VOTE 15.-DETAIL of the CHARGE for ALLOWANCES as REWARDS to WARRANT OFFICERS, &c.-contd. Carried forward • £ 2,965 780 - £3,800 780 * Serving with Regiment. (In cases in which the recipients are serving in India, the annuities are chargeable against Indian Revenues.) VOTE 15.-DETAIL of the CHARGE for ALLOWANCES as REWARDS to WARRANT OFFICERS, &c. -contd. • Serving with Regiment. In cases in which the recipients are serving in India, the annuities are chargeable against Indian Revenues.) VOTE 15.-DETAIL of the CHARGE for ALLOWANCES as REWARDS to WARRANT OFFICERS, &c.-contd. Carried forward 1,465 Carried forward €. 7,415 £. 6,840 * Serving with Regiment. (In cases in which the recipients are serving in India the annuities are chargeable against Indian Revenues). VOTE 15.-DETAIL of the CHARGE for ALLOWANCES as REWARDS to WARRANT OFFICERS, &c. -contd. * Still serving. Army Service Corps Barrack Serjeant-Major John Vincent . 10 TOTAL £. 10 190 VOTE 15. DETAIL of the CHARGE for ALLOWANCES to WARRANT OFFICERS, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, and MEN, upon whom the distinction of the VICTORIA CROSS has been conferred (Subhead H). * Serving with Regiment. (In cases in which the recipients are serving in India, the annuities are chargeable against Indian Revenues.) |