APPENDIX 18. ANNUAL PAY AND ALLOWANCES OF REGIMENTAL AND STAFF OFFICERS serving at home stations draw consolidated rates of pay, covering allowances. These rates are shewn in Appendix 1 pages 128-129. Forage Allowance.-Forage allowance is governed by the average contract rates obtaining in the several military districts, plus 20 per cent. to meet the additional cost of buying retail. In these tables the calculation is made at 1s. 6d. a ration. Stabling Allowance.—Stable allowance is granted at the rate of 9d. for the first horse, and 6d. per horse after the first. Fuel and Light Allowance.-The rate of allowance for fuel and light varies with the season of the year and the number of rooms to which the Officer may be entitled. It is assumed that lodging money represents the value of barrack accommodation. RANK. PAY AND ALLOWANCES OF CAVALRY (LINE) OFFICERS AT HOME. (a) Mess allowance is issued per troop, but when granted personally is 6l. a year. (b) Quartermasters receive quinquennial increases of pay of 1s. 6d. a day, up to a maximum of 16s. 6d. a day, after 20 years' commissioned service. (c) Riding Masters receive quinquennial increases of pay of 1s. 6d. a day, up to the maximum of 16s. 6d. a day, after 20 years' commis sioned service. (d) The rate here assumed, 337. 10s. a horse, is approximately the cost of a charger foraged in kind and stabled in a Government building. If, however, the money allowances in lieu of stabling and forage are issued, the cost is 471. 10s. for the first charger and 43l. for the second, a proportionate allowance being made for replacements. Note.-Officers, are, as a general rule, allowed a soldier servant; and Mounted Officers are allowed two soldier servants. RANK. PAY AND ALLOWANCES OF ROYAL ARTILLERY OFFICERS AT HOME. Lieutenant Colonel (a) Mess allowance is issued per Battery, but when granted personally is 61. a year. (6) In certain districts Lieutenant Colonels receive Command Pay at the rate of 58. a day. (c) Quartermasters and Riding Masters receive quinquennial increases of pay of 1s. 6d. a day up to a maximum pay of 16s. 6d. a day after 20 years' commissioned service. (d) The rate here assumed, 331. 10s. a horse, is approximately the cost of a charger foraged in kind and stabled in a Government building. If, however, the money allowances in lieu of stabling and forage are issued, the cost is 471. 10s. for the first charger and 431. for the second, a proportionate allowance being made for replacements. Note.-Officers are, as a general rule, allowed a soldier servant; and Mounted Officers are allowed two soldier servants. It is assumed that lodging money represents the value of barrack accommodation. (a) Mess allowance is issued per Battery, but when granted personally is 6l. a year. (b) In certain districts Lieutenant Colonels receive command pay at rate of 58, a day. (c) Quartermasters receive quinquennial increases of pay of 18. 6d. a day up to a maximum pay of 158, 6d, after 20 years' commissioned service. Note.-Officers are, as a general rule, allowed a soldier servant; and Mounted Officers are allowed two soldier servants. (4) Mess allowance is issued per Company, but when granted personally is 6l, a year. (0) In certain districts Lieutenant Colonels receive command pay at the rate of 58. a day. (c) Armament pay is not issued to Second Lieutenants until they have obtained a certificate of proficiency in Garrison Artillery duties. (d) Quartermasters receive quinquennial increases of pay of 18. 6d. a day up to a maximum pay of 158, 6d, after 20 years' commissioned service. (e) The rate here assumed, 33l. 108. a horse, is approximately the cost of a charger foraged in kind and stabled in a Government building. If, however, the money allowances in lieu of stabling and forage are issued the cost is 471. 108. for the first charger and 431. for the second, a proportionate allowance being made for replacements. Note,-Officers are, as a general rule, allowed a soldier servant; and Mounted Officers are allowed two soldier servants. It is assumed that lodging money represents the value of barrack accommodation. PAY AND ALLOWANCES OF ROYAL ENGINEER OFFICERS AT HOME. (a) All Royal Engineer Officers whose duties require them to keep a horse are allowed the use of a public horse, costing about 337. 108. per annum. (b) At certain stations Lieutenant Colonels receive Command Pay at the rate of 58. a day. (c) Quartermasters receive quinquennial increases of pay of 18. 6d. a day up to a maximum of 158. 6d. a day after 20 years' commissioned service. It is assumed that lodging money represents the value of barrack accommodation. RANK. PAY AND ALLOWANCES OF INFANTRY (LINE) OFFICERS AT HOME. (a) Mess allowance is issued per Company, but when granted personally is 6l. a year. (b) Quartermasters receive quinquennial increases of pay of 1s. 6d. a day, up to a maximum pay of 15s., after 20 years' commissioned service. (c) The rate here assumed, 331. 10s. a horse, is approximately the cost of a charger foraged in kind and stabled in a Government building. If, however, the money allowances in lieu of stabling and forage are issued the cost is 471. 10s. for the first charger and 431. for the second, a proportionate allowance being made for replacements. Note. Officers are, as a general rule, allowed a soldier servant, and mounted officers are allowed two soldier servants. |