In Leicestershire similar manurial experiments were carried out at four centres, and a variety experiment at two centres. In Lincolnshire (Lindsey), the experiments were conducted under somewhat different schemes in order to suit the requirements of that particular county. An experiment dealing with the manurial requirements of the potato crop was conducted at seven centres, and an experiment with varieties of potatoes at one of the above centres and also at two others. An experiment with varieties of barleys was carried out at two centres. Spraying demonstrations with potatoes were carried out at two of the centres where experiments were in progress. In Nottinghamshire, experiments on the manuring of seedshay were carried cut at three centres; of potatoes at three centres, of mangolds at three centres, and of swedes at three centres. An experiment on varieties of mangolds was carried out at one centre. The above is a record of a good season's work in the way of local field demonstrations, and considerable interest is being aroused in the contributing counties in connection with them, followed up as they are by explanatory lectures on the results, all the single lectures mentioned in a previous portion of this report being of that character. At these lectures, so far as time is available, the results in all the counties of each particular experiment are compared, and separate pamphlets for each separate experiment are circulated amongst the audience, as each is dwelt upon. This is readily feasible, as at the beginning of the season definite schemes are prepared, dealing with all the experiments it is proposed to carry out that season, a single scheme to each crop, and thus at the end of last season it was possible for a lecturer to refer to the results of a particular manurial experiment on swedes carried out at two centres in Derbyshire, one in Leicestershire, and three in Nottinghamshire, and so on with the other crops. The result is that the farmers are becoming thoroughly interested, and some of the greatest original opponents to the place are now fully recognising its value. Dairying. By means of a travelling school, instruction in butter making was given at four centres in Derbyshire, 51 persons coming under instruction, all of whom availed themselves of the full ten days course of instruction provided. In Nottinghamshire, similar classes were held at four centres also, the number of pupils being 48. EXPERIMENTAL FARM. This is now in excellent condition, and there are a great variety of experiments in progress, many of which are those also carried out in the counties, both manurial and with varieties. Numerous others, however, are in progress which cannot be so readily carried out elsewhere as well. The little eight plot test in the garden referred to in previous reports continues to give results which are most useful as object lessons for teaching purposes. It is interesting to record that during the last nine years the valuation of the farm has steadily increased, until it now stands at nearly three times the figure it did at the commencement. The fruit plot at the farm has made excellent growth since it was started, and now forms a most valuable lesson to students of what can be done and how to do it. FINANCES. The expenditure during the year has amounted to £10,396, including the farm account and the cost of maintaining the students. The receipts from county councils amounted to £3,411, tuition fees from other than county scholars, and general boarding fees, £1,443; sales of produce from farm and from dairy, £.5190; while the Board of Agriculture was enabled to give a grant of £800. The courses of instruction provided at the College are as follows!: 1. The Diploma course extends over two years and is intended for those who, having done a certain amount of pure science, are able to apply themselves to more advanced work. The first year is devoted to pure science and practical work on the farm and the second year to applied science and practical work on the farm. The ground of the National Diploma in Agriculture examinations is covered by this course. 2. The Certificate course extends over two years, is of a less advanced character, and intended to provide a training in practical agriculture. A certificate is awarded to those who, after residing two years, pass the examination in the subjects mentioned below. 3. Short courses of eight weeks are held during the autumn and spring terms for those unable to leave farm work for a longer period. The alterations and additions to the College buildings have been completed and should conduce to the efficiency of the institution and the convenience of the students. A considerable increase in the analytical work carried out by the College is reported, feeding stuffs and manures forming the bulk of the samples sent. The seed testing undertaken by the College seems to fill a want, as a number of all sorts have been received. The number of students in attendance at the College during the past season has been : Diploma Course Of the foregoing, two students came with county scholarships from Shropshire, seven from Staffordshire, two from Worcestershire, and one from Flintshire. In addition to these counties, students came from the counties of Anglesey, Bedford, Chester, Denbigh, Essex, Gloucester, Hants, Hereford, Hertford, Kent, Lancaster, Merioneth, Middlesex, Northumberland, Somerset, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick, and York. EXTERNAL WORK. Lectures. In Shropshire, courses of six lectures each were given at eight centres on veterinary subjects. The average attendance was 46. The demand for these lectures seems to be steadily increasing, and it is understood that the lecturer's time was booked far in advance. In horticulture, besides the courses held at the three grammar schools mentioned in previous reports, two courses of six lectures each were given at two centres, to an average audience of 25. In addition an outdoor demonstration was given at one centre, and was largely attended. In Staffordshire, courses of six lectures on veterinary subjects were given at seven centres, the average attendance being 47. Field Demonstrations.-In Shropshire, experiments on the manuring of potatoes were carried out at six centres, and on varieties at three centres. An experiment on varieties of man golds was carried out at one centre. In Staffordshire, the experiments are conducted directly by the County Council, but the College co-operated in the planning of them, while all the manures used were analysed, weighed, and sent out from the College. Dairying. The examination of pupils at travelling dairy schools for the Shropshire County Council has been held as in former years. Lectures on dairy work by the staff of the College have also been regularly given at the School of Domestic Economy near Shrewsbury for advanced pupils from the travelling schools. The College dairy was also placed at the disposal of the Shropshire County Council for about six weeks in the year for the holding of classes for Shropshire pupils. COLLEGE FARM AND FRUIT STATION. The additional land acquired by the College is proving of considerable value, and has already been laid out in experiments. Those on the farm generally have comprised variety tests on the different cereal crops, on potatoes, mangolds, and swedes. Manurial experiments have also been conducted on potatoes, roots, and on meadowland. Experiments were continued on the housing of milking cows in autumn, and also with different crosses of sheep with a view of ascertaining the best for the production of fat lambs. The fruit station is also so arranged that several experiments on pruning, and also on the growth of trees in grass or on cultivated land, are carried out. FINANCES. The expenditure during the financial year, including the maintenance of county scholars but not the cost of the farm, has amounted to £3,323. The receipts have comprised county council grants, including scholarships, £1,765; fees from other than county scholars and for dairy pupils, £443; miscellaneous amounts, £109; amount received from endowment, £835; and the Board's grant of £300. |