Horticulture. The county has now a permanent horticultural station on land which is county property at Ealing. It is rather over half an acre in extent, and there is access to a larger garden adjoining which belongs to the District Council. The former is used entirely for the growth of fruit and vegetables, and the latter for that of flowers. There is a house on the property which is used as a Technical School for the district, and lectures on gardening are given there and also at various centres in the county. Courses of six lectures each were thus given at 12 centres to an average attendance of 21. School or other Gardens.-There were four gardens attached to Elementary Day schools in this county, and instruction was given to 68 pupils. Fruit-growing Stations.-As mentioned above, the permanent horticultural station at Ealing is used for fruit-growing. Training of Elementary School Teachers.-Saturday classes were held at the county school of gardening. The attendance at these classes was 18, and all those receiving instruction sit for the examination of the Royal Horticultural Society. When weather permits the class is taken into the garden and demonstrations are given, but no actual practical work is carried out by the individual members of the class. Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is carried out entirely through the above county staff instructors. School or College.— Agriculture. A course of five lectures bearing upon this subject was given at each of six centres to an average attendance of 35. The interest in these lectures was well maintained throughout, and in every case a request was made for a continuation of similar lectures when the centre was next entitled to a visit. Field Experiments.-Experiments were conducted on pastures, sugar-beet and potatoes, on nine farms. There were altogether in progress six pasture experiments, 14 potato experiments and one sugar-beet experiment. Twelve of the lectures enumerated under the previous heading were specially explanatory of the results of these experiments. Experimental Farm. Dairying. A fixed cheese school is arranged for at a farm in each succeeding year in various parts of the county and not less than ten students are taught each year. During the past year 16 students were taught, for not less than one month each, the principles of both cheese-making and dairy management, and were also required to make themselves conversant with the management, milking and feeding of dairy cattle. An itinerant school has been maintained by the county since 1892. The school last year visited three centres, each for ten days, and instruction was given in butter-making to a total attendance of 689, those taking the full course numbering 70. Sixty-eight pupils were examined by an outside examiner and certificates awarded to all. Poultry Keeping.-A course of six lectures was given at each of six centres to an average attendance of 29. The poultry instructor, during the period the poultry classes were being held, resided at a farm where various kinds of incubators were being worked and poultry keepers in the district were enabled to visit the farm for the purpose of receiving instruction as to the management of poultry. During the day time the instructor visited the poultry keepers living in the district covered by the lectures, an arrangement which was highly appreciated by farmers and cottagers who freely availed themselves of the opportunities thus placed at their disposal. Bee Keeping. Instruction is given in this subject by means of lectures at the various horticultural gatherings in the county, but the best results are obtained from personal visits made twice a year by the instructor to every bee-keeper in the county. During the year one lecture was given at each of six centres to an average attendance of 100. The assistance given to bee-keepers has meant the almost entire destruction of "foul brood" and an increased production of better honey. The Committee established 12 hives with cottagers free of all costs and these have produced very good results. Farm Hygiene.-A course of six lectures was given at each of six centres to an average attendance of 40. The total attendance at the six centres was 1,442. It has been found that each succeeding year these lectures are not only fully appreciated by the farmers but also are in great demand by the younger men, especially men who have charge of horses in the coal pits, young farmers and farm "hands" generally. Farriery. Instruction is given in this subject by means of lectures, the practical work being left to the shoeing smiths themselves. A competitive examination is arranged to follow the lectures and upon a certain standard of efficiency being obtained the men are registered by the Worshipful Company of Farriers. This form of instruction has fulfilled all expectations. The shoeing throughout the county has been greatly improved and Monmouthshire shoeing smiths are notably prize winners throughout the country. Competitive examinations took place at seven centres during the past year. Manual Processes.-Instruction was given in sheep-shearing at nine centres for three days at each centre, hedging at seven centres for 12 days at each centre, basket-making at five centres for 12 days at each centre, and fruit-packing at ten centres, one lecture being given at each centre. The attendance at the various courses was as follows:-At the sheep-shearing courses, total attendance 381, of whom 127 took the full course; at the hedging courses, total attendance 588, of whom 49 took the full course; at the basket-making courses, total attendance 300, of whom 25 took the full course; while in fruitpacking the average attendance at the lectures was 50. The demand for instruction in manual processes exceeds the resources of the Committee to meet it. Horticulture.-Instruction is given in this subject by means of lectures and demonstrations. A course of 20 lectures was given at each of two centres, and a course of six lectures at each of three other centres to an average attendance of 35. School or other Gardens.-Gardens were attached to six Elementary Day schools in this county all of which were worked on the individual plot system, and instruction was given to a total number of 60 pupils. Fruit-growing Stations.-There is a fruit-growing station of two acres at the Reformatory Farm School, devoted to experimental and demonstrational fruit culture. The county also contributes to the National Fruit and Cider Institute (see page 73). Training of Elementary School Teachers. Organisation. The agricultural education work of this county is conducted partially through the above county staff instructors, partially through the University of Cambridge (see page 27), and partially through the Eastern Counties Dairy Institute (see page 71). School or College.-The Agricultural Department of Cambridge University receives an annual grant from the County Council. Agriculture. Field Experiments.-These were conducted through Cambridge University at four centres. There were 13 sets of experiments altogether, three on the manuring of meadow hay, two on the manuring of poor pastures, two rotation experiments, one on the manuring of mangolds, one on the manuring of swedes, one on "finger and toe" in swedes, two on mangolds grown for yield, analysis and feeding value, and one cattle-feeding experiment with different varieties of mangolds. Experimental Farm.-The experimental work on the farm attached to Cambridge University is conducted for the benefit of his county together with others in East Anglia. Dairying. Use is made of the travelling school of the Eastern Counties Dairy Institute as required. The school visited four centres for ten days each, and instruction was given in buttermaking and cream-cheese making. There were 60 pupils in attendance altogether, 49 of whom attended the full course. Poultry Keeping.-Courses of four lectures each and demonstrations were given at 27 centres to an average attendance of 43. Bee Keeping.-A course of eight lectures and two demonstrations was given at each of two centres to an average attendance of 21. Farm Hygiene. Farriery. A travelling farriery van is employed throughout the year. The van visited 12 centres. Practical instruction is given in the correct method of shoeing every description of horse, while the adaptation of shoes to abnormal feet is also taught. Two lectures are given at each centre upon the structure of the horse's foot and other subjects connected with farriery. The total attendance was 71, and of these 55 took the full course. Manual Processes.-Instruction is given in hedging, ploughing, stacking, thatching, engine driving and agricultural machinery. One course of instruction was held in each subject and each course lasted two days. The total attendance was 69, and of these 54 took the full course. Horticulture. Instruction is given in this subject by means of lectures and object lessons in gardens, allotments, &c. Four lectures each were given at 33 centres to an average attendance of 21. School or other Gardens.-There were gardens attached to 20 Elementary Day schools in this county, all of which were worked on the individual plot system. The total number of pupils who received instruction was 281. Fruit-growing Stations. Training of Elementary School Teachers.-A three weeks' summer vacation course was held at Cambridge and object lessons were given in elementary chemistry, physics and botany. There were 35 teachers in attendance altogether, some of whom came from this county. Saturday classes were also conducted at Norwich through Cambridge University. Twelve classes were held altogether, each class receiving an hour's lecture and two hours' laboratory work in elementary chemistry and physics. There were 50 teachers in attendance altogether. |