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CLASS I.-continued.


ON NEW WORKS, &c., 1905-1906.


Excess due mainly to the heavy legal charges and other fees connected with the acquisition of the ground necessary for the widening of the gateway.

This work was postponed; a re-vote was taken for the year 1906-7.

Casual variation.

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£ 1,432 4 8 This excess was caused by the erection of plant pits for which no provision had been made, but the urgent necessity for which was strongly pressed by the Regius Keeper in view of the difficulty experienced in affording proper protection to plants in the winter, and also to the fact that work in the previous year was so delayed that charges expected to fall on that year did not mature until after the close thereof.

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Casual variation.

The area enclosed was smaller than had at first been intended,

The excess is due to the fact that much of the old materials, which it had been expected would have been re-used, was found to be in such a decayed condition as to necessitate its being replaced by new, and to unforeseen expense which had to be incurred in respect of the drainage. The progress of the work was hindered by these difficulties, with the result that the service could not be completed until after 31st March 1905.

This expenditure was incurred in connection with the removal and re-erection of fencing, and the alteration of gates, &c., to facilitate the ingress and egress of the troops and the general public.

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CLASS I.-continued.





New Works.


1. EXPENDITURE in excess of the Estimate has taken place under Sub-Head F.

2. A Special Sub-Head, H1 "Compensation for Injuries," has been opened for the purpose of recording the exceptional expenditure explained by the Accounting Officer. This payment was made with the concurrence of the Treasury.

3. A Statement of Expenditure on "New Works, &c.," included under Sub-Head E, Sub-Head E. is appended to the Account. Treasury authority has been obtained, where necessary, to cover charges for which no provision, or inadequate provision, had been made.


4. The Amount to be Surrendered is, as shown by the Account, 1,0097. 4s. 1d.

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CLASS I.-continued.



ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, for HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, in the Year ended 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote.

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EXPLANATION of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant,

A.-See Statement of New Works.

B. The cost of general repairs to the Building, including the preparation of the Speaker's House on change of occupation, proved heavier than had been anticipated.

C.-The expenditure on general maintenance was less than had been estimated, and some charges in connection with the improvement of the lighting did not come in course of payment before the close of the year. D.-The cost of fuel proved less than had been expected, and there was a saving on the provision for electric lighting extension.

E-Casual variation.

F.-Casual variation.

G.-Casual variation.

The Surplus of 2951. 8s. 1d. shown on the Account of the Vote "Houses of Parliament Buildings," for the year ended 31st March, 1905, has been surrendered.

His Majesty's Office of Works, &c., }

29 November 1906.

Schomberg K. McDonnell,
Accounting Officer.

I certify that this Account has been examined under my directions, and is correct.

C. H. Archibald.


John A. Kempe, Comptroller and Auditor General.

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