VOTE 11.- DETAIL of the ESTABLISHMENTS for MILITARY EDUCATION-continued. Rewards to Officers and Non-commissioned Officers for proficiency in) -J Vote 12. MISCELLANEOUS EFFECTIVE SERVICES. I. ESTIMATE of the Sum which will be required in the Year ending 31st March 1908, to defray the Expense of MISCELLANEOUS EFFECTIVE SERVICES. Net Cost of Instruction of soldiers in civilian occupations, after deducting fees paid by them C.-COMMISSION TO BANKERS: Commission to local Banks for the supply of Specie D.-COMPENSATION FOR LOSSES : Compensation to Officers and Men under Royal Warrant 1,500 2,000 Compensation to others for Losses, and incidental expenses relating thereto 900 1,000 Compensation to Civilians for personal injuries, and gratuities to Widows, &c., of Civilians accidently killed £. 2,900 3,600 E.-MEDALS: Cost of Medals and incidental expenses in connection with the supply F.-POLICE: Wages, &c. of Metropolitan and other Police employed at other than G.-EXTRA-REGULATION EXPENDITURE: Amounts placed at the disposal of the Secretary of State (5,000l.) and Miscellaneous Charges, including loss by exchange incidental expenses K.-APPROPRIATIONS IN AID: Miscellaneous Receipts, including amounts received to replace lost Medals, (a) Net provision, after deducting a rebate of 25% allowed by the General Post Office on the total value of all stamps used for Army Service. Vote 13. WAR OFFICE AND ARMY ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT. I. ESTIMATE of the Sum which will be required in the Year ending 31st March 1908 to defray the Expense of the WAR OFFICE AND ARMY ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT. Also 3,0751. on account of pension of retired officers employed as clerks, whose pension is consolidated in their salaries. VOTE 13.-WAR OFFICE AND ARMY ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT-continued. Carried forward £. 51,470 49,300 (a) Includes pay of four Clerks and allowances of five Clerks employed in other Departments as Private Secretaries to Members of Council. (b) These rates include all emoluments with the exception of Pensions for Wounds and Rewards for Distinguished Service. (c) Includes one Principal of the old establishment, who rises from 700l., by 25l. annually, to 9007. (d) Includes 240l. for a military officer (employed as a private secretary in lieu of one of these clerks), formerly provided in Vote 1. (e) One of the Private Secretaries is a Retired Officer Clerk (Class A.), who receives no extra pay. (f) The present holder retains his right to the allowance of 150l. per annum. (g) Previously provided under Department of Finance Member. |