TOTAL for 56 56 (α) (α) (a) Including an extra Captain and an extra Subaltern per squadron in two double regiments, which however have only 1 Lieutenant-Colonel each. REGIMENTAL PAY of IMPERIAL YEOMANRY. (2) Deduct-for vacancies in the establishment, absentees, &c. TOTAL PAY OF YEOMANRY EXCLUDING PERMANENT STAFF (6) Namely, 14 days' training, 2 marching days, and 2 squadron drills equivalent to 1 day. (c) Rate if the Officer is a Captain in the Army. (d) 14 days' training and 2 marching days at a consolidated rate of 8s. 10d. a day and 350 days at 4s. 4d. (e) 14 days' training and 2 marching days at a consolidated rate of 8s. 2d. a day and 350 days at 2s. 8d. (f) These numbers are variable, but their combined total is fixed at 290. (g) Including officers' allowance at 10s. (h) Including additional pay at Ed. 2,800 3,500 VOTE 5. DETAIL OF THE REGIMENTAL ESTABLISHMENTS OF VOLUNTEER CORPS. DETAIL of the ESTABLISHMENTS of VOLUNTEER CORPS, including the HONOURABLE ARTILLERY COMPANY, for the Year ending 31st March 1908. (P. 2.) 1st Aberdeenshire 1st Argyll and Bute (P. 3.) 1st Ayr and Galloway 2 N 2 1 2 2 21 13 20 12 20 13 20 1 7 11 1 23 1 1st Carnarvonshire (h) 1 1 4 66 44 11 1 3 4 1 45 44 1 1 25 1 1 1 5 1 1 6 (P. 3.) 1st Cheshire 1 2 9 14 1 3 3 9 1 1 1 1 1 27 43 36 18 16 470 90 6 6 3 720 725 80 ARTILLERY. Lieutenant Majors. Captains. 2nd Lieutenants.(b) Lieutenants and Quartermasters. Medical Officers.(c) Veterinary Officer. Acting Chaplain (c) TOTAL. Adjutants. Acting Serjeants Majors. Other Serjeant Quartermaster Battery or Company Serjeant Majors. Trumpeters. Serjeant 1st Banff 1st Berwickshire 1st Berwick-on-Tweed 3rd Durham 1st Glamorganshire 2nd Glamorganshire 1st Gloucestershire 1st Hampshire 2nd Hampshire 1st Kent 2nd Kent Battery Quarter master Serjeants. Serjeant Farriers. Acting Armourer Serjeants. Orderly Room Serjeants. Serjeants. TOTAL Serjeants. Corporals. Bombardiers. Trumpeters. Gunners. Drivers. Shoeing Smiths. Saddlers. Wheelers. TOTAL exclusive of Permanent Staff. TOTAL all Ranks, inclusve of Per manent Staff. (d) VOTE 5. continued. VOTE 5.-continued. (P. a.) 1st Lanarkshire (P. a.) 2nd Lancashire (P. a.) 3rd Lancashire (P. a.) 4th Lancashire 1 (P. a.) 5th Lancashire 1 12111 2 10 15 1 3 1 1 34 1 1 10 15 1 3 1 1 34 1 1 38234844 (P. a.) 7th Lancashire (f) 1 2 10 15 1 3 1 1 34 1 1 3 1 5 5 1 1 30 48 (P. a.) 3rd Kent 1st Lancashire 3rd Middlesex 224 2 1 1 8 88 1 1 1 24 36 32 16 16 512 640 644 1 1 5 3 3 1 1 24 39 32 16 12 407 90 6 6 3 640 646 (P. a.) Heavy Artillery Corps. (P. 1.) This Corps has one Heavy Battery. (P.2.) This Corps has two Heavy Batteries. (P. 3.) This Corps has three Heavy Batteries. (P. 4.) This Corps has four Heavy Batteries. (P. 5.) This Corps has five Heavy Batteries. (b) The establishment of Lieutenants is one for a Company or two for a Heavy Battery. In addition to the establishment of Subalterns, supernumerary Second Lieutenants, to complete the number of Subalterns to two for each Company (or four for each Heavy Battery), are allowed. (c) Additional Surgeon Lieutenants and Acting Chaplains may be appointed, according to the requirements of the Service, under paragraphs 56 and 66 respectively of the Volunteer Regulations. (d) Including additional Medical Officers, additional Acting Chaplains, and all boys enrolled as trumpeters, buglers, or bandsmen. (h) This Corps is temporarily allowed a Lieutenant-Colonel, but the appointment will lapse on the retirement of the present holder; meanwhile the number of Supernumerary Second Lieutenants allowed will be one less. |