(a) 300l. deducted for Appropriations in Aid. 522,850 142,600 (b) 5,500l. for (South African) Imperial Yeomanry is not included in this statement. APPENDIX No, 19. - STATEMENT showing, approximately, the Sums provided V. Staff for TION, CUS Officers. W.O., and Men. Nurses, Civilians, &c. ENGINEER TODY, and WARLIKE BOARD & EX ORDNANCE ISSUE OF and EN PERIMENTAL COLLEGE. £. £. 358,300 £. (b) 60 (a) Omitting 17,8307. for Medicines and Surgical Instruments for the Army, included on pages 234-238, 241 and 242. (b) Medicines, &c. (c) Taking into account repayments by the Admiralty, for Inspection and Proof of Stores, and for Staff and Wages of the Army Ordnance Establishments at Purfleet, foreign stations, &c. The item includes provision for military working parties and soldier clerks. (a) For buildings, furniture, fuel, &c., at the Duke of York's Royal Military School and the Royal Hibernian Military School provision is made in the Civil Service Estimates. Note. In addition to the above Estimate, provision is made in Civil Service Estimates for Rent, Maintenance, Fuel and Light, Furniture, &c., of War Department Buildings, (see p. 10 of these Estimates), while the cost of Postage and Telegraph Services is estimated at about 37,500l. per annum. (See also under Statement I. as to the cost of Stationery.) (a) The charge for Fuel, Light, and Furniture for these Establishments, and for the maintenance of buildings, &c., is provided for in the Civil Service Estimates. (6) Includes Salaries of Clerks engaged in assessing Out-Pensions, &c. (c) In addition to the above Estimate, a sum of 3,775l. annually is expended; 1,839/. out of the Unclaimed Army Prize Fund, 7581. out of rent of the Gordon House Grounds, and 1,1782. out of Legacies. |