Massachusetts, Boston: View of the water- Walker (Dr.), Thomas James: England, ill. 280 527 224 Military Hospital No. 1: Neuilly, Paris, il.. New York daily life, ill.. 2-10, 12-18, 20-30, Ohio-born people in New York: Comparative Our Industrial Victory (Shipbuilding). By Pennsylvania-born people in New York: Com- Pennsylvania, Bristol: Housing problem in in- Pennsylvania, Hog Island: Shipbuilding plant, 409 Pennsylvania, Shipworkers' town of Harriman 191 U. S. S. Princeton, first screw man-of-war... Walls damaged by German invectives: Kremlin, Walls, Kremlin: Moscow, ill. 383 2 1 War: British take Baku, Russia. 2 Warfare in the Jordan Valley, Tortures of: Pales- 163 344 War garden, British women in a, ill. 296 212 War garden, Italian: Albania. .text, 113; ill., 102 War "gets some," How the. 75 2 War Has Done for Britain, What the. By Judson 278 189 War hospital, San Marino's: Italian front, ill. 152 302 132 309 War orphans: Slav types, ill.. 452 Warriors, Ukrainian.. 115 221 War-time shepherdess, England, ill. 294 350 188 "Washing the feet," Ancient ceremony of: Jeru- 339 16 201 Washington Irving High School, New York: Vo- Watch-towers, Kremlin: Moscow, ill. 432 tunnel 35 Why Europe's races are progressive. 261 174 41 Wilderness of Judea, British forces in the, ill. Williams, Maynard Owen. Russia's Orphan Races 245 Windmill, An old: Ukraine, ill. "Windows, House of a Thousand": Equitable Yosemite Valley, California: Acorn caches, ill. 137 216 "Z" 126 117 Building, New York City, ill. 38 356 Wine industry: San Marino. Yersin, discoverer of bubonic plague bacillus: 365 "Yesdi," or devil worshipers, among the Kurds... 59 56 520 |