Historic panorama, Most remarkable: Jericho.. 342 51 379 Historic sessions of the House of Commons. Two. 284 Reconquest of the. By Charles W. Whitehair.. 325 "I" Iberian Peninsula, Races of the. text, 513; Holy Rock, Jerusalem.... 342 Ice-bound ships on the Great Lakes, ill. 229 509 121 64 40, 49 12 2, 3 517 Home, French peasant, ill.. 364 Immoral, French art is not.. 363 Home of the Russian follore: Ukraine. 119 Immorality of women in France has been exag- IMPORTANT NEW GUIDE FOR SHIPPING, 367 401 Horse-race betting under government supervision: Inauguration ceremony: San Marino.. 367 1, 45 Horses, British army: Mount of Olives, ill.. Independence, Georgia's Declaration of: Caucasus, 1917 251 Indian hills, Palestine: British observation post, 336 Indian population of California at time of its dis- 129 324 Hospitals: A Day with Our Boys in the Geo- 69 Indians establish acorn camps in autumn.. 132 152 Indian soldier in U. S. Army, ill. 314 448 434 Industrial army, America's: Type of men, ill. 182, Hospitals, Wounded soldiers in, ill.. 218, 219 Hotels and shops, New York's. 47 Hotels, One of New York's great, ill. 15 Hot stones used to boil acorns in baskets: Cali- 129 Industrial arts course: Washington Irving High Industrial establishments in Baku: Russia.. II 164 185 House, Indian: Russian River Valley, Calif., ill.. 136 Industrial Victory, Our (Shipbuilding). By Charles M. Schwab. 212 38 Industry, Coal: Ally of American. By William House of Commons, Two historic sessions of the. 284 Joseph Showalter.. 407 292 Industry, Whaling: Norway, ill.. 232 Houses of the Sammarinesi: San Marino, ill. I 24 Influence of Constantinople on world events.. 51 52 221 Housing, A valuable experiment in: Harriman, Pa. 191 188 Housing problems, U. S. shipyards, ill. 206 HOW CANADA WENT TO THE FRONT. BY Institutions, Cooperative: San Marino.. 155 353 353 T. B. MACAULAY, OF MONTREAL. 297 How New York handles its freight... 43 International trade center, Earth's: New York. I 167 How the submarine may serve humanity. 235 How the war "gets" some... Invalid's home for the poor: San Marino. 155 75 Hudson River and Thames River compared.. Invasion ends, The period of (1066): Races of 45 Europe 457 35 Invention, The submarine an American 235 17, 24 Iranians, The: Races of Europe... Hudson tubes idea originated by William G. Mc- 469 Humanity's burden, Carrying: Britain. 41 Irish in New York: Comparative estimate. 2 526 Humanity's Wounds, The Healer of: Red Cross.. 308 Irish, The: Races of Europe.. .ill., 526; text, 527 Iron deposits in Turkey.. Irrigation system: Damascus. 66 Hungarians, The: Races of Europe.....ill., 444, 485, 37 Issoudun, France: United States troop train. ill.. 315 342 93 Manhattan, Population: Comparative estimate. ill., 393 280 Manning our new ships, The task of. 191 "Manon," Massenet's: French composition. 363 Man protected by woman: Albania. 92 Man's welfare, Gift of French science to.. 365 Military Governor, Jerusalem. British: Col. R. 81 Map, Physical: Europe... 506 Military police in shipvards, ill. 190 Milkmaid, Spanish: Valencia street scene, ill.. 521 138 95 Milk shortage, How Britain solved the. 282 Milk supply, Guarding the child's: New York. 19 363 289 173 Mills, Windmills used as grist: Ukraine. 118 194 238 Marino and Leo, The arrival of: Rimini, Italy 142 Mine, Caucasus is a vast. Mine beneath Broadway, Prospective gold: New 36 Mine, Coal, ill.... 408, 410-412, 414-418, 426, 427, 431 275 198 Market, Onion curb: San Marino, ill. 147 101 Market, Rug: Merv, Turkestan.. 265 Mineral wealth of Turkey: Estimate. Mine gases, The three deadly: Coal mine 409 417 303 107 66 |