Field Experiments.-These were conducted on the manurial requirements of the swede crop, prevention of potato disease, effect of change of "seed" on the potato crop, &c., at seven centres. Experimental Farm.-The work on the experimental farm attached to the University College of North Wales, Bangor, is conducted for the benefit of this county together with other counties in the North of Wales. Dairying. In conjunction with the county of Flint, this county assists in maintaining a fixed dairy school at Lleweni Hall, near Denbigh. The school is open for private pupils all the year, but the county councils give only enough assistance to enable their scholarship holders to be received for three months in the year, during which time two courses, each of six weeks' duration, are held. The number of pupils who attended the school from this county was 17. Poultry Keeping.-Two lectures were given at one centre through the University College of North Wales, Bangor. Bee Keeping. Farm Hygiene. Farriery.— Manual Processes. Horticulture.— School or other Gardens. Fruit-growing Stations. Training of Elementary School Teachers. FLINTSHIRE. County Staff. See University College of North Wales, Bangor (page 1). Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is conducted entirely through the agricultural department of the University College of North Wales, Bangor. School or College. The agricultural department of the abovementioned College receives an annual grant from the County Council. Agriculture. A course of four lectures was given at each of six centres, of two lectures at each of four other centres, while single lectures were given at eight other centres. The average attendance was 41. Field Experiments.--These were conducted at four centres. An experiment to test the effect of change of "seed " on the potato crop was carried out at one centre, a charlock spraying test at another, and spraying for the prevention of potato disease at two others. Reports dealing with these experiments, as well as reports of other experiments carried out in North Wales by other County Councils, are distributed in English and Welsh throughout the county. Experimental Farm.-The experimental work carried out on the farm attached to the University College of North Wales, Bangor, is for the benefit of this county, together with other counties in the north of Wales. Dairying. This county, in conjunction with the county of Denbigh and the University College of North Wales, Bangor, assists in maintaining a fixed dairy school at Lleweni Hall, near Denbigh. Two courses of six weeks each were held in buttermaking and cheese-making. Eleven scholarship pupils from the county attended the school for periods varying from two to six weeks each. At the end of the second course an examination was held and certificates awarded. Poultry Keeping.-Two lectures were given at one centre to an average attendance of 58. Bee Keeping. Farm Hygiene. Farriery. Manual Processes.— Horticulture. School or other Gardens.-There were gardens attached to three Elementary Day schools in this county, all of which were worked on the individual plot system. The total number of pupils who received instruction was 65. Fruit-growing Stations. Training of Elementary School Teachers. Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is conducted almost entirely through the above county staff instructors. A few other lecturers are occasionally employed if required. School or College. Agriculture. Instruction is given in this subject by means of Courses of lectures lectures, and visits of advice to farms, &c. varying from one to seven in number were given at each of 38 centres, to an average attendance of 66. Field Experiments.-These were carried out at 21 centres. Charlock spraying took place at two centres, whilst manurial tests with different phosphatic manures on swedes were conducted at each of the 21 centres. These manurial tests were carried out in conjunction with the Glamorganshire Chamber of Agriculture, which publishes the results. Experimental Farm. Dairying. An itinerant school is maintained by the county. Eight courses of 11 days each were given at six centres. Instruction was given in butter-making to a total attendance of 75, all the pupils taking the full course. A lecture on modern dairying was given at each centre and the school examined after each course. Poultry Keeping.-A few lectures were given on this subject by the lecturer on agriculture. Bee Keeping. This work is carried out by the Glamorganshire Bee-keepers' Association, and an annual grant of £75 is given to it by the County Council. Two lectures were given at one centre, and single lectures at 18 other centres, to an average attendance of 46. Horticulture. Some lectures bearing on this subject were given by the lecturer in agriculture. Seven lectures were given at one centre and three at another centre, to an average attendance of 30. School or other Gardens.-There were gardens attached to four Elementary Day schools in this county. Of these, three were worked on the collective plot system and one on the individual plot system. Instruction was given to a total number of 62 pupils. Fruit-growing Stations. Training of Elementary School Teachers. MERIONETHSHIRE. County Staff. See University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (page 21). Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is carried out mainly through the staff of the Agricultural Depart'ment of the above College. School or College. The Agricultural Department of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, receives a grant from the County Council. Agriculture. Single lectures were given at each of two centres, though not by means of the staff of the above College. The average attendance was 85. Field Experiments. Experimental Farm.-The experimental work carried out on the farm attached to the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, is for the benefit of this county together with others who give the farm support. Dairying. Poultry Keeping.— Bee Keeping. Farm Hygiene. Farriery. Manual Processes. Horticulture. School or other Gardens. Fruit-growing Stations. Training of Elementary School Teachers.— MONTGOMERYSHIRE. County Staff. See the University Colleges of Bangor and Aberystwyth Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is conducted partially through the University College of Bangor and partially through the University College of Aberystwyth. School or College. The above colleges are made use of by the county from time to time as required. Agriculture. Courses of lectures were given through the above colleges at ten centres. Eight scholarships were offered to farmers' sons to enable them to attend the agricultural courses at Aberystwyth. Field Experiments. - Manurial experiments were carried out on the hay crop at three centres, and on potato varieties at three other centres. Experimental Farm. -This county subsidises the experimental farm connected with the University College of Wales at Aberystwyth, and the experiments carried out there are for the benefit of this county with others which similarly assist. Dairying. One lecture was given at one centre through the college at Aberystwyth. Five scholarships were offered to students to enable them to attend the dairy course held at Aberystwyth. Poultry Keeping.-Courses of four lectures were given at two centres through the University College of Bangor, to an average attendance of 34. A course of six lectures and four demonstrations was also given at one centre through the University College of Aberystwyth, to an average attendance of 50. Bee Keeping.-Courses of two lectures were given at two centres through the University College of Aberystwyth. |