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CLASS V-continued.



STATEMENT showing the TOTAL COST up to 31st March 1906 of those SPECIAL MISSIONS and SERVICES the Expenses of which appear in the Accounts of the Year 1905-1906, and in those of the preceding Year or Years.

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Collection of Commercial Intelli- 10,873 11 8 1,955 19 8 12,829 11 4 gence.

Maintenance of Mosquito Chief 12,335 10 and Secretary in Jamaica.


13,221 10

Japanese Perpetual Leases (House 6,082 2 3 1,793 7 6 7,875 9 9
Tax) Arbitration.

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Delimitation of Anglo- German 13,067 19 9,570 5 1 22,638 4 1
Boundary in East Africa.

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Special Service Officers on the 1,214 19 4 2,230 10 7 3,445 9 11
Macedonian Gendarmerie Com-


Special Service in Szechuan

140 12 2

51 17 5 192 9 7

North Sea Inquiry Commission at 5,130 6 10 2,735 17 2 7,866 4

Muscat Dhows Arbitration

262 10

3,175 2 10 3,437 12 10




ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, for sundry COLONIAL

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SERVICES, including certain Grants in Aid, in the Year ended 31st March 1906, each Sub-Head of the Vote.


Of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant.

E. The whole amount voted was not required. A statement showing the distribution of the Grant is appended.

L.-Rounding of Estimate.

O.-The whole of the amount provided for the Remuneration of the Governor's Private Secretary and Clerks was not required.

P.-Part of the salary of the Governor was saved during a vacancy in the administration of the Government.

Q.-The whole of the amount provided for "Incidental Expenses" was not required.

R.-The expenditure under "Special Judicial and Clerical Assistance &c.," was rather more than had been estimated for. On the other hand, less than twelve months' salary in certain cases came in course of payment within the year.

R1 & R 2.-The expenditure under these heads is variable.

R 3. The expenditure proved to be slightly more than had been estimated for.

R 4. Same explanation as in Sub-Head R 3.

This expenditure is in continuation of that brought to account in 1904-5 for the maintenance of the Premier and the Treasurer of Tonga. No provision was made in a Supplementary Estimate as it was known that there would be savings on other Sub-Heads.

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CLASS V-continued.



Of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant.

S.-Less was required under the head of "Clerical Assistance &c." than had been estimated for.

S 1.-The expenditure under "Legal Advice, Reception of Native Chiefs, &c.," was considerably less than had been allowed for, and fewer journeys were undertaken than had been estimated for.

U. The excess is due to an increase of 50%. in the item for "Office Allowance" which was sanctioned after the Estimate had been prepared, and to a remanet of expenditure from 1904-5.

U 1.--Casual.

V. The expenditure under this head cannot be estimated with complete accuracy. The usual statement is appended.

W. The excess is mainly due to the fact that complete accounts of the Anglo-Portuguese Com. mission for the year 1904-5 were not received in time for inclusion in the account for that year, with the result that arrears of expenditure were not brought to account until 1905-6. In addition, certain expenditure in connection with the Anglo-French Boundary Commission, for which no provision had been made, was charged to the Sub-Head. With the sanction of the Treasury there has been included in the expenditure charged under this Sub-Head (1) 731. 118. 1d. in respect of losses on provisions, &c., supplied for members of the Anglo-French Boundary Commission, (2) 75l. 15s. -d. and 51. for which the Chief British Commissioner has been unable to account, and (3) 51. 2s. -d. due from a late officer of the Northern Nigeria Regiment, which is irrecoverable.

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