CLASS II. continued. VOTE 22. REGISTRAR GENERAL'S OFFICE, ENGLAND. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL. The Amount to be Surrendered is, as shown by the Account, 3,005l. 10s. 3. Surplus. CLASS II.-continued. VOTE 23. STATIONERY AND PRINTING. ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted, to defray the Expense of providing STATIONERY, PRINTING, PAPER, BINDING, and PRINTED BOOKS for the Public Service; to pay the Salaries and Expenses of the STATIONERY OFFICE, and for sundry Miscellaneous Services, including REPORTS of PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, in the Year ended 31st March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote. CLASS II. continued. VOTE 23.-STATIONERY AND PRINTING-continued. EXPLANATION of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant. A.-Salaries. Saving 1,1397. 168. 1d. The saving is consequent on vacancies resulting from retirements having been filled by promotions at initial rates of salary, and to the abolition of the Waste Paper Branch. B.-Horses and Carts and Carriages. Saving 680l. 198. 6d. The saving is owing to the abolition of the Waste Paper Branch. C-Police. Saving 54. 7s. 7d. The saving is due to the abolition of the post of Night Watchman in Dublin. D.-Incidents. Saving 21. 14s. 9d. Casual difference between Estimate and Expenditure E-Printing. Excess 2,5451. 10s. 7d. Casual difference between Estimate and Expenditure. With the sanction of the Treasury there has been included in the Expenditure under this Sub-Head a sum of 167. 13s. 3d. in respect of charges for printing for the Royal Dublin Society. The Royal Dublin Society declined to pay for this work on the ground that it was delivered too late to be of use. F.-Paper. Excess 77. 13s. 2d. Casual difference between Estimate and Expenditure. G.-Parchments and Vellums. Saving 1,830l. 6s. 3d. The saving is due to a general decrease in the use of Parchments throughout the Service--Loan Paper being substituted. The sales by the Inland Revenue of "Stamped " Parchments were less, hence their demands on the Stationery Office were smaller also. H.-Binding. Excess 6161, 58. 2d. Casual difference between Estimate and Expenditure. I.-Books and Maps. Excess 2,075l. -s. 11d. The demands for Telephone Directories for the General Post Office and for books for Naval Libraries were in excess of the sums estimated. J.-Miscellaneous Small Stores. Excess 1,6971. 9s. 6d. The requirements were slightly under-estimated. A larger sum than was expected was expended for Stock Articles owing to the establishment in Edinburgh of a branch of the Stationery Office. K.-Parliament. Saving 9,770l. 19s. 7d. The requirements of the Session 1905 were less than anticipated. L.-S.O. Publications. Excess 3,5281. 118. 4d. The demands for the production of Military and Naval publications were heavier than there was reason to anticipate. M.-Gazettes. Saving 210l. 15s. 6d. The demands for the Gazettes were less than usual N.-Parliamentary Debates. Saving 305l. 1s. 6d. The Session was a somewhat short one. 0.-Bills of Entry. Excess 2347. 118. 9d. The Expenditure was slightly under-estimated. P.—Parliamentary Papers for Free Libraries. Saving 621. 178. 9d. The charges for this Sub-Head are dependent on the demands received from Public Libraries. Q-Appropriations in Aid. Excess 8,585l. 138. -d. The sums received for Sales of Official Publications to the public were larger than had been anticipated. 27 CLASS II. continued. VOTE 23.-STATIONERY AND PRINTING--continued. EXTRA REMUNERATION. Payments in excess of 251. (Subhead A.) were made to two Clerks for overtime, the amounts being 297. 88. -d. and 25l. 48. -d. Mr. Pulling, who, as Editor of Statutory Rules, &c., received 4007. out of Sub-Head A., was paid 1837. 158. -d. out of the Vote for Treasury, &c. (Statute Law Committee) for editing the Annual Volume of Chronological Table and Index to Statutes, and 100l. for a revised edition of Statutory Rules and Orders. The Surplus of 12,9391. s. 8d. shown on the Account of the Vote "Stationery and Printing," for the year ended 31st March 1905, has been surrendered. His Majesty's Stationery Office, 7 November 1906. R. Bailey, I certify that this Account has been examined under my directions, and is correct. Examined. W. M. Martin. John A. Kempe, Comptroller and Auditor General. CLASS II. continued. VOTE 23. STATIONERY AND PRINTING. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL. 1. Expenditure in excess of the Estimate has taken place under Sub-Heads E., F., H., Excess. I., J., L. and O. 2. The totals of the balances due to the Stationery Office from the various Repaying Outstanding Departments and Sale Agents on the 31st March 1906, compared with those of the Balances. previous year, were as follows: Repaying Departments Sale Agents On 31st March, 1905. On 31st March, 1906. £ 8. d. 25,086 15 11 £ 8. d. 26,627 18 10 3. Sub-Head Q., Appropriations in Aid.-A local test examination of these receipts has Appropriabeen made with satisfactory results. 4. The Amount to be Surrendered is, as shown by the Account, 11,9387. 9s. 1d. tions in Aid. Surplus. 5. In addition to the Appropriations in Aid shown on the Account, it appears, from a Fee Stamps. Statement furnished to me by the Inland Revenue Department, that the following suns have been received in that Department during the year in connection with the Sale of Fee Stamps in respect of the "London and Edinburgh Gazettes," viz. :— |