CLASS IV.-continued. VOTE 5.-WALLACE COLLECTION-continued. EXPLANATION of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. A. The excess is due to the employment of one Attendant and one Pensioner-Porter in lieu of a Constable. The saving on Sub-Head B. is due to this cause. B. See explanation above. C.-Over-estimated. The repairs requiring to be done to the works of art being widely different from year to year it is difficult to accurately forecast the expenditure which will be necessary under this head. D.-It was found unnecessary to provide certain garments. E. These receipts chiefly consist of Admission Fees paid by Visitors on paying days, and cannot be accurately estimated. Receipts derived from the sale of Catalogues.-Cannot be accurately estimated. The Surplus of 1021. 18s. 5d., shown on the Account of the Vote "Wallace Collection," for the year ended 31st March, 1905 has been surrendered. 28 November 1906. Claude Phillips, Accounting Officer, I certify that this Account has been examined under my directions, and is correct. Examined, John A. Kempe, Comptroller and Auditor General. CLASS IV.-continued. 1 VOTE 5. WALLACE COLLECTION. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL. 1. EXPENDITURE in excess of the Estimate has been incurred under Sub-Head A. 2. The Amount to be Surrendered is, as shown by the Account, 250l. 18. 1d. Excess. Surplus. CLASS IV. continued. VOTE 6. SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION, &c. ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, to pay Sundry Grants in Aid of SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION, &c., and other Grants, in the year ended 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote. CLASS IV. continued. VOTE 6.-SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION, &c.-continued. EXPLANATION of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. N.-There was a saving on ordinary expenditure of 60l. 7s: 5d., mainly due to a vacancy in the Office of Astronomer Royal, but this was reduced by the payment of a gratuity of £50 to the First Assistant for the extra work and responsibility thrown upon him during the late Professor Copeland's illness, and prior to the appointment of a successor. O.-Gain by Exchange on the annual subscription of 6,000 marks. P.- An approximate Estimate. EXTRA RECEIPTS. North Sea Fisheries Investigation: A sum of 217. 4s. 5d. was realized by the sale of old stores, &c., and paid into the Exchequer. The Surplus of 9231. s. 3d., shown on the Account of the Vote "Scientific Investigation, &c.," for the year ended 31st March 1905, has been surrendered. Treasury, 26 October 1906. } W. Blain, Accounting Officer. I certify that this Account has been examined under my directions, and is correct. Examined, W. M. Martin. VOTE 6. John A. Kempe, Comptroller and Auditor General. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL. 1. The Account shows a Surplus to be Surrendered of 5571. 58. 8d. Grant Expenditure Surplus Surplus. 2. The annexed Account of the Meteorological Council for the year 1905-6 has been Meteoroexamined in my Department in detail and found correct. logical Council. 3. The Expenditure under Sub-Heads N., "Edinburgh Observatory," and P., "North Sub-Heads Sea Fis heries Investigation," has also been examined in detail and found correct. N., & P. 4. With the above exceptions, the Accounts of the various Societies receiving the Grants in Aid are not subject to examination in my Department. John A. Kempe, CLASS IV. continued. VOTE 6.-SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION, &c.-continued. STATEMENT referred to in the foregoing Report. METEOROLOGICAL OFFICE-ACCOUNT of RECEIPTS and PAYMENTS for the Year NOTE.-On March 31st the amount of 24 per cent. Annuities held for the provision of Superannuation Annuities was 2,156/. 4s. 1d. W. N. Shaw, Director. |