CLASS I.-continued. VOTE 14-PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS, IRELAND-continued. SUB-HEAD B.-NEW WORKS AND ALTERATIONS--continued. OBSERVATION S. Work postponed pending notification from G.P.O. of Treasury sanction to arrangements with landlord. Provision in 1906-7. Estimated cost (not settled). Expended, 2541. 5s. Work of clearing site completed. Provision in 1906–7. Work completed. Estimated cost, 1,4387. Expended, 1,4437. 13s. 8d. Work completed. Estimated cost, 18,950. Expended, 20,4951. 3s. 8d. Excess caused by additional works of rebuilding staircase, etc. Work completed. Estimated cost, 1,000l. Expended, 1,1617. 118. ld. Work completed. Estimated cost, 1,5751. Expended, 1,5277. 4s. 7d. Work completed. Saving due to modification of original plans. Work completed. Work almost completed. Estimated (revised) cost, 18,000l. Expended, 137. 9s. 4d. Work delayed by non-receipt of G.P.O. approval of plans, etc. Provision in 1906-7. Estimated cost, 2,6787. Expended, 2351. 2s. 4d. Possession not yet obtained by G.P.O. Provision in 1906-7. Estimated cost, 17,5007. Expended, 18,2257. 9s. 4d. Work completed. Estimated cost, 5,6007. Expended, 5,3127. 12s, 2d. Work almost completed, further payments to be made. Provision in 1906-7. Estimated (revised) cost, 9657. Work postponed at request of G.P.O. Provision in 1906-7. Estimated cost, 9007. Expended, 7947. 9s. 1d. Fresh tenders invited for completion. Provision in 1906-7. Estimated cost, 11,4507. Expended, 12,8777. 10s. 11d. Treasury Letter No. 23826/06 of 15th, January 1906, sanctions excess on Estimate of about 7801., and excess on year's Vote of 2,7177. Excess caused by further additional improvements. Work completed. Estimated cost, 5007. Estimated cost, 3,600l. Work completed. Work completed. Expended, 6097. 14s. 10d. Work completed. Treasury Letter No. 402/06 of 18th January, 1906 sanctioned expenditure during year of 1,9977. Total Contribution, 5,000l. Paid 5,000l. Total Estimate for work, 13,000l. CLASS I. continued. VOTE 14.-PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS, IRELAND-continued. Treasury Letter 22657 of 18 December 1905, sanctions expenditure of 1747. 178. Work completed. Estimated cost, 157. or 207. Work completed. Estimated cost, 321. Work completed. CLASS I. continued. VOTE 14.-PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS, IRELAND-continued. SUB-HEAD B.-NEW WORKS AND ALTERATIONS-continued. OBSERVATIONS. Estimated cost, 55l. Work completed. Estimated cost, 1007. Work completed. Treasury Letter, No. 20919, November 14, 1905. Estimated cost, 1257. Work completed. No. 10533, June 7, 1905, sanctions expenditure of 145l. 58. Work completed. No. 22985, December 19, 1905, sanctions expenditure of 3231. Work completed. No. 4791, March 26, 1906, sanctions expenditure of 3417. 18s. 2d. Work completed. No. 14471, August 5, 1905. Estimated cost, 6157. Work completed. No. 4001, March 5, 1906, sanctions expenditure of 1107. 178. 2d. Work completed. No. 2559, February 15, 1906, sanctions expenditure of 1297. 178. 1d. Work completed. No. 14 of 1903-4. Estimated cost, 5637. No. 11 of 1904-5. (Treasury Letter 482, Expended, 4607. 8s. 2d. Work completed. January 9, 1904.) Estimated (revised) cost, 2,6107. Expended, 2,6077. 15s. 10ď.. No. 15 of 1904-5. Estimated cost, 2501. Expended, 3201. 5s. 7d. Work completed. Part of No. 72 of 1904-5. Estimated cost, 70%. Expended, 78. 18s. Special of 1904-5. Estimated cost, 807. Expended, 1531. 16s. 9d. Excess caused by inaccessibility of site. No. 19 of 1904-5. Estimated cost, 4757. Expended, 3734. 14:. 9d. Work completed. |