REVENUE DEPARTMENTS, AND POST OFFICE PACKET AND TELEGRAPH SERVICES. VOTE 3.-POST OFFICE-continued. Explanation of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. 9. Some accounts for stationery were not received in time for payment within the Financial Year. 10. Due to the introduction, in July 1905, of the system of Payment on Demand, which led to an increase in the number of transactions, and therefore in the amount of correspondence posted. 11. Cannot be accurately estimated. 12. The amount provided for probable increase was not all required. 13. 14. Some expenditure on fitting, not provided for in the Estimate, was required in connection with an increase in the clerical establishment. 15. An over-estimate. The difference was reduced by the transfer from Sub-Head E. 7. 16. 17. A fluctuating item. 18. Cannot be accurately estimated. The cases of fraudulent withdrawal discovered during the year were more numerous than usual, and of large amount. 19. REVENUE DEPARTMENTS, AND POST OFFICE PACKET AND TELEGRAPH SERVICES. 1. Explanation of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. 2. Life Insurance business was less than was anticipated. 3. 4. 1. The amount provided for probable variation in Agreements, etc., was not all required. the case of certain Companies no payments could be made, as the contracts were under revision. There was also a saving under "special trains.' 2. The cost of additional services was less than was expected. Included in this Sub-Head is a sum of 1031. -s. 10d., paid to Contractors for the summary determination of their Contracts. 3. Owing to the termination, on the 30th June, 1905, of the Contract with the Royal Mail Company for the service to and from the West Indies, the Mails carried by that Company were paid for at Ship Letter Rates. (See Vote IV., Sub-Head C). 4. An over-estimate. 5. (1) Reduction in cost of repair of Parcel Baskets; (2) Reduction in price of Mail Bags, and (3) Stocks kept low to minimise cost of removal. 6. Due to claims for arrears of rates on rented premises, and to the increase of a rental. REVENUE DEPARTMENTS, AND POST OFFICE PACKET AND TELEGRAPH SERVICES. (a) The Postage collected on behalf of Foreign Countries and Colonies is shown in the Revenue Account of the Post Office, which annually appears in the Finance Accounts presented to Parlament. (b) The sum of 1,2787., being the proceeds of the sale of old materials on sites purchased out of the Post Office Vote, was received and brought to account by the Office of Works. (c) The cost of all materials of post-cards, wrappers, & c., issued to Postmasters for sale in the year, was 61,4857. os. lid. |