CLASS V.-continued. VOTE 1. DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR SERVICES. in connection with His Majesty's EMBASSIES, MISSIONS AND CONSULAR ESTABLISHMENTS ABROAD, 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote. EXPLANATION Of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. A.-Owing to vacancies at Belgrade, Guatemala, Mexico and Cettinge, and in the post of Commercial Attaché in China; and to the abolition of posts held by Secretaries of Legation. B.-Caused by special expenditure at Bogota, and by a rise in the exchange value of the currency at other posts. C.-The expenditure cannot be accurately estimated, and proved less than was anticipated, especially in Persia. D. Mainly caused by a re-arrangement of the Messenger Service from London. E. Below the average. F.-Owing to increased consumption of gas at Constantinople. G.-Mainly caused by special expenditure at Paris during repairs to the Embassy building. H.-Casual difference. I. Same as H. J.-Same as H. More would have been K. The expenditure on account of the Anglo-German Boundary in East Africa was heavier than had been expected, and the provision for unforeseen Missions was also exceeded. taken in the Supplementary Estimate but for savings elsewhere. L.-Cannot be accurately estimated. M. The following Gratuities were paid during the year: To an Office Servant at Hankow To a Chancery Servant at Berne To a Boatman at Swatow To a Chancery Servant at Stockholm To an Office Servant at Shanghai Court To a Gatekeeper at Chefoo To a Cavass at Constantinople To a Chancery Servant at Lisbon N.--Caused by vacancies at Boma, Brunei, Bahia, and Valparaiso, and at several of the minor posts in Turkey. O.-Owing to the rise in the exchange value of the milreis in Brazil. P.-Caused by a temporary increase in the number and cost of Student Interpreters. The excess is balanced by Savings under Sub-Head N. Q.-This Sub Head is charged with the sum of 1,159l. 17s. d., owing to the measures taken for the protection of British Subjects during the disturbances in Russia, and with 2617. 6s. 2d. for expenses incurred in connection with an outbreak of smallpox in Brunei. The ordinary expenditure was, moreover, above the average, mainly on account of special journeys in Persia. R. Above the average. S.-Same as E. T.-The Chaplaincy at Bahia remained vacant for a portion of the year. U.-Same as L. CLASS V-continued. VOTE 1.-DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR SERVICES-continued. EXPLANATION Of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. V. The provision made for Antung and Mukden was not required. The further saving arose from vacancies at Chinanfu and Kongmoon, and in the Class of Assistants. W.-Same as H. X.--The amount paid for Outfits was small; and the provision made for new posts was not required in full. Y.-The provision made for some new posts was not required. 7. Slightly below the average. AA.-Mainly owing to some arrears which came in course of payment, and to the distribution of new flags. BB.-Caused partly by arrears; and partly by charges for extra prisoners, which are eventually recovered and credited to Appropriations in Aid. CC.-The expenditure at posts where there is no fixed allowance was comparatively small. DD.-Same as L. EE.-The savings on account of vacancies, leaves of absence, &c., were greater than usual. FF. Same as H. GG.-Same as R. HH.-The expenditure in Japan and Corea was greater than had been anticipated. II.-Same as H. JJ.-The cost of additional elephants for posts in Northern Siam, for which provision was made in the Estimate, fell upon the Vote for the previous year. KK.-Same as H. LL.-Same as H. MM.-Same as L. NN.-The NN. The expenditure cannot be accurately estimated. Less is taken for 1906-7. The Fees in the General Consular Service and in Japan and Siam were above the average. 1903-4, and 1904-5. CLASS V.-continued. VOTE 1.-DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR SERVICES-continued. EXTRA REMUNERATION. The following Extra Allowances were made to members of the Diplomatic and Consular Services Amount. Date of Treasury Authority. FROM THE DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR VOTE: To a First Secretary, Gratuity for Services in connection with the Muscat Arbitration To the Agent and Consul-General at Zanzibar, Allowance towards Special Expenses in To the Consul-General at Warsaw, Grant towards extra expenses during the disturbances To the British Delegate on the Greek Finance Commission, Additional Salary while em- To a First Secretary, Allowance as British Delegate ad interim on the Greek Finance 