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CLASS I.-continued.

VOTE 8.-Revenue BUILDINGS—continued.



Remanet. The excess on the Estimate is due to the provision in (Total Estimate

the Stamp Office of a cord carrier for the transmission of war- Expenditure to 31st March 1906 rants, a service not anticipated when the forecast was prepared.

The requirements of the year were over-estimated.

£. s. d. 7C0 778 9 8

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The lease of the premises was for sale, and as in the event of the purchaser desiring to obtain possession for his own use it would have been difficult to obtain other accommodation for the I.R. Department equally satisfactory, it was deemed advisable to purchase it.

Accommodation for the I. R. Department has been provided in the new Post Office in course of erection. This expenditure represents the proportion of the total cost for the year applicable to the Inland Revenue Office: separate provision is made in the Estimates for 1906-7.

Expenditure to 31st March 1906

The expenditure to 31st March 1905 proved to be greater than had] Total Estimate
been anticipated when the Estimate for this year was prepared,
with the result that the expected charge thereon has been cor-
respondingly reduced. The excess on the total Estimate is due
to unforeseen expenditure in connection with the foundations,
and to increased cost of fittings.


[blocks in formation]

The exceeding on the year is due to an adjustment of account) Total Estimate
between the Inland Revenue Office and the other services for Expenditure to 31st March 1906
which the building was erected, corresponding savings being
shown under those heads (County Court and Probate Registry).)

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Casual variation. The electric light installation has been carried out in conjunction with the work of improving the accommodation, and the expenditure cannot be differentiated between the two services. The total Estimate for the combined works was 1,3007. (5007. voted 1905-6, and 8007. sanctioned by the Treasury in 1904-5) as against a total expenditure to 31st March 1906 of 1,277.

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The Inland Revenue Commissioners strongly urged the necessity for improvements in the office accommodation, which was unsatisfactory and inconvenient.

Casual variation.

The cost of the necessary structural works was less than had been provided for.

The requirements of the year were less than had been anticipated.

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There was some delay in connection with the preparation of plans,
and the progress made by the contractors fell short of antici- Expenditure to 31st March 1906

Total Estimate

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CLASS I. continued.




Total Estimate

There was delay in connection with the engineering portion of
the work, and, as a consequence, the structural work Expenditure to 31st March 1906
dependent thereon.

The exceeding is due to the provision of additional fittings, racks, &c., to meet the increased requirements of the Post Office Authorities.


Total Estimate
Expenditure to 31st March 1906


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The building was pushed on in order to meet the exigencies of the Post Office Service. The saving on the work is due to the fact that the tenders were much lower than had been expected.

Total Estimate

Expenditure to 31st March 1906


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