Maps--continued. Agriculture and Fisheries, or the Secretary for Scotland's Office, or Irish Office and Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, Ireland, or with Board of Conservators of River, 26a. Markets and Market Places: Bills for erecting, improving, repairing, maintaining, or regulating, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1. Printed copies of Bills relating to, to be deposited at Board of Agriculture and Fisheries on or before 18th December, 33; Bills brought from Lords two days after first reading, 60; Bills as amended in Committee three clear days before consideration, 84. Mechanical Power: Definition, Part II., Heading. Meetings of Proprietors: Bills to be submitted to, in certain cases, 62-65. Requirements as to consents of, or approval of certain Bills by, 63-66. A proprietor dissenting at, may be heard by the Examiners, 75; or by the committee on Bill, 131. Members: Printed copies of Bills to be delivered at the Private Bill Office for the use of, 32. Copies of estimates, declarations, &c., to be deposited in the Vote Office for the use of, 35a, 36. To receive notice of the week in which their attendance will be required for serving on committees, 119. To receive sufficient notice of appointment on committee, with a blank form of declaration in certain cases, 111. To be reported to the House if they do not return the declaration in due time filled up and signed, 112. May be discharged from serving on a committee, and other members substituted, 113. Orders relating to their appointment, attendance, &c., on committees on opposed Bills, 115-123. Printed copies of Bills as amended in committee to be delivered at the Vote Office three clear days before consideration for the use of, 214. See also Committees. Members. Local Interest. Declaration of Memorials complaining of Non-compliance with Standing Orders: Parties to be entitled to appear and to be heard before the Examiners on, 74, 75. Copies of Bills promoted by, to be deposited at Home Office on or before 18th December, 33; Bills brought from the Lords, not later than two days after first reading, 60; Bills as amended in committee three clear days before consideration, 84. May be heard against Bills injuriousiy affecting town or district, 134; and Lighting and Water Bills, 134a. Estimate of proposed application of money borrowed by, to be recited in Bill, 172. Committee to report specially on Bills promoted by, having powers of local government or rating, 173a. Name Bills: N. Not to be printed, 203. Three clear days between second reading and the sitting of the committee, 211. One clear day's notice of the meeting of the committee to be given by the clerk to the Committee of Selection to the Private Bill Office, 236. To be charged one-half only of the usual fees, p. 123. Narrowing of Roads, &c. See Public Carriage Roads, Naturalization Notices by Advertisement: To state objects of Bill, and powers to be sought thereby, 3. To contain further particulars in case of all Bills of the the 2nd Class, and certain Bills of the 1st Class, 4. To specify limits in cases of Bills relating to burial grounds or gas works, 5. To specify particulars in cases of Tramway Bills, 6. In cases of cuts, canals, reservoirs, aqueducts, and navigations, 7. In cases of Bills relating to Letters Patent, 8, 8a. When and where notices to be published, 9. Posting of notices in case of certain Bills, 10. In case of Bills charging payments on poor or other rates in Ireland, 67. Notices in and to the Private Bill Office. See Notices, Service of. See Service of Notices. Notice to, in cases of railways, tramways, or canals crossed, or affected by proposed tramways, 13a. Notice to, when it is proposed to abstract water from any stream, 14. Notice to, in the case of Bills relating to burial grounds, sewage farms, or gas works, &c., 15. Notice to, in case of relinquishment of works, 16. Notice to, in cases of alteration or repeal of provisions, 17. Notice to, in the case of alteration or repeal of provisions relating to nuisance, 17a. How applications are to be made, and notices served, 10. Evidence of service of notices to, 20. No notice or application to, to be made on Sunday, Christmas-day, Good Friday, or Easter Monday, or before Eight in the Forenoon, or after Eight in the Afternoon, Owners of Rivers, &c.: May be heard against Bills in cases where it is alleged their water supply may be injuriously affected, 134d. Parishes Parishes: P. Notices to contain the names of, in cases affecting lands or houses situate in, 4. Plans, sections, and books of reference to be deposited with clerks of authorities of, on or before 30th November, 29. Bills to alter boundaries of, to be deposited at Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 33, 60, 84. Parliamentary Agents. See Agents. Parliamentary Panel of Commissioners under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act: To be selected and proposed by Committee of Selection, 253. Patents. See Letters