Applications to Owners, Lessees, and Occupiers. Board of Trade : See Owners, &c. Aqueducts. See Canals, &c. Arches: The height and span of, to be marked in figures on the section, 51. Archways: Bills relating to, included in the 2nd Class of Bills, 1, Assents, Dissents, and Neuters: List of, to be made in the case of Bills whereby any lands or houses are proposed to be taken, 12. List of, to be delivered in to the committee on any inclosure or drainage Bill, 177, 178. Deposit of plans, &c., at, before 30th November:-Tramway Maps, 25a. Electrical Energy Supply Maps, 256. Plans, &c., in cases of Bills affecting Tidal Lands, 26. Plans, &c., in cases of Railway, Tramway, and Canal Bills, 27. Printed copies of Bills to be deposited on or before 18th December, 33; Bills from the Lords not later than two days after first reading, 60; Bills as amended in committee three clear days before consideration, 84. Report from, to be laid before the committee in cases of Bills seeking powers to levy tolls, &c., in excess of those already authorised, 145a. Committees on Bills to notice in their report the recommendation of any public department referred to them, 150. Report Board of Trade-continued. Report from officer of the Railway Department to be required in certain cases where level of any road is altered or crossed by a railway, 154, 155. Committees on railway Bills to report specially concerning reports of public departments, 157. Report from, in cases of Bills relating to the supply of electricity to persons other than the promoters, 157a. Report from, in cases of abandonment of Railway, &c., Bills, 158b. Proof, in certain cases, to be given to the satisfaction of the, that capital has been paid up, 163. Declaration as to payment of interest to be deposited, 167. Book of Reference : Time and place of deposit of, to be stated in the notices, 4. To be deposited, with plans, with the clerk of the peace, &c., 24. In all cases in the Private Bill Office, 25, 39. In the case of Railway, Tramway, and Canal Bills, with the Board of Trade, 27. In the case of a work in London, with the London County Council, 28. In certain cases with clerks of local authorities, 29. In case of burial ground, common or commonable land, &c., with Home Office and Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 30. To be deposited with copy of gazette notice, 31. Contents thereof, 46. Deposit thereof in case of alteration in works while Bill is in Parliament, 61. To be signed by chairman, &c., if produced before committee, 146. To be verified as Mr. Speaker shall direct, 249. Buildings: Buildings, yards, court-yards, &c., to be shown on the plans on a scale of not less than a quarter of an inch to every 100 feet, 40. Burial Grounds or Cemeteries: Bills for making and maintaining, included in the 1st Class of Bills, 1. Notices to specify limits of, 5. Notice to be served on or before 15th December upon the owner and occupier of every dwelling-house within 300 yards, 15. Deposit of plans, &c., in case of power being sought to take or disturb any churchyard, burial ground, or cemetery, 30. Printed copy of Bill relating to any churchyard, burial ground, &c., to be deposited at the Home Office on or before the 18th December, 33; Bills from the Lords not later than two days after first reading, 60; Bills as amended in committee three clear days before consideration, 84. Limits of burial ground or cemetery to be defined by clause, 187. C. Calls on Shares (Railways): Clause to be inserted in Railway Bills prohibiting interest to be paid on calls, 167. Printed copy of every Canal Bill to be deposited at the Board of Trade, on or before the 18th December, 33; Bills from the Lords not later than two days after first reading, 60; Bills as amended in committee three clear days before consideration, 84. Form of estimate in the case of, 37. Particulars to be described in plans and sections, 41, 43, 47, 51, 52.... Printed copy of Bill to be laid before the General Committee on Railway and Canal Bills at their first meeting, 102. Canals, &c.- continued. Bills seeking powers to levy tolls in excess of those already authorised, to be reported on by Board of Trade, and committee to report specially, 145A. No railway companies to acquire, unless committee reports that such restriction should not be enforced, 156. Bills read a second time and committed to stand referred to the General Committee, 208. Unopposed Bills, when treated as opposed, to be again referred to the General Committee, 209. Capital. See Mortgage. Cemeteries. See Burial Grounds, &c. Central Authority: Deposit of statement relating to working class houses on or before 21st December, 38. Chairman, Deputy. See Deputy Chairman. Chairman of Committee of Ways and Means: To confer with the Chairman of Committees of the House of Lords, or with his Counsel, in order to determine in which House the respective Bills should be first considered, 79. With the assistance of the Counsel to Mr. Speaker, to examine all Bills, whether opposed or unopposed, and copies of such Bills to be laid by the agent before them not later than the day after the Examiner shall have indorsed the petition, 80. To report on Bills relating to government contracts, 81. Copies of Bill as proposed to be submitted to the committee on any Bill, to be laid before him and the Counsel to Mr. Speaker two days before the meeting of the committee, 82. To report special circumstances relative to any Bill, or opinion that an unopposed should be treated as an opposed Bill, 83. Copy of Bill as amended in committee to be laid before him and the Counsel to Mr. Speaker three days before the consideration thereof, 84. Clauses or amendments offered on consideration of any Bill ordered to lie upon the Table, or verbal