4.-For how many hours per day, and for how many days is instruction in each subject provided in order to complete a course? Hertford ... ... ... About two hours per day, and on four to six days. Not less than 10 hours in all, but usually more. (a) One and a half to two hours a day. (b) Six to 10 lessons. Six hours per day. For ploughing, the instructor attends the farms where two or more students can be got to work together, and gives two days teaching. Hedging and shearing are done chiefly in connection with agricultural improvement societies. Each society usually has an instructor for three days, in a different part of the district each day, but usually so that students can conveniently attend each place. In basket work, about 10 evening lessons. Three lectures of one hour's duration in each subject are offered, and two attendances qualify for eligibility to compete for the prizes offered by the County Council. Lincoln, Parts of Kesteven Ploughing (number of lectures varies), two hours each; hedging (seven lectures), two hours each; sheep shearing (six lectures), two hours each. Lincoln Parts of Lindsey Ploughing must be a total of not less than 40 hours, other subjects not less than 20 hours. The usual course is three days of eight hours per day. Ploughing six days. In sheep shearing the course is often held in the evenings of May and Junefour hours each evening for five or six days. Shearing, six hours, three days; hedging, four hours, 12 days; basket making, four hours, 12 days; fruit packing, one hour each student. One and a half hours per day for two days in drilling, hedging and ditching, ploughing, sheep shearing, stacking and thatching. Five hours per day for nine days. Three days at each centre. Five hours per day for four days. Thatching, four or five hours per day for three or more days, according to ability of pupil. Hedging and ditching, four or five hours for five days. Thatching, one or two lessons on a rick with a practical thatcher, and work on at least two ricks without skilled aid; one to be thatched complete by pupil. This may be repeated in the following season. Hedging and ditching, two days' instruction in class under teacher, and practical work according to season where employed. Repetition as above. Milk testing, demonstrations at annual show. Instruction also arranged for at laboratory till pupil is able to do work properly. Three hours each day; one day each week for six weeks. Average day's work seven hours. Course lasts about four days. At least 20 hours' instruction must be given for a course. Pruning, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., usually six days-not less than three days recognised. Grafting, pupils are sent to the grafters and go round with these at their usual work. Hop drying, pupils are sent into the kilns and stay there all the time during the drying. Milking, pupils are sent on to farms where milking is well done. Hereford Hertford ... Not limited by rule, but usually six to 12. Not more than two or three as a rule. Six and upwards. Usually two in ploughing and six or eight in hedging and shearing, but sometimes considerably more. No limit has been fixed. Lincoln, Parts of Kesteven For demonstration, any number. For practical work, |