Committees continued. Committees on Bills, whether Opposed or Unopposed: Copies of Bill as proposed to be submitted to a committee, to be laid before Chairman of Ways and Means and Counsel to Mr. Speaker, 82. The Committee of Selection to fix the time for the first sitting of every Committee on a Bill, subject to the order in regard to the interval between the second reading and the sitting of the committee, 105, 211. Copies of filled-up Bills to be laid before each member at the first meeting, 137. Names of members attending to be entered on the minutes and division lists to be given in with report, 139. Committee not to inquire into compliance with any standing orders which are directed to be proved before the Examiner, 140. May admit affidavits in proof of compliance with such standing orders as are required to be proved before them, 141. Consents, how to be proved before them, Allegations of Bill to be reported, 148. Chairman to report Bill in all cases and any alteration of preamble or, where parties have stated that they do not intend to proceed with the Bill to be specially stated in report, 149. To notice in their report any recommendation from any government department upon the Bill, 150, 194c, 194d. Proceedings on Bills for confirming provisional orders, 151. Minutes of committee to be laid on the Table with the report, 152. To report on restrictions as to mortgage, 153. To consider Board of Trade report in cases of limiting ascent of roads where level is altered, 154. To consider Board of Trade report in cases of level crossings, 155, and in cases of acquisition of canals, 156. Committee on Railway Bills to report specially as to reports of public departments, in the case of intended level crossings, &c., 157. As to generating stations, 157a. I 2 Committees continued. Committees on Bills, whether Opposed or Unopposed-continued. To report specially how recommendations in Board of Trade report with regard to Railways, &c., Abandonment Bills have been dealt with, 1586. To fix the rates and charges, 159. In Bills granting preference in payment of interest, &c., provision to be made that the same shall not prejudice former grants of preference unless committee report otherwise, 160. To consider clauses relating to interest or dividend on calls, 167. To determine restriction of powers for construction, &c., of tramways by local authorities, 170a. To report specially in cases of applications by local authorities for running powers, &c., 171. To consider clauses of Bill in reference to matters affecting local government or rating, and report of committee to be printed and circulated with Votes, 173a. Proceedings with respect to Inclosure and Drainage Bills, 176-182. To report specially on any Bill containing provisions relating to the inclosure of land, which might be comprised in a provisional order, 183. In case of Bill providing for compensation for water impounded, to inquire into expediency of making the flow continuous, and to report accordingly, 185. To report on proposal in Bill to raise additional capital in case of gas or water companies, 188. All reports from public departments to stand referred to committee, 212. Reports to lie upon the Table; and Bill, if amended in committee, or a Railway Bill, when reported, to lie upon the Table, and other Bills when reported to be read the third time, 213. Bill to be printed after report, 214. Committees on Railway Bills: Chairman to be appointed by the General Committee, 101. Bills to be considered at first meeting of a committee to be named by the General Committee, 106. Composition of committees on opposed Railway and Canal Bills, 115. To refer Bills back to General Com-mittee if opposition be withdrawn, 136. Proceedings in cases of Railway, Tramroad, Tramway and Subway Bills, 153 -171. General Committees continued. General Committee on Railway and Canal Commons: Conservators of, may be heard, 134e. Constitution of the committee, nomi- Companies: nation and quorum, 99. Members discharged from attendance, and others substituted, and chairman appointed, 100. To appoint from among themselves the chairman of each committee on a Railway or Canal Bill, or group of such To form into groups all Railway and Bills for incorporating, regulating, or giving powers to, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1. Compensation Water. See Water. Competition : The Referees may admit petitioners to be heard before committee on a Bill on the ground of competition, 129. Shall refer every unopposed Railway Completion of Lines : and Canal Bill to the committee on unopposed Bills, 104. In case of certain Bills, to appoint first meeting of committee, 105. To name Bill or Bills to be considered on the first day, 106. To appoint Chairman of Committees on Railway and Canal Bills, 115. Railway and Canal Bills stand referred to them, 208. Provisional Order Bills stand referred to them, 208a. Certain Bills referred back to them, 209. Notice to be given to the Private Bill Office by the clerk of the General Committee of the day and hour appointed for the meeting of all committees, 236. Committee on Divorce Bills: Constitution of the committee, nomination and quorum, 189. Evidence required before them, 190. 