School or College.-The above-mentioned Agricultural Department receives an annual grant from the County Council. Agriculture.-A course of four lectures was given at one centre, a course of three lectures at another centre, and courses of two lectures at each of two other centres. The average attendance was 22. Scholarships were awarded to five students to attend the courses in agriculture at Bangor. Field Experiments.-Manurial experiments on swedes were carried out at two centres, and on the effect of change of "seed " on the potato crop at another centre. Charlock-spraying demonstrations also took place at three centres, and spraying to prevent potato disease at another centre. Experimental Farm.-The experimental work carried out on the farm attached to the Agricultural Department of the University College of North Wales, Bangor, is for the benefit of this county, together with other counties in North Wales. Dairying. Poultry Keeping.— Bee Keeping. Farm Hygiene. Farriery. Manual Processes. Horticulture. Two of the lectures enumerated under the head of agriculture had reference to the cultivation of vegetables and fruit-growing. School or other Gardens. Fruit-growing Stations. Training of Elementary School Teachers.-A course of eight lectures on agricultural chemistry was given at one centre and was attended by 12 teachers. BRECONSHIRE. County Staff. See University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (page 21). Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is carried out through the staff of the Agricultural Department of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, School or College. The above college receives a small annual grant from the County Council, and the agricultural staff is used as required. Agriculture.--One lecture was given on this subject. Four scholarships were offered tenable at the above College. Field Experiments. Experimental Farm.-The experimental work carried out on the farm attached to the above college is for the benefit of this county together with other counties which support it. Dairying. Two scholarships are awarded tenable at the above college. In addition the travelling dairy school from Aberystwyth visited one centre for three weeks and gave instruction in butter-making. The total number of pupils who attended the course was 18. Poultry Keeping.— Bee Keeping. Farm Hygiene. Farriery. Manual Processes. Horticulture. School or other Gardens. Fruit-growing Stations. Training of Elementary School Teachers. CARDIGANSHIRE. County Staff. See University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (page 21). Organisation. All the agricultural education work of this county is conducted entirely through the agricultural staff of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. School or College.-The Agricultural Department of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, receives an annual grant from the County Council. Agriculture. Field Experiments,— Experimental Farm.-The experimental work carried out on the farm attached to the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, is for the benefit of this county together with others which contribute towards its maintenance. Dairying.— Poultry Keeping. Bee Keeping. Farm Hygiene. Farriery. Manual Processes. Horticulture. School or other Gardens.— Fruit-growing Stations. Training of Elementary School Teachers. CARMARTHENSHIRE. County Staff. See University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (page 21). Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is conducted entirely through the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. School or College.-The Agricultural Department of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, receives an annual grant from the County Council. Agriculture.-Courses of four lectures were given at four centres. Short course scholarships to Aberystwyth are also awarded to farmers' sons. Field Experiments.-Experiments to test the manurial requirements of the soil were conducted at two centres, the crop being mangolds. Experimental Farm.-An annual maintenance grant is given in respect of the experimental farm attached to the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, and the experimental work carried out there is for the benefit of this county, together with others which contribute towards it. Dairying. The travelling school of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, is used from time to time. This school visited four centres for two weeks at each centre, and instruction was given in butter-making and soft-cheese making. Thirteen dairy scholarships, tenable at Aberystwyth, are awarded annually to students who have attended the travelling school. Poultry Keeping. Bee Keeping. Instruction in this subject is provided by means of lectures and demonstrations. During the year ten lectures were given at each of six centres. Farm Hygiene. Farriery. Manual Processes. Horticulture.-Courses of lectures and demonstrations are given from time to time. During the year courses of ten lectures were given at six centres. School or other Gardens.-There was one garden attached to a Day school at which 14 pupils received instruction. Fruit-growing Stations. Training of Elementary School Teachers.-A summer vacation class in horticulture lasting over a period of three weeks during the month of August was held at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. The County Council award ten scholarships annually, enabling Elementary School teachers to attend this class. Ten teachers were present last year. CARNARVONSHIRE. County Staff. See University College of North Wales, Bangor (page 1). Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is conducted entirely through the University College of North Wales, Bangor. School or College.-The Agricultural Department of the University College of North Wales, Bangor, receives an annual grant from the County Council. Agriculture.-Courses of four lectures on agricultural subjects were given at six centres, of two lectures at eight centres, and a single lecture was given at one other centre. The average attendance was 45. Field Experiments.-These are conducted at 14 different centres, on the manurial requirements of the swede and hay crops, the value of a change of "seed" for potatoes, &c. Demonstrations in charlock spraying, and on the effects of spraying in checking potato disease, were also held. Experimental Farm. The work on the experimental farm attached to the University College of North Wales, Bangor, is conducted for the benefit of this county together with other counties in North Wales. Dairying. Poultry Keeping.-Two lectures were given at each of two centres, to an average attendance of 82. Bee Keeping. Farm Hygiene.— Farriery. Manual Processes. Horticulture.-Courses of one to three lectures were given at eight centres 15 lectures in all, to an average attendance of 47. School or other Gardens.-There was one garden attached to a Day school which was worked on the collective plot system. Twenty pupils received instruction. Fruit-growing Stations. Training of Elementary School Teachers. DENBIGHSHIRE. County Staff See University College of North Wales, Bangor (page 1). Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is conducted entirely through the University College of North Wales, Bangor. School or College.-The Agricultural Department of the University College of North Wales, Bangor, receives an annual grant from the County Council. Agriculture.-Courses of four lectures were given at ten centres, of three Lectures at two centres, and of two lectures at two other centres, to an average attendance of 44. |