CLASS V.-continued. VOTE 4-CYPRUS (GRANT IN AID)-continued. (A. 1.) EXPLANATORY NOTES on Actual Receipts and Expenditure for Year ending 31 March 1905. RECEIPTS. A.-Customs, and Port, Harbour, &c., Dues.-Increased imports due to good harvest, and consequently an increased purchasing power of population. B.-Tithes.-The estimate of cereal harvest was based on an average of previous five years, and was exceeded actually by 5,478.; "Tithes on exportation" was also exceeded by 648/. C.-Defter Hakani.-An increase of transactions affecting immoveable property and registrations of titles thereto. D.-Excise.-Tobacco Duties realised 18,074/. instead of 15,500l. as estimated: increase due to good year. E-Post Office.-Large increase of correspondence and sales of Postage Stamps to stamp dealers. F.-Miscellaneous.-The revised estimate was 365. As many items are now being carried to Specific Heads of Revenue, the original estimate, 9007., was based on previous years when such items were carried to Miscellaneous. G.-Irrigation.-There was little water in the Reservoirs; the revised estimate was 310. The indirect Revenue (included in Tithes) was reckoned at 415/. EXPENDITURE. 1.-Charges on Account of the Public Debt.-Under authority of C.O.D. 126 of 21 June 1905, the charges made against "Lands Account" during the last three previous years have been re-transferred to this Vote. 2.-Pensions.-A gratuity of 266l. 138. 3c.p., not estimated for in original estimate, was paid under authority of C.O.D. 21 of 1 February 1905. Police Pensions and Gratuities were under estimated by 537. 3.-Treasury.-Unavoidable excess due to large harvest; the item "Cost of Collecting Tithes and Taxes" being based on an average harvest. There was also an excess on "Guarding and Transport of Salt," being more than covered, however, by receipts under "Salt." 4.-Legal.-Excess due to Expenses of Witnesses in Crown Cases. 5.-Police.-Savings on Personal Emoluments and Forage. 6.-Prisons.-Savings on Personal Emoluments and Food for Prisoners. The Grant for the Industrial School was not expended. 7.- Miscellaneous.-Excess due to charges connected with Professor Dunstan's visit to the Island, to unavoidable excess on 66 'Stationery" and "Typewriters" ordered for 1905-6 being charged this financial year in Crown Agent's Account. 8.-Loan Works.-Under authority of C.O.D. 126 of 21 June 1905, the debit balance of the "Lands Account" (less Debt Charges, see No. 1 above) has been charged to this Vote. 9.-Public Works Department.-Due to Travelling Expenses of Director of Public Works incurred in his visit to England. 10.-Public Works Extraordinary.-Authorised by Secretary of State in C.O.D. 88 of 24 June 1904. Nicosia, 2 August 1905. } G. Smith, |