amendments on third reading, to be submitted to him and the Counsel to Mr. Speaker, and the Chairman to report whether the same should be entertained without being referred to Standing Orders Committee, 85, 216. Copy of amendments made in the Lords to a Bill, and of proposed amendments thereto, to be laid before him and Chairman of Committee of Ways and Meanscontinued. the Counsel to Mr. Speaker on the day previous to the consideration of the same by the House, 86. With the Deputy Chairman and seven other members of the House to be Referees on Private Bills, 87. To make rules of practice and procedure of the Referees, 88. To be ex-officio Chairman of Committees on unopposed Bills, 109. On his report that any unopposed Bill ought to be treated as opposed it is to be again referred to the Committee of Selection, or General Committee on Railway and Canal Bills, who are so to treat it, 209. On or before consideration of report of Bill, to report whether the Bill contains the provisions required by the standing orders, 215. With Chairman of Committees of House of Lords to determine practice and procedure under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 251. Reports on draft provisional orders to the Secretary for Scotland, signed by him, to be laid before the House, 252. Committees: Committee Clerk: To give notice to the Private Bill Office of the time appointed by committees on opposed Bills for consideration of remaining Bills of groups, and of postponement of consideration of Bills, 125. To enter on the minutes the names of all members attending committees, and to take down the names of members voting in any division, such lists to be given with report to the House, 139. Notice of intended appointment of committee to inspect Lords' Journals to be given to committee clerks, 222. To take charge of Bills when committed, 233. To give notice in Private Bill Office of adjournment of committees, 238. After report on any Bill is made out, to deliver to Private Bill Office a printed copy of Bill, with written amendments made by committee, 240. Committee of Selection: How constituted, 98. To nominate the General Committee on Railway and Canal Bills, 99. To discharge members on that committee and add others, and to appoint the chairman of such committee, 100. Printed copies of Bills (not being Railway or Canal Bills), to be laid before the committee, 102. Committee to group all Bills (not being Railway or Canal Bills), 103. To fix the time for holding the first meeting of every committee on a Bill, 105. To name Bill or Bills to be considered on the first day, 106. How to distinguish opposed and unopposed Bills, 107. To constitute committees on opposed Bills referred to them, 108. To constitute committees on unopposed Bills referred to them, 109. To give notice to members of the week in which they will be required to be in attendance, 110. To give notice to members of their appointment, and transmit form of declaration to be filled up, 111. If members do not return declaration, to report their names to the House, 112. To have power to discharge any member or members of a committee, and to substitute other members, 113. To have power to send for persons, papers, and records, 114. To appoint three members of a committee on an opposed Railway or Canal Bill, 115. Το Committees continued. Committee of Selection-continued. To appoint committees on opposed Bills (not being Railway, Canal or Divorce Bills), 116. In certain cases, Bills to be referred back to them by the committees thereon as unopposed, 136. Money Bills promoted by the London County Council, to be referred, after second reading, to a select committee nominated by the Committee of Selection, 194. Every Bill (not being a Railway, Canal, or Divorce Bill) to be referred to them, after second reading and commitment, 208. Bills for confirming provisional orders or certificates to stand referred to Committee of Selection or General Committee on Railway and Canal Bills, after second reading and commitment, 208a. When an unopposed Bill is to be treated as opposed, to be again referred to them, 209. Notice to be given to the Private Bill Office by the clerk, of the day and hour appointed for meeting of a committee on a Bill, 236. To select and propose 15 members to form parliamentary panel to act as commissioners under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 253. No member to absent himself, except in case of sickness or by order of the House, 119. Proceedings in case of absence of chairman, 120. Proceedings to be suspended if quorum not present, 121. Members not present to be reported to the House, 122. Absence of quorum to be reported, 123. Method of deciding questions, 124. Order in which Bills are to be considered, 125. Causes of adjournment to be specially reported, 126. Not to consider petition against Bill except ground of objection distinctly specified, 127. Not to hear petitioners against Bill unless petition be prepared in strict conformity with the rules of the House, and presented not later than ten clear days after first reading, 128. Petitioners may be heard on the ground of competition, 129. Locus Standi of Shareholders, 130. Of Railway Companies, 132. Of bodies representing Trades, &c., 133. Of Associations, &c., 133a. Of Municipal Authorities and Inhabitants of Towns, &c., 134. Of Local Authorities, 134a. Of Municipal or Local Authorities, 134a. Of County Councils, 1346, 134c. Of owners of Rivers or River Conservancies, &c., 134d. Of Conservators of Forests, &c., 134e. Of owners, &c., against Tramway Bills, 135. When opposed Bill may be treated as unopposed, 136. Petition against Bill to stand referred to the committee on the Bill, 210. Four clear days' notice to be given of meeting of committee, 236. |