191. To report Bill in all cases, 192. Bills to stand referred to them after second reading, 208. Committee on Estate Bills: To report specially in certain cases, 188a. Committee to inspect Lords' Journals: Notice of intention to appoint committee to be given to committee clerks, 222. Common or Commonable Land: To be specified in notices if proposed to be taken or used, 4. Deposit of plans at Home Office and Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 30. Bills affecting, to be deposited at government departments on or before 18th December, 33; Bills from the Lords not later than two days after first reading, 60; Bills as amended in committee, three clear days before consideration, 84. Clauses to be inserted in Bills ensuring the, 158. Confirmation Bills. See Private Legislation Consents: Of local authorities in case of Tramway Bills, 22. Of owners, &c., to alteration of works after introduction of Bill into Parliament to be proved before Examiners, 61. Of proprietors of a company in respect of sums to be raised in aid of undertaking of another company, 66. Of directors, &c., who are named in a Bill brought from the Lords for the purpose of establishing a company for carrying on any work or undertaking, to be proved before the Examiner, 68. Of parties concerned in interest in any Bill may be proved before the committee on the Bill, 142. Conservators of Forests, Commons, or Open May be heard against Bills injuriously affecting, 134e. Conservators of Rivers, Office of: Deposit of maps, 26a. Copies of Bills, 33, 60, 84. Contracts, Government: Chairman of Ways and Means to report on Bills relating thereto before second reading, 81. Cornwall. See Duchies. Corporation Property. See Crown, &c., Corporations. See Charters and Corporations. Correction, Houses of. See Gaols, &c. Costs, Taxation of, on Private Bills: Table of Fees payable on the, p. 124. Counsel: Only one (unless specially authorised) to be heard before Referees, 88. Petitioners depositing a petition against a Bill in the Private Bill Office, praying to be heard by their counsel, to be heard before the committee on the Bill accordingly, 210. Counsel to Mr. Speaker : To confer with Chairman of Committees of House of Lords, &c., to determine in which House the respective Bills should be first considered, 79. See also Chairman of Committee of Ways and Means. County: Bills to alter boundaries of, to be deposited at the General Register Office, Somerset House, and at the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 33, 60, 84. County Councils: Consents in case of Tramway Bills, 22. In case of applications by, for provisional orders, &c., duplicates of plans, &c., to be deposited in the Private Bill Office, 39. Bills charging payments on poor and other rates in Ireland to be submitted to and approved by, 67. Locus standi of, 134b, 134c. County or Shire Hall, Court House: Bills relative to, included in the 1st. Class of Bills, 1. County Rate: Bills relative to, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1. Crematorium, Destructor, and Hospital for Infectious Diseases: Notices to specify lands affected by works, 5. Notice to be served on or before 15th December upon the owner and occupier of every dwelling-house within 300 yards, 15. Limits of, to be defined by clause, 187. Crossings (Railway). See Level Crossings. Cross Sections. See Sections. Crown, Church, or Corporation Property: Bills respecting, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1. Notices to be served, in cases of Bills relating to corporation property, upon owners, &c., 17. Deposit of printed copies of Bills at government departments, 33, 60, 84. 113. I 3 In whose custody Bills are to be kept, 233. Cuts, Cuttings, &c.: Bills for making, maintaining, or varying, to be included in 2nd Class of Bills, 1. Particulars, to be stated in the notices, 7. Notices to owners in cases affecting, 14. The depth of every cutting to be exhibited on the section, 47. Extreme depth of every cutting exceeding five feet to be marked on the section of every railway, 53. See also Canals, Cuts, &c. D. Datum Horizontal Line: To be the same throughout the whole length of the work, and to be referred to some fixed point (stated in writing on the section) near some portion of the work, or of the termini, 47. In the case of railways, the distances on datum line to be marked in miles and furlongs, to correspond with those on the plan, and a vertical measure from the datum line to the line of railway to be marked at each change of gradient, &c., 50. December: Applications to be made to owners, lessees, and occupiers on or before 15th December, 11. Notices to frontagers in case of tramways, 13. To owners, &c., of railways, tramways, and canals affected by proposed tramway. 