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extreme femininity, to leave the matter entirely to the men.

And what a wonderful government. these Frenchmen have made through their vote! Democracy is indeed the test of all national activities. The French

government shows genuine respect for the average citizen; indeed, every Frenchman seems proud that he is simply an average citizen. Hence the whole tendency of the government is to work consciously against legalization of social inequalities.

Any man with ability and ambition can rise to any position. The bourgeoisie or middle class-that is, the traders, professional men, military officers, peasant-proprietors, etc.-is so large that all other classes are negligible, and necessarily there is extremely wide social equality.

Again, French democracy, since it is popular, is admirably authoritative. The people show a surprising submission to a large amount of state administration. It is not the supine submission found in Germany or the uninquiring attitude found in a large portion of England's lowest classes; it is willing, intelligent


obedience to administrative machinery created by the people themselves.

Perhaps, as stated before, there is too much machinery; perhaps there is too much centralization of national activities under government control in one spot (Paris); but, after all, the widespread interest in active self-government, the healthful, vigorous, often passionate, public discussion, the political alertness of the people as a whole, means safety for France.

There may be too much centralization. in Paris; but every Frenchman, whether he lives in a Normandy village or in the mountains that look toward Switzerland, is proud of this city that has long been the light of the world.

"The light of the world!" May not the words be applied justly to all France? What would Europe be without her? One can conceive of a Europe existing without Germany or Russia, but the glory of the continent would be extinguished if France should die. It is for her and what she has long represented in liberty that the world battled yesterday. That nation which seeks to destroy France is foredoomed to destruction.


HE price in stalwart young manhood which the French nation has paid during the world war to preserve human liberties has exceeded by appalling numbers the toll exacted of her associate Allies.

While France has not yet made an official announcement as to her losses, it is estimated that one million eight hundred thousand French patriots have laid. down their lives on the altar of their country's freedom; one million gave limb, sight, or health, and were thus rendered permanently incapacitated for their accustomed pursuits of peace; one million two hundred thousand others sustained injuries which have retarded their activities.

Thus, four million men is the tribute that war has exacted of what Mr. Holliday rightly characterizes as the most civilized country on the globe for the salvation of her own people and the safeguarding of her democratic institutions.

What if America had suffered such losses in proportion to her population? Every man between the ages of 21 and 30 who registered for military service in the United States on June 5, 1917-more than nine and a half million in numberwould be a casualty today, and there would still be a million and a half men to be added from the registration lists of September 12, 1918. Mothers, fathers, wives, brothers, sisters, and sweethearts would be mourning for five million American dead.

For every ten men, women, and children in France at the outbreak of the war one able-bodied citizen in the prime of manhood has either laid down his life or suffered bodily injury. The casualties. in no other army save the Serbian even approached such sweeping percentages.

Truly, the sons of France gave themselves without stint for the cause of world democracy.


VIEW OF THE HOLY OF HOLIES OF RUSSIA, SHOWING THE HIGH WALL AND LOFTY WATCH-TOWERS WHICH INCLOSE IT Originally a fort, the Kremlin is now museum, mausoleum, and treasure-house of things precious in Russian life and Russian religion. In no other equal area in the world is there crowded such an array of historic cathedrals and monasteries, sacred relics, trophies of war, sacerdotal robes, gold and silver vessels, precious stones, pearls, and jewels to the value of millions of dollars, etc. The principal buildings, reading from the left, are: (1) Treasury and Museum; (2) Grand Palace; (3) Cathedral of Annunciation, where the Tsars were baptized and married; (4) Cathedral of Archangels, where all the Tsars were buried until Peter the Great; (5) Cathedral of Our Saviour behind the Golden Gate; (6) Cathedral of Assumption, where the Tsars were crowned (see pages 381 and 382); (7) The Bell Tower; (8) Monastery of Miracles (see page 384).


The Church Reorganized While Bolshevik Cannon
Spread Destruction in the Nation's


Holy of Holies


HE Holy Kremlin of Moscow has become a Bolshevik fortress. From the 9th to the 16th of November, 1917, for more than seven days under a hurricane of fire, the city was stormed and finally carried by the Bolsheviks in terrible fratricidal war. Since then the sacred citadel has been playing a new and ignominious role in the history of Russia.

From the time of the building of the Church of the Beheading of St. John Baptist and of the little Church of our Saviour in the Forest, bespeaking the days when the acropolis was still a wooded hill, a multitude of churches and palaces, witnesses of Russia's glory, have written here a national document in stone. The history of Russia is the history of the monuments of the Kremlin.

During the bombardment a Chinese workman, looking on, was heard to say, "The Russian is not good; bad man; he shoots on his God."

Outraged and despoiled, the Kremlin is in bonds today, guarded by foreign mercenaries. The forty times forty churches of the white stone city seem to draw a little closer in answer to the trumpet calls of the Kremlin domes. The battered towers and shredded gates, from which red flags are defiantly flung in the face of Russia, still stand bravely to protect the sacred site.

Deputations from the Sobor, or Russian Council, now sitting in Moscow, have abjectly to ask the Bolshevik committees' permission to hold s vices in the churches of the Kremlin. I the Bolsheviks dared, they would long since have declared the churches of the Kremlin to be museums, and so extinguished their light of faith.

The representatives of the Church have

acted in fearless determination that the churches should continue to function, and have continued their sessions amid the violence and destruction raging on all sides of them (see also pages 392 and 393).

Entrance to the once always open Kremlin is now only by permit, through the Troitsa gate. All day long a moving line of people on various missions, showing their passports at the window of a little wooden kiosk, beg to be allowed to



Once within the walls of the Kremlin. one faces piles of ammunition, barbed wire, and ugly miscellaneous heaps of rubbish. Austrian, German, and Lettish soldiers, some frankly in their enemy uniforms, are lounging about or standing. guard. Army motor-lorries and cars carrying dark, sallow, un-Russian-faced government officials tear up through the gates, shrieking a curse, so it seems, as they enter upon all-hated Christian Russia.

The farther one walks about and sees the outraged fabric on all sides, the stronger becomes the feeling of grief. With indescribable emotion, one enters the resounding stone inclosure near the Cathedral of the Falling Asleep of the Mother of God. Here are still to be traced the stains of enormous pools of blood in which floated human fragments, tracked about by daring feet.*

* Many notes of personal experience and all the photographs of the Kremlin which illustrate this article were graciously given me in Moscow by my friend, Bishop Nestor, the distinguished missionary bishop of Kamchatka, who took them himself in the Kremlin by permission of the Bolshevik government.


The revolution has brought intellectual Russians a long way from the cold indifference, the empty churches, and the forgotten traditions of

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Showing the shell hole in the central dome. In this church the Tsars were crowned.

The Cathedral itself has been badly treated. A shell struck its central dome and, bursting among the five domes of smouldering gold, viciously smote a second. The hole in the chief dome between the ghostly frescoes of the saints measures 7 feet in length and nearly 6 feet in width. In the drum of the dome is an ominous crack.


The damage has not even yet been examined in detail by architects, and it is

not known, therefore, whether such wanton devastation can be repaired.

The window glass is everywhere smashed or shot through. Within the Cathedral there are strewn about splinters of a 6-inch shell, which exploded there, and fragments of white stone, brick, and rubble. The gold and silver candelabra, those constellations among which all within the church seems to float through space, are bent as by storm; the Altar and the Sanctuary are strewn with broken glass, brick, and dirt; the Shrine of the

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