Pay of 6 Pensioner Clerks in Offices of Principal Veterinary Officers of Commands, 1 Pensioner Clerk in Army Veterinary School, and 1 Pensioner Clerk and 1 Calf Attendant in Army Vaccine Institute Pay of Civilian Subordinates in Egypt and South Africa (a) The total Emoluments of Officers serving at Home are shown in Appendix No. 18, p. 230. Miscellaneous Expenses of Courts Martial (including pay to acting Judge Advocates, legal expenses, prosecuting counsels' fees, &c., but excluding travelling expenses and allowances to witnesses). (6) (6) Similar charges for the Militia are included in Vote 3, Subhead E. 150 150 4,050 VOTE 1.-PAY, &c., OF THE ARMY-continued. S.-PAY, &c. OF ESTABLISHMENTS OF MILITARY PRISONS & DETENTION BARRACKS: ESTIMATE, ESTIMATE, (a) One officer from the retired list receives a fixed rate of 1500. per annum instead. (b) Chief Warders also receive 127. additional pay when abroad, and an addition of 19l. 10s. a year if not provided with quarters. (e) With 61. additional pay when serving abroad, and an addition of 91. 2s. a year if not provided with quarters. (d) With 121. additional pay per annum when serving abroad, if posted abroad before 1st August 1906. (f) The future subordinate staff will consist of warrant and non-commissioned officers serving on their Army engagements and in receipt of Army emoluments. The change is being carried out gradually. (g) Including 800l. for Inspector of Military Prisons and Detention Barracks, now provided in Vote 13, Subhead A. VOTE 1.-PAY, &c. OF THE ARMY-continued. ESTIMATE ESTIMATE 1907-08. 1906-07. T.-REWARDS, &c. FOR APPREHENSION OF DESERTERS, &c. : £. Rewards and miscellaneous expenses incurred in connection with the apprehension and conviction of Deserters and other offenders (a) £. U.-WAGES OF CIVILIANS ATTACHED TO UNITS, &c. : Wages of Civilians (including army reservists, discharged soldiers, £. W.-EXPENSES OF NATIVE INDIAN TROOPS: (1) Payment to Government of India for Native Regiments at Colonial (2) Pay and other expenses of Indian Force in North China, including (3) Depôt and other miscellaneous charges repayable to the Government service X.-GRATUITIES TO THE TROOPS FOR ACTIVE SERVICE : For the war in South Africa and other expeditions (arrear charges) Y.-MISCELLANEOUS AND UNFORESEEN CHARGES; Field Intelligence, etc. Miscellaneous and unforeseen charges 2.--APPROPRIATIONS IN AID: Contribution from the Government of Egypt to meet extra expenditure Payment by Indian Government in respect of Deferred Pay and (a) Similar charges for the Militia are included in Vote 3, Subhead E. Vote 2. MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT: PAY, &c. I. AN ESTIMATE of the Sum which will be required in the Year ending 31st March 1908, to defray the Expense of the PAY, &c., of the MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENTS and of MEDICINES, &c. (a) Includes 8157. for pay, &c., of staff employed at the War Office, now provided under Vote 13, Subhead A. (b) Includes 2,4667. for pay of staff for electric light, &c., in hospitals, now provided in Vote 10, Subhead G. B.-PAY OF CIVILIAN MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS, &c. : Pay of Civilian Medical Practitioners, Militia Medical Officers, and Payments to Dentists and to Civilian members and Clerical Staff of the C.-PAY, &c. OF ARMY NURSING SERVICE: Numbers. 1906-07. 1907-08. Provided in Vote 13. 1 Principal Matron 451. 411 411 Deduct-for vacancies 6,000 (c) 15,300 Charge Pay, Allowance for board, washing, and clothing, and Fees Grant to Soldiers' and Sailors' Families Association at Malta, and to (a) The total emoluments of officers serving at Home are shown in Appendix No. 18, page 223. (b) Increased from 21. to 21. 5s. from 9th January, 1907. (c) These amounts are distributed among Commands in Appendix No. 4, pp. 162 to 165. (d) Including emoluments of members of Nursing Service Reserve temporarily employed. |