of noncompliance. Report in cases of Bills originating in Proceeding in case of Special Report. Report as to dispensing with Sessional or Standing Orders. Report as to Report in cases of Amendment proposed on consideration. PROCEEDINGS OF, AND IN RELATION TO, THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON 91. THERE shall be a Committee, to be designated "THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON STANDING ORDERS," to consist of Eleven Members, who shall be nominated at the commencement of every Session, of whom Five shall be a Quorum. 92. WHEN any Report of the Examiner of Petitions for Private Bills, in which he shall report that the Standing Orders have not been complied with, shall have been referred to the Select Committee on Standing Orders, they shall report to The House whether such Standing Orders ought or ought not to be dispensed with, and whether in their opinion the parties should be permitted to proceed with their Bill, or any portion thereof, and under what (if any) conditions. 93. THE Select Committee on Standing Orders shall have power to report on the cases referred to them in respect of Private Bills originating in the House of Lords, notwithstanding that the Petitions for the same shall not have been presented to The House. 94. WHEN any Special Report from the Examiner of Petitions as to the construction of a Standing Order shall have been referred to the Select Committee on Standing Orders, they shall determine, according to their construction of the Standing Order, and on the facts stated in such Report, whether the Standing Orders have or have not been complied with, and they shall then either report to The House that the Standing Orders have been complied with, or shall proceed to consider the question of dispensing with the Standing Orders, as the case may be. 95. WHEN any Petition, praying that any of the Sessional or Standing Orders of The House relating to Private Bills may be dispensed with, shall stand referred to the Select Committee on Standing Orders, they shall report to The House whether such Sessional or Standing Orders ought or ought not to be dispensed with. 96. WHEN any Petition for the re-insertion of any Petition for a Private Bill in the General List of Petitions shall stand referred to the Select Committee on Standing Orders, they shall report to The House whether in their opinion such Petition ought or ought not to be re-inserted, and, if re-inserted, under what (if any) conditions. 97. WHEN any Clause or Amendment proposed on the consideration of any Private Bill ordered to lie upon the Table shall have been referred to the Select Committee on Standing Orders, they shall report to the House whether such Clause or Amendment should be adopted by The House or not, or whether the Bill should be re-committed. Committee of PROCEEDINGS OF, AND IN RELATION TO, THE COMMITTEE OF SELECTION, AND OF 98. THERE shall be a Committee, to be designated "THE COMMITTEE OF SELECTION," to consist of the Chairman of the Select Committee on Standing Orders, and Ten other Members who shall be nominated at the commencement of every Session, of which Committee Three shall be a Quorum. 99. THERE Proceedings of General Committee 99. THERE shall be a Committee, to be designated "THE GENERAL COMMITTEE ON RAILWAY AND CANAL BILLS," which shall be nominated at the commencement of every Session by the Committee of Selection, of which on Railway and Committee Three shall be a Quorum. Canal Bills. 100. THE Committee of Selection may, from time to time, discharge Committee of Members from further attendance on such General Committee, and add Selection may discharge Members other Members in their room, and shall appoint the Chairman of such and add others. Committee. 101. THE General Committee on Railway and Canal Bills shall appoint from among themselves the Chairman of each Committee on a Railway or Canal Bill, or on a Group of such Bills, and may change the Chairman so appointed from time to time. General Committee to appoint Chairmen. Bills to be laid 102. PRINTED Copies of all Private Bills, not being Railway or Canal Printed Copies of Bills, shall be laid before the Committee of Selection, and Printed Copies before Committee of all Railway and Canal Bills before the General Committee on Railway of Selection and and Canal Bills, by the parties promoting the same, at the first Meeting of General Comthe said Committees respectively. mittee. General Committee 103. THE Committee of Selection may, if they think fit, form into Groups Committee of all Private Bills, not being Railway or Canal Bills, and the General Com- Selection and mittee on Railway and Canal Bills may form into Groups all Railway and to group Private Canal Bills, which, in their opinion, it may be expedient to submit to the Bills. same Committee, and such Groups shall be published in the Votes. 104. THE General Committee on Railway and Canal Bills shall refer Railway and Canal every unopposed Railway or Canal Bill to the Committee on Unopposed unopposed Bills. Bills. General Committee 105. THE Committee of Selection in the case of all Private Bills other Committee of than Railway and Canal Bills, and the General Committee on Railway and Selection and Canal Bills in the case of such Bills, shall, subject to the order in regard to on Railway, &c. the interval between the Second Reading of every Private Bill and the Bills, to appoint Sitting of the Committee thereupon, fix the time for holding the First First Sitting of Sitting of every Committee on Committee on a Private Bill which shall have been referred to either of the said Committees. Committee. General Committee 106. THE Committee of Selection shall name the Bill or Bills which shall Committee of be taken into consideration on the first day of the meeting of the Committee Selection and on any Group of Bills not being Railway or Canal Bills; and the General to name Bill or Committee on Railway and Canal Bills shall name the Bill or Bills which Bills to be conshall be taken into consideration on the first day of the meeting of each sidered on the first Committee on any Group of such Bills. day. 107. THE Committee of Selection shall consider no Bill as an opposed Bills not Private Bill, unless within the time appointed by Standing Order 128, to be considered opposed. a Petition shall have been presented against it, in which the Petitioner or Petitioners shall have prayed to be heard, by themselves, their Counsel or Agents, or unless, where no such Petition shall have been presented, the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means shall have reported to The House that in his opinion any Bill ought to be so treated. Bills. 108. THE Committee of Selection shall refer every opposed Private Bill, Committees on which shall have been referred to them, or any Group of such Bills, to a opposed Private Chairman and Three Members, and a Referee or a Chairman and Three Members, not locally or otherwise interested therein. 109. THE Committee of Selection shall refer every unopposed Private Committees on Bill, which shall have been referred to them, to the Committee unopposed Private on Bills. Unopposed Bills, which shall be composed of five Members, namely, the 329. F |