40 11 2 10 March 1906 31 Aug. 1905 31 Aug. 1905 28 July 1904 and 21 Oct. 190528 July 1904 and 21 Oct. 1905 28 July 1904 and 21 Oct. 1905 26 Aug. 1904 and To a First Class Assistant in China, Allowance for Services while employed on the Thibet To a Second Secretary, Gratuity for Services in connection with the Newfoundland Claims 100 50 FROM THE OFFICE OF WORKS: To a Third Secretary, For Services during the execution of repairs at St. Petersburg PAYMENT FROM THE DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR VOTE WAS MADE TO: A Captain, R.E., Moiety of Pay while employed on Special Service in Szechuan A Lieutenant-Colonel, R. E., Pay while employed on the Anglo-German Boundary 40 51 17 5 201 1 9 485 3 9 553 16 and 22 May 1905 The Surplus of 17,0717. 58. 3d. shown on the Account of the Vote "Diplomatic and Consular Services,” for the year ended 31st March 1905, has been surrendered. Foreign Office, 30 November 1906.) W. C. Cartwright, Accounting Officer. Examined, I certify that this Account has been examined under my directions, and is correct. C. H. Archibald. CLASS V.-continued. VOTE 1. DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR SERVICES. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL. 1. EXPENDITURE in excess of the Estimate has taken place under the following Sub- Excess. Heads-Diplomatic Services, Sub-Heads B., D., F., G., J., K., and L.; General Consular Services, Sub-Heads O., P., Q., and R.; Services in China, Sub-Heads AA. and BB.; Services in Japan, Corea, and Siam, Sub-Heads GG., HH., LL., DIPLOMATIC SERVICES. 2. Particulars of the Expenditure under those Sub-Heads of the Vote for the Diplomatic Details of Service which are not shown in detail in the Estimate are included in the Statement Expenditure. (A) appended to this Report. (A.) 3. Details of the Expenditure under Sub-Head K., Special Missions and Services, are Sub-Head K. given in the appended Statement (B) furnished by the Foreign Office, in addition to Special which a further Statement (C), prepared in my Department, is annexed, showing the Missions, &c. total cost, to 31st March 1906, of those Special Missions and Services, not of a permanent character, in respect of which expenditure has taken place in preceding years as well as in the period of the present Account. (B.) (C.) 4. The Expenditure in connection with the "Delimitation of Anglo-German Sub-Head K. Boundary East and West of Lake Victoria" during the year amounted to 9,570l. 58. 1d. Special The "ledgers" referred to in paragraph 4 of my Report of last year have been forwarded, Missions. Angloand furnish satisfactory evidence in support of the charges for pay, &c. of native carriers. German Boundary 5. Reference was made in paragraph 5 of my Report on this Account for the year Sub-HeadK. 1904-5 to the proportion of the expense of the Anglo-Liberian Boundary Commission Liberian -Angloincurred on behalf of the Liberian Government, amounting to 4,777, which was Boundary charged against the Vote for the Diplomatic Service in that year. A sum of 3867. 198. 1d., Commission. representing interest for two years to 1st October 1906, has since been received, and I am informed that the President of the Republic promised to pay an instalment on 31st December, 1906, and that the Consul in Monrovia has been instructed to press the Liberian Government as opportunities arise to make good the arrear instalments. 6. The costs incidental to the North Sea Inquiry Commission in Paris charged to Sub-Head this Vote under Sub-Head K. for the year 1905-6 amounted to 2,7357. 178. 2d. making K.-North Sea Inquiry. the total charge for the two years 1904-5 and 1905-6 7,866l. 48. d., as shown in the appended Statement C. A sum of 2231. 3s. 1d. has also been charged to the Vote for Stationery and Printing, Vote 23, Class II. In addition, expenditure in connection with the inquiry at Hull, amounting during the two years to 3,1617. 168. 1d. has been charged to Vote 8, Class II., Board of Trade, and is referred to in paragraph 3 of my Report on that Vote. 7. In paragraph 7 of my Report on this Account for last year I referred to the long Nicaraguan outstanding credit balance in connection with the Indemnity received from the and Nicaraguan Government to meet claims by British subjects. A similar credit balance in Venezuelan respect of an Indemnity received from Venezuela in connection with the Claims Commission and Arbitration had not been cleared by June, 1906. In reply to an inquiry I have recently been informed that application will be made to the Treasury with regard to the disposal of both these balances. 27. Indemnities. 3 M |