Patent. Paving, Lighting, Watching, Cleansing, or Improving Towns: Bills for, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1. Petitioners. See Petitions against Bills, &c. Petitions for Bills: To be deposited in the Private Bill Office, with agent's declaration and printed copy of Bill on or before 17th December, 32. Examination of, to commence on 18th January, 69. Seven clear days' notice of examination to be given by the Examiner in the Private Bill Office, and if the promoters fail to appear, the Examiner to strike the petition off the General List, 70. To be certified or indorsed by one of the Examiners, whether the standing orders have or have not been complied with, 71. To be signed by the parties suitors for the Bill, 193. List of, to be kept in the Private Bill Office, to be called the "General List of Petitions," 229. Petitions against Bills-continued. Referees to decide as to locus standi of petitioners, 89. Not to be considered by committee on Bill unless the grounds of objection be distinctly specified, 127. To be presented by being deposited in the Private Bill Office on or before 12th February, 128; and in the case of Provisional Order, &c. Bills, not later than seven clear days after Examiner's notice, 210. Referees may admit petitioners to be heard against Bill on the ground of competition, 129. In what cases shareholders may be heard, 130, 131; also railway companies, 132; bodies representing trades, &c., 133a; municipal authorities and inhabitants of towns, &c., 134, 134a; County Councils, 134b, 134c; owners of rivers, &c., 134d; conservators of forest, commons, &c., 134e; and owners, &c., where tramways are proposed to be constructed, 135. Petitioners not precluded from opposing preamble of Bill in this House by discussion of clauses in House of Lords, 143. To stand referred to the committee on the Bill, 210. Petitions relating to Private Bills : To be presented by being deposited in the Private Bill Office, and to be endorsed with name of Bill and statement whether in favour of or against the Bill, or otherwise, 205. May be withdrawn by depositing a requisition to that effect in the Private Bill Office, 206. Petitions for additional Provision : Consent of proprietors in cases of, 66. With proposed clauses annexed, to be referred to the Examiners, 72. Examiner to give two clear days' notice of examination, and to report whether standing orders have or have not been complied with, 73. Not to be received unless copy of proposed clauses be annexed, 198. As to memorials being deposited and entertained in respect of non-compliance with the standing orders, 232. Petitions against Provisional Order Confirmation Bills: To stand referred to the committee on Bill, 210. Petitions for and against Provisional Orders. See Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act. Petitions Petitions for Dispensing with Sessional or Standing Orders: The Select Committee on Standing Orders to report whether they ought or ought not to be dispensed with, 95. To be presented to the House by depositing the same in the Private Bill Office, and to stand referred to the Standing Orders Committee, 200. Petitions, General List of. See General List. Petitions, Withdrawal of. See Withdrawal. Piers. See Docks, Harbours, &c. Pilotage: Bills relating to, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1. Plans: Notices to state time and place of deposit of, 4. To be deposited with clerks of peace or sheriff clerks on or before 30th November, 24. To be deposited in the Private Bill Office on or before 30th November, 25. In case of tidal lands, to be deposited at the Harbour Department, Board of Trade, on or before 30th November, 26. Where works are on banks, &c., of any river, to be deposited at the offices of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Secretary for Scotland, Irish offices, Westminster, and Dublin, and at the office of the Conservators of the River, 26a. In the cases of Railway, Tramway, and Canal Bills to be deposited at the Board of Trade, on or before 30th November, 27. In the case of lands or houses situate in London, with the London County Council on or before 30th November, 28. Copies of so much thereof as relates to each area, to be deposited with town clerks and clerks of local authorities on or before 30th November, &c, 29. In the case of burial grounds and commonable lands. with the Home Office and Board of Agriculture and Fisheries on or before 30th November, 30. Gazette notice to be deposited with, 31. Duplicates in the case of applications for provisional orders or certificates to be deposited in Private Bill Office on or before 30th November, 39. To describe the lands intended to be taken or used, or upon which an improvement charge is to be imposed, and other particulars, 40. To describe brooks and streams proposed to be diverted in the case of canals, &c., 41. Plans-continued. To set forth certain particulars in the case of railways, in connection with extensions, curves, tunnelling, &c., 