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7. As will be seen from the statement of "New Works, &c.," the plan adopted in the Proposed three previous years of providing a lump sum in the Estimate under the head of Works. "Proposed Works," to be spent upon New Works to be selected by the Board, from a list included in the Estimate, has again been followed in the year 1905-6. Provision was made for the sum of 76,000l., whilst the expenditure amounted only to 30,6471. 128. 2d. showing a saving of 45,352l. In their Minute of 11th December 1905 the Treasury expressed the view that, so far as circumstances permit, information should be given to Parliament not only of the total estimated cost of each separate work, but also of the amount to be expended on it in the year of Estimate. As explained to the Public Accounts Committee, 1906, this recommendation was not carried out in the Estimates 1905-6, but in the Estimates for 1906-7, both the total Estimated cost and the provision for the year are shown out separately for each Proposed New Work.

8. The Amount to be Surrendered is, as shown by the Account, 87,255l. 198. 8d.

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Appropriations in Aid realised in excess of the Estimate 2,016 4


Total Amount to be Surrendered

£. 87,255 19 8

John A. Kempe,

Comptroller and Auditor General.

CLASS I continued.



ACCOUNT of the Sum Expended, compared with the Sum Granted for Expenditure in respect of sundry PUBLIC BUILDINGS in GREAT BRITAIN, not provided for on other Votes, in the Year ended 31 March 1906, showing the Surplus or Deficit upon each Sub-Head of the Vote.

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CLASS I.-continued.


EXPLANATION of the Causes of Variation between Expenditure and Grant.

A.-See Statement of New Works.


B.-Casual variation.

C.-The cost of additional accommodation was less than had been anticipated, and various changes were made during the year which reduced the charge under this Sub-Head.

D.-Casual variation.

E. Ditto.

F.-There was an increase in the quantity of water taken from the Public Mains due to a breakdown at the Government Waterworks.

G. The excess is mainly due to the purchase of furniture of historic interest at Walmer Castle to be retained in that Building, which is now open to public inspection, and to unforeseen expenditure in connection with the furnishing of the official residence of the First Lord of the Admiralty, rendered necessary by change in occupation.

H.-The sum of 7,000l. was included under this Head in respect of the Contribution towards the cost of the new Magnetic Observatory at Eskdale Muir; the expenditure for the year, however, fell short of anticipation, amounting to 2,7521. only, a corresponding amount being received as the proportion of the total contribution. On the other hand the receipts from sales of old materials and miscellaneous sources exceeded expectation and a sum of 1,250l. was received in respect of a sale of property for which no provision had been made.


A kiosk originally erected in the grounds of the Imperial Institute by the Government of New Zealand, was inadvertently sold by the Board for 10l., the cost of pulling down and removal being payable by the purchasers. The New Zealand Government, however, claimed it as their structure, and it was subsequently repurchased for 597., and handed over to their representative.


The sum of 15l. 9s. was, with Treasury authority, paid as compensation for termination of contract for supply of rough slack coal for the boilers at the Imperial Institute.

The Surplus of 12,325l. 11s. 6d., shown on the Account of the Vote "Public Buildings," for the year ended 31 March 1905, has been surrendered.

His Majesty's Office of Works, &c.,

29 November 1906.

Schomberg K. McDonnell,
Accounting Officer.


I certify that this Account has been examined under my directions, and is correct.

C. H. Archibald.

John A. Kempe, Comptroller and Auditor General,

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Alterations had to be carried out which were not anticipated when the Estimate was framed. The cost of fitting up electric light has been charged to this Section instead of to the general provision under Section 18, although no amount was included in the original estimate for the work in respect thereof.

The work was delayed during 1904-5, on account of difficulties encountered in connection with the foundations; hence, the proportion of the whole expenditure falling upon this year, is in excess of anticipation. The total cost has been increased owing to the additional measures of precaution, rendered necessary by the unsatisfactory nature of the sub-soil.

The progress made by the founders was slower than had been expected. A re-vote is taken in the Estimates for 1906-7.

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