APPENDIX No. 21. STATEMENT showing the amounts included in the Army Estimates, 1907-08, for Military Purposes in the COLONIES and EGYPT. (a) After deducting estimated Receipts, except Colonial Contributions. (b) After deducting estimated Receipts. (c) The Establishment at each Station of the various Departments of the Army is shown in detail (together with other par ticulars) in the several Appendices of the Estimates. The Regimental Establishment is detailed on page 24, and the total is repeated in this column." (d) Including 3rd Battalion, Coldstream Guards. ARMY ESTIMATES, 1907-08, for MILITARY PURPOSES in the COLONIES and EGYPT. Note.-The foregoing Statement showing the amounts included in the Army Estimates for Military purposes in the Colonies is exclusive of Expenditure incurred under the Military Works Acts; of Sea Transport; and also of the cost of Ammunition, Arms, Accoutrements, Barrack, Hospital and other Stores, the greater portion of which is supplied from England, and the value of which cannot now be stated. The value of the Stores supplied in past years is given in the Appropriation Accounts. The statement also excludes Recruiting Expenses incurred at Home, Headquarter Administrative Expenses, and Non-effective Charges. Vote 7. Sub-head AA: South African War Stores. STATEMENT explaining the amount of £4,326 proposed to be voted under this sub-head to meet sums disallowed in the Fourth Report of the Public Accounts Committee, 1906; also the debits against individuals, amounting to £14,807, which it is proposed to discharge. Army Service Corps; Establishment, Regimental Pay, &c. - 22,23,24,29 A., 1C, 1D., 148, 149 & 102 13 E. 211, 229 90 12 J. 109 14 G. 11, 30 1 H. 40 1 U. Army Veterinary Service and Corps Arsenal, Royal, Woolwich, Instruction Staff 66 23,24,29,38 A, 1C, E&Q. 158 Artificers, Cost of Training Artillery (Guns, &c.) Local, at Coaling Stations, and Asiatic Artillery 12-17,24,28 A, 1C, 1D, 134-141,225 |