42. To specify the intended diverting, widening, or narrowing of any road, navigable river, canal, railway, &c., 43. To show course of existing line in the case of railway junctions, 44. To indicate proposed course of lines in the case of street tramways, 45. To define improvement and limit of improvement area, 45a. To be deposited in Private Bill Office and with clerks of the peace and clerks of local authorities, in the case of alteration of works after introduction of Bill, 61. Produced in evidence before committee to be signed at length by chairman, and every alteration with his initials, 146. Receipt of, to be acknowledged by one of the clerks in the Private Bill Office, 228. Certified by Mr. Speaker, in pursuance of any Act of Parliament, to be verified as he shall direct, 249. Police: Bills relative to, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1. Committee to consider clauses and report specially on Bills promoted by local authorities giving powers relating to, 173a. Police and Sanitary Regulations: Deposit of Bills relative thereto at Home Office on or before 18th December, 33; Bills brought from the Lords not later than two days after first reading, 60; Bills as amended in committee three clear days before consideration, 84. Poor and Poor Rate: Bills relative to, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1. Poor Rate (Ireland): Examiner to report compliance or noncompliance with certain orders in the case of Railway Bills containing provisions charging payments on, 67. Ports. See Docks, Harbours, &c. Post: Service of applications and notices by, 12, 19-21. Post Office, General. See General Post Office. Postponement Postponement of Consideration of Bills in Com- Private Bill Office-continued. Notices of intended application for Private Bill to specify time when copies of the Bill will be deposited in the Private Bill Office, 3. No deposit to be valid if made on a Sunday, Christmas-day, Good Friday or Easter Monday, or before eight o'clock in the forenoon, or after eight o'clock in the afternoon, 23. Plans, sections, and books of reference, and, in the case of railways, ordnance map, to be deposited on or before 30th November, 25. Copy of Gazette notices to be deposited, 31. Petition for Bill, with agent's declaration, and printed copy of Bill, to be deposited on or before 17th December, 32, 193. Estimates, declarations, and lists of owners, lessees, and occupiers to be deposited on or before 31st December, 35. Copy of deed or agreement of partnership in the case of Bills for incorporating joint stock companies to be deposited on or before 31st December, 35a. Printed copies of estimate and declaration to be delivered on or before 31st December, 36. Statement of particulars in the case of Bills for taking houses occupied by the working classes to be deposited on before 21st December, 38. 113. or K Plans, &c., in the case of provisional orders or certificates to be deposited on or before 30th November, 39. Plans, &c., to be deposited in cases where work is altered while Bill is in Parliament, 61. Statement of number of votes and resolution where meeting of proprietors required, to be deposited, 62-65. Resolution and statement approving Bill containing provisions charging payments on local rates in Ireland to be deposited, 67. Seven clear days' notice to be given in the, of day appointed for Examination of Petition, 70. Two clear days' notice to be given to the, of day appointed for examination of petitions for additional provision, Bills brought from Lords, Bills introduced in lieu of others, and Bills for confirming provisional orders or certificates, 73. Two clear days' notice of day appointed by the committee for consideration or postponement of Bills to be given by the committee clerk to the, 126. Petition against Bill to be deposited on or before 12th February, except in certain cases, 128. Plans and books of reference produced in evidence before committee and signed by chairman to be deposited in the, 146. All Bills to be deposited in the, on the day previous to the day fixed for their being laid on the Table of the House, and such Bills together with list to be laid on the Table by one of the clerks, 195. Petitions in favour of, or against, or otherwise relating to, Bills to be deposited, 205. Petition may be withdrawn on deposit of requisition to that effect, 206. Orders regulating the practice in the Private Bill Office, 227–249. Private Bill Registers: To be kept in the Private Bill Office, and to be open to public inspection, 227. Private Bills : Division of Bills into two classes, 1. Particulars to be specified in the notices, 3. A printed copy of every Bill to be deposited in the Private Bill Office on or before the 17th December, 32. Deposit of printed copy of every Bill at the Treasury and other public offices on or before 18th December, 33. Printed copy of Bill relating to works in London, to be deposited with the London County Council on or before 18th December, 34. Bills |