CLASS III.-continued. VOTE 5.-COUNTY COURTS-continued. EXPLANATION of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. A. Saving 158l. 98. -d. B. Saving 2,6577. 178. 9d. H. Saving 8881. 18. 10d./ I. Excess 212l. 148. 1d. K. Surplus 9,817 198. 7d. Due to the death of an Examiner at the maximum rate of Salary and the appointment of a successor at the minimum rate, also to a saving in the amount estimated for copying, &c. There was some diminution in the number of plaints entered on which the The number of commitments to prison increased during the year. In subsequent Estimates, commencing with the year 1906-7 provision for a The following payments to County Court Registrars, allowed by the County Court Department in Registrars' Accounts, have been recovered during the year from the Vote for the Supreme Court of Judicature, viz., for District Registry Remuneration, the sum of 10,8221. 38. 8d.; for remuneration under the Deeds of Arrangement Act, 1887, the sum of 1,4077. 78. 6d. The sum of 21,4241. 3s. 1d. received from County Court Registrars has been paid over to the Supreme Court in respect of District Registry Fees. NOTE 2. During the year the sum of 4201. 10s. 10d., received from County Court Registrars, has been paid over to the Paymaster General to the credit of the Companies (Winding-up) Act Fees Account. The Surplus of 42,666l. 18s. 7d., shown on the Account of the Vote "County Courts," for the year ended 31st March 1905, has been surrendered. County Court Department, Treasury, 29 November 1906. B. J. Bridgeman, I certify that this Account has been examined under my directions, and is correct. Examined, H. J. Bidwell. John A. Kempe, Comptroller and Auditor General. CLASS III.-continued. VOTE 5. COUNTY COURTS. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL. 1. Expenditure in excess of the Estimate has taken place under Sub-Head I. Excess. Grant (Gross) - £. 8. d. 515,452 508,464 3 8 Surplus. CLASS III continued. VOTE 6. POLICE, ENGLAND AND WALES. ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, to pay the Salaries of the Commissioner and Assistant Commissioners of the METROPOLITAN POLICE and of the Receiver for the METROPOLITAN POLICE DISTRICT, the Pay and Expenses of Officers of METROPOLITAN POLICE employed on Special Duties, and the Salaries and Expenses of the INSPECTORS OF CONSTABULARY, in the Year ended 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote. ! CLASS III.-continued. VOTE 6.-POLICE, ENGLAND AND WALES-continued. EXPLANATION of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. B.-It was not found necessary to employ so large a Force as that for which provision had been made. C.-Casual variation. E. The Expenditure under this Sub-Head varies according to the dates at which the Inspectors begin their annual tours of inspection. Moreover there has recently been a reduction of expense in consequence of the Inspectors having been permitted in certain districts to use Police motor cars. F.-Casual variation. The Surplus of 6,3341. 13s. 7d., shown on the Account of the Vote "Police, England and Wales," for the Home Office, Whitehall, W. P. Byrne, I certify that this Account has been examined under my directions, and is correct. Examined, H. J. Bidwell. John A. Kempe, Comptroller and Auditor General CLASS III.-continued. VOTE 6. POLICE, ENGLAND AND WALES. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL. Surplus. 1. The Amount to be Surrendered is, as shown by the Account, 3,357l. 178. 3d. Metropolitan METROPOLITAN POLICE FUND ACCOUNTS. 2. Accounts of the Receipts and Payments in respect of the Funds of the Metropolitan Police Fund. Police, and the Metropolitan Police Pensions, as audited in my Department, together (A) (B) (C) with my Reports thereon, are appended. A Statement of the capital raised and expended under the provisions of the Metropolitan Police Acts, 1886, 1887, and 1897, and of the Metropolitan Police Courts Act, 1897, is also appended. John A. Kempe, Comptroller and Auditor General. |