CLASS VI.--continued. VOTE 1. SUPERANNUATION AND RETIRED ALLOWANCES. ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, to pay SUPERANNUATION COMPENSATION and COMPASSIONATE ALLOWANCES and GRATUITIES under Sundry Statutes, for COMPASSIONATE ALLOWANCES and GRATUITIES awarded by the Treasury, and for the SALARIES of MEDICAL REFEREES, in the Year ended 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote. Nil. Estimated amount of Extra Receipts payable to Exchequer Amount of Extra Receipts realised in the year 1905-6 and paid over to Exchequer Nil. EXPLANATION of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. A. In comparison with the amount of the Vote, the difference between the Grant and Expenditure is small, and the variation is caused by the lapse of allowances through death, and by the grant of new pensions. The provision made in the Estimate for probable additional charges was 4,000l. less than in the preceding year. B. The allowances on account of abolition and re-organisation of office are still decreasing in number and amount, and the diminished expenditure is owing to deaths. C. The usual amount was provided, but the expenditure under this Sub-Head cannot be accurately estimated. D.-A round sum in pounds was provided. The difference is 4s. only. E.The usual amount for the Compassionate Fund was provided. F. The decreased Expenditure was due to the death of a pensioner. G.-Only one guinea was expended out of the 10l. provided for fees to local practitioners.. H.-No further Grants are made under this Sub-Head, which therefore decreases by the amount of pensions removed from the List by reason of death. CLASS VI. continued. VOTE 1.-SUPERANNUATION AND RETIRED ALLOWANCES-continued. Sums received by HIS MAJESTY'S PAYMASTER GENERAL on behalf of the National Debt Commissioners in the Year 1905-6 in commutation by Local Authorities of Pensions which became an Imperial Charge: CASES reported to HIS MAJESTY'S PAYMASTER GENERAL of EXTRA REMUNERATION received by PENSIONED OFFICERS during the Year 1905-06. CLASS VI.-continued. VOTE 1.-SUPERANNUATION AND RETIRED ALLOWANCES-continued. CASES reported to HIS MAJESTY'S PAYMASTER GENERAL of EXTRA REMUNERATION received by PENSIONED OFFICERS during the Year 1905-06-continued. Public Record Office ditto ditto Navy Board of Education Post Office Public Record Office Miscellaneous Legal Expenses Public Record Office Board of Education (South Kensington) Board of Education 262 10 81. 8s. a sheet. Year-Book of Ed. III. 26 5 371 6 6 807. pension. 301. pension. 41. 12s. a year. ditto Navy Board of Education 4 26 5 Pension for 1905-6, reduced in accordance with Sec. 20 of the Superannuation Act, 1834. CLASS VI. continued. VOTE 1.-SUPERANNUATION AND RETIRED ALLOWANCES-continued. CASES reported to HIS MAJESTY'S PAYMASTER GENERAL of EXTRA REMUNERATION received by PENSIONED OFFICERS during the Year 1905-06—continued. * Pension for 1905-6, reduced in accordance with Sec. 20 of the Superannuation Act, 1834. |