FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31 MARCH 1908. Restated. 233 APPENDIX No. 19:-ARMY ESTIMATES, 1907-08, re-calculated, &c.-continued. Brought forward III.-Charges for Armaments, Works, Stores, Horses, and Miscellaneous Services other than Personal Equipment, &c.: HORSES (Establishment, 32,445): Purchase and Registration, also Forage, Cost of WARLIKE AND OTHER STORES (Votes 6, 7, and 9), including Inspection Less, Amount estimated for Equipment, Ammunition, and WORKS AND BUILDINGS (Vote 10), together with the cost of the Staff for 2,423,670 £. 960,835 1,378,090 1,045,580 1,397,888 £. 23,180,660 68,000 383,068 4,097,495 Deduct (a), -Appropriations in Aid of Vote 1:— Indian Contribution for Depôts and other Effective Services, except deferred pay and gratuities, 566,700l., less Imperial Contributions for Aden (100,0007.), and for Transport (130,000l.) (a) The figures given above omit all expenditure which is merely a matter of account, i.e., the clothing, stores, &c., issued on repayment, as well as the Deferred Pay, Gratuities on Discharge and Non-Effective Pay of the Army in India. These do not form part of the expense of the Army on the Imperial Establishment, and are balanced by the money received as Appropriations in Aid. The only receipts that remain to be deducted are, therefore, the Contributions from India, the Colonies, and Egypt, amounting to 937,000l. STATEMENT showing, approximately, the SUMS provided in the I. REGIMENTAL FORCE BY ARMS VOTE 1.-Regimental Pay, Extra Pay, Allowances, and Extra Duty, Additional and Working Pay; Deferred Pay and Gratuities earned on Imperial Service; and Miscellaneous Charges, i.e., Sub-Heads C. to E., G., T., W., and Y., excluding charges pertaining to Militia Permanent Staff and other Establishments mentioned on later pages of this Statement. From the totals thus arrived at Appropriationsin-Aid (Sub-Head Z.) have been deducted, viz., Purchase of Discharges and Miscellaneous Receipts (a) The Estimate under Vote 9 includes small arms and ammunition for the individual soldier, but does not include heavy or light ordnance, projectiles, &c. (b) Towards the cost of these Effective Services-(1) 336,7007. is to be contributed by the Indian Government on account of Recruiting and other Home Effective Charges; (2) 450,300l. by various Colonies towards the general expense of the troops stationed there; and (3) 150,000l. by the Egyptian Government. (a) Inclusive of Military Clerks for General Staff offices; and of animals for special Transport and Remount establishment in South Africa. (b) Excluding 14,500l. for Colonial and Irregular Corps employed in the South African War. (c) Excluding 28,000/. for Colonial and Irregular Corps employed in the South African War. N.B.-In addition to the above Estimate, provision amounting to 194,7007. is made in the Civil Service Estimates for Rates on War Department Property and contributions in lieu of Rates. The Civil Service Estimates also provide for the cost of the Exchequer and Audit Department, Law Charges, Surveys of the United Kingdom, &c. ; whilst 130,000l. is provided for the Cost of Stationery and Printing, see page 10 of these |