STATEMENT OF INDIRECT EXPENDITURE, 1905-1906. EXPENDITURE on the following Services, not chargeable direct to orders :- Superior Clerical Staff 5 per Cent. Depreciation on Buildings 10 per Cent. Depreciation on Machinery (including £21,974 (estimated) in respect of idle plant] Amounts written off Capital Charge Amounts written off First Equipment Amounts written off Special Plant for New Pattern Short Rifle Less.-Amounts taken in relief of Indirect Expenditure: 5,269 12 2 205 10 88,623 12 1 22,666 19 4 5,551 9 9 463 675,704 14 7 3 372 14 3 81,346 11 1 7,039 13 1 Materials returned to store, and other miscellaneous reliefs Note. Of this amount 194,186l. 2s. 4d. has been levied as Machinery Charges in the Royal Laboratory, Royal Carriage Department, Royal Gun Factory, and Torpedo Factory, and 600,123/. 10s. 8d. is distributed as a general percentage on direct labour in each Factory as shown below, the balance being distributed at varying rates over certain special classes of work in each Factory. General percentages on direct labour for the Year 1905-1906 :- Royal Laboratory Royal Carriage Department Royal Gun Factory Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield Royal Gunpowder Factory, Waltham. Royal Small Arms Factory, Birmingham Repairs 68-21 64-74 |