EXCLUSIVE OF INDIA-continued. and Corps are given in Appendices, No. 2 and 2A, pages 132 to 160). (a) Exclusive of 15 Officers employed on the General Staff and at the War Office. (b) Estimated number to provide i horse for each Officer on mounted duty. (c) Includes 2 Medical Officers. (d) Including a Bombardier Trumpeter. (e) Estimated number to provide I horse for mounted Officers, except in West Africa. ARMY ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT AND CORPS: Army Ordnance Department. Army Ordnance Corps. Army Ordnance Corps, Armourers' Section. Army Ordnance Corps, Machinery Artificers' Section. (TOTAL, ARMY ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT AND CORPS. { ARMY VETERINARY CORPS. ADDITIONAL NUMBERS : Numbers required to cover temporary and occasional excess of Establishment in all Arms. TOTAL, REGIMENTAL ESTABLISHMENTS. 63. D DISTRIBUTION of REGIMENTAL ESTABLISHMENTS (INCLUDING PERMANENT STAFF OF AUXILIARY FORCES). 24 of Regimental Force.] ARMY ESTIMATES HOME. (6) { } 340 5,605 524 3,124 1 5,203 4 97 71 74,868 340 5,605 528 3,221 North China 2- 1111 111 102 { 1111 5 (d) 4,756 14 67 28 175 448 A 115 1 1 1 5 37 3,626 1 (g) 736 }9 86 19 111 1 111 148 10 (e) 2 2,079 158 45 2221 11 15 (h) 2 1,850 1 1 11 1111 11 1,309 1,057 1,220 2,410 3,873 2,390 (a) Includes European portion of the non-European Companies. (6) Includes 30 Subalterns under instruction for India. Permanent Staff of Militia and Volunteers. (h) Native Indian Regiments. (c) Includes Staff of the Channel Islands Militia. (e) 1 Battalion West India Regiment, and West African Regiment. (f) 1 Battalion West India Regiment. (g) 3rd Battalion, Coldstream Guards. (i) These two units form part of the 84 Regular R.E. Companies. (j) Includes 8 Batteries of Mountain Artillery in India (1,186 all ranks). (k) Exclusive of "Additional numbers" (see p. 23). (d) Includes VOTE 1. PAY, &c. OF THE ARMY. I. ESTIMATE of the Sum which will be required in the Year ending 31st March 1908, to defray the Expense of the PAY, &c. of the ARMY. II. Nine Million Eight Hundred and Thirty-five Thousand Pounds. CARRIED FORWARD £. 10,596,400 10,901,000 233,880 538,480 (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e).-See notes on page 26. (a) Includes 14,074l. for pay of certain officers and men, now provided in Vote 9, Subhead D; Vote 11, Subheads A and C; and Vote 13, Subhead A. (b) Includes 1,700l. for regimental provision of Miscellaneous Stores, &c., formerly provided under Vote 8, Subhead C. (d) Includes 1,500l. for staff of Balloon Factory, &c., formerly provided in Vote 10, Subhead G. (e) Includes 2461. for 1 Chaplain, now provided in Vote 11, Subhead A. (f) Includes 800l. for Inspector of Military Prisons and Detention Barracks now provided in Vote 13, Subhead A. III. DETAILS of the Charges under the foregoing Heads. A.-PAY, &c., OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF THE FORCES: Numbers. 1906-7. 1907-8. Rates of Pay. (a) Consolidated rates, inclusive of all emoluments, except Pensions for Wounds and Rewards for Distinguished Service. (b) Inclusive of servant allowance at 1s. a day. (c) Personal to present holders. (d) Formerly provided under Vote 1, Subhead C. |