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On the negative side of the question there are other circumstances which require consideration:

Affairs in London—the Markets and the Sentiment on the American Question.LONDON, England, May 9, 1862.-Again we salute our First, there are known to be large supplies at many of readers from the world's great metropolis. In our last the American Lake ports waiting for better prices. This we gave some account of the grand opening of the Ex-fact is at the present time exerting a depressing influence hibition of the Industry of all Nations, and had intended upon the market here and elsewhere. in this to furnish the first of a series of articles on the Exhibition itself. The delay of exhibitors, and of superintendents of departments in getting articles all in place and ready for inspection, has modified our plan, however, and it is now more than probable that we shall leave for the continent to-morrow or Monday, returning when the Exhibition is more thoroughly ready for our careful and connected study.

During the past few days, our time has been divided between the Exhibition and the great city of London, which is in itself a world condensed.


Yesterday we attended the Corn Exchange, which is located on Mark Lane, near the centre of the city proper. To the eye neither the building nor the displays of grain, &c., are very imposing; yet it is here that are made the sales and the purchases which go far towards determining the market rates, not only in the United Kingdom, but also in all foreign countries. Of course the prices here are determined by circumstances of amount produced in other countries, prospects for good or bad crops in the Kingdom and so on. We intend simply to say that the rates reported by the Corn Exchange are to a considerable extent the key note by which the tune of prices in foreign countries is determined. At this great

Exchange we were fortunate enough to meet with a num

ber of the leading factors and thus get at the prevailing opinion as to the future prices of some of the more important products; and in order that our readers who are

directly and practically interested in this matter, may appreciate the reasons for that opinion, we furnish herewith a statement of facts which bear on the question. THE PRESENT AND FUTURE OF THE WHEAT MARKET.-As to wheat, which is our chief article of export, there are two or three circumstances of a discouraging nature-we mean as compared with the high hopes we were led to entertain last autumn and winter.

On the affirmative side of the question of better prices may be placed the following facts:

1. The product of the British Kingdom is pretty well exhausted. But small quantities have been brought to

Secondly, the prospect for a good British and Continental crop is now excellent. The weather, though rather unpromising early in the season, is now unexceptionable, and is rapidly bringing forward vegetation, of every kind.

Thirdly, it is believed that the Baltic ports, now just fairly opened to navigation, will be able to send forward considerable quantities.

In view of all these and other considerations, pro and con, we are reluctantly brought to the conclusion that the farmers of America may have to sell at rates somewhat less than we felt inclined to promise them last winter. Still we hope they will not be suddenly disheartened and sell at a sacrifice. It is by no means certain, yet, that the crop now growing will be a good one, and if it should, prices can scarcely run lower than at present in mid-summer. Of the prospects for a good crop at home, we are not so well apprized. This should, of course, be taken into the account, as also the probable course and final upshot of the war.

ENGLISH POLITICAL CONSISTENCY. The course of the London Times on the "American

Question" gave early origin to a prevalent opinion in the United States, that the English Government, and the

English People, were in sympathy with the Rebellion and

would be glad to see a settlement of the war upon the basis of a permanent separation of the Northern and Southern States. This evident wish of the Times had been so often denounced, however, by American citizens,

English born, that we came at last to believe that the "Thunderer" was really the exponent of individual rather than either government or popular views and feelings. We regret that this opinion formed in all charitableness while in America is fast being subverted by what we have seen and heard since our arrival in this country. As we have not yet traveled in the country we cannot, of course, speak with assurance of the sentiment there; but of the officials and people of London, who, to all intents and uses, are the people and government of the whole realm, we feel but little hesitation in declaring

market since December, but up to that time, since harvest, them very certainly in the interests of the South. The

the supplies had been so large as to warrant the calcula

reasons for leaning in that direction are various, but the tion, in view of the smallness of the yield, that only quite mistake it. They do not see how a reunion is to be efleaning is so apparent that no American, we think, can

small stocks of the crops of 1861 is now held by producers or dealers.

2. It is evident, therefore, that a considerable quantity must be imported from foreign countries before the next crop is ready.

