Practice in the Custody of Bills. Examination of Notice of Second Notice of Committee. Filled-up Bill to be deposited in Private Bill Office. Notice of Adjournment. Notice of consideration of Bill. Bill as amended in Committee to be delivered in. Bill printed as amended, to be examined. Notice to be given Amendment on Notice of Third 233. EVERY Private Bill, after it has been read the First Time, shall be in the custody of the Clerks of the Private Bill Office, until laid upon the Table for the Second Reading; and when committed, shall be taken by the proper Committee Clerk into his charge till reported. 234. BETWEEN the First and Second Reading of every Private Bill, the Bill shall be examined, with all practicable despatch, by the Clerks of the Private Bill Office, as to its conformity with the Rules and Standing Orders of The House. 235. Three clear Days' Notice in writing shall be given by the Agent for the Bill, to the Clerks in the Private Bill Office, of the day proposed for the Second Reading of every Private Bill; and no such Notice shall be given until the day after that on which the Bill has been ordered to be read a second time. 236. Four clear Days' Notice in the case of Opposed Bills, and One clear Day's Notice in the case of Unopposed and Re-committed Bills, shall be given to the Clerks in the Private Bill Office by the Clerk to the Committee of Selection, or by the Clerk to the General Committee on Railway and Canal Bills, with regard to all Bills referred to either of the said Committees, and, with regard to Bills not referred to either of the said Committees, by the Clerk to the Committee to which any such Bill is either referred or re-committed, of the day and hour appointed for the first meeting of the Committee on every Private Bill, and notice shall be given in like manner of the postponement of the first meeting of the Committee on every Private Bill on the day on which such postponement is made. 237. A FILLED-UP Bill, signed by the Agent for the Bill, as proposed to be submitted to the Committee on the Bill, and in the case of a recommitted Bill, a filled-up Bill, as proposed to be submitted to the Committee on re-committal, shall be deposited in the Private Bill Office, Two clear days before the meeting of the Committee on every Private Bill; and a Copy of the proposed Amendments shall be furnished by the Promoters to such Parties petitioning against the Bill as shall apply for it, One clear day before the meeting of the Committee. 238. NOTICE, in writing, shall be given by the Committee Clerk to the Clerks in the Private Bill Office, of the day and hour to which each Committee is adjourned. 239. One clear Day's Notice, in writing, shall be given by the Agent for the Bill, to the Clerks in the Private Bill Office, of the day proposed for the consideration of every Private Bill ordered to lie upon the Table. 240. THE Committee Clerk, after the Report is made out, shall deliver in to the Private Bill Office a printed Copy of the Bill, with the written Amendments made in the Committee; in which Bill all the Clauses added by the Committee shall be regularly marked in those parts of the Bill wherein they are to be inserted. 241. EVERY Private Bill printed as amended in Committee, shall be examined by the Clerks in the Private Bill Office, with the Bill delivered in by the Committee Clerk, and the Examining Clerks shall indorse thereon a certificate of such examination. 242. WHEN it is intended to bring up any Clause or to propose any Amendment on the consideration of any Private Bill ordered to lie upon the Table, or any verbal Amendment on the Third Reading of any Private Bill, Notice shall be given thereof, in the Private Bill Office, One clear Day previous to such consideration or Third Reading. 243. One clear Day's Notice, in writing, shall be given by the Agent for the Bill, to the Clerks in the Private Bill Office, of the day proposed for the Third Reading of every Private Bill; and no such Notice shall be given until the day after that on which the Bill shall have been ordered to be read a Third Time. Practice in the consideration of 244. THE Amendments (if any) which are made on the consideration of Amendments on any Private Bill, ordered to lie upon the Table, and on the Third Reading Bill and Third of any Private Bill, and also such Amendments made by the House of Reading. Lords as shall have been agreed to by this House, shall be entered by one of the Clerks in the Private Bill Office, upon the printed Copy of the Bill as amended in Committee; which Clerk shall sign the said Copy so amended, in order to its being deposited and preserved in the said Office. Private Bills sent 245. EVERY Private Bill, after it has been printed fair shall, before the same is sent to the Lords, be examined by the Clerks in the Private Bill to the Lords to be Office with the Bill as read a third time; and the Examining Clerks shall Certificate of Exindorse thereon a certificate of such examination. indorsed with amination. Amendments. 246. WHEN Amendments made by the House of Lords to any Private Notice of consideraBill are to be taken into consideration, One clear Day's Notice shall be tion of Lords given thereof in the Private Bill Office, and if any Amendments be intended to be proposed thereto, a copy of such Amendments shall also be deposited, and Notice given thereof, One clear Day previous to the same being proposed to be taken into consideration; and no such Notice shall be given until the day after that on which such Bill shall have been returned from the House of Lords. Notices. 247. ALL Notices required to be given or Deposits to be made in the Private Time for delivering Bill Office shall be delivered in the said Office before Six of the clock in the Evening of any day on which The House shall sit, and between Eleven and One of the clock on any day on which The House shall not sit; and after any day on which The House shall have adjourned beyond the following day, no Notice shall be given for the first day on which it shall again sit. 248. THE Clerks in the Private Bill Office shall prepare, daily, Lists of Daily Lists of all Private Bills, and Petitions for Private Bills upon which any Committee Committees sitting. or Examiner is appointed to sit; specifying the hour of meeting, and the Room where the Committee or Examiner shall sit; and the same shall be hung up in the Lobby of the House. 249. EVERY Plan, and Book of Reference thereto, which shall be certified by The Speaker of The House of Commons, in pursuance of any Act of Parliament, shall previously be ascertained, and verified in such manner as shall be deemed most advisable by The Speaker, to be exactly conformable in all respects to the Plan and Book of Reference which shall have been signed by the Chairman of the Committee upon the Bill. Plans to be verified as Mr. Speaker shall direct. 6. VI. ORDERS FOR PURPOSES OF THE PRIVATE LEGISLATION VI. Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899. |