Expenses of Students and General Expenses (for details, see Appendix, No. 13, p. 206) TOTAL, ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY N.B. The Contributions paid by the Cadets (21,000l.) are taken as an Appropriation in Aid under Sub-Head L. (a) These Officers are provided with public quarters. (b) Subject to a deduction of 50l. if provided with public quarters. VOTE 11.-DETAIL of the ESTABLISHMENTS for MILITARY EDUCATION-continued. Pay of Subordinates (detailed in Appendix, No. 13, p. 207) TOTAL, ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE N.B. The Contributions paid by the Cadets (43,200l.), are taken as an 50 50 100 100 50 50 230 230 19,223 19,920 16,072 15,455 Total Officers Pay of Subordinates (detailed in Appendix, No. 13, p. 207) 1,542 1,540 Expenses of Students and General Expenses (for details, see Appendix, No. 13, p. 207) Fees and other expenses incidental to training of Officers in Administrative duties (a) Including the cost of one Company of Cadets accommodated in the Royal Military Academy. (b) With 50l. more when not accommodated in Quarters. (c) Two Officers receive 501. a year in addition as Instructor of Gymnastics and Superintendent of Signalling respectively. VOTE 11.- DETAIL of the ESTABLISHMENTS for MILITARY EDUCATION-continued. (a) In addition to the above, there are 7 Inspectors, 81 Army Schoolmasters, and 81 Schoolmistresses, whose pay is provided by the Indian Government. There are also 24 Schoolmistresses on the unemployed list. (6) Provision for 36 only is made in this Subhead, 1 being provided in Vote 1, Subhead L. VOTE 11.- DETAIL of the ESTABLISHMENTS for MILITARY EDUCATION-continued. Expenses of Foys, Students, &c., and General Expenses (for details, see Appendix, 3,400 3,360 TOTAL, DUKE OF YORK'S ROYAL MILITARY SCHOOL £. 13,640 13,700 (a) The fuel and furniture for this Establishment are supplied by the Office of Works, and the cost is included in the Civil Service Estimates. (b) When the appointment is filled by a retired officer, 1501. in addition to retired pay; when by an officer on the active list, the pay of his rank. The appointment is at present filled by a Lieut. Colonel of the Royal Army Medical Corps with pay at 11. 10s. Od. a day. (c) In addition to 100l. a year from the Unclaimed Army Prize Fund for services rendered to the Royal Ho-pital, Chelsea. (d) These are the rates for Warrant Officers. VOTE 11.- DETAIL of the ESTABLISHMENTS for MILITARY EDUCATION-continued. Expenses of Pupils, Students, Subordinates, and General Expenses (for details see TOTAL, ROYAL HIBERNIAN MILITARY SCHOOL (a) The charge for maintenance of buildings, furniture, fuel, and light for this Establishment is provided in the Civil Service Estimates under the Vote for Public Buildings, Ireland. (b) In quarters. (c) These are the rates for Warrant Officers. |