3. But the amount now known to be on its way from ports east of Gibraltar, is small, and the arrivals for May and June are likely to show a considerable falling off as compared with last year.

fected, and are quite positive in their opinion that it cannot be; indeed they seem to see important reasons why it should not be. The country, when united, is already too large, and is only falling apart because of its magnitude and inevitable lack of cohesion. This is the view entertained by one class. Another class affect to have been very kindly disposed towards the Government of the United States so long as they were wild enough to

believe that the Administration intended the destruction of slavery, but now that there is no nigger in the issue, and the war is simply for the preservation of the Union, they have no interest in the contest, except that it terminate at once and the cotton supplies are again restored. A third class declare neither their interest in the restoration of the Union or the abolition of slavery-simply a desire that this "great, growing, grasping, unscrupulous

nation of Yankees" should be broken ere it arrives at the

maturity of its strength and becomes the first great Power among the nations of the earth. While a fourth class thoroughly hate the Republican Idea and are ready to do anything to overturn and lay it low for a warning to the other lesser republics now struggling in the light of our example against the Aristocratic Idea which still holds sway in the old world. The number of these is immense, in aggregate, as may be judged from the fact that although we have talked with hundreds of persons representing all classes of society, we have found but two individuals who were clearly on the side of the Government of the United States and anxious that it should

He is at present snugly quartered with a grandson of his, and every possible care is taken to render the evening of his days comfortable and pleasant.


The Bee Moth.-One of the greatest difficulties that every bee-keeper has to contend with, is the ravages caused by the Bee Moth. A very good way to destroy the moth or miller which produces the worms that prove so destructive to bees, is to take a gallon crock or milk

pan, fill it one-third full of water sweetened with molass

es and set it near your bee-hives every evening a little after sun down-in the morning kill all the millers that may be found therein: remove it during the day and replace it in the evening. After a few days the sweetened water will become sour and must be renewed. Continue this until the moth disappears in the fall. On very warm still evenings I take a light and go out and kill a great many around the hives, observing not to get near the front or entrance to the hive. To kill the worms, raise the triumph over its enemies. It is possible that future ob-hive gently in the morning or at evening, and kill servations may result in a better opinion of the intelli- all the worms that may be found. Do this at least three gence, consistency and christianity of Old England, but times a week until they disappear in the fall. until further evidence, we set her down as the secret enemy of the American Republic-preferring even that a new government shall be set up with slavery as its chief and only corner stone, rather than see that Republic continue the prosperous and glorious integer it has been.

It is our opinion, therefore, that the Government and the Free States of America must carry on the war, not only without sympathy from any of the great Powers of Europe-at least without the sympathy of the two nearest and most dangerous Powers, England and France, but that there may be a safe reckoning upon the real jealousy of, and secret machinations of one or both of these great Powers against the cause of the Republic. Whether M. Mercier is really in Richmond for the purpose of negotiating an alliance and preparing for the interference of the French Government or not, nothing is surer, in our opinion, than that such an inference is hoped for and in process of being planned by leading politicians in this country.

An Example worthy of Imitation.-During a recent trip through the town of Oregon, in this county, we met and conversed with Nathaniel Ames, the only revolutionary patriot, we believe, in this State. He is now in his 102d year, and seems to possess a remarkable degree of mental and physical vigor for a man of his years. He handed us his dollar for the current volume of the FARMER, and with it, his good wishes for our success.

Mr. Ames wintered at Valley Forge in that dark hour of American Independence; was present at the execution of Major Andre, and was familiar with the countenances of Washington, Lafayette, Steuben, Jefferson, and other heroes of the revolution.


The Langstroth Hive.-I noticed in the May No. of the FARMER an inquiry in relation to the Langstroth Bee Hive. I have ten stocks of bees in the Langstroth hive. Any person wishing to see the Langstroth hive in practical operation, can do so by calling on me. I have also a stock of Italian Bees which are something of a curiosity in this country. I think they are superior to the common bee.

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Grape Culture and Wine Making.-This is the title of a work just received from Saxton, of New York. Our limits this week prevent our giving a lengthy notice of its contents. We prefer to do so after taking a little leisure in its examination—having had some experience with vines in this latitude, we are disposed to scrutinize the recommendations of authors hailing from more favored districts of country. What might do for the natural fruit region of Rochester, will not always prove suitable for this latitude. We are a strong believer in the success of grape culture in Wisconsin, and are always ready to receive and disseminate any thing which will forward that success. See advertisement in our paper this month.

