J.--RENTS AND WATER SUPPLY OF CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENTS: K. -CONTRACTS FOR MAKING CLOTHING: £. 39,500 43,800 (a) With quarters in addition. (b) Personal to present holder. (c) With quarters and 1s. 8d. per diem in addition chargeable to Sub-Head Q., "Wages-Factory." (d) Included in 1906-7 with Storeholders. Storehousemen, &c. (f) One Fireman Engineer and one Messenger have quarters in addition. (g) Exclusive of persons temporarily employed. Vote 7. SUPPLIES AND CLOTHING continued. L.--MATERIALS OBTAINED BY CONTRACT TO BE MADE INTO CLOTHING AND FOR Materials Deduct, Value of Materials to be issued to the Factory (see Sub-Head R.) Packing Materials for Clothing M.-MANUFACTURED ARTICLES OF CLOTHING, &c., BOUGHT READY-MADE: Boots and Leggings (including materials for repairs, &c.) Necessaries and Gloves N.-COMPENSATION AND MONEY ALLOWANCES IN LIEU OF CLOTHING: Amount to be paid to Soldiers for Compensation in lieu of Clothing, Kits, &c. 0.--MACHINERY, TOOLS, FURNITURE, AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES OF CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENTS P.-APPROPRIATIONS IN AID (CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENTS) : Value of Clothing, etc., to be recovered from the Indian Government, for Regiments on Indian Establishment Volunteer Corps Clothing and Necessaries issued on Repayment Proceeds of Sale of Clothing Miscellaneous Receipts CLOTHING FACTORY. (a) Q.-ESTABLISHMENT AND WAGES OF CLOTHING FACTORY : Manager of Factory R.-VALUE OF MATERIALS OBTAINED FROM STORE (see Sub-Head L.) S.-MACHINERY AND MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES FOR CLOTHING FACTORY T.-APPROPRIATIONS IN AID (CLOTHING FACTORY): Value of Cuttings, &c. Sold (a) Sub-Heads Q. to T. contain only such items of expenditure and receipt as are exclusively referable to the Clothing Factory. But the productions of the Factory are also charged, in the annual Manufacturing Accounts, with a portion of the expenditure included under Sub-Heads C., J. and O, and also for Buildings, Police, &c., included in other Army Votes. The amounts under Sub-Heads C., H., J., O., provide also for services performed for To defray establishment expenses a percentage is charged on clothing issued on payment or inspected. APPROXIMATE ANNUAL COST of CLOTHING per MAN, REGULAR FORCES, serving at HOME, and CORPS. COST OF CLOTHING & RECRUIT. £. s. d. £. d. £. 10 19 5 9 d. £. d. 25 17 9 918 9719 4 24 15 1 5 11 1 5 12 10 13 14 4 Cavalry of the Line (Dragoon Guards and Dragoons) (Lancers) Royal Horse Artillery Royal Field Artillery Gunners N.C.O.'s and Drivers 66 36615 15 10 56 1 5 10 3 5 10 10 4 14 11 4 6 8 7 4 18 56126 2 10 12 9 65 7 15 4 65 10 66 1416 8 4 11 4 4 10 9 478 4 15 11 Royal Army Medical Corps Army Ordnance Corps 51295 12 11 4 12 3 7 17 3 834 Army Pay Corps 5 12 10 598413 4 4 4 9 Army Veterinary Corps (a) These rates (which are based on the current Army Order Price Lists) include, in addition to the average annuel cost of the clothing, a proportion of the cost of the extra clothing and kit of necessaries issued free on enlistment. Vote 8. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHMENTS AND GENERAL STORES. I. AN ESTIMATE of the Sum which will be required in the Year ending 31st March 1908, to defray the Expense of the ORDNANCE. DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHMENTS and of GENERAL STORES. (a) Includes 1,700l. for regimental provision of Miscellaneous Stores, etc., now provided under Vote 1, Subhead D. III. Vote 8.--ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT ESTABLISHMENTS AND GENERAL STORES-continued. DETAILS of the foregoing. A.-ESTABLISHMENTS AND WAGES, &c., OF ARMY ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT: SALARY. ESTIMATE, ESTIMATE, Clerks, Writers, and other Subordinates, including Military parties and Soldier Clerks. (For details see Appendix No. 10, p. 199.) C.--BARRACK, HOSPITAL, AND PRISON STORES, including Furniture to the value of 1,000l. supplied to Barrack Rooms for the use of the Army Temperance Association £. 190,000 (c) 255,000 (a) The Pay of Military Officers, Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men employed on the Inspection of General Stores is provided under Vote 1, Sub-head C. (b) The Stores here referred to include Clothing (except at Pimlico), and Stores supplied under Vote 9. (c) Includes 1,700l. for regimental provision of Miscellaneous Stores, etc., now provided under Vote 1, Sub-head D. (d) Including Stores supplied under Vote 9. |