13a. To owners when it is proposed to abstract water from streams, 14. To owners, &c., in the cases of works for burial grounds, gas works, &c., 15. To owners, &c., in case of relinquishment of works, 16. To owners, &c., in cases of alteration or repeal of provision on or before 21st December, 17. To companies owning railways in case of application for compulsory running powers on or before 21st December, 18. Deposits of Bills in the Private Bill Office on or before the 17th December, 32. Deposits December-continued. Deposits of printed copies of Bills at government offices on or before the 18th December, 33. Deposits of Bills with London County Council on or before 18th December, 34. Deposit of estimates, &c., in the Private Bill Office on or before 31st December, 35, 36. Deposit of documents in regard to Joint Stock Companies Bills in the Private Bill Office on or before 31st December, 35a. Deposit of statement relating to working class houses in the Private Bill Office on or before 21st December, 38. Declaration and Estimate of Rates: Printed copies to be deposited in the Vote Ollice and Private Bill Office, 35, 35a, 36. Cases wherein a declaration may be deposited and wherein deposits of money are not to be required, 58, 59, Declaration of Agents. See Agents. Declaration of Members: Blank form to be transmitted to every member when appointed to serve on a committee, 111. The name of every member to be reported to the House if he return no answer, 112. Declaration to be signed by members and no committee to proceed to business until declaration be signed, 17. Definitions: Deposit of Estimate and Declaration: At the Private Bill Office and Vote Office on or before 31st December, 35, 35a, 36. Deposit of Fees: With the Comptroller General of Patents in case of Bills for restoring Letters Patent, 175. Deposit of Gazette Notice: To be made with the plans, sections, and books of reference, 31. Deposit of Money: Five per cent. on the amount of the estimate of expense in the case of Railway Bills, and four per cent. in the case of all other Bills, to be deposited with the Paymaster General in England, with the King's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer in Scotland, or with the Accountant General in Ireland, before 15th January, 57. Clause to be inserted in every Railway, Tramway, or Subway Bill, providing for application of penalties in compensation to parties injured by non-completion of lines, 158. In case of abandonment of Railway or Tramway Bill, and release of deposit money, committee on Bill to report to House how recommendations of Board of Trade on the Bill have been dealt with by committee, 158b. Clause to be inserted in every Railway Bill prohibiting payment of deposits required by the standing orders out of capital raised under existing acts, 168. Definition of improvement, and limits Deposit of Petition for Bill: of improvement area, 45a. Definitions in orders for the purposes of the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 250. Definitions. See Part 11., Heading, p. 55. Deposit of Bills: Particulars of, to be stated in the notices, 3. At the Private Bill Office with petitions on or before 17th December, 32. At government offices on or before 18th December, 33. At London County Council on or before 18th December, 34. With road authorities on or before 18th December, 34a. Brought from Lords at offices stated in standing orders 33 and 34; 60. As amended in committee, with the Chairman of Ways and Means, the Counsel to Mr. Speaker, and at various government offices three clear days before consideration, 84. In the Private Bill Office on or before 17th December, 32. Deposit of Petitions against Bills : In the Private Bill Office on or before 12th February, or in the case of provisional order Bills, not later than seven clear days after notice of the day on which the Bill will be examined, 128. Deposit of Petitions relating to Bills: Deputy Chairman, The : Appointed member of the court of Referees on Private Bills, 87. To serve on the committee on unopposed Private Bills, 109. Destructor. See Crematorium, &c. Deviation, Limits of: To be defined upon the plan, and all lands included within the same to be marked thereon, 40. Dispensing Dispensing with Standing Orders. See Petitions for Dispensing, &c. Distances: In plans of railways, to be marked in miles and furlongs from one of the termini, 42. On the datum line of the section, to correspond with those on the plan, 50. District Council: Consents in case of Tramway Bills, 22. Deposit of documents, plans, &c., with the clerk of, 29, 61. Bills charging payments on local rates in Ireland to be submitted to and approved by, 67. Estimate of proposed application of money borrowed by, to be recited in Bill, 172. Diversion, Widening, or Narrowing of Roads, &c. See Public Carriage Roads. Dividends: Provision as to preference in payment of, 160. Company not to alter terms of preference unless committee on Bill report that such alteration ought to be allowed, 161. Not to be authorised on shares until the completion of the line for traffic, 164. Not to be paid on calls, 167. Divisions: In committees on Bills, 124, 139. Divorce Bills: Appointment of the select committee Edinburgh Gazette. See Gazette. on, 189. What evidence to be given before the committee, 190. Petitioner for Bill to attend committee, Education. See Board of. Electricity Supply: Bills relating to, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1. Notices to specify lands for generating stations, 5. In cases of Bills relating to, maps to be deposited at Board of Trade on or before 30th November, 25b. Bills relating to, to be deposited at Board of Trade, 33, 60, 84. Board of Trade and Office of Works to report, and committee on Bill to report specially on Bills relating to the supply of electricity to persons other than the promoters, 157a. Clauses to be inserted defining lands or relating to liability for nuisance caused by generating station, 187. Embankments: Bills relating to, included in the 2nd Class of Bills, 1. The section to exhibit the height of every embankment, 47. Extreme |