The Kirby Reaper.-In our advertising pages will be found Mr. Powers' advertisement of this celebrated reaper. Without being able to speak from personal inspection of its operations in the field, we know the reputation it enjoys, as a first class machine sufficiently to base a recommendation to our farming friends, to examine it with

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a view to purchase. We may have an opportunity to see Comparative Statement of the business of the Company its doings in the grain field this summer, when we shall

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for the

years 1859,


and 1861:

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of officers and directors-stationery, extra clerk hire, fuel, lights, and all other dental expenses,....

6,069 56




We, the undersigned, being the President and a majority of the Directors of the "Madison Mutual Insurance Company," do solemnly swear, and each for himself saith, that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the affairs of said company in the particulars therein named, as appears by the books of the company, according to the best of our knowledge and belief.

D. J. POWERS, President.





Subscribed and sworn before me this sixth day of January, A. D. 1862. V. W. ROTH, Notary Public, Dane County.

9,071 89

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The foregoing statement of the business of this Com

pany for the past year gives a gratifying evidence of its high standing in the public estimation and of the success of its rules and principles of action.

Although its business for the preceding year (1860) was much larger than that of any previous year, and notwithstanding the general depression among farmers the past season, arising from light crops and low prices, the above figures show an increase of nearly seventy per cent. in the number of policies issued, and of over seventy per cent. in the amount of cash premiums for the past year.

We invite a careful examination of this report. Its figures make a stronger argument than any form of words, and prove a rise and standing in popular favor unparalleled in the history of the Northwest.



J. W. BOYD, Walworth County.

B. F. HOPKINS, Dane County.

D. WORTHINGTON, Waukesha County.

S. D. HASTINGS, Trempeleau County.
G. F. HASTINGS, Dane County.
DAVID ATWOOD, Dane County.
G. R. MONTAGUE, La Crosse County.
8. R. MCCLELLAN, Kenosha County.

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Some farmers usually finish their hoeing the All the land vacated by the failure of other crops should be used for this purpose. If you have a poorish piece of soil, give it to buckwheat. When sown on very rich soil, it runs to straw too much. About two pecks of seed per acre is enough, though the proper quantity of seed depends much upon the soil-poor soil requiring the most seed.

first week in this month, but we think it pays well to keep the horse and hoe moving some weeks later. Should the corn get too large for plowing, go through and cut out the weeds with the hoe, or a large crop of these pests of the farm will cover the ground by fall and mature their seeds. On new land, of course, the case is quite different, and much less hoeing will suffice.

Root crops of all kinds need one or two hoeings, at least, in July. If they were not properly thinned out in June, no time should be lost in attending to it, or very small roots will be the result. The ground should be well

cultivated, and for most kinds, loosened as much as possible.

Ruta Bagas may yet be sown on old land, but it is better to sow them in rows, so as to cultivate with the horse-hoe.

Flat turnips should be sown after the twen tieth of July. The land should be clean and well prepared. If possible, sow just before a rain, and go over the ground with a brush or

fine harrow.

Haying should be attended to before the harvest comes on, for busy times will be the order of the day when the large breadth of wheat is to be taken care of, as help is likely to be a little scarce this season. Everybody should have a reaper, or secure the use of one, if they have over ten acres to cut.

The garden and orchard should not be overlooked in the hurry of other business. Weeds and insects must receive attention. The caterpillars, borers, slugs, &c., will be at work. Examine the trees and hunt them out.

See that the wheat and other grains are stacked well. Avoid as much as possible the getting of it wet by cutting too much at once. There is often a tendency, and almost necessity, of laying prostrate whole fields of wheat at once. The matter should be so arranged, by those using the reaper, that hands enough should accompany it to bind and stook certainly before rain, and, if possible, to stack or garner it in barns. Take great pains in stacking. More wheat is lost by carelessness on this point, than most any other.

Every farmer who has any tame grass, should save his own seed-mind this hint, and you will know the quality of your seed, and not be imposed upon by buying foul seed raised to sell. By doing this, you will keep your farms free from many foul weeds and grasses. When haying, leave a patch of timothy for seed; when ripe, cradle, bind up, and shock. With clover, the second crop should be saved for seed, and not the first.

Do not allow your pastures to be fed too closely. If the roots of grass are unprotected from the scorching heat of summer, it will die out rapidly. A plot of early sown rye, sorghum or corn, to be cut and fed this and the next month, will aid in keeping both pastures and stock thriving.

"Treatment of Muck."

