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See Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act.

Second Reading:

Chairman of Ways and Means to report on Bills relating to government contracts before, 81.

Certain London County Council Bills to be referred to a select committee after, 194.

Interval between first reading and,


When opposed, proceeding on Bill postponed until the day on which the House shall next sit, 207.

After the, Bills to stand referred to the Committee of Selection, or the General Committee on Railway and Canal Bills, or the Committee on Divorce Bills, 208, 208A.

Six clear days between the, and the sitting of the committee on Bill, three clear days in the case of Name, Naturalisation, and Estate Bills, 211.

Three clear days' notice of, to be given by the agent to the Private Bill Office, 235.

Secretary for Scotland:

Deposit of plans, &c., at office of, 26a. Deposit of Bills at office of, 33, 60, 84. Deposit of statement relating to working class houses at the office of, 38.


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In the case of Bills relating to navigations to specify levels, 48.

In the case of railways, the line marked thereon to correspond with the upper surface of the rails, 49.

Distances on the datum line, and vertical measure at each change of gradient, to be marked, 50.

Height of railway over or depth under the surface of roads, &c., and bridges and level crossings to be marked, 51.

Cross sections to be furnished where level of canals, roads or railways altered, 52.*

Extreme height of embankment and depth of cutting, exceeding five feet, to be marked, 53.

Tunnelling to be marked, 54.

The gradient of a junction railway to be shown on section for a distance of 800 yards on either side of point of junction, 55.

See Plans, &c.

Select Committees. See Committees.

Selection, Committee of. See Committees.

Service of Notices:

How to be made and proved, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 256.

Sessional and Standing Orders:

Select Committee on Standing Orders to report whether they ought or ought not to be dispensed with, 95.

Petitions for dispensing with the, to stand referred to Standing Orders Committee, 200.

No motion to dispense with any, to be made without notice, 224.

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Copy of the, which regulate the presentation of Petitions against Bills, to accompany applications and notices, 19.

Examiner to report whether they have or have not been complied with, 71, 78.

Also in case of petitions for additional provision, Bills brought from Lords, Bills introduced in lieu of others, and Bills to confirm provisional orders and certificates, 72, 77.

Committee on Standing Orders to report whether they ought or ought not to be dispensed with, 92, 95.

Also in the case of Bills brought from the Lords, 93.

No committee on Bill to inquire into compliance or non-compliance with certain, unless by special order of the House, 140.


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Definition of. Part II. Heading.

Bills relative to, included in the 2nd Class of Bills, 1.

Notices to specify gauge and motive power, 6.

Form of estimate in the case of, 37. Particulars to be stated on the plans, &c., 45.

No railway to cross on the level except after report from the Board of Trade and sanction of committee on Bill, 155.

Committees on Railway Bills to report specially the crossings of, on the level, 157.

Application of Standing Orders 145a and 158-168 to, 168a.

Application of Railway and Canal Traffic Act, &c., to, 168c.

Length of, along street or road to be stated in Bill, 169.

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County Councils to have locus standi against Bills relating to, 134c.

Owners, lessees, or occupiers of houses, &c., affected by proposed, may be heard against Bills, 135.

In the case of Bills relating to, seeking powers to levy tolls in excess of those already authorised, Board of Trade to report and committee to report specially thereon, 145a.

Restrictions as to mortgage, 153.

No railway to cross, on the level, except after report from the Board of Trade and sanction of committee on Bill, 155.

Committees on Railway Bills to report specially the crossings of, on the level, 157.

Clause to be inserted in Bills relating to, providing for limit of time for completion of line, and penalties for failing to complete, 158.

Clause to be inserted with respect to the deposit to be impounded as security for completion of line, 158a.

Length of, to be specified in clause describing the works, 170.

No powers for construction, &c., of, to be given to local authorities beyond limits of district, except under special local circumstances, 170a.

Where a local authority are empowered to work any, power may be given to enter into agreements for running powers over tramways connected therewith, 171. See also Tramroads.

Treasury, The:

Printed copy of every Bill to be deposited at His Majesty's Treasury on or before 18th December, 33; Bills from Lords not later than two days after first reading, 60; Bills as amended in committee three clear days before consideration, 84.

London County Council Bills to be deposited at, 1946.

Reports from, on certain London County Council Bills, 194c, 194d.

Trust Property (Charitable Purposes):

Bills relating to, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1.


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Watching, &c. of Towns:

Bills relating to, included in 1st Class of Bills, 1.


Intention to divert, from existing cut, canal, &c. to be stated in the notices, 7.

Notice to owners, &c., when it is proposed to abstract, from any stream, 14.

Printed copies of Bills relating to, to be deposited at Board of Trade on or before 18th December, 33; Bills from Lords, not later than two days after first reading, 60; Bills as amended in committee, three clear days before consideration, 84.

Local authorities to have a locus standi against Bills relating to, 134a.

County Councils to have a locus standi against Bills relating to, 134c.

Owners, &c., and conservancy boards to have a locus standi against Bills relating to, 134d.

In case of Bill providing for compensation for water impounded, committee to inquire into expediency of making the flow continuous, and to report, 185.

Water Companies. See Gas or.


Bills relative to, included in the 2nd Class of Bills, 1.

Ways and Means. See Chairman of Committee of.

Weights and Measures:

Bills relating to, to be deposited at the Standards Department, Board of Trade, 33, 60, 84.


No Provisional Order Bills originating in this House to be read the first time after, 193a.

Groups of Bills to be published in the, Widening of Roads, &c. See Public Carriage



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