My attention was attracted by an article in the last number of the Farmer under the above caption, the sentiment of which purports to have emanated from the distinguished editor of the American Agriculturist.

It is recommended to use muck for "bedding cattle," claiming for it these characteristics of a "good bed," viz.: "dryness, softness and cleanliness"-another might have been added that would have been quite as popular, that is, that it is a good absorbent. More than ten years' experience in the use of muck, during which period I handled and experimented with, in different ways, thousands of loads, has satisfied me that muck does not, unless artificially prepared. possess but one of the properties claimed for it-that is "softness."


is advantage in the heat of the animal imparted to the muck on which it lies. If this be true, I confess I cannot see how. I am aware, however, that when a bed of the character of that above described has been used for a week or more, the animals will, when they can endure standing no longer, lie down for a while in the mire and by so doing their warmth will throw off rapidly the putrid odors from the putrescent mass in which they lie, thus more thoroughly charging the atmosphere with noxious qualities, in which it was probably not previously deficient. The hair of the animal will also be thoroughly saturated with the filth in which he has been compelled to lie, which will gradually evaporate and thus perpetuate the supply of impure vapor to the atmosphere of the stable, as long and as effectually as could well be done by any other process. In case this new mode of bedding stables were adopted in dairy stables, what would be the condition of the cows? Worse, if possible, than that described as existing in the slop-feeding stables of New York and Brooklyn.

It is impracticable to obtain it in a dry state, without drying it by artificial means. The economy of drying it for this purpose, I leave without comment. Next in order, its "softness"-it is soft enough. Lastly, its "cleanliness. If wet much is cleanly in the opinion of the writer of the article alluded to, I must The mode of managing muck that I shall rebe allowed to differ with him. I know of no commend, will be found less objectionable and substance that has been recommended for bed-more profitable than that to which I have alding for cattle that is more filthy. I never used it in my stables. but I have hauled large quantities into my barn-yard. and spread it under the cattle sheds, with which my experience was very unsatisfactory, so much so, that I abandoned this mode of treating muck and resorted to others, one after another, carefully noting the result, until I finally decided that those which I shall hereafter describe are by far the most economical.

luded. Haul it out of the pit at the season of the year when it contains the least amount of water. Deposit it near the pit on a dry knoll, if practicable; if not, on the slope of a hill, ploughing a furrow near it on the upper side of it, in such direction as will prevent the water from adjacent higher ground running under it to be absorbed by it. Make the bed of it not more than two feet in depth and level on the top-then top-dress it with fresh burned If any portion of muck should, by very fa- lime in the proportion of one of lime to fifteen vorable circumstances, become dry, it will be of the muck, and allow the bed to lie with the so light that it will, when stirred, float about lime on it six or eight months; then turn it, the stable and feeding passages, and finally be mixing the lime thoroughly through the muck, deposited in the form of a black dust on the and trim up the heap in a shape that will shed hay and in the mangers, whence it will be re-off the rain, and let it lie thus for two or three moved generally by the animals eating it with their food. This will certainly not be called cleanly. If it is already moist when applied as hedling, and is used in the quantity recommended, viz.: a half cord to the animal" at a time, (which would cover the stall floor to the depth of at least two feet, and above the height of cattle mangers ordinarily, into which it will fall and thus get mixed with the food,) it would produce a state of affairs unprecedented in stable economy. It is also recommended tha th's sf mattress, of most liberal dimensions. (especially in its thickness,) should be changed or renewed semi-monthly.

Allowing the urinary excretions to be but three gallons for 24 hours, for each animal, when continued for 15 days. the quantity of moisture added will safely provide for any lack of "sof'ness." and what might have been called a "bed two weeks previous. has now become a "wallow" or mire. It is claimed that there

months, when it will be in a fit state for use as a top dressing. If applied on wheat land at seeding time as a top-dressing, or on grass land in autumn at the rate of fifteen cords per acre, it will be found a remunerative application.

Another mode which I have found very excellent when the arrangement of the stable is such that it is practicable, is to collect the urine from the stable into a covered tank, having deposited the muck as described in the use of lime, apply five gallons of the undiluted urine to each cord of the muck and manipulate as in the use of of the lime. An addition of a half bushel of common salt to the cord of muck. if it has been taken from fresh water deposit, will also be found beneficial.

My experience has satisfied me that it is too expensive to be profitable to haul the muck to the stable yard and mix it with the yard manure, and haul all again to